Month: January 2023
Politician from Erdogan’s AKP party calls in Germany for the extermination of Erdogan opponents and Christianisers

Appalling words of a Turkish politician of Erdogan’s party AKP in North Rhine-Westphalia! In June, the presidential election will take place in Turkey, and according to current polls, head of state Recep Tayyip Erdogan (68) is threatened with being voted out of office. All the more important for him are the many supporters in Germany, especially in North Rhine-Westphalia. And there, his politicians are already going on the campaign trail!
AKP MP Mustafa Acikgöz (52) shares a video of his speech at the “Yunus Emre Mosque” in Neuss on Twitter. The notorious mosque belongs to the extreme right-wing “Grey Wolves”, which is observed by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. What the Erdogan politician says should put the German judiciary on high alert!
His speech was full of hatred against Kurds and opponents of Erdogan. Acikgöz said: “Just as we do not give them the right to live in Turkey, we will not give it to them in Germany. No matter where they flee to in the world, we will destroy the PKK and Fetö terror supporters.”
The Turkish parliamentarian warns the Erdogan supporters in the mosque, saying, “These two groups are very dangerous. One is the PKK, godless enemies of religion. The other is the Fetö, a vile terrorist organisation that wants to change, distort and Christianise the Muslim faith. You must be vigilant!
But that is not all. Because afterwards he readies Erdogan voters for the hunt for Kurds and opposition members: “With Allah’s permission, we will pull them out of the holes they have crawled into all over the world and destroy them. You can count on it”.
DER WESTEN spoke with Turkey expert Burak Copur (45) from Essen. The political scientist says : “It is urgent that we receive the parliamentary motion to ban the ‘Grey Wolves’ and that we finally implement the ban of this misanthropic and dangerous group in Germany, as has already happened in France and Austria.
He points out that the Office for the Protection of the Constitution does not observe the movement without reason and that its “propensity for violence endangers internal security in Germany”. Copur continues: “These inhuman AKP election campaign events also belong to be banned early on, as they were in 2017, because they are a threat to Germany’s peaceful coexistence and public order”.
Philip Hammond Says Immigrants Are More Important Than British People
Iran threatens French magazine Charlie Hebdo with Salman Rushdie-like fate for publishing cartoons on Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

On January 11, the head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards issued threats to France and the editors of a French satirical magazine named Charlie Hebdo that they might meet the same fate as Salman Rushdie, the author of Satanic Verses who was attacked last year. The threat came after the magazine published additional cartoons ridiculing Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Rushdie has been threatened with execution since the publication of his controversial novel named ‘The Satanic Verses’ in the 1980s. He was forced to go into hiding for over ten years while the book provoked fury in Islamic countries, and in 1989, Ayatollah Khomeini, Iran’s then-supreme leader, issued a fatwa demanding Muslims murder the author. Rushdie was also attacked at a literary event in New York last year, suffering serious injuries.
“I advise the French and directors of the Charlie Hebdo magazine to take a look at the fate of Salman Rushdie. Do not play with Muslims. Salman Rushdie insulted the Qur’an and the Holy Prophet of Islam 30 years ago and hid in dangerous places. Sooner or later, Muslims will take revenge and you may arrest the avengers, but the dead will not rise again,” Major General Hossein Salami said on January 11.
The magazine editor, Laurent Sourisseau, known as Riss, responded to the threats by saying that he would publish more cartoons of Iran clerics. “The mullahs aren’t happy. The caricatures of their supreme leader… do not seem to have made them laugh. It is an honour in one sense, but above all proves that they feel their power is very fragile,” Riss was quoted as saying.
Charlie Hebdo releases caricatures on Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
The saga began when Charlie Hebdo released the winning sketches in a competition that asked people all over the globe to create the most repulsive caricatures of the Iranian leader as an expression of solidarity with the Iranian protest movement.
The publishing of the caricatures heightened tensions between Iran and France, with the latter shutting the French Institute for Research. The closing of the institute was described by Iran’s Foreign Ministry as a first step in response to the cartoons, and the country promised to actively pursue the case and take the necessary steps to make the country accountable.
In response to these threats, the satirical magazine doubled down and produced another magazine cover mocking Iran last week. According to the reports, the sketch published later depicts Mullahs entering and exiting a nude woman’s womb as her legs are exposed on the cover. “It took us a week to find the exit,” the caption read.
Reports mention that the satirical magazine was also hit by a cyber attack after publishing the caricatures initially. Riss also responded to this in the editorial saying that “a digital attack doesn’t leave anyone dead, but it sets the tone. The mullah’s regime feels in such danger that it considers it vital to its existence to hack the website of a French newspaper.”
Earlier, Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian termed the release of Khamenei’s cartoons an “insult to the sanctities,” accusing Israel of being behind the action. Some government officials and organizations in other nations have decried the threats and urged for more pressure against Iran’s authorities.
German defense minister resigns after weeks of speculation

German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht resigned on Monday following much speculation her position was untenable after a string of high-level gaffes, criticism over Germany’s inadequate support to Ukraine, and failure to improve Germany’s notoriously ill-equipped armed forces despite being handed a €100 billion war chest to do so.
Lambrecht confirmed in a statement she had offered her resignation to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, which had been accepted on Monday morning.
The former minister blamed inaccurate media reports and constant press pressure for making her role untenable.
“The media focus on my person for months hardly allows for factual reporting and discussion about the soldiers, the Bundeswehr, and security policy decisions in the interests of the citizens of Germany,” her statement read.
“The valuable work of the servicewomen and men and the many motivated people in the business unit must be in the foreground. That’s why I decided to make my office available,” she added.
Lambrecht offered her gratitude to everyone who is “committed to our security every day” and wished them all the best for the future. She had been in the role since December 2021.
The former minister’s resignation had appeared to be only a matter of time, and a survey published earlier this month revealed an overwhelming 77 percent of Germans supported her removal from office.
Lambrecht had been the center of controversy over Germany’s response to the war in Ukraine, and had overseen several failures of both procurement and delivery of armaments to Kyiv.
At the beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, Lambrecht was ridiculed for her announcement that, instead of arms or tanks, 5,000 protective helmets would be sent to Kyiv in what she described as a “very clear signal” of Germany’s solidarity with Ukraine.
The move was described as an “absolute joke” by Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko, who asked: “What will Germany send next? Pillows?”
The former minister was also embarrassed by major malfunctions of military equipment, which had not been addressed on her watch, namely a squadron of 18 modernized Puma tanks intended for the NATO Response Force (NRF), all of which were deemed unfit for action during a military drill in December.
A number of PR disasters added to the pressure. She claimed in a bizarre New Year’s Eve video posted on her Instagram account that the war in Ukraine had led to “a lot of special experiences” and given her the chance to encounter many “great and interesting people,” which made her the subject of scrutiny.
She was also slammed last year for an ill-advised decision to take her 21-year-old son on a trip in a military helicopter.
The final straw, however, appeared to be German inaction over the transfer of heavy-armored Leopard 2 battle tanks to Ukraine, vehicles Kyiv had been crying out for.
Germany had initially refused to act unilaterally in the provision of battle tanks to Ukraine over fears of escalating tensions with Russia. However, after a number of European allies, including the United Kingdom and Poland, opted to announce their intention to supply them last week, Germany still appeared hesitant.
It soon transpired, following an interview from the CEO of German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall to the Bild am Sonntag newspaper, that Germany’s Leopard 2 tanks need to be “completely rebuilt” and will not be available for transfer to Ukraine until 2024 at the earliest.
Deputy government spokeswoman Christiane Hoffmann said on Monday that Chancellor Scholz wanted to decide on Lambrecht’s replacement “quickly,” and the search for a successor will begin immediately.
Kabul’s female mannequins covered with black plastic bags – A symbol of Taliban rule in Afghanistan

The rights of women in Afghanistan are being hampered since the Taliban government assumed power in the country in the year 2021. Women are forced to follow the mandatory Islamic dress code, they are kept away from jobs and education, and are also barred from playing a critical role in all aspects of life. Now, even the mannequins in women’s garment shops across Kabul have become a terrifying sight as they are being covered with textile sacks or black plastic bags.
According to the reports, the female garments selling shops in the country have been ordered by the Taliban government to cover the mannequins displaying the latest fashion trends. The head-covered mannequins have become a symbol of the Taliban’s puritanical authority over Afghanistan.
Initially, in 2021, the Taliban Ministry of Vice and Virtue ruled that all mannequins in store windows must be removed or their heads will be severed. They based the order on a stringent interpretation of Islamic law that prohibits sculptures and pictures of the human form from being worshiped as idols, albeit it also coincides with the Taliban’s drive to keep women out of public view.
Some clothing retailers agreed back then though a few resisted. They argued that they would be unable to properly exhibit their clothes and would have to ruin pricey mannequins. The Taliban government was later forced to modify its order, allowing the shop owners to cover the mannequins’ heads instead. However, the shop owners were then forced to choose between following the Taliban diktat and attracting consumers.
The various solutions the shopkeepers devised can be seen on Lycee Maryam Boulevard, a middle-class commercial street lined with garment stores in Kabul’s northern outskirts. Mannequins in evening gowns and outfits overflowing with color occupy the store windows and showrooms, all wearing various sorts of head coverings.
Mannequin heads were wrapped in customized bags made of the same material as the traditional garments they modeled at one store. One wore a purple outfit adorned with cowrie shells and a purple hood. Another, in a crimson gown with gold embroidery, looked nearly exquisite in a red velvet mask with a gold crown on her head.
One of the shop owners while talking to Associated Press said that he faces difficulty in following the Taliban government and attracting customers. “I can’t cover the mannequins’ heads with plastic or ugly things because it would make my window and shop look ugly,” he said adding that he needs to keep outfits attractive as the economy of the country collapsed after the Taliban takeover in the year 2021.
He also stated that people now don’t buy elaborate dresses, which have always been popular in Afghanistan for weddings. “Buying wedding, evening and traditional dresses are no longer a priority for people. People think more about getting food and surviving,” he was quoted as saying.
Another shop owner used aluminum foil to cover the mannequins’ heads while others displayed sleeveless gowns on mannequins covered in black plastic bags. One shopkeeper named Aziz said that agents from the Ministry of Vice and Virtue inspect stores and malls daily to ensure that mannequins are decapitated or covered. Rejecting the Taliban’s reasoning for the regulations, he said, “Everyone knows mannequins aren’t idols, and no one’s going to worship them. In all Muslim countries, mannequins are used to display clothes.”
The women customers on the other hand feel a sense of fear as they look at the hooded mannequins donned in elaborate dresses. “When I see them, I feel that these mannequins are also captured and trapped, and I get a sense of fear. I feel like I see myself behind these shop windows, an Afghan woman who has been deprived of all her rights,” said a woman shopping at the Lycee Maryam Street.
Initially, the Taliban claimed that they would not enforce the severe laws on society as they did during their previous administration in the late 1990s. But they have increasingly imposed greater limitations, particularly on women. They have restricted women and girls from continuing their education past the sixth grade, barred them from most professions, and mandated that they cover their faces when they go outside.
Recently, the Taliban regime barred women from pursuing a university education. The regime issued orders suspending all female students from universities until further orders. “You are all informed to immediately implement the mentioned order of suspending female education until further notice,” said a letter signed by Minister of Higher Education Neda Mohammad Nadeem addressed to all government and private universities.
“BBC is the Virus” – At Least 6 BBC Buildings Across UK Covered with Photos of People Who Died from COVID Vaccine (VIDEO)
500 ATMs blown up by migrant gangs in Germany in 2022, setting a new record

Organized criminal gangs active in the Netherlands and France, mostly made up of Moroccan migrants, are blowing up ATMs in Germany at a record pace in highly professional robbery operations. In 2022, government statistics indicate that they blew up 500 such machines, with statistically more than one machine being blown up every day.
Cash remains popular with Germans, and to feed this demand, banks operate nearly 100,000 ATMs located throughout the country, with the machines routinely containing between €50,000 and €100,000. Criminal gangs are taking advantage of this, and they are willing to use extreme methods to gain access to this money. These criminal networks are said to meticulously plan their operations out, including initial surveillance, demolition, and the getaway. Police also say they act with brutality and ruthlessness, putting human lives at risk.
In fact, these migrant gangs are blowing up banks with such powerful explosives, that they are destroying entire buildings. In some cases, they have blown bank vault doors up to 30 meters away, underlining how powerful these blasts can be. Police say the danger facing Germans is unprecedented, as many of these banks are located in residential buildings.
Record number of cases
Although the final number of such bank heists has not yet been released for 2022, according to police sources obtained by Welt Am Sonntag, there were 500 such attacks, reaching a record high. Germany’s interior ministry is now holding high-level meetings on the issue, but it appears the robbery crews show little sign of slowing down. In 2021, the Federal Criminal Police reported that there were 414 cases of attempted or successful demolitions, while 2020 saw similar numbers.
Authorities describe how the gangs are most active in the west of Germany, with the most populous state, North-Rhine Westphalia, along with Lower Saxony, the most popular targets. For one, these regions are the closest states to the Netherlands, where the gangs are most active — although some gangs also operate out of France, which is also nearby.
How do the gangs operate?
The gangs tend to target banks located close to major motorways in order to make a quick getaway, with most banks targeted in the early morning hours when the roads are mostly empty.
They usually work in teams with each member playing a specific role. In one case near the small town of Heusenstamm in Hesse, the gang doused garbage bins in gasoline and set them on fire in the middle of the road, effectively creating a roadblock for both lanes of traffic. This roadblock would later hinder the police from pursuing the getaway vehicle.
Another two men, wearing face masks and tracksuits, pried the door open of the Commerzbank. They were filmed breaking open the ATM’s cash slots and then using a hose to fill the machine with acetylene and oxygen, which serve as the two ingredients for their bomb. Another individual who then detonated the bomb was in a BMW 320d behind the bank.
The men worked “with the precision and speed of a racing team at a pit stop,” according to Welt.
However, that is just one incident. Such explosions are rocking Germany nearly every night, and often the damage is far worse than thousands of euros lost from the machines.
A report from Die Welt details how powerful explosions have badly damaged buildings and led to residents being evacuated from their homes. Videos of explosions in buildings, supermarkets, and other public spaces routinely run on German news the next morning.
In one court trial for a gang member police managed to arrest, a judge from Hesse described “war-like damage” in German inner cities during sentencing. Police investigators from the prosecutor’s office described the gang as conducting “explosive attacks in public spaces.”
As a result, the line between robbery and terrorism is beginning to blur in such cases.
“It’s a miracle that there haven’t been any deaths yet,” says Swen Eigenbrodt, the lead investigator of a special new unit in the Hessian State Criminal Police Office (LKA). The unit has been actively targeting the gangs who have participated in the ATM heists seen in the state.
Some perpetrators have been brought into custody, often through small but legally devastating mistakes. For example, some have left fingerprints at the scene, others have been caught by speed-trap cameras while trying to race away from the scene, and sometimes they are apprehended with their smartphones, which provide movement data. Nevertheless, an arrest at the scene of the crime is very rare, as the teams move so fast, and despite some arrests, there are enough teams active that the demolitions continue to rise.
Utrecht is a hotspot
The Dutch city of Utrecht is prosperous, but it also faces pockets of poverty and in some neighborhoods, up to 60 percent of the population has a migration background. Now, Dutch and German law enforcement are working together to stop these organized gangs, as many of them come from this city.
Dutch criminologist Cyrille Fijnaut, a professor emeritus, has been observing these ATM heist crews for 20 years and actively advises the Dutch government. He said that the network of criminals consists of about 200 to 400 young men and that “many of them have Moroccan roots.” He said they often follow in the footsteps of older boys in their neighborhoods, who sport expensive watches and sports cars.
A few years ago, one of the top gang bosses set up his own training center for ATM demolition crews. He simply rented out a factory building, ordered discarded ATMs online, and began training members in what served as a sort of school for gang members. However, these criminal networks are also active in cities such as Amsterdam and Alkmaar.
A famed Dutch defense lawyer, Vito Shukrula, also said that these types of heists are actually used as “seed” money to enter into the Dutch cocaine trade. He described it as “easy money” for these teams.
As Remix News has previously reported, the Moroccan Mafia earns billions in revenue every year from the drug trade in the Netherlands. The criminal group has assassinated not only rivals, but also state witnesses and even journalists. The group has become so feared that 18-year-old Dutch Princess Amalia went into hiding over credible kidnapping and assassination threats just months ago. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has also beefed up his security due to threats from the group.
Too Wet? Too Dry? It’s All Climate Change!

By Brian C. Joondeph
Climate change, as defined by the United Nations: “Refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, such as through variations in the solar cycle.” That’s actually a good definition.
But not willing to leave well enough alone, the UN goes further, spoiling a simple and straightforward definition with: “But since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.”
It is amazing that before humans burned fossil fuels two centuries ago, it was only natural cycles that changed the climate, not backyard barbecues, gas stoves, and SUVs. Yet the UN does not explain how previous ice ages developed due to global cooling, followed by melting of mile-thick ice over the upper Midwest due to global warming, multiple times over the Earth’s history, long before there was any significant human activity.
It seems that a changing climate was a thing long before Al Gore, Greta Thunberg, and the UN thought they figured it all out. Not only does the climate change, based on both short- and long-term cycles, but much of it is also unpredictable. According to the Intragovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), “The climate system is a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.”
Climate change had other names over the years. In the 1970s it was “global cooling” with predictions of a coming ice age. NPR, the guardians of all proper knowledge and thought, first used the term “global warming” in 1989. It doesn’t make sense, at least to most logical people, that the planet can be both warming and cooling on a global scale, outside of normal seasonal variations, so the term “climate change” was popularized to encompass all weather events.
“Climate change” was first mentioned in 1975, but this was a time when climate scientists could not decide if temperatures were rising or falling, attributing sinister causes rather than natural and cyclic warming and cooling trends which have long preceded humans and their activities.
Since then, climate change has engulfed more than temperature, adding weather events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, droughts, and flooding. It seems that any deviation from a sunny day with temperatures in the mid 70s with a light breeze is evidence of climate change and Republicans scheming to destroy the planet.
Democrats, the left, and the media have an uncanny ability to balance two contradictory propositions in their minds, believing both can occur simultaneously due to the same cause. It would be like Goldilocks finding all three beds or bowls of porridge just perfect, regardless of whether they were too hot or too cold, too hard or too soft.
The New York Times, in 2014, ran an opinion piece titled, “The end of snow?” predicting the demise of winter sports and the Winter Olympics due to global warming. Eight years later in 2022, the New York Times told us, “How climate change can supercharge snowstorms.”. Or also in 2022 how, “The deadly freeze that swept the United States was extraordinary, but while scientists know that global warming can intensify extreme weather, the effects on winter storm are tricky to untangle.”
Tricky indeed. Climate change causes both not enough and too much snow. How does that work? But it’s not only snow but water, both not enough and too much, all due to omnipotent climate change.
Let’s look at droughts in California.
According to the California Department of Water Resources,
California is no stranger to drought; it is a recurring feature of our climate. We recently experienced the 5-year event of 2012-2016, and other notable historical droughts included 2007-09, 1987-92, 1976-77, and off-and-on dry conditions spanning more than a decade in the 1920s and 1930s.
Paleoclimate records going back more than 1,000 years show many more significant dry periods. The dry conditions of the 1920s-30s, however, were on a par with the largest 10-year droughts in the much longer paleoclimate record.
Unfortunately, the scientific skill to predict when droughts will occur – which involves being able to forecast precipitation weeks to months ahead – is currently lacking. Improving long-range weather modeling capabilities is an area of much-needed research.
In a nutshell, droughts are nothing new in California, have been far worse in the past, before anyone talked about global warming or climate change, and they are impossible to predict, as the IPCC noted above.
Floods are much the same. The same California agency notes,
California is prone to potentially devastating impacts of periodic floods. All 58 counties have experienced at least 1 significant flood event in the past 25 years, resulting in loss of life and billions of dollars in damages.
Floods are naturally occurring phenomena in California.
Again, floods are normal and expected. They are nothing new. Here are photos of floods going back 150 years.
But look at media headlines claiming droughts and floods are new and due to climate change rather than natural phenomenon.
From National Geographic last month, “Climate change and California’s drought.” A local ABC News affiliate explained, “California Drought: New research ties specific extreme weather events to climate change.” They went further, “California Drought: How will climate change affect California’s ski industry?”
Drought is due to climate change. Yet at the same time so is flooding.
Last week Vox claimed, “California’s floods reveal a likely climate change symptom: Quick shifts between opposing weather conditions.” Climate pseudo-scientist Ellen DeGeneres unsuccessfully weighed in, “Ellen DeGeneres mocked for video blaming California flooding on climate change.” USA Today at least asked a question, “Are California’s storms normal, or is climate change making them worse?”
It seems all manner of weather is due to climate change, ignoring past far more extreme weather, when the world’s population and activity was much less than today. Perhaps historical perspective is necessary. After all, history didn’t begin when Greta Thunberg or writers at Vox or the New York Times came of age.
The climate has been changing for millennia, since the Earth was formed, and will continue to do so in the future. Most change is due to earth and solar cycles some of which we understand, none of which we can alter or control.
Market Watch reports: “Climate change has cost the government $350 billion” as of 2018 and that number is rising. Yet it’s still snowing in Colorado and both dry and wet in California. We are pissing away money we don’t have, ignoring far more important and fixable problems at home, attempting to fix the unfixable. Government at its finest.
Is this really about “saving the planet” or is the climate movement about money and control, similar to the COVID pandemic, the new homes of communism and tyranny?
Ireland’s Asylum Chaos: Senators Call for Anti-Migrant Crisis Protests to Be Made Illegal

Political and media figures in Ireland are demanding that protesting the country’s asylum crisis in front of migrant housing centres should be made illegal.
Multiple bigwigs within Ireland’s political and media class have called for ongoing anti-migrant crisis protests taking place in the country to be rendered illegal, reports have indicated.
The call represents a desperate attempt to curtail public backlash against Ireland’s asylum chaos, with local communities in a variety of areas across the Irish capital and beyond now frequently taking to the streets around migrant housing to protest large influxes of foreigners into their area, often without any consultation from officials.
With Ireland’s political class having so far failed to curtail the protests, there are growing calls to simply declare demonstrations near asylum centres illegal, seemingly in the hopes of crushing the anti-open borders movement.
According to a report by Gript Media, senators within the ruling Fianna Fáil party have announced that they will be pushing for an amendment to a bill already passing through Ireland’s parliament to make it a crime for locals to protest outside of migrant housing.
“If anyone is unhappy with government policy, they can protest outside [the Irish parliament], outside Government departments or agencies, or outside elected representatives’ offices,” one senator from the party, Malcolm Byrne, remarked in a press release seen by Breitbart Europe.
“We need the legislation to protect homes,” he claimed. “That applies to the temporary homes of those seeking refuge as much as to elected representatives. A person is entitled to security and safety in the place that they call home.”
This call has since been backed by prominent Catholic Priest Peter McVerry, who has called for “safe zones” to be set up around migrant centres banning protests.
“There is legislation to ban anti-abortion activists protesting near abortion providers,” the Irish Times reports McVerry as saying, without referencing the fact that abortion is grave sin according to the teachings of the church he is supposed to represent.
“Maybe something like that could be introduced to stop these worrying protests right outside people’s homes,” he suggested.
The priest is also reportedly said to have blamed the protests on “anti-immigrant, right-wing parties”, claiming — apparently without providing evidence — that he doesn’t believe that the protests in at least one area are backed by locals.
Allegations that protests against Ireland’s migrant crisis — which has seen tens of thousands of people brought into the country of only five million people in 2022 alone — is being orchestrated by a shadowy “far right” has become a political meme in the country in recent days, with many politicians and government officials repeating the claim as backlash against the mass influx worsens.
Even the country’s most senior police official, Garda Commissioner Drew Harris, has attacked the protests, accusing some involved of having a “sinister” agenda.
“We are gathering information on individuals in the background who have a more sinister agenda and who wish to use this for their own motives,” the police commissioner, who has historically had close links with Britain’s MI5 secret service, is reported as saying.
Harris is then reported as saying that the Irish police are investigating a number of these mysterious figures said to be attached to the protest, with the aim that they will step in should it actually look like one will break Irish criminal law.