Netflix’s Black Cleopatra Exposed

screen grab youtube

By Raymond Ibrahim

By depicting Cleopatra as a Black woman, Netflix’s “Queen Cleopatra” is creating a stir. 

Now, because all four of my grandparents were Coptic, and because the Copts are “acknowledged as the remaining descendants of the civilisation of the Ancient Egyptians, with Pharaonic origins,” I cannot resist but offer my two cents.

First, this business has been going on for a quite long time.  One of my very first college research papers (still in my possession, from 1993) was dedicated to debunking this widespread and entrenched claim that ancient Egyptians were Black — as in sub-Saharan African Black.

On the one hand, one can sympathize with the motive behind this claim: to give sub-Saharan Africans a source of pride, to present them as one of the first great civilizations.

On the other hand, you cannot warp the truth — that is, foist a lie — without negative consequences.

Those who claim ancient Egypt was Black commit precisely that one sin they supposedly most abhor: cultural appropriation.  Ancient Egypt was Egyptian; to claim otherwise, to attribute its achievements to another race or people, is not just an unconscious but very conscious form of cultural appropriation.

Little wonder not a few Egyptians are vexed.  One prominent lawyer is even suing Netflix for “blackwashing history.” 

The idea that ancient Egypt is a Black civilization can be connected to another, very commonplace mistake: thinking that Africa, in its entirety, is a Black continent. 

Although on the same land mass, Black Africa and Egypt are, it is often forgotten, separated by the world’s largest desert, the Sahara.  Historically, and even today, this inhospitable and desiccated region was immensely difficult to traverse.  There was, moreover, very little incentive for anyone to go on such a life-threatening trek. 

Conversely, even though Europe and North Africa are separated by a sea, thanks to the ancient invention of boats, the Mediterranean served as an easily crossed bridge between the two continents all throughout antiquity.  Hence why Egypt was an important part of the Greco-Roman world. 

In short, and despite how they all appear on a map, Europe and North Africa had an infinite more amount of commerce than did North Africa and sub-,Saharan Africa, despite the fact that the latter two are on the same continent and therefore appear closer.

By the way, this is also why the term “African-American” is fraught with ambiguities.  Although everyone understands and means by it an American of Black descent, what about people like me?  I’m an American, and my bloodline traces directly back to Egypt — which is in Africa.  Does that not make me a bonafide African-American?

Such are the confusions brought on by these euphemisms: the seven-syllable term “African-American” was apparently coined because the more straightforward “Black” was deemed offensive (apparently to overly sensitive Whites, as I’ve yet to meet a Black person offended by that term).  As a result, precision in communication is lost.

It’s the same with the term “Asian.”  Although Asia is the largest continent and hosts many different races, today, when someone says so-and-so is “Asian,” they have one very specific race in mind — the Sinic race.  Meanwhile, Hindus, Arabs, Armenians, Georgians, Turks, et al are left without a continent, since anyone saying or hearing that so-and-so is “Asian” will never expect one of these is meant.  

But I digress; returning to Netflix’s “Queen Cleopatra,” here we point out what should be obvious:  not only are Egyptians not racially Black — which I know from personal, familial, and travel experience — but Cleopatra wasn’t even Egyptian.  She was Greek, specifically Macedonian, a descendant of Alexander the Great’s general, Ptolemy I. 

Little wonder that former Egyptian Antiquities Minister Zahi Hawass insists that Netflix’s depiction of Cleopatra “is completely fake. Cleopatra was Greek, meaning that she was blonde, not black.”  (Witness the outraged denial in this brief video to the revelation that another Egyptian queen, Nefertiti, was also not quite so “African” looking.)

Incidentally, in order to get beyond the obvious objection — If modern-day Egyptians are not Black, how could their ancestors have been? — the cultural appropriators have long insisted that modern-day Egyptians “lightened up” following the seventh-century Arab conquest and comingling of Egypt.

In reality, according to recent DNA tests, it appears that, if anything, the oppositeis true — ancient Egyptians were lighter, not darker, than their modern-day descendants.  Apparently the ancients looked more like Levantine peoples, Syrians, Lebanese, etc.

I close by confessing a certain surprise that Netflix’s “Cleopatra” is receiving any criticism at all.  In our post-truth era, where openly falsifying reality receives zero protest, there are already countless films which depict well-known and beloved characters turned Black — including historical characters, such as the formerly pale Anne Boleyn, a fifteenth-century queen of England. 

As such, who would have thought that depicting Queen Cleopatra — who, after all, hails from Africa (“case closed, she’s Black!”) — would cause any backlash?

How to Ruin an Economy: Germany to Ban New Gas and Oil Heaters in Buildings by Next Year

Daniela Kloth / ,  GFDL-1.2,CeCILL,FAL Wikimedia Commons

The German cabinet has backed legislation that would ban almost all new oil and gas heating systems for buildings by next year, despite widespread opposition from the public and concerns from within the coalition government itself.

On Wednesday, Germany’s Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck announced that the cabinet of Chancellor Olaf Scholz will back the Building Energy Efficiency Act, which would require that all new heating systems run on at least 65 per cent of so-called renewable forms of energy. This would effectively ban new gas and oil heaters, which would need to be replaced with heat pumps or hybrid systems that only use fossil fuels as a backup.

According to the draft legislation, the plan would cost the Geman public some 9.16 billion euros ($10 billion) per year until at least 2028 when the government projects that costs would fall to 5 billion per year on the expectation of ramped-up production of heat pumps.

The move comes amid a wider push by the government to transition the German economy to climate neutrality by the year 2045. According to Reuters, heating represents over 40 per cent of the nation’s gas consumption, with nearly half of the 41 million households using natural gas for heating and 25 per cent using oil.

The green agenda push is apparently not appreciated by the German public, who have been suffering under an energy crisis as a result of dried-up supplies of Russian gas, which former Chancellor Angela Merkel turned to in order to make up the difference between the energy needed and the amount supposedly green sources were able to produce.

A survey conducted by Forsa found that 78 per cent of Germans are opposed to the legislation, as opposed to just 18 per cent who back the bill. Over six in ten people also told the pollster that they believed the move towards renewables would result in their heating bills costing more.

VKU, the German Association of Local Utilities also criticised the proposed legislation, claiming that it did not give enough time to make the change, saying in a statement: “The deadlines should therefore be extended. At least transitional periods are urgently needed.

The government has promised a subsidy of 30 per cent for residential properties to make the transition and an additional 10 per cent if the switch is made earlier than required by law. Those who receive welfare benefits could receive an extra 20 per cent in order to lessen the impact on the poorest households.

The money will be taken from the Climate and Transformation Fund, which currently has some 180 billion euros set aside for green projects over the next three years. Climate Minister Robert Habeck — of the German Green party — said on Wednesday: “The financing is secured.”

However, the leader of the pro-business Free Democrat Party (FDP) and finance minister in the coalition government, Christian Lindner has reportedly raised concerns about the cost to the public.

Following the announcement, Linder wrote on social media: “I expect that the necessary changes will now be made in the parliamentary process in order to eliminate concerns about affordability and feasibility and to burden people as little as possible.”

“The push to ban new gas and oil heaters comes just days after Germany closed down its final three remaining nuclear power plants over the weekend following a phaseout process begun under the Merkel government in 2011 following the Fukushima disaster in Japan.

Too late Sweden, you cannot avoid disintegration

by Giulio Meotti

“Rather than leading to meltdown, the migration crisis is leading to the fission of Europe,” wrote Stanford historian Niall Ferguson five years ago. “I am increasingly convinced that the migration crisis will be seen by future historians as the fatal ingredient that dissolved the EU”.

The EU is still there, but the “fission” has already taken place in the country at the forefront of multiculturalism, open borders and hospitality. Since 1980, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, half of all residence permits granted by Sweden – nearly 400,000 – have gone to reunite families from various geopolitical disaster areas. Many of these places were in the Islamic world: Yugoslavia, Somalia, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan the main ones.

In 2014 then Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt invited fellow Swedish citizens to “open their hearts” to refugees from all over the world: “I ask the Swedish people to be patient and supportive, in the long term we will create a better world in this way”. The following year alone, Sweden would welcome 163,000 people. The equivalent of 1.6 percent of the total population.

And so the famous “land of the right of asylum” ended up with suburbs where today only one in ten inhabitants is Swedish and at Lund University academics of Egyptian origin such as Sameh Egyptson publish research on the project of Islamization of Swedish society through demographic and cultural changes.

Now the “most generous nation on earth” acknowledges that it preferred the former world to the “better world” and changes direction. By 180 degrees.

“The ‘humanitarian superpower’ that former Conservative Foreign Minister Carl Bildt boasted of, welcoming 163,000 refugees in 2015, a record per capita in Europe, is gradually closing its doors after last September’s parliamentary elections, which saw a spectacular affirmation of the Democrats of Sweden (SD), an extreme right-wing nationalist party” tells Le Figaro in a chilling report.

“The latter, who has not joined the ruling coalition but enjoys unprecedented influence, is successfully exploiting growing anti-immigration sentiment. The SD, which became the largest right-wing party and second largest in parliament with 20 percent of the vote, after the Social Democrats, contributed significantly to the right’s return to power. In particular, the SD has mandated a radical change to Sweden’s asylum policy to monetize its support for the centre-right minority coalition (Conservatives, Liberals, Christian Democrats) led by Conservative Ulf Kristersson. The pivot of this ‘paradigm shift of asylum’, as Maria Malmer Stenergard, Minister of Immigration of the moderate conservative party, defines it, is ‘determined to drastically reduce the number of irregular migrants’.

Olof, a local shopkeeper, reads his newspaper in a café in the Triangeln shopping centre. Like many of his compatriots, he believes that there are too many immigrants: ‘We Swedes are already a minority in Malmö,’ he says. In fact, in this third largest city in the kingdom, with a population of 357,000, 57 percent were born abroad or of foreign parents, and 184 nationalities are represented.”

In Malmö the new figures for the age groups 5-9 and 10-14 are more than 68 percent foreigners.

According to data from Statistics Sweden (SBC), 34.62 percent of all inhabitants in Sweden at the beginning of the year have foreign ancestry of up to one generation. They are therefore first or second generation immigrants.

The majority of students in Malmö have a migrant background. The news prompts calls for new educational facilities where migrants can study in their mother tongue, Arabic, because Swedish is now a “minority language”. As early as 2010, the Wall Street Journal warned that Sweden would become “Eurabia”.

“Jews leave Sweden’s third largest city,” writes Swedish newspaper Nyheter Idag. Malmö’s Jewish community is expected to dissolve by 2029. An American journalist, Andy Ngo, paid a visit: “I stopped by the synagogue in Malmö. I was greeted by a metal security fence and CCTV. The synagogue was attacked with explosives. The closer the GPS told me I was to my destination, the more veils I saw and the less Swedish I heard. In Rinkeby, girls and some little girls wear headscarves. Cafés are basically men-only spaces, and one restaurant in the city center offers separate seating, with a tent for ‘families’, a euphemism for women.”

In Malmö, half of the residents are under 35 and the most popular first name is Mohammed.

And when multiculturalism takes on these dimensions, it becomes impossible for society to not dissolve.

Too late Sweden, you cannot avoid disintegration | ערוץ 7 (

German city to hold referendum on container villages for migrants, but Green Party warns ‘refugees will come’ anyway

Imfokus, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

The German city of Greifswald, close to the Baltic Sea coast, is preparing for a referendum on June 18 about whether the city will “lease land to the Vorpommern-Greifswald district for the purpose of building container villages to accommodate refugees.”

The Green Party mayor, Stefan Fassbinder, is already warning that even if the referendum proves locals oppose the plan, it will not change the fact that migrants continue to stream into Germany at a near unprecedented pace.

“The refugees will come. The only question is where will they be housed,” said Fassbinder in front of a group of journalists. He signaled that the result of the referendum will not prevent him from allowing more migrants into the city, a position the Green Party supports despite a majority of the German population against taking in more migrants.

The referendum came about due to a citizens’ initiative that collected several thousand signatures to prevent any new asylum accommodations from being built. The German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommen, where Greifswald is located, remains one of the strongholds of the Alternative for Germany party (AfD), which is known for its platform built on drastically curbing immigration.

The city’s Green mayor said that even if citizens reject migrant shelter construction in the referendum, it could also mean the container villages are simply built elsewhere “because it is also conceivable that something like this will be built on other non-urban properties.” He also said that this will then mean a higher chance that migrants are housed in sports halls and other properties.

Tensions are already high in Greifswald over asylum accommodations, with hundreds protesting against a planned €9 million project to build housing for migrants next to a school in the city. The District Council voted for the plan despite widespread opposition.

District Administrator Michael Sack said the council had no choice but to approve the plans, saying, “We’re running out of time because we’re constantly being assigned new refugees.”

Remix News reported on a similar protest in the German town of Upahl last month where 700 people gathered in front of the local administration building to protest against the construction of a container village for 400 asylum seekers. The town itself currently has just 1,662 inhabitants.

UK: Muslim traffic warden who stabbed his wife to death in brutal attack after she refused to let him take another spouse is facing life in jail as he is convicted of murder

Mrs Hasan was found in a pool of blood in their flat in Burrard Road, Canning Town,

A traffic warden who stabbed his wife to death in a brutal attack after she refused to let him take another spouse is facing a life sentence today after he was convicted of murdering her. 

Victim Ayesha Hasan, 32, had predicted her death at the hands of violent husband Asim Hasan, 33, and told friends: ‘If something happens to me please take care of my kids.’

Mrs Hasan, 32, was found in a pool of blood in their flat in Burrard Road, Canning Town, east London. Their two children, both aged under 10, were waiting to be taken to school when Hasan stabbed her 26 times and killed her.

Ten days before she was murdered, Mrs Hasan sent a ‘desperate’ WhatsApp message to friends saying she was scared of her husband because he was unpredictable and would ‘flip out’.

She said she didn’t want to call the police but wanted him out of the house as she didn’t feel safe.

Mrs Hasan told them: ‘If something happens to me please take care of my kids, don’t let Asim have them. I’m going to delete this after I sent it because he’ll start with me if he finds out.’

Hasan denied murder, claiming he did not intend to harm his wife when he stabbed her 26 times but an Old Bailey jury took just 91 minutes to convict him.

Hasan said he joined a Muslim dating app on 24 April, adding: ‘Because of our arguments, I discussed with my wife that I wanted a second wife. I wanted two marriages. We were frequently arguing. Arguments would become physical arguments. I am a very calm person, I never really shouted.

‘She was [physical]. She would just hit me with objects and anything she could find.

Judge Anthony Leonard told him: ‘You have been convicted of murder. The sentence will be one of life imprisonment.’

The Chitrali Case: In Pakistan, MPs Can Insult Religious Minorities and Get Away with It 

MP Maulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali. Source: Pakistan’s National Assembly.

Pakistan is in its second week of protests about the Chitrali case. Bishops and clergy of different Christian denominations and activists for freedom of religion took to the streets demanding that MP Maulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali resigns.

On March 28, Chitrali spoke in the heated parliamentary debate about the practice of certain Pakistani universities to give credits to students who can memorize the Quran or the Bible. He made a distinction between the Quran and other scriptures. “The Gospel, the Torah, and the Psalms are canceled scriptures, he said. We believe in all of them and don’t reject them but Quran is permanent and will remain till the judgment day.” Chitrali is a member of the fundamentalist Jamaat-e-Islami party, and was expressing the opinion that, while respectable and adequate in pre-Muslim times, the Torah and the New Testament were superseded and even “canceled” when the Quran appeared.

This is a theological opinion common in conservative Islamic circles, but the word “canceled” is offensive to Jews and Christians, the more so when it is used by a MP in a Parliamentary debate. Few Muslims would tolerate a Western MP calling the Quran a second-class or outdated scripture in a Western Parliament. Demonstrations and worse would probably follow.

In Pakistan, however, nothing happened to Chitrali. Naveed Aamir Jeeva, a Christian MP, asked the speaker of the Assembly to censor Chitrali, but his request was turned down. 

The Chitrali Case: In Pakistan, MPs Can Insult Religious Minorities and Get Away with It (

India: Parents say children forced to do Islamic prayer and to wear burqas, as they protest, school denies but suspends Principal

Parents protesting at the school gates (Image- Sudarshan)

In a shocking incident that has been reported from the Hathras district of Uttar Pradesh, the students studying in the BLS International School were allegedly forcefully made to offer Namaz inside the campus. The parents said that their wards had been made to read Namaz and protested outside the school. The parents also stated that their children were made to wear burqas.

Following the massive protests led by a Hindu leader named Deepak Sharma, the school authorities suspended the principal and two teachers over the incident. However, the school denied the allegations and said that the protest was the result of a conspiracy.

According to the reports, the suspended school officials have been identified as the principal, Sonia McPherson, and two teachers Kambar Rizwan and Irrfan Elahi. The saga began on April 18 when a special assembly was organized at the school to make the students aware of Indian festivals. The Assembly was based on the theme of World Heritage Day and Eid.

The parents stated that the students at the Assembly were made to forcefully offer Namaz and Fathia. The parents amid the massive protest on Wednesday also chanted Hanuman Chalisa and also displayed posters reading, “I am not secular”, “BLS Principal, Chairman, and Staff Apologise”, and “Make kids read Hanuman Chalisa, Save Hindu Religion.”

Some of the parents alleged that the “school students were not made to read Hanuman Chalisa on the recently happened occasion of Hanuman Jayanti, then why were they forcefully made to read Namaz.” Additionally, the demonstrators said that the kids were made to wear burqas. They demanded that the school administration be named in an FIR.

The school management meanwhile released a statement claiming that rumors were being spread by the protesters around the school campus. “A special assembly was organised on April 18. For the all-around development of the students, music, dance and drama skits were organised to make them aware of Indian festivals… The assembly was on the theme of World Heritage Day and Eid. Students enacted roles of Shivaji Maharaj, Fatima Sheikh, Symbol of Democracy, Cathedral Church, Taj Mahal, and Elephanta Caves to make everyone aware of the heritage and great personalities…they performed and sang,” the statement read.

“But some people tried to mislead by giving the name of this song as ‘Fatiha’ or ‘Namaz’ and spread false rumours. It is not at all the same. The school completely denies this. All this was done under a conspiracy by some people to tarnish the image of the school. Nothing like this had happened in the school. It was a normal program organised in the special assembly of the school. The management has suspended principal Sonia McPherson from the post with immediate effect. An internal committee of the school and the administrative committee have been constituted… which will submit their investigation report regarding the case,” it added.

Archana Verma, District Magistrate, Hathras has taken cognizance of the event and has ordered the inquiry against the school administration. Also, a committee headed by the deputy district collector and Hathras district school inspector has been constituted to investigate the matter.

French Police Confiscate Saucepans Amid Town’s Anti-Macron Protests

Police have confiscated saucepans from townspeople demonstrating against French President Emmanuel Macron.

Numerous anti-Macron protesters may have difficulty making dinner later today after French police reportedly confiscated saucepans in the town of Ganges ahead of a visit by French President Emmanuel Macron.

Hated by wide swathes of the French population thanks to his pension reforms, Macron is currently touring the country in the hopes of regaining the support of the general public.

The tour has so far not gone as planned, perhaps, with protesters having disrupted his previous stops in other locations by making lots of noise, often int he traditional method with banging pots and pans.

Now, according to a report by POLITICO, police in Ganges are trying to preempt such protests, confiscating saucepans from would-be protesters in the town.

The confiscations have been justified by police as the confiscation of “portable sound devices”, with such devices being banned from being temporarily banned from public use by local authorities shortly before Macron’s arrival.

Upon arriving at the location, Macron himself made light of the confiscations, saying that he was willing to meet with protesters if they were willing to talk, but would not bother if they were just going to try and disrupt his time in the town.

“If it’s just for the eggs and the pans — at my place, these are used to cook,” he quipped.

Such pithy remarks — though a common element of Macron’s repertoire — does not quite convey the seriousness of the situation the French President has found himself in, with much of the French public still furious at him over his passed pension reforms.

While resistance to the measures has slowed slightly in recent weeks, there remains enough anger amongst the French public for regular protests to occur, sometimes with attendances in the hundreds of thousands.

Although no such numbers were reached in the town of Ganges, the roughly 1,000 individuals who did show up to challenge the President’s visit did appear to make themselves heard in a manner common for French protesters, clashing with police before reportedly getting tear gassed.

The fact that many ultimately had to go without their pans did not prevent them from making a lot of noise either, with many opting to use whistles and vuvuzelas instead.

Members of the country’s political opposition also were keen to lash out at the president, finding the police decision to start confiscating saucepans in the hopes of ensuring a smooth visit for Macron seemingly hitting a nerve with many.

“Is it possible to get out of a democratic crisis by banning saucepans,” one Green Party politician asked, while an elected member of the French Communist Party said his party was now “impatiently awaiting the bill which will prohibit the sale of saucepans”.

Germany’s green energy delusion has an enormous environmental and economic price tag

RWE nuclear power plant Emsland in Lingen, Germany,Smial at German WikipediaGFDL

With the closure of Germany’s last three nuclear power plants, the country’s 60-year era of nuclear power generation has come to an end. The move was originally planned for the end of last year. However, due to uncertainty over energy supplies in the wake of the Russian-Ukrainian war and sanctions, the coalition government extended the deadline until after winter.

For a long time, nuclear energy has been one of the most divisive areas of energy policy in the EU’s supply. The technology offers stable energy supplies and has positive environmental and economic indicators, but the radical Green parties of Europe have worked hard to convince many that these plants should be closed.

This has been achieved mainly in Germany and Austria. Downsizing has begun and further investment has become impossible. Reality, however, has shown that this ideology-driven energy policy comes at a heavy price. It was not by chance that energy policy expert Oliver Hortay recently recalled an estimate by a Berkeley University researcher that the social cost of German nuclear plant closures had already reached $12 billion a year.

The threat of energy shortages in Europe has led to a change in the perception of nuclear power among EU citizens. In Germany, for example, the percentage of people who oppose nuclear power has fallen from 65 to 20 percent. But it seems that the will of the electorate does not matter.

“It’s a black day for climate protection in Germany,” Jens Spahn, a conservative member of the CDU, told RTL television the other day.

It is hard to talk about a green transition when carbon emissions are rising. The huge expansion of solar and wind capacity in Germany is no guarantee of security of supply. The country is increasingly using coal instead of Russian gas. In fact, mines that had previously been closed down have had to be reopened, and a German energy company has even started to dismantle a wind farm to allow for the expansion of a neighboring coal mine.

On average, 30,000 tons of coal are transported daily by trains from North Sea ports to large power stations across Germany. Last year, the war caused the country to increase its coal imports by 8 percent to 44.4 million tons. These are the hard facts.

The Greens went after gas boilers, too. They will now be banned in German homes from 2024. Greens say they cannot meet their climate commitments otherwise. However, it is coal-fired power stations, not residential gas boilers, that threaten climate targets.

Péter Szijjártó, the Hungarian minister of foreign affairs and trade, often warns that it is impossible to supply the economy with gas or oil, or even to heat houses and apartments, with ideology or political statements instead of actual supply chains.

In other words, the Hungarian government continues to treat energy security as a physical and not an ideological issue. That means it is not willing to give up working, proven and reliable sources.

An ideology-driven energy policy is very expensive, has harmful consequences, and in the future, could even end with us freezing in our homes if an especially cold winter hits Europe.

‘Transgender Day of Vengeance’ Child-Killer Wrote ‘LOL’ in Blood of Victims – This isn’t a gun control issue, it’s a monster control issue

Democrats have done everything possible to block the death penalty and may they have a point. The death penalty is too good for some people. The Constitution does block cruel and unusual punishment of the kind that existed and with good reason, not because it’s unjust, but because performing it does bad things for our souls.

Still, there are monsters for whom the death penalty is much too easy. And the monsterperpetrating her private ‘Transgender Day of Vengeance’ deserves the worst things that medieval Europeans could think of.

The Uvalde school shooter used the blood of his victims to write “LOL” across a whiteboard inside a classroom at Robb Elementary School last year after he gunned down 19 students and two teachers, a Texas lawmaker revealed this week.

The appalling detail shared by Texas House Rep. Joe Moody on Tuesday drew gasps and sobs from victims’ parents, some of whom had waited 13 hours to advocate for gun control during a hearing that day at the Texas statehouse.

“The attacker scooped up the blood of his victims and smeared it into his disgusting message,” the El Paso Democrat said, according to NBC News.

You know he’s a Democrat because he said ‘he’, not ‘she’ being very careful not to ‘misgender’ the ‘attacker’.

The story keeps talking about gun control. This isn’t a gun control issue, it’s a monster control issue. And as crime stats show, we’re very bad at controlling monsters. Instead, we turn some of them, like George Floyd, who robbed a woman while pointing a gun at her stomach, into heroes, martyrs and celebrities.

Including Audrey Hale.

The Trans Resistance Network in Massachusets released a statement on the Covenant school shooting in Nashville by stating that Aubrey Hale, the transgender school shooter, was a “complex tragedy” who felt she “had no other effective way to be seen than to lash out by taking the life of others”.

The transvestite group then claimed that life for “transgender people is very difficult” due to “anti-trans legislation” and “right wing personalities”.

“Hate has consequences,” the group’s statement claimed while urging the media not to misgender Audrey Hale who due to her mental illness claimed to be a man.

Since then the media has apologized for ‘misgendering’ the psychotic woman. A memorial service included her in its ranks, much as leftists have done in the past for Jim Jones and the 9/11 hijackers.

Why does the Left have so much pity in its heart for its monsters? Evil calls to evil.

Sadly though, “A Trans Day Of Vengeance Protest Was Canceled After Organizers Received A Threat Of Gun Violence Fueled By Right-Wing Anti-Trans Rhetoric”.

It is awful when your day of politically correct threats has to be canceled over politically incorrect threats due to the murder of children.