Spiraling asylum costs have resulted in Dutch government overspending on refugees in 21 of last 23 years, auditors say

The Dutch government spent over €1 billion to accommodate asylum seekers last year, close to double the €538 million it had allocated for its asylum policy, the country’s Court of Audit (COA) revealed.

Such excess has been the norm in the Netherlands for over two decades, with an auditors’ investigation into the funding of asylum reception facilities showing the government has spent significantly more than budgeted in 21 of the last 23 years.

In a damning report, the COA slammed State Secretary Eric Van der Burg, who is in charge of asylum policy, and the country’s Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers for failing to have any idea of how much is required to spend each year to enforce the government’s asylum plans.

The COA accused the Dutch government of overspending and under-delivering on establishing long-term asylum reception centers, resulting in short-term fixes such as paying for cruise ships to accommodate asylum seekers at a premium cost to the Dutch taxpayer.

Auditors bemoaned the fact the government had not ensured a buffer between the number of asylum seekers entering the Netherlands each year and the capacity it had available at asylum reception centers, a move the COA proposed more than three decades ago in 1995.

“In this study, we show that these kinds of problems are still present 28 years later and that a number of new problems have also arisen in the current asylum crisis,” the auditors stated.

Instead, the Rutte administration has resorted to scaling up asylum centers to cater to an influx of refugees when they are already on Dutch territory, resulting in make-shift, unsustainable accommodations or one-off payments to hotels and cruise liners to accommodate the excess numbers.

“These places are often of lower quality and more expensive than the regular reception places. In addition to the financial costs of scaling up and down again and again, this is also a source of social unrest, particularly in the municipalities where the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers is looking for new locations,” the auditors’ report added.

The report noted that when cruise liners need their ships back for the peak tourist season, the country’s asylum agency will once again need to fork out money to find new emergency accommodation for thousands of asylum seekers at an inflated cost. Excess numbers of arrivals will also negatively impact education, the housing market, and public transport.

At the end of last year, the Dutch asylum agency had 52,500 reception places, of which 29,000 were regular, 15,000 emergency shelters, and 8,500 crisis places. According to the asylum agency, 75,500 reception places will be needed by the end of 2023, the auditors noted as cited in Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf.

Despite assurances by successive governments that the asylum policy in the country will be fixed, a solution to the long-term problems has failed to materialize.

“So far, the discussion about a more stable and flexible system over the past 28 years has not led to structural changes and a recurrence of problems has not been prevented,” the auditors’ report concluded.

Commenting on the report, Dutch right-wing politician Geert Wilders tweeted: “Billions a year wasted on asylum seekers. With that money, we could have scrapped VAT on groceries, treated our elderly better, helped our fishermen financially, and much more!”


Macron announces that climate crisis has arrived ‘faster than expected’

The French president has spoken out in a YouTube video in response to comments from climate cultists, NGOs and green political opponents who were “shocked” by remarks made about the climate during his December 31, 2022 greetings.

On Tuesday 17 January, Emmanuel Macron published a nearly 18-minute video on YouTube entitled “Your questions on ecology: I’m back at it!”. As reported by Le Figaro, the President of the Republic wished to revisit his remarks on climate change which caused a green controversy during his wishes on 31 December. “I was misunderstood […] What did I really mean? It is that basically, it [climate change] came even faster than expected,” said Emmanuel Macron on camera.

The tenant of the Elysee was reacting to the sentence he had pronounced, in which he stated: “Who could have predicted the climate crisis with spectacular effects again this summer in our country?” Indignant green climatologists, NGOs and political opponents reacted angrily to his comment.

The EELV national secretary Marine Tondelier, responded that “scientists had been warning [about this] for decades”. Their criticisms were well-timed, to say the least. Asserting that the State have been preparing for “years” for the climate emergency and pointing out the “bad faith” of his detractors, Macron also announced that an “ecological planning council” should be held before the end of January to “take stock of what we must do in the coming years and decades”.

Macron has a habit of switching sides

The former Minister of the Interior and ex-mayor of Lyon Gérard Collomb, who revealed in September that he was suffering from stomach cancer, remains a close observer of political life. He is also a fierce critic of Macron after being among the closest supporters of the head of state in 2017.

“When you hear Macron, on all the problems, he tells you one thing then another. One move in the zig, one move in the zag. On national education, he can have a secular position […] and the next moment another, rather woke,” he said in an interview with French magazine Challenges. And he added: “This way of reconciling totally opposed positions is a tic with him. It’s a way of thinking about the world that may be interesting from a philosophical point of view, but it doesn’t necessarily correspond to what you have to do, on a practical level, when you govern a country.”

The former minister, who left the Place Beauvau in a fractious manner in 2018, evoking a “very degraded” situation in difficult neighbourhoods and a France heading for “immense problems”. In fact, he has warned Minister of the InteriorDarmanin about Macron’s habit of speaking with a forked tongue.

Collomb met Darmanin at the beginning of September to discuss the fate of the future immigration law. “I told him: ‘Be careful, you’ll head straight into a wall, like me’. Because the issues I was raising were not shared in substance by Emmanuel Macron. He replied: ‘We’ll see’. And what I saw was that the president was still going to impose his views, on regularisation in particular, creating an air gap.”

And this is not the only admonition from the former minister, who was able to assess the difficulties of the hospital sector after being hospitalized recently. “What I saw during my stay were hospitals in great difficulty where understaffing is something incredible. You have to have been there to understand how short of qualified staff they are at all levels: doctors, professors, nurses… You have departments that run with only one intern.”

Backed by US Deep State

The latest Twitter Files dump has vividly demonstrated how the CIA participated directly in the meetings held by the FBI with various social networks. They had social networks censored to bolster Emmanuel Macron’s candidature.

The US spy agency lobbied Twitter, Yahoo, Twitch, Cloudfare, LinkedIn and the Wikimedia Group to censor the voices of President Emmanuel Macron’s opposition during his re-election campaign in 2022.

Macron pretended that he had been the victim of “Russian hackers” during his 2017 election campaign. According to him, they are to blame for the leak of internal emails from his campaign team. The alleged responsibility of the Russian secret services has never been established and the released emails have never been refuted.


Hookers descend on World Economic Forum

By Monica Showalter

Most men wouldn’t dream of patronizing a prostitute, but among those who do, they might be found in Davos, Switzerland, at the World Economic Forum.

Sure as the sun comes up, Davos is seeing the great migration of hookers to “service” the conference.

According to Breitbart News:

Sex services are reportedly in high demand in Davos this week, with multiple publications reporting numerous prostitutes and escorts as descending on the Swiss ski resort as it hosts the annual conference of the World Economic Forum.

The spike in demand is not unexpected, with The Times publishing an exposé back in 2020 on the annual meeting, describing it as a “den of prostitution and predators” with professional sex workers attending Davos in large numbers.

Things do not appear any different this year, with multiple publications speaking to sex workers and escort agencies who are attending the event this week.

“So far we have eleven reservations and 25 inquiries for the coming week. But I assume that there will be more,” the managing director of one escort service told Swiss paper 20 Minuten, who told the publication that his employees could be contracted for as many as three days straight to serve clients.

Apparently, it’s more than a hundred of them, all coming on their own dime to the expensive Swiss city (where a Caesar salad and a Diet Coke will set you back $60, according to one reporter at the event) because the money is flowing. According to the reports Breitbart cited, it’s the official delegates, the corporate CEOs and the diplomats who are partaking in these “offerings.” I can’t imagine that some of the press wouldn’t be “clients,” too.

Breitbart reported this guy, a managing director of an escort “service” had this to add:

“Some also book escorts for themselves and their employees to party in the hotel suite.”

How lovely.

Obviously, they are men, not sure what the females do, it is hoped they don’t prostitute themselves for all that easy money for sex, too. Call it a man’s world at Davos, as the saying used to go.

Which highlights what a bunch of hypocrites these guys are. 

At the World Economic Forum, home of the great reset, they like to tell us what to do. Their very logo this year reads: “Committed to Improving the State of the World.” How patronizing hookers accomplishes that is unknown.

But they preen, they hector, they give pious speeches, often about global warming, calling on Americans to eat bugs (yep, see the 47th speaker from Ynsect here), they intone about “inclusion” and “diversity” and “equality” for women but when push comes to shove, they jet in on private planes leaving trails of carbon dioxide, park them together so everyone can see how much money they have, and then get down to business hiring hookers.

All that would be fine and dandy, except that they hold themselves up as the paragon of righteous thinking and insist that the rest of the world adopt their prescriptions. They are particularly loud and pious about women’s inclusion, women’s rights, womens’ roles, with “the economics of women’s health” tops on their agenda this year.

How about the role of sex-trafficking for conferences such as these on women’s health? Do they encourage their own daughters to take this particular “career path”?

After that, they go party-hearty and don’t put that little detail about prostitutes flooding the zone up on the WEF website under a ‘women’s roles’ heading.

Will they come out with a report on the role of hookers in pushing the WEF agenda? Will they set up Yelp reviews for which hooker gives the best “service”? Let’s not bet on it.

It would be nice if the press asked every last one of those pious CEOs, officials, activists, and global “thinkers” whether they are patronizing the imported hookers this week in Switzerland, but the press is probably doing the same itself. Meanwhile, the lectures about human trafficking, which nearly always involves some kind of prostitution, were last addressed at WEF in 2015. Let’s just say that since then, the WEF has done its part.

With the World Economic Forum becoming a hookerfest, one wonders why anyone would want to listen to a word they say. They are hypocrites in the extreme, and in more ways than one. They are just a hog wallow for the rich to show off. They might as well make themselves into a rock festival. We all know why they are really there. 


‘Dirty Negro’: Moroccans Arrested For Threatening and Verbally Abusing French Cops

Two Morrocan migrants were arrested in the city centre of Saint-Nazaire after hurling racial abuse at two French police officers and threatening to slit the throats of the officials.

The two men were arrested on Friday after they confronted two highway patrol officers in the centre of Saint-Nazaire during a routine traffic stop alongside a third man. According to the police, the two men became aggressive and began hurling insults at them.

One of the Moroccans, who is said to be 34 years old, reportedly began disparaging one of the officials over his skin colour saying, “dirty negro, you are really a dirty negro,” and hit one of the officers on the elbow, Actu reports.

Another of the individuals, a 17-year-old, allegedly directly threatened the officers saying, “when you are alone, when there is no police there, we will catch you, we will cut your throat.” The teen has since been taken into the care of a reception centre for minors based in the nearby city of Nantes.

The case is not the first time in recent years the French police have been racially abused prior to an arrest.

In 2019, a 37-year-old man in the city of Limoges was confronted by police after boarding a local bus while heavily intoxicated and assaulted officers who tried to remove him from the bus, spitting on them. After being detained, the man called the officers “dirty whites” and threatened to kill them.

The man, who claimed to have been assaulted by bouncers at a bar prior to the altercation with police, later claimed he thought the police were the bouncers had had allegedly assaulted him.

A year later during the early months of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, another similar incident took place in Paris and saw a woman angered over restrictions at the time, which required residents to present papers to freely move in the city.

When confronted by police, the woman claimed to have the virus, calling them “dirty whites” and said, “I hope you will all die of Covid.”


British food tsar hints at cake ban at the office, compares it to passive smoking

The head of a food watchdog in Britain has been ridiculed for suggesting that workers bringing cake into the office is as harmful to the nation’s health as passive smoking.

Professor Susan Jebb, chairwoman of the Food Standards Agency (FSA), said that she only eats cake during the day because colleagues give her the opportunity to do so. She then called on office workers to refrain from the practice to help the fight against obesity.

“If nobody brought cakes into the office, I would not eat cakes in the day, but because people do bring cakes in, I eat them,” she told The Times newspaper. “Now, OK, I have made a choice, but people were making a choice to go into a smoky pub.

“With smoking, after a very long time, we have got to a place where we understand that individuals have to make some effort but that we can make their efforts more successful by having a supportive environment.

“We still don’t feel like that about food,” she added.

The FSA oversees food safety and food hygiene in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. It describes its main statutory objective as protecting public health.

The food tsar’s comments, however, were dismissed by politicians and medical professionals alike who refuted the comparison with passive smoking and suggested individuals simply need to utilize their own willpower.

During the government’s Wednesday media briefing, in which complimentary cake was reportedly available, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s spokesperson insisted there was “nothing to stop” co-workers from bringing treats to the office on occasion, adding: “The PM believes personal choice should be baked into our approach.” He confirmed the government would not be accepting any recommendation to prevent office workers from bringing treats to work.

A spokesperson for opposition leader Sir Keir Starmer added that the Labour leader is a fan of cake “in moderation.”

Speaking to the BBC, GP Dr. Helen Wall called upon individuals to take responsibility for their own health.

“At the end of the day, you’ve got to have a little bit of willpower, don’t you? If somebody’s smoking next to you, you can’t help but inhale that.

“If someone’s got a cake next to you, you don’t have to eat it, do you?” she asked.

“This is just ludicrous,” added Mark Littlewood, director general of the free-market Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA). “I hope there isn’t a single penny of taxpayers’ money being spent on this utter nonsense.”


IPCC Climate Models Grossly Exaggerate ‘Global Warming’

By Jerome Corsi

Several recently published studies have provided methodological objections to alarmist IPCC global climate models that predict catastrophic global warming will result from anthropogenic CO2 atmospheric concentrations from burning hydrocarbon fuels. These studies indicate that a more accurate reading of the earth’s surface temperatures suggests global climate warming over the next few decades will be moderate. The studies further indicate that more precise surface temperature readings would seriously dampen the hysterical mass media demand for radical public policies requiring radical decarbonization to achieve Net Zero Emissions (NZE) as quickly as possible.

In November 2022, meteorologist Roy Spencer, Ph.D., a Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, published a ground-breaking study demonstrating that 36 climate models used to guide national policy may have exaggerated “global warming” over the last 50 years by as much as 50 percent. Specifically, Dr. Spencer utilized “a relatively new global dataset of urbanization changes over the previous 40-year period, 1975-2014, based on Landsat data to determine the average effect urbanization has had on surface temperatures.”

Spencer devised a methodology “to compute the magnitude of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect on temperatures using the example of summertime early morning 09 UTC (early morning) Integrated Surface Database (ISD) hourly data (mostly from airports) over the period 1973-2022.” (“UTC” stands for Universal Time Coordinated, formally known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).) His goal was to compare “urbanization differences to temperature differences from closely spaced weather stations.”

Using this methodology, Spencer’s results were astounding: “The results for the U.S. lead to a 50-year warming trend 50 percent less than that from the official National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) homogenized surface temperature dataset.” (Emphasis added.)

Spencer’s research shows that increased urbanization, not increased CO2, is responsible for exaggerating the temperature measurements recorded in the NOAA homogenized surface temperature dataset. In other words, Spencer’s point is that observed increases in temperature result from the greater heat urbanization generates, not from increased CO2 concentrations generated in the atmosphere by burning hydrocarbon fuels. Spencer was able to achieve this result by eliminating the negative Urban Heat Island bias from the NOAA temperature database to get more truthful readings of the CO2 heat forcing effect.

Remember, the core “global warming” argument is that CO2 alone is the earth thermometer that controls whether earth temperatures are hotter or colder on average. As Spencer has said, “Given that U.S. energy policy depends upon the predictions from these models, their tendency to produce too much warming (and likely also warming-associated climate change) should be factored into energy policy planning.” Spencer has also charged that “climate change exaggerations (are) routinely promoted by environmental groups, anti-oil advocates, the media, the politicians, and most government agencies.”

Spencer is not alone in pointing to corrupt data. In August 2022, meteorologist Anthony Watts found that 96 percent of the temperature stations in the United States used to measure global warming and climate change did not “meet what the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) considers to be ‘acceptable,’ uncorrupted placement.”

To reach this conclusion, Watts “compiled satellite and in-person visits to NOAA weather stations” that provide “official” temperature data. His visits revealed that these stations are corrupted by localized effects of urbanization—producing heat-bias because of their close proximity to asphalt, machinery, and other heat-producing, heat-trapping, or heat-accentuating objects.”

The study concluded that placing NOAA temperature stations in such urban settings “violates NOAA’s own published standards, and strongly undermines the legitimacy and the magnitude of the official consensus on long-term climate warming trends in the United States.”

There’s more. In August 2022, Nicola Scafetta, at the Department of Earth Sciences, Environment and Georesources, University of Naples, Italy, a perennial critic of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) methodology for measuring earth surface temperatures, published a new paper questioning IPCC alarmism over climate models predicting catastrophic climate change.

Scafetta applied various temperature-measuring methodologies, including satellite measurement of the lower troposphere global temperature record, to IPCC surface temperature measurements, including the NOAA surface measurement data. Scafetta found that IPCC Global Circulation Models (GCM) of earth’s oceans and atmosphere that predict Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS), i.e., the global warming effect of doubling CO2 atmospheric concentrations, over-estimated earth temperature outcomes.

Scafetta concluded that if the satellite-measurement record is accurate, the IPCC surface-based temperature readings “appear to exhibit a significant warming bias.” Scafetta stressed that if the UAH (UAH satellite developed at the University of Alabama, Huntsville) MSU (Microwave Sounding Unit radiation measurement) record is accurate, “surface warming from 1980 to 2021 may have been around 0.40°C (or less), that is up to about 30 percent less than what is reported by the surface-based temperature models.” Scafetta concluded that correcting IPCC over-estimating global surface temperatures suggests “the projected global climate warming over the next few decades could be moderate and probably not particularly alarming.”

And there’s still more. In September 2022, Wallace Manheimer published a paper in the Journal of Sustainable Development asserting that no climate crisis exists. Manheimer holds a Ph.D. in physics from MIT. He is now retired from a 50-year career in nuclear physics, including work at the Plasma Physics Department at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. Manheimer explained:

Radiation forcing calculations by both skeptics and believers show that carbon dioxide radiation forcing is about 0.3 percent of the incident radiation, far less than other effects on climate. Over a period of human civilization, the temperature has oscillated between quite a few warm and cold periods, with many of the warm periods being warmer than today. During geological times, it and the carbon dioxide level have been all over the place with no correlation between them.

He concluded that it’s not climate change that will end civilization but, rather, enforcing Net Zero Emissions (NZE). Writing about wind and solar power, he argued it would be “especially tragic when not only will this new infrastructure fail, but it will cost trillions, trash large portions of the environment, and be entirely unnecessary. The stakes are enormous.” (Emphasis in original.)

Manheimer stressed that modern civilization “needs energy.” He argued that before hydrocarbon fuels were widely used, “civilization was a thin veneer atop a vast mountain of human squalor and misery, a veneer maintained by such institutions as slavery, colonialism, and tyranny.” Indeed, hydrocarbon fuels have “extended the benefits of modern civilization to billions.” But he added that “there are still billions on earth who derive very little benefit from this power source, and billions more who derive only minimal benefits.” Thus, Manheimer insisted that spreading “the benefits of modern civilization to the entire human family would require much more energy, as well as newer sources of energy.”

To conclude, Manheimer explained that he still holds to his views from thirty years ago. Then, he envisioned the spread of hydrocarbon fuels “to be gradually replaced by nuclear energy, to be fueled at first by mined uranium, and then by breeding fissile material, either by nuclear fission or nuclear fusion and possibly even by fusion itself.”


India: Muslim man in Khandwa threatens a girl to marry him, propagandists attack Hindu men who came out in her defence

A Muslim man in Khandwa was thrashed for threatening a girl

A video of a man being confronted and beaten by a mob is going viral on social media platforms, with the claim that the victim is a Muslim youth and is being attacked because of his religion.

Several Hindumisic users, including HindutvaWatch and inveterate fake news peddler Ashok Swain, shared the video alleging that a Muslim youth was assaulted by a group of Hindu men for talking to a Hindu girl in Madhya Pradesh, India.

HindutvaWatch, a Twitter account notorious for pushing anti-Hindu bigotry by unjustifiably giving a communal flair to criminal incidents with no religious motives, shared a thread alleging that a group of ‘extremists’ attacked a Muslim boy when he was talking to a girl about ‘books’.

The account also shared a copy of FIR in the subsequent tweet. The FIR, which was filed by the victim, says that the boy was attacked on 3 January 2023 when he was on his way back to his home. As per the complaint, a group of 3-4 men waylaid him and started abusing him over his ‘meeting’ with a girl. The FIR has no mention of the victim alleging that his assailants were Hindus or whether they had attacked him for being a Muslim or because the girl he spoke to was a Hindu.

However, colouring the version of the actual events with its inherent bias, HindutvaWatch insinuated that the Muslim youth was attacked because of his religious identity and his audacity to talk to a Hindu girl.

Since the claim dovetailed perfectly with Ashok Swain’s agenda to malign the Indian government as anti-Muslim, he instantly lapped up the claims and reshared the video, claiming that members of a ‘Hindu supremacist vigilante’ group thrashed a Muslim man for talking to a Hindu girl.


It is pertinent to note that Ashok Swain has been caught sharing communally sensitive fake news for a long time now. Recently, he shared fake news that a Muslim man was assaulted on a train in Moradabad and forced to chant Jai Shri Ram. The UP police later busted his lies, asserting that the man was beaten up by a group of people after a fellow female passenger accused him of molestation.

The Muslim youth had reportedly menaced the girl, threatened her with death on her refusal to marry him

As it turns out, Ashok Swain has peddled fake news in this case as well. The facts of the matter as claimed by anti-Hindu elements on social media do not add up. In addition to the FIR having no mention of the religious motive behind the attack against the Muslim youth, a report published 14 days ago in Dainik Bhaskar reveals shocking details of the matter that anti-Hindu elements have assiduously kept under wraps.

According to the report, the matter pertains to the molestation of a B.Com final-year female student. The Muslim youth, Shehbaz, had forcibly pulled the girl student’s hand while leaving the cyber cafe, the report mentions. He started threatening her that if she refuses to marry him, he will kill her and her parents. The girl then went back to her village and narrated the incident to her parents, who filed a complaint with the police. 

As per her complaint, the accused, Shehbaz, had been harassing her for the past several days. On the day she visited the cyber cafe, the boy surrounded her in front of the shop and forced her to get married, the Dainik Bhaskar report said. When the girl threatened him with filing a complaint with the police, he reportedly pulled her hand and threatened to kill her.

The accused also threatened the girl with spreading rumours that she was in an affair with him should she refuse to marry him. As she resisted the boy’s advances, a crowd gathered around the cafe. Among the crowd were members of the Hindu Jagran Manch, who came to her rescue, accosted the boy and got him arrested. The police filed a case against the boy under Section 354 (assault or criminal force to a woman with intent to outrage her modesty) and Section 506 (criminal intimidation).


Germany Only Managed to Send Back 4,100 of 68,000 Migrants Under EU Rules

In 2022, Germany attempted to send nearly 70,000 migrants back to other European Union countries where they first arrived under the Dublin Agreement, but was only successful in just over six per cent of the cases.

Germany attempted to return 68,709 migrants last year to other member states under the Dublin agreement which allows countries to return migrants to the first state they filed an asylum application.

In 2022, Germany attempted to send nearly 70,000 migrants back to other European Union countries where they first arrived under the Dublin Agreement, but was only successful in just over six per cent of the cases.

Germany attempted to return 68,709 migrants last year to other member states under the Dublin agreement which allows countries to return migrants to the first state they filed an asylum application.

In terms of individual countries, Germany tried to send over 10,000 migrants back to Greece, which is a main entry point for illegals and asylum seekers arriving from Turkey, but the Greek government only accepted a total of one migrant.

Germany also tried to send over 6,600 migrants to Italy but the Italian government accepted only 287 of the applications.

Migrant redistribution among the European Union member states has been a major topic of contention for years as countries like Italy, Greece, Spain and others on the borders of the European Union have called on other member states to take in more migrants.

Italy has also expressed dissatisfaction with Germany over migrant redistribution, with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni stating that while Germany and France promised to take in thousands of illegals last year, the countries took in just 95 between the pair of them.

“I believe that in Europe the same rights and duties of everyone should apply, I believe that the solution that can make everyone agree is to stop departures and defend European borders,” Meloni said.

A European agreement on migration and redistribution does not look to be a possibility any time soon as the Swedish ambassador to the European Union stated that the issue was not a priority for Sweden’s presidency of the European Council in the first six months of this year.

“We will definitely advance the work… with full force. [But] you will not see a completed migration pact during the Swedish presidency,” the ambassador said earlier this month.
