Belgian couple faced with €36,000 repair bill after unknowingly housing a Roma family from Ukraine who wreaked havoc

Symbolic picture

A couple in Belgium is facing repairs of around €36,000 after they volunteered to welcome refugees fleeing the conflict in Ukraine into their home. They claim the Roma family they took in destroyed their property and left them footing the bill.

The couple, Sven and Evy, had recently upsized to a larger home. They retained their previous property in the city of Ninove to use as an office and decided to use other former homes to house Ukrainian refugees.

After contacting Belgium’s Public Center for Social Assistance (CPAS), they were asked if they could pick up a Ukrainian woman and her two children whose father had been killed in Ukraine.

“Then we got another call asking if we had a problem with the woman being pregnant. When we arrived, a pregnant woman with three children and her husband were waiting for us. During a half-hour conversation, we were told where they came from and the route they had taken. Then we went back with them,” the couple told Belgian news outlet, 7sur7.

The couple quickly noticed that all was not as it seemed. “This was no ordinary Ukrainian family,” they said.

It soon transpired that the family was of a Roma background, members of the minority traveling community that resides in Ukraine and neighboring countries.

“CPAS told us that they were Roma gypsies,” the couple said. “For example, the members of this family did not know how to use a washing machine, a dryer, an oven… All these devices were unknown to them. The mother was washing the clothes in our tub,” they added.

After several weeks of residing in the property, the family had caused substantial damage, allowing mold to set in, breaking furniture, and scribbling on the walls.

“Mildew appeared all over the windows, the walls were covered with inscriptions, the wood was torn from the frame of the bed, the doors and cabinets were damaged.

“But that’s not all: All the chairs in the kitchen were broken, the molding was torn off the stairs, there were holes in the floor, our children’s toys were broken, even their piggy bank was opened,” the couple told the Belgian news outlet.

Sven and Evy reported early signs of damage to CPAS and were told to either send the refugees back or stop bothering them. They continued to host them.

“The wife asked for a job for her husband. We had found three places where he could work, but he didn’t want to. He found an excuse every time,” the couple explained.

It later transpired the Roma family had allowed another family of Ukrainian refugees to live in the house.

“Another woman, her husband, and three children were staying with us. They were subletting. At one point, more than 11 people were in the house,” they revealed, adding that the Roma family were “constantly” asking them for money which the family used to purchase a car, “even though we knew the man didn’t have a driver’s license.”

After finally having enough of the nightmare, the couple contacted CPAS and requested they relocate the family. It took more than two months for this process to be completed, and after reviewing the house upon their departure, “it was a real mess.”

CPAS had informed Sven and Evy they would receive compensation for the damage, but they were later told they would not receive a cent.

“We have forwarded all the damages to CPAS. The total cost was €36,000, and that doesn’t even include everything.

“CPAS then told us that we would not receive any compensation. We were advised to sue the family in question through the Peace Court. We are going to do it, but the family lives on an integration income. How are they going to pay for this?” they asked.

In response, CPAS insisted they had done all they could for the couple during the Roma family’s stay. Veerle Cosyns, chairman of the Special Committee for Social Services (BCSD), said social services had “made a lot of extra effort” to support the couple.

“We saw quite quickly that the family did not correspond to a standard Ukrainian family. The children had never been to school, they did not know what electricity was; it was a Roma family. We had offered to take care of the family or, if the couple wanted to continue to take care of them, that they come to see us twice a week and the family once a week. There were also two people who spoke Ukrainian to translate,” Cosyns said.

He claimed that the couple didn’t have a contract in place with the family and are therefore unable to receive the compensation asked for.

“We can’t compensate for the damage because we don’t have a contract with the family. And even though I’m sorry for the couple, I can’t spend the tax money of the people of Ninove without a legal basis. This is why it is preferable to go to the Peace Court so that there is a court decision.

“Moreover, all host families received an information brochure, and information evenings were organized,” he added.

“We have informed people well. Our task was mainly to provide group care. We have done everything we could in terms of support with the people and resources we had in times of crisis,” Cosyns said.

The Belgian couple is now considering legal action against CPAS to recover the damages, but they face an uphill battle.

“We have the feeling that CPAS has seriously failed,” they added.

Austria: Syrian man who tried to murder his wife accuses court expert who considers him guilty: “You don’t know oriental culture at all”

A Syrian (52) who tried to kill his wife insulted Austria’s most renowned psychiatric expert in his murder trial in Linz. He contemptuously said to Adelheid Kastner: “You don’t know oriental culture at all”.

Unbelieving amazement in the Linz Regional Court on Wednesday morning: there a Syrian (52) had to answer for attempted murder. According to the indictment, he stabbed his wife (41) several times in the neck with a carpet knife out of jealousy on the Upper Danube Embankment last May. The fact that she did not die was exclusively due to the courageous intervention of passers-by – a nurse and a priest – eXXpress reported.

Expert witness Adelheid Kastner examined the accused for his sanity. According to her expert opinion, the Syrian is not mentally ill. There was no higher mental-mental abnormality. There was no medical explanation for the gaps in memory claimed by the accused, except that he did not want to remember. All in all, Heidi Kastner declared the Syrian guilty.

This obviously displeased him and did not fit into his defence strategy. “The expert doesn’t even know oriental culture,” he said in the dock to discredit Kastner.

The verdict is to be handed down on Wednesday.

No, the Antarctic’s ice is not melting as fast as predicted

By Jack Hellner

Greenie leftists for years have been saying the Antarctic is melting.

Well, based on this latest news from AFP, the Antarctic ice is not melting as fast as predicted

Runaway W. Antarctic ice sheet collapse not ‘inevitable’: study

Both the North and South pole regions have warmed by roughly three degrees Celsius compared to late 19th-century levels, nearly three times the global average.

The global temperature has risen less than two degrees Fahrenheit in the last 150 years. 

There is no scientific data that show that this small rise is caused by:

  • An exponential rise in coal and oil use. 
  • An exponential rise in gas-powered cars, machinery, trucks, and planes. 
  • An extra six million people breathing out CO2.
  • Cows breathing out methane gas.
  • Gas grills and furnaces. 
  • Power plants that greatly improve our quality and length of life. 

The rise occurred because a 400-year-plus “little ice age” ended around 1860.

A small rise in temperature occurs cyclically and naturally after ice ages happen.

The ice isn’t melting more slowly than predicted because:

  • Politicians and bureaucrats signed the Paris Climate accord. 
  • The UN has had multiple gabfests where a huge number of politicians and rich people fly in private jets to discuss climate change. 
  • Worthless pieces of paper called carbon credits are bought and sold. 
  • Solar panels and wind turbines taking up huge pieces of land. 
  • People are being forced to buy expensive, impractical, inefficient vehicles powered by a flammable pollutant. 

Here is a hint as to why the ice is meting slower than predicted:

Antarctica had a record cold winter in 2021. This could not have occurred if everything that we are told causes warming actually did.

Antarctica’s last six months were the coldest on record.

A small rise in temperature occurs cyclically and naturally after ice ages happen.

The ice isn’t melting more slowly than predicted because:

  • Politicians and bureaucrats signed the Paris Climate accord. 
  • The UN has had multiple gabfests where a huge number of politicians and rich people fly in private jets to discuss climate change. 
  • Worthless pieces of paper called carbon credits are bought and sold. 
  • Solar panels and wind turbines taking up huge pieces of land. 
  • People are being forced to buy expensive, impractical, inefficient vehicles powered by a flammable pollutant. 

Here is a hint as to why the ice is meting slower than predicted:

Antarctica had a record cold winter in 2021. This could not have occurred if everything that we are told causes warming actually did.

Antarctica’s last six months were the coldest on record.

The bizarre, ‘fake’ arrest of Greta Thunberg goes viral

Great Thunberg was filmed laughing during her police detention in Germany.

Video footage has emerged of climate activist Greta Thunberg posing with German police shortly before she was carried away and detained during mass protests against a coal mine in the town of Lützerath.

Images of Thunberg being carried away by police were broadcast across the world, with some protesters claiming it amounted to police violence. However, the reality of the detainment appears to be far different than initially reported.

The new footage shows that Thunberg calmly posed with the officers before she was led from the protest by police, with critics saying the whole event appears to have been staged.

It is unclear if the police were under orders to pose for the cameras during Thunberg’s arrest, or why this strange photo op session is only being revealed now. In the video, she can be seen laughing and looks relaxed and unconcerned with her detention.

Already, Twitter users have begun creating memes around the incident.

Others indicated that the detention of Thunberg is not an event totally out of the ordinary given the way the media has covered most of her career.

In another video, police are seen picking up Thunberg, walking with her for 20 meters, and then letting her go, as if the entire incident was a theater rehearsal. Quetions are now being raised about the different incidents, and whether they were produced to provide the global media with the necessary footage and photos it needed to paint Thunberg as a victim of police oppression.

Thunberg, a darling of climate activists, has long been used by the political establishment and helped grow support for Green and left-wing parties across the West — even if Thunberg herself has sharply criticized the German Green party’s decision to allow the mining project to go through in the region.

The protests in Lützerath have seen clashes between police and protesters, including the use of Molotov cocktails. However, despite activists alleging serious police violence in Lützerath, they were forced to retract claims that protesters faced “life-threatening injuries” in what appears to have also been a case of misinformation.

North Rhine-Westphalia Interior Minister Herbert Reul, in response to the retractions, said he is “slowly fed up with the fact that allegations are always being made without providing evidence.”

Although nine protesters were hospitalized with injuries, not all of those injuries were due to police actions. In turn, 102 police officers were injured, with nine of them unable to return to duty.

Some Twitter users also compared the protests in Lützerath to the extreme violence used against those protesting against Covid-19 vaccine mandates and lockdowns.

Three months into Meloni tenure sees migrant arrivals exploding

Giorgia Meloni meet with Ursula von der Leyen. Facebook

It has been a disturbing development. Despite its right-wing government, which has now been in office for almost three months, the number of illegal immigrants in Italy continues to rise steeply. This has caused many voters to become dissatisfied with the right-wing government under Giorgia Meloni.

Even after almost three months, the new Italian right-wing government has still not succeeded in bringing about the promised asylum turnaround. Italy is, as ever, inundated by masses of illegal immigrants who are being landed by numerous “rescue” ships.

The facts are that contrary to Italian Interior Minister Piatendosi’s claim that the number of Mediterranean migrants has fallen in the first two months of government, Interior Ministry statistics show that since Meloni took office, migrant boat arrivals have risen massively compared to the same period last year.

In November and December 2022, around 20 000 migrants came to Europe via Italy’s ports. For comparison: in 2021 there were “only” 12 600 migrants in these two months.

The balance sheet for the new year 2023 is even more dramatic. In the first 10 days, another 3 709 migrants were reported, which corresponds to an almost tenfold increase (2022: 378).

Interior Minister Piatendosi, when confronted with the statistics, claimed that the new wave of migration has been favored by milder weather conditions and that the figures were only “partially” correct.

Many voters who expected the new Meloni government to take decisive measures to curb the influx of illegal immigrants or even a “zero limit” are increasingly disappointed. So far, her government has mainly limited itself to symbolic politics, while people smugglers and NGOs continue to pursue their activities in the Mediterranean almost undisturbed.

Piantedosi had criticized the fact that the NGO-operated ships encourage illegal passage of migrant boats across the Mediterranean. “We cannot allow private ships flying the flag of another country to replace the Italian government. Our goal is to get the migration phenomenon under control,” Piantedosi said at the beginning of the year.

“We have noticed that the quality of the boats on which the migrants leave has dropped, which contributes to the tragedies that then occur at sea,” added the non-aligned minister. Piantedosi dismissed the aid organizations’ accusation that the government was allocating its rescue ships to landing ports in the northern Adriatic to extend their sea route and distance them from the central Mediterranean.

Von der Leyen criticises Meloni decree

The Italian government passed a decree in late December intended to make it more difficult for “rescue” ships to land in southern Italy. The cabinet wants to limit systematic rescue operations by NGO ships.

According to media reports, rescued “refugees” should submit their asylum application while still on board the ship, which is to be accepted by the ship’s flag state. NGO vessels conducting rescue operations must “meet the requirements of technical and nautical suitability for safe navigation,” the immigration decree states.

On this issue, EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen held talks with the Italian head of government in Rome recently. She criticized the Meloni course. “It is not for the EU to deal with the content of this decree. Irrespective of this, the member states must respect international law and the law of the sea,” emphasized the spokeswoman for the EU Commission. Saving lives at sea is a “moral and legal obligation”.

The Italian Interior Minister Piantedosi had hoped that the migration issue would be settled at European level, but dampened expectations himself: “Europe is a bit slow in its mechanisms, and the meeting between Meloni and Von der Leyen was certainly important, but it wasn’t decisive. In any case, we have put the discussion on immigration back at the center of the European agenda,” said the Minister of the Interior. This is of course nothing new.

Zelensky praises Meloni’s ‘values’

Meloni meanwhile received support for her policies from… Ukraine. President Vladimir Zelensky praised the premier in an interview to be broadcast on Italian TV Tuesday night.

Zelensky said the premier, whom he called by her first name, was “extremely concrete”. He said: “Her rhetoric is extremely clear to me. I see Giorgia as pro-Italian and that is the most important thing: that she is pro-Italian and she supports Ukraine. And she supports common values.”

The Italian leader plans to visit Ukraine soon. “I’m really looking forward to her coming on an official visit to Ukraine,” Zelensky added. “She will come soon, I can’t communicate the date, but soon,” he told host Bruno Vespa on the Porta a Porta show on Raiuno.

Almost 8 million refugees have fled Ukraine since the war against Russia started in February, Europe’s largest refugee wave since World War II, with the majority of those now in the European Union.

Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood Debated in UK Parliament for the First Time

YouTube bans real science

Image: YouTube

By Bob Kurland

At 92.8 this old physicist has achieved an unlikely goal: to be banned from YouTube.  Unfortunately, the ban was not for saying naughty stuff — porn or racist diatribes — rather it was for teaching laymen (and laywomen) how use statistics to balance risk vs reward (as in to vax your five-year-old, or not to vax).

Here’s the full story.  A few days ago (14th January) I participated in a webinar sponsored by ITEST, (Institute for Theological Encounters with Science and Technology) “Why Science is not God.” My contribution to the webinar was a 40-minute discussion of “Fr. Jaki’s Limits of a Limitless Science.”  In that talk, I emphasized the importance of skepticism, quoting Richard Feynman “science is the organized skepticism in the reliability of expert opinion.”

One way to organize such skepticism is to understand how statistics can be used (and can be misused).  In assessing statistical data, one should do a risk vs reward analysis.  Even though bad consequences from an action may be very improbable, if they are very bad then the action should be avoided unless the good outcome from the action outbalances the bad.  (The analogy of balancing a teeter-totter, short arm, low probability very bad consequences, long arm high probability, minor good). 

I applied this general reasoning to the issued of vaccinating young children against COVID-19.  Mortality tables show that COVID death rates for young adults, teen-agers, and young children are negligible compared to other causes of death.  So, the benefit from vaccination of young children and teen-agers is demonstrably minimal.  What about long-term consequences?  We know that vaccines were not tested for long-term effects.  We’ve read about rare (but deadly) instances of myocarditis.  Is that low probability outcome with very adverse effects enough to balance out a minimal gain from vaccination?  That’s the question for a parent to decide.

Two days after giving this webinar, Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, the Director of Itest, was informed by YouTube that the webinar had been pulled.

Hi Sebastian Mahfood,

Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately we think it violates our medical misinformation policy.  We’ve removed the following content from YouTube: Video ITEST Webinar, “Why Science is Not God with Dr. Bob Kurland and Sr. Carla Mae Streeter. OP” We know this might be disappointing, but it’s important to us that YouTube  is a safe place for all…. HOW YOUR CONTENT VIOLATED OUR POLICY:   YouTube doesn’t allow claims about Covid-19 vaccinations that contradict expert consensus (emphasis added) from local health authorities and the World Health Organization.    

What irritates me is the phrase “contradict expert consensus” made by reviewers who know zilch about what science is all about.  So much for open debate about scientific issues.  The webinar video has been reposted on Vimeo.

* But all’s well, so to speak, that ends well. Dr. Mahfood informed me that the webinar is back on YouTube. As he put it, “I sent some positive and prayerful thoughts in the direction of the YouTube operators, and it worked!”

Ethnic Germans are ‘dying out’ and migrants ‘will inherit’ Germany, claims Iranian writer in one of Germany’s biggest newspapers

screen grab youtube

Following the mass riots involving migrant youth on New Year’s Eve, German-Iranian author and commentator Behzad Karim Khani is criticizing the debates about the young men of foreign origin, which he says are fueled by historical racism. He asserts that regardless of what Germans think about the riots, migrants are not only going to stay in the country but will eventually “inherit Germany” from ethnic Germans, who are “dying off.”

“We are here — not just for your pension funds, but because we make sure that the Aryan nightmare never becomes a reality in this country,” he wrote in one of Germany’s top media outlets, Berliner Zeitung in a piece entitled “Behzad Karim Khani on New Year’s Eve: Integrate yourself!

Khani, who was accepted to Germany as a political refugee from Iran, along with his family, when he was 10 years old, writes that migrants will inherent Germany. He adds that time is on the side of migrants, as ethnic Germans are “dying out.”

I think we’re at a point now where we should an honest look at the situation. Let’s start with the simple statement that we — migrants, foreigners, people with … call us what you like — are not going to leave that easily. And neither will you, dear organic Germans, though, demographically, you’re definitely going away. You’re dying out, and your country needs about 400,000 new workers (every year) over the next 15 years, that’s about a million immigrants a year. We migrants will probably inherit this land. So we could play for time here, which is time you don’t have.”

Khani refers to the “bio deutsch,” a slang term for ethnic Germans. He asserts that these Germans deserve to be demographically replaced for the country’s actions during the Second World War.

“Strange things also happen when you gas, shoot, or exile almost all of your intelligentsia. And after the war is lost, there is a need for simple workers, people who can be brought in to rebuild the piles of rubble that until yesterday were still Berlin, Dresden or Cologne.”

The author appears to assert that Germans to be uniquely evil in history, pointing not only to the Second World War, but also what he says is the country’s Islamophobia. He makes no mention, for instance, of Muslims, Arabs and Persians waging imperialist wars of aggression throughout their history, including the colonial occupation of Spain and the Balkans, nor does he mention that Islamic nations were committing genocide against Greek and Armenian Christians as late as the 20th century. In addition, Khani’s article omits the Arab slave trade, which involved the enslavement of approximately 1 million White Europeans across Europe’s vast coastline, or Arab and Persian involvement in the African slave trade.

According to scholars, any non-Muslim could be enslaved according to Islamic doctrine, and prior to the 20th century, the number of slaves numbered between 12 and 15 million, which substantially dwarfs the number of slaves in the United States, which reached 4 million at its height.

Khani’s text, instead, is uniquely focused on ethnic Germans, even referring to an Israeli friend who once told him that “the Arabs are the Jews’ revenge on the Germans.” The author argues that those who start a world war based on the idea of ​​”racial purity” are sometimes forced to become an immigration country after defeat, adding that the “victorious powers (after World War II) also shared our mistrust of this society.”

Khani writes that the mistrust immigrants feel in Germany is behind why they rioted during New Year’s Eve, adding that it does not necessarily excuse their behavior, but it explains it.

During the riots, which were widely covered for days in the national news media, ambulances were pelted with projectiles, firefighters and police officers were hospitalized with severe injuries, and buses and vehicles set on fire across the country. However, all of these actions are explained, according to Khani, by the mistrust the Germans have sowed in the past. In his article, he makes no mention of the 2,500 women who were sexually assaulted across Germany during 2015 and 2016, or whether this would also be excused or explained by Germany’s historical role in World War II.

He adds that Germany refuses to take responsibility for its “colonial legacy” and even for those Germans praising themselves for a unique culture of remembrance for the Second World War, he indicates this does not matter since “not a single synagogue, Jewish school or Jewish retirement home can do without police protection.”

Data shows that the vast majority of attacks against Jews in Germany are perpetrated by Arabs and Muslims. Surveys also have shown that anti-Semitic sentiments are far higher among Muslims in Germany than non-Muslims.

According to another survey, Jewish victims of attacks in Germany have said that in 57 percent of cases, the attacker was either of a Middle-Eastern appearance or have belonged to a far-left group, while only in 20 percent of cases did they claim that the perpetrators belonged to a far-right group.

In the Netherlands, reportedly 70 percent of anti-Semitic incidents are perpetrated by Muslim attackers. In Sweden, Muslim attacks against Jews are rampant, leading Jews to flee cities like Malmö. 

Khani has also described himself as having a substantial criminal background in his youth, which he writes about in his book “Dog, Wolf, Jackal.” German public broadcaster, RBB, interviewed him shortly after the New Year’s Eve riots:

RBB: You had a serious criminal youth yourself — that’s what you called it yourself. You grew up in Bochum in the 90s after your parents came to Germany from Iran. Why did you then drift into violence?

Khani: For me, it was about something completely different. I grew up in an area where violence was one of the only ways to maintain dignity. One does not abstain from violence by becoming a victim. At the point where the violence is, you have to react. Violence has its own logic.

Khani indicates that even if Germans do not like migrants in Germany, the migrants will stay in the country barring extreme violence.

“Without extreme violence, eclipsing that of Hitler’s Germany, (the Aryan) nightmare will not come true,” he writes.

Khani’s statements come at a time during increasingly hostile comments and policies against ethnic Germans. For example, a Green party plan would see “organic Germans” banned from up to a third of jobs.” Germany’s new anti-discrimination minister, Ferda Ataman, who has a Turkish background, labeled ethnic Germans as “potatoes” in 2022.

Just last week, the Green party replaced their own justice minister in the state of Thuringia simply because he was a white male. An Afro-German female with no legal degree as well as no criminal justice or political experience took his position.

Officially approved by the EU: Four insects hiding in your food

EU citizens who do not want to unknowingly eat insects should be particularly careful: The EU Commission has already approved four types of insects in different forms as “edible insects”.

The most recent approval was on January 5: From now on, after mealworms, grasshoppers and crickets, the grain mold beetle can also be used as an ingredient in foods such as bread, soups, pasta, snacks, peanut butter and chocolate products.

The mealworm received the first approval for a so-called “edible insect” in June 2021 : The EU Commission’s Implementing Regulation 2021/822 approved the placing on the market of dried larvae of Tenebrio molitor (meal beetle) as a “novel food”.

The SAS EAP Group from France has submitted the application and is allowed to market the mealworm in the Union. It may be sold individually or with a maximum content of 10 grams in protein products, cookies, dishes made from legumes and pasta products.

If insects are used, there must be a note on the packaging of the food that consumption may cause allergic reactions in people with known allergies to crustaceans and molluscs and their products and to house dust mites.

In November 2021, the second “edible insect” was approved by Implementing Regulation 2021/1975 : “Fair Insects BV” from the Netherlands has since been allowed to market frozen, dried and powdered Locusta migratoria (migratory locusts) in the EU.

Depending on the form of processing, the locusts may be used as ingredients in different maximum levels in the products such as processed potato products; dishes made from legumes and products made from pasta, meat substitution, soups and soup concentrates, legumes and vegetables in cans/jars, salads, beer-like beverages, alcoholic beverage mixes, chocolate products, frozen milk-based fermented products, cured meats.

Since 2022 and 2023 respectively, the domestic cricket (Acheta domesticus)  has been permitted in various forms of processing. Implementing regulation 2022/188 allows  the use in frozen, dried and powdered form. The application came again from “Fair Insects BV”. The house cricket, just as locusts, may be used in similar foods.

Since January 3, the Vietnamese company “Cricket One Co. Ltd” has also been allowed to sell “partially defatted powder from Acheta domesticus” in the EU by implementing regulation 2023/5 . Potentially affected foods are multigrain bread and rolls; crackers and breadsticks, cereal bars, dry bakery premixes, cookies, pasta products and many more.

The executive order 2023/58 of January 5 allows “Ynsect NL BV” from the Netherlands to bring larvae of Alphitobius diaperinus (grain mold beetle) in frozen, paste, dried and powdered form as a new food to EU citizens. The list of food categories in which the larvae can be used as an ingredient in most processed foods.

Proof the fascist far-left opened the border to an illegal invasion to cheat on elections

Cuban refugees in their small boat will be sent back
YouTube screengrab (cropped)

By D. Parker

Two contrasting news stories show that the anti-liberty left only cares about power and not about asylum seekers from socialism. 

A report that the U.S. Coast Guard Returned 177 Cuban Migrants to the Communist Island contrasted with one that DHS Is Helping Illegal Migrants Avoid Deportation is direct proof that this was never about asylum seekers. It was always about setting up a permanent underclass to keep the fascist far-left in power until the country implodes, Cloward-Piven style.

Three recent news stories show that the fascist far left never really cared about the plight of asylees or anyone else for that matter. They only care about their power.

But what is the gaslight de jour from the leftist liars (sorry for the redundancy) on the border? 

Do they still laughably claim it’s ‘closed’ or is that just another way of oppressing us? 

Tell us a lie and force us to believe it?  

Nevertheless, it should be obvious to everyone that’s informed — excluding viewers of the national socialist media of course — that Biden’s opened the border to an illegal invasion… along with deadly amounts of Fentanyl in the CCP’s version of a new Opium war.

Ostensibly, this is to let in people who have been oppressed under far-left regimes. These are supposed to be asylum seekers, not economic refugees. Thus, you would think that asylum seekers from Communist oppression would be at the top of the list.  But you would be wrong:

Around 177 Cuban migrants who were apprehended off the Florida coast earlier this month were returned to the island by the U.S. Coast Guard on Thursday, CBS Miami reports. 

The Cuban migrants were intercepted earlier in the month by the Coast Guard and repatriated by two Coast Guard cutters. Meanwhile, a group of around two dozen Haitians, who arrived by sailboat from Port-de-Paix, were taken into custody by U.S. Customs and Border Protection upon reaching Virginia Key, a small island near Miami.

So much for taking in asylum seekers, the excuse is that people shouldn’t risk traveling when they don’t have to. Then why have they thrown open the southern border to anyone and anything when the Darien gap is just as treacherous? 

No, the fascist far-left doesn’t want asylum seekers who will oppose them when they get to the states, proof that their rationale for trying to destroy the country over loading it with people is just another big lie.

This is contrasted with the report that DHS Is Helping Illegal invaders Avoid Deportation and that New York City Mayor Eric Adams is calling for a “national solution” and immigration reform. For those unschooled in the ways of the fascist far-left, ‘reform’ has a special meaning for them. Usually, it means taking a problem they caused and exploiting it to expand their power base.

In this case, when they say ‘reform’ due to the illegal invasion crisis, it means rewarding the invaders to make the crisis even worse, while still turning away true asylum seekers.