Spain: Leftist Parties Blame Each Other After Record Month of Killings of Women

Spain’s ruling Social Democrats and the leftist party Podemos have blamed each other after the country saw a record number of murders of women in December.

Spanish Minister of Equality Irene Montero, a member of the populist leftist Podemos, called for a crisis committee earlier this month after announcing that five women had been murdered in December as a result of sexist violence, a number that increased to eight earlier this week on Wednesday when the meeting was held.

Since the meeting, three more women have been killed across the country, including a nerarly nine-month pregnant woman in Escalona who was stabbed to death by her former partner, bringing the total to eleven, a record number.

Secretary of State for Equality and against Gender Violence, Ángela Rodríguez Pam, another member of Podemos, blamed a “failure of all institutions, laying some blame on the Interior Ministry, which contributes to the Comprehensive Monitoring System in Cases of Gender Violence (VioGén), which monitors women at risk of violence.

Minister of the Interior Fernando Grande-Marlaska, a member of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE), later announced that police would be doing more to protect the over 30,000 women in vulnerable situations on VioGén, particularly the 723 known to be at high-risk of harm, El Mundo reports.

Minister of Defense Margarita Robles, meanwhile, reacted to criticism from Podemos and spoke on the controversial “Only Yes is Yes” law which has seen reductions in sentences of convicted sex offenders and seen some freed. The law was originally designed so that victims of sexual assaults simply needed to say they did not consent, rather than prove violence or intimidation.

“I do not agree with what Podemos says and I have to tell you from the greatest respect that perhaps the law of yes is yes has not given an adequate response to the situation we are experiencing,” Minister Robles said.

Robles added that the law “had a very good philosophy, which is to protect women, but when we end the year with this situation, in which there are more people released from prison than we would like and when we see that violence is skyrocketing, it is not good to blame anyone and we must all make ourselves self-critical. Something is wrong and we all have to take our share of the blame.”

Is the UK Turning into Something Extremely Different?

On December 1, 2022, Britain’s Office for National Statistics released the latest 10-yearly census, carried out in 2021, showing that the fastest-growing population in England and Wales is Muslims. According to the census:

“For the first time in a census of England and Wales, less than half of the population (46.2%, 27.5 million people) described themselves as ‘Christian’…”

“It’s not a great surprise that the Census shows fewer people in this country identifying as Christian than in the past,” the Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, said in response to the findings, “but it still throws down a challenge to us not only to trust that God will build his kingdom on Earth but also to play our part in making Christ known.”

The Muslim community in Britain reacted otherwise. Zara Mohammed, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, said:

“Whilst the Census does look at religion, the lack of wider religion-specific monitoring prevents us from fully understanding how acute the issue of under-representation of Muslims is in British society.

“These initial figures give us an opportunity to now make meaningful change and create a better Britain for all.”

In 2013, British journalist Vincent Cooper wrote: “By the year 2050, in a mere 37 years, Britain will be a majority Muslim nation.”

The census taken 2021 has revealed that while fewer than half of people (27.5 million) in England and Wales now describe themselves as Christian, those claiming “No religion” rose by 12 points to 37.2% (22.2 million). Those identifying as Muslim rose from 4.9% in 2011 to 6.5% (3.9 million) in 2021. The next most common responses were Hindu (1.0 million) and Sikh (524,000), while Buddhists overtook Jews (273,000 to 271,000).

Religion seems a far more important part of life for Muslims than for other Britons: it appears central to their sense of identity. According to a report from 2006:

“Thirty percent of British Muslims would prefer to live under Sharia (Islamic religious) law than under British law…. Twenty-eight percent hope for the U.K. one day to become a fundamentalist Islamic state.”

An article by Abdul Azim Ahmed, published by the Religion Media Centre in September 2021, admitted that within Britain all the divergent schools of Islam are present — although Salafism has grown in recent years, particularly among younger Muslims.

Trevor Phillips, former head of Britain’s Commission for Racial Equality and Equality and Human Rights Commission, found that the followers of Islam hold very different values from the rest of the society; many apparently want to lead separate lives. “Muslims are creating nations within nations,” he said.

Professor Linda Woodhead, a leading academic, said of second-generation Muslim immigrants:

“Now British Muslims were finding their voice with Muslim MPs and confident young people entering higher education, mixing with the many different ethnic Muslim communities and creating a new cultural kind of British Islam with food, clothing, music, and creative places.”

Muslims in the UK appear more religious than most other religious groups. While fewer Christians are becoming church members and appear to be losing their faith, describing themselves atheist and non-religious, most Muslims in Britain strictly follow their religion. London shows the lowest share of non-religious residents, likely due to it having the highest percentage of followers of non-Christian faiths, including Muslims, who make up 13% of the area’s respondents.

A 2015 report cites a survey by NatCen’s British Social Attitude Survey:

“NatCen says the Church of England has been in decline for over 30 years and that decline appears to have accelerated over the last decade.

“In 2012, Muhammad had emerged as the commonest first name given by baby boys born in London. The name was also second commonest among new born mail babies across the UK and Wales the same year.”

The Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats stated:

“Muslims have in some respects been more successful than others in the UK at passing on their religious beliefs and practices from one generation to the next. Higher rates of intergenerational transmission have been found among Muslims than among Christians, those of other religions, and non-religious people.

“Most Muslim children in the UK learn to read the Qur’an in Arabic, whether they do this at a daily mosque school, at the home of an independent teacher, in their own homes or even on Skype. In addition to the Qur’an and Arabic, many Muslim supplementary schools offer other aspects of Islamic Studies, as well as formal instruction in an ethnic language and culture.”

The question is: What teachings are the Muslims across the world, including in the UK, receiving from studying the Quran? The Quran does not tolerate any polytheist, pagan, idolater or atheist — the latter a group now increasing in Britain, according to the census. The quandary was envisaged by Prime Minister Winston Churchill:

“Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen; all know how to die; but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.”

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Poll: Germans no longer feel free

The Allensbach Institute for Public Opinion (IfD) published a widely acclaimed study on Thursday, according to which a narrow majority of Germans do not feel free.

There are slightly more people in the East and fewer in the West who miss freedom of expression. The result of a survey of 1006 representatively selected people aged 16 and over in Germany in November and December 2022 is in obvious contradiction with the official political position of the Scholz administration.

It has always been maintained that the Federal Republic of Germany was the freest state that ever existed on German soil. But this poll result evidently showed that some things do not add up.

The editor-in-chief of the German daily Welt, Anna Schneider described the problem in a nutshell: “Anyone can say anything, but he takes the risk of dying a social death.”

In the GDR, freedom of expression was the freedom of communists to be allowed to vote for the dictatorship of the proletariat. In today’s Germany, it is the freedom of the political and media class to discuss multiculturalism and immigration within the allowed narrow space of opinion – but not to reject both outright.

For example, anyone who claims that the multicultural utopia has failed, is socially and politically marginalized and targeted by the secret services if they express themselves outside of private contexts or even dare to organize politically. The idea of ​​a free democracy has long since been replaced by the concept of a moral dictatorship.

Apparently, according to this poll, at least a narrow majority of Germans have understood that. And at least this insight allows a little hope, because the insight into one’s own lack of freedom is not yet a political upheaval, but a mandatory prerequisite for any successful counter-movement.

Reality setting in?

The poll may be a reflection of Germans facing the reality of ill-conceived policies, including Green promises of a utopian energy transition and counter-productive sanctions.

The Austrian Defense Minister Tanner (ÖVP) has warned of large-scale power failures in the EU soon. She told the same news outlet Welt in an interview that the likelihood of a blackout in parts of the EU in the near future was very high.

“The question isn’t if it’s coming, it’s when it’s coming,” said Tanner. She emphasized that the risk of a widespread power failure had increased significantly as a result of the war in Ukraine.

“We shouldn’t pretend that this is just a theory. We have to prepare for blackouts in Austria and in Europe,” said Tanner, adding “that a third of the population would no longer be able to take care of themselves by the fourth day of a power blackout at the latest”.

Unlike in Germany, people in Austria are at least preparing for the impending emergency – the Austrian army wants to set up a total of 100 self-sufficient barracks by 2025, which can operate for two weeks independently if necessary. In addition, there will be so-called security islands, which “can be contact points for civilian helpers and law enforcement officers” in an emergency.

Fake stories abound

The mainstream German news magazine Der Spiegel has been the pinnacle of this moral dictatorship: It has again been accused of faking the alleged death of a “refugee girl”. There are many indications that the migrant child “Maria”, who allegedly died while fleeing, never existed.

After the so-called “Relotius affair” in which its star reporter Claas Relotius, had invented reports (“The Last Witness”) for years, there has been little improvement. Even after the internal control instances were strengthened and the documentation department was reorganized, the magazine continued to publish fake stories.

In the alleged case of a refugee girl who died while trying to escape, none of these measures seemed to have worked.

In the report from the Turkish-Greek border area, Spiegel also made serious allegations against the Greek government because it could have prevented the child’s death. Athens immediately raised doubts about the story – but nothing happened.

Now, months later, the magazine has admitted that it made serious mistakes. Did little “Maria” even exist? The mother is said to have always spoken of her five children, Maria was a twin. In fact, only photos of the woman with four children exist. Maria’s alleged birth was not recorded in a Syrian register until three months after her alleged death. With the right connections, this can be done for $50.

And the inconsistencies continue: According to Spiegel, the place where the allegedly deceased child was buried could not be found because the parents could not remember it. In contrast to what is customary in Islamic rituals, a tombstone was not placed there either so as not to disturb their daughter’s peace, they claimed.

The original reports about the case of the allegedly deceased “Maria” are no longer on the website because too much had to be corrected. The founder of the industry service Medieninsider, Marvin Schade, commented: “I’m curious to see what consequences Der Spiegel will draw from this. That should not have happened. The highest standards are useless if all control mechanisms fail.”