‘Replacement migration’ – UN and think tanks promote 60 million migrants for ‘aging’ EU by 2050

In the same week that the European Parliament voted in favor of a resolution labeling the Great Replacement theory as “racist,” the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia reported that the United Nations, the Wittgenstein Center in Austria, and the Center for Global Development in Washington D.C. are all advocating that Europe needs at least 60 million migrants in the coming decades “to survive” and that most of this immigration should come from Africa.

The UN, which has long advocated for “replacement migration” as a solution to Europe’s aging population, is now warning that Europe will not gain these migrants “if it does not stop being a fortress against immigration,” according to the Spanish paper.

The UN estimates that in 2050, the EU will have a shortage of 60.8 million workers, and the Wittgenstein Center for Demography and Global Human Capital argues this shortage will be even higher, placing it at 72.7 million. Both organizations are using their own estimates to advocate for further mass immigration.

“It will not be enough to lengthen the retirement age, bring more women into the labor market, or increase the birth rate. Nor will it be enough to further robotize the productive economy or to continue offshoring jobs as we have been doing,” says Charles Kenny, a senior fellow at the Center for Social Development in Washington D.C. “None of this will save Europe from an aging population.”

He continued by saying that “Africa has to save Europe from the demographic crisis (…) Only immigration can correct this imbalance, and immigration of African origin will be the most natural way to provide the labor needed to maintain growth.”

Kenny’s claim that African immigrants — potentially tens of millions of them — should fill Europe’s workforce would not only radically transform the continent’s demographics, but would ignite societal and even civilizational repercussions. As for Kenny’s claims about immigrants saving Europe’s job market, there is already substantial data from a range of countries that casts doubts on the idea that “only immigration” can save Europe and its job market

There has been, after all, ample immigration from Africa and the Middle East, and so far, this has delivered poor results. Data from Germany, for example, shows that nearly half the migrants who made their way to Europe during the 2015 and 2016 crisis remain unemployed, and even those that are employed work mostly as low-skilled labor, often earning so little that they are eligible for social benefits from the state.

In fact, Europe’s migrant population has been a net drain on state finances in many countries, including in Denmark, which spends €5 billion a year on integration efforts — efforts that have mostly failed. In fact, the non-Western migrant population is so poorly integrated that Danes are overwhelmingly against accepting more immigrants. Even the country’s left-wing Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has promoted a policy of “zero” asylum seekers.

“Every fifth young man with a non-Western background born in 1997 had broken the law before turning 21. It’s not everyone. But there are too many young men who take the freedom of others, steal children’s futures, intimidate prison guards, and leave behind a long trail of insecurity,” said Frederiksen in 2021. Her position on migration is so popular that during snap elections on Nov. 1, she not only won a new mandate to rule, but her party is also by far the largest in Denmark.

It is not just liberal Denmark. In Norway, only about half of migrants work despite €6.6 billion invested in job integration efforts. In France, migration costs the country €25 billion a year, and many migrants remain unemployed even after years. Meanwhile, Germany announced two years ago it was spending €64.5 billion on education, social services, housing, and language courses to integrate the foreigners it already has. Those massive financial sums were disbursed even before nearly 1.5 million more migrants arrived in Germany this year.

If the UN report and Kenny’s claims are to be believed, these migrants should be heralded as a much-needed boost to Germany’s workforce. But the reality is that 12 out of 16 German states have already closed their borders entirely to new refugees, arguing their housing, social services, and education system are on the verge of being overloaded.

Data also refutes the argument that there will be integration problems in the beginning, but these will be outweighed by the benefits migrants eventually bring. The Turkish population, for example, which has in many cases been in Germany for multiple generations, is considered per many metrics to be the most poorly integrated group in the entire country. The promise of bringing in needed doctors, lawyers, and engineers, an idea elevated by proponents of mass immigration, has also not materialized. Most migrants feature low skills and little education; in some cases, migrants’ skills are so lackig that there is no viable path for them in Europe’s job market.

Others simply prefer to collect social benefits rather than toiling in low-wage, menial labor. Even in instances where doctors and engineers have been recruited from Africa, this raises troubling moral questions. Does Europe deserve to poach the best and brightest from countries in dire need of competent professionals? If economies merely needed young people to provide a better future, then Africa would be on the path to economic success. However, despite an abundance of young people, these countries are rife with corruption, have little to offer in terms of patents and innovation, and feature extreme insecurity and high crime levels.

Simply importing these young people to Europe will not work, according to many politicians, intellectuals, and policymakers. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, for example, has said the future of Africans is in Africa; he has put forward an alternative path, one which involves boosting the birth rate of Europeans.

“In all of Europe, there are fewer and fewer children, and the answer of the West to this is migration,” said Orbán in 2018. “They want as many migrants to enter as there are missing kids so that the numbers will add up. We Hungarians have a different way of thinking. Instead of just numbers, we want Hungarian children. Migration for us is surrender.”

Many of Hungary’s aggressive pro-family policies have already paid off, but it would likely take a concerted effort across Europe to really see dividends from this strategy. A falling population and restrictions on international capital could actually benefit Europe’s demographic situation by helping ease housing prices, ensuring Europeans can afford the homes and apartments they need to feel secure starting families. At the same time, Europeans are increasingly wary of sending their children to schools featuring high rates of diversity, forcing parents to instead pay for expensive private schools — a trend that may only worsen the demographic picture and become more problematic as immigration increases.

A brain drain in Africa due to Western nations’ immigration agenda will also likely only further fuel strife and conflict in a continent facing a population explosion, which is why conservatives in Europe have long argued that the smartest immigrants should remain in their countries where they can help buid up a functioning system.

Despite these moral quandaries — along with integration problems and growing migrant crime — countries like Germany have pushed for even higher immigration numbers. The current left-wing government has long signaled it plans to drastically increase migrants to Germany and relax immigration rules, even as neighboring countries like Austria, Denmark, and Poland push for less immigration.

At the same time, there is little doubt that Europe’s population is rapidly aging, and this trend presents a serious problem for the continent.

“An increasingly older population is a burden for economic growth and the welfare state,” said Juan Ramón Jiménez, an expert in migrations at CIDOB and doctor in Political and Social Sciences at UPF.

“Twenty percent of Spaniards and Europeans are over 65 years of age, an age group that will represent 30 percent (of the population) in 2070. Now there are three workers for every retired person, but when the baby boomers stop working, this proportion cannot be maintained. We are going to lose the working-age population, that is, those between 15 and 64 years of age.”

However, the reality is that the countries with the most immigration have often seen the poorest results. The United States, for example, which has accepted perhaps the highest number of migrants of any country in the world, has seen life expectancy drop even before Covid-19, public debt skyrocket to $30 trillion, inequality explode, high rates of segregation in schooling even in liberal cities, and falling real wages. The U.S. has accepted an unprecedented number of immigrants that has no real historical precedent, and despite the onging issues, proponents of mass immigration there have the same arguments as its supporers in Europe: All the problems will be fixed with simply more immigration.

Conversely, Japan, which has taken in virtually no outside immigrants, has virtually no inflation despite prices soaring around the world and higher life expectancy; it has also managed its shrinking labor force through AI and automation. Despite Kenny’s claims, the problem of a shrinking labor force will only accelerate in the coming years; however, there are worries there will not be enough jobs even for those who wish to work over the coming 20 to 30 years, especially if advances in autonomous vehicles continue.

The UN, Wittgenstein Center, and Kenny also fail to factor in the price of an ethnically and culturally splintered Europe. Political polarization is growing around the issues of race and, to some extent, also religion, and these issues will only grow over time as White Europeans grow closer to minority status. This means that politics will increasingly devote more time to these issues surrounding identity rather than taking care of the core concerns of citizens.

Crime is also invariably a factor, and an extremely expensive one at that. Significant amounts of police hours are now dedicated to simply managing the issues presented by multiculturalism, whether it is booming organized drug mafias in the Netherlands; waves of sexual assault in SwedenGermanyItaly, and Belgium; or the significantly elevated terror threat seen in Europe.

Despite claims that the Great Replacement is a conspiracy theory, the situation is both quantifiable and empirically true, according to a range of demographers, intellectuals, and politicians. Europe is already struggling with a housing crisis, crowded classrooms, and problems with integration, both in terms of language and cultural norms. The introduction of 60 million more migrants by 2050 into some of the most densely populated countries in the world will likely lead to an explosive situation, both politically and societally, and is unlikely to be the panacea many experts predict.


Europe: Jews out, Muslims in

by Giulio Meotti

All over the world, the Christian community is the target of persecution by Islamic fundamentalists. Between January and October 2022 alone, 4,020 Christians were massacred by jihadists in Nigeria, reveals a report from the Intersociety. 2,315 Christians were kidnapped in the same period. An average of 13 deaths and 8 kidnappings per day. 231 were killed in captivity due to their refusal to convert to Islam.

Christians are killed at the cry of “Allahu Akbar”, the same cry heard in a city of the crown of Brussels this week, where a policeman was killed by an Islamic terrorist.

At the same time as that report on the Christians massacred in odium fidei was released, the European Parliament voted by a large majority for a resolution committing the Commission to appoint a “delegate for the fight against Islamophobia”, while the city of Paris was hosting a conference on “Islamophobia in Europe”. Therefore, the Nigerian bishop present in Brussels at the same time is right to denounce a “conspiracy of silence” on the killing of Christians.

It is only a nine-minute drive from Rue d’Aerschot, where the policeman was killed last week, to Rue de la Loi, where the European Commission stands. General Pierre de Villiers, former chief of staff of the French armed forces, says that “barbarism will continue, because radical Islam is an ideology that aims to erect barbarism, not as a means, but as an end. We are sitting on a volcano”.

Schaerbeek, a town in the Brussels region with 110,000 inhabitants, also a stone’s throw from the NATO headquarters, is that volcano of Islamization.

Rtbf informs us that “Schaerbeek has ten churches, twelve mosques…”. The Jews are all gone.

“There are hardly any Jews left in this neighborhood,” reveals Michel Laub, founder of the Museum of Deportation. “Yet this part of Schaerbeek near the Gare du Nord was an important Jewish quarter.” Schaerbeek lost two synagogues in one year.

Among the newborns, Mohammed has been at the top of the list of most used names for years (followed by Ahmed and Ali). There is so much Islam in Schaerbeek that prayers on the street outside the mosques block traffic and the first veiled Belgian parliamentarian comes from the city. 39 percent of the total population is Islamic.

In the city where Art Nouveau flourished, the Leopoldine bourgeoisie consummated a Belle Époque that made school all over the world and some of the most important European and Western institutions are based, the night has fallen on the West.


Author Stabbed by Islamist Wrote ‘Threatening’ Book that ‘Begged a Response’ – Irish MP

An Irish MP has said that Salman Rushdie — the author stabbed by a radical Islamist earlier this year — wrote a “threatening” book that “begged a response”.

Bernard Durkan TD, a member of the ruling Fine Gael party, has lambasted author Salman Rushdie in the Irish parliament for writing what the MP described as a “threatening” book that “begged a response”, seemingly from radical Islamists.

An award-winning author, Rushdie was left seriously maimed after being attacked by a radical Islamist with a knife at an event earlier this year over his writing, most notably The Satanic Verses.

However, while many politicians have voiced their support for Rushdie in the wake of the brutal attack, Durkan on Thursday instead opted to lambast the man in a speech labelled “deeply concerning” by critics.

Rushdie has been the target of Islamist militants for over three decades, with the Iranian state still maintaining a $3 million bounty on the artist’s head to this day.

“The book was seen as an expression of freedom of speech but I saw it as something else,” the TD told the Irish parliament. “I saw it as something that begged a response.”

“It was threatening people of selected religions,” he continued. “Those people saw a reason for retaliation because they were sensitive about it and retaliation happened.”

“However, nobody knocked on Salman Rushdie’s door and told him he had started up something he should not have and that it was of no help,” he went on to say.

Continuing his speech to the lower house, Durkan appeared to voice his support for incoming hate speech laws, telling his fellow representatives that the ability to “hate” should not be permitted in modern Ireland.

“Nobody has a right to hate or should ever hate. There is no reason for it,” Durkan declared.

“The suggestion to a radio station that a person wishes to hate and wishes to be allowed to do so and say so is wrong,” Durkan argued. “It gets away from the subject, undermines our society and does us damage.”

In the wake of Durkan’s comments, a number of people have come out to express concern that the ruling party politician appears to be describing the attack on Rushdie as being in some way understandable.

“It is deeply concerning that a government TD appears like he might be sympathizing with the perpetrator of a violent attack on someone exercising their freedom of speech,” a spokesman for campaign group Free Speech Ireland told Breitbart Europe.

The group representative expressed particular worry that this was coming from an elected representative whose party was currently pushing through hate speech legislation that has previously been described as enabling “thought policing“.

“Sadly it appears to be part of the trend for Ireland’s ruling party who currently are attempting to give themselves the legal authority to shut down people like Salman Rushdie,” the spokesman said.

“It should be noted that laws curtailing speech will always lead to the curtailment of a free press,” they went on to argue.


World Cup 2022: Iran’s football team refuses to sing national anthem in support of protestors back home

Iranian Football Team (Image Source: Al Jazeera)

Iran started their 2022 World Cup campaign in Qatar against England today, however, there was one distinctly noticeable thing about it. None of the Iranian players sang the national anthem of Iran when it was played before the match. Iranian footballers apparently did it in support of the protestors back home who have been protesting against the oppressive Iranian regime since the murder of Mahsa Amini.

To extend support to the protestors, the entire starting line-up of Iran was silent as Iran’s national anthem was played at the Khalifa International Stadium. The hardline Islamic leadership of Iran has been facing its biggest challenge since the revolution of 1979 that put them in power.

Iranian footballers are not the first celebrities to protest against the Iranian regime for their brutal dictatorship, just yesterday, 2 famous Iranian actresses were arrested for protesting against the ruling Ayatollah regime. Hengameh Ghaziani and Katayoun Riahi, the two actresses, are accused of collusion and acting against Iran’s authorities. Both women earlier appeared in public without their headscarves – a gesture of solidarity with demonstrators.

Mahsa Amini murder in Iran

A 22-year-old Iranian woman named Mahsa Amini was beaten to death by the ‘Morality Police’ in Iran for wearing hijab improperly. Iranian media reported that Amini died in hospital after suffering a heart attack after she was arrested for her improper hijab but her death ignited a series of protests that the Iranian regime is struggling to control.

Since Mahsa Amini’s death, protests have been raging across Iran with women showing up in public without a hijab and challenging the Iranian regime. Despite the brutal suppression of the protests by the government, the protests have only grown bigger and bigger during the past couple of months. Interestingly, most of these protests have been led by Iranian women who have had enough of the mandatory hijab imposed by the Iranian regime.

Under these circumstances, it is really brave of the Iranian football team to register their protest against the regime by refusing to sing the national anthem. However, it will be interesting to see how the Ayatollah regime in Iran deals with them upon their return to Iran.


‘I killed your daughter’ – Afghan migrant tells French father he murdered his 19-year-old daughter during phone call

According to police, 19-year-old Hélana was murdered by her 23-year-old Afghan boyfriend. (Source: Hélana’s family).

A 19-year-old French woman has been murdered by her 23-year-old Afghan migrant boyfriend, and according to the father, the boyfriend then spoke to him on the phone after the deed, telling him that she was dead and taking responsibility for the murder.

According to police, the young woman, Hélana, was stabbed to death on Nov. 9 in the French city of Ronchin, with the young woman’s body found at her boyfriend’s residence; he has since been arrested.

The father has been interviewed by French newspaper Le Figaro. It reports said that on the day of the murder, David had gone bowling with his daughter and her boyfriend. 

“We finished at 6:30 p.m. Hélana then asked me if she could sleep at his place. Everything seemed normal,” David said. Three hours later, around 9:50 p.m., he received a call from Hélana. At the other end of the line there was “a noise, a breath,” described David. Undoubtedly, this was the last breath of his daughter, according to Le Figaro.

David then tried to reach his daughter by phone once again, but she did not answer. Instead, the boyfriend picked up.

“I said to him: ‘Pass me to Hélana.’ He replied: ‘She is dead. I killed your daughter.’ I told him that I was coming, I asked him again for his address, and I left,” testified David, Hélana’s father.

Hélana’s father alerted the police and immediately went to the scene, but it was too late. Hélana had been fatally stabbed several times.

Hélana had been dating the Afghan suspect for about two years. She met him at a private vocational high school, and he was her first boyfriend. He arrived alone in France as a teenager; he learned French, then trained as a plumber and heating engineer before obtaining a permanent contract with a company.

“I met him a good 20 times, especially when he spent the weekend with my daughter at her mother’s house. He even came to Somme for a family meal,” said David, who said that his daughter “loved to laugh, she loved everything, she loved life.”

Hélana was a second-year student at the National School of Architecture and Landscape in Lille. She lived between the homes of her parents, and her father described her as “a bit of a free spirit; she was either with me or with her mother. She had a large office in both homes.”

Her father described her as a “homebody” whose life was largely focused around her studies.

“She never went to nightclubs. When she left school, she went home to do her homework. She saw herself more in landscaping than in architecture,” said David. She had five years left of school.

Hélana’s mother had been deeply moved by the recent murder of 12-year-old Lola, who was raped and had her throat slashed by an Algerian migrant. The mother shared a tribute on Facebook to Lola only to have her own daughter murdered just a month later.

The young Afghan man was first in police custody but has since been hospitalized. The Lille prosecutor’s office has opened a homicide investigation.

The murder of Hélana brings the number of femicides in France to 111 since the beginning of the year.


The threat of Islamisation looms over Fiji, Hindus sidelined by Minister Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiym with an ‘invisible’ Pakistan backing

Fijian Minister Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, image via Guillaume Horcajuelo/EPA

Fiji, an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean, is under the spotlight over reports of persecution of the Hindu community. At the epicentre of the controversy is Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, the Fijian Minister for Economy, Civil Service and Communications. Hindus in Fiji comprise about 27.9% of the total population and the minority community is faced with increasing cases of inequitable treatment and racial prejudice.

Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum is one of the most important Ministers in the Cabinet of Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama. He is accused of having close ties with the intelligence agency of Pakistan, ISI, and fuelling the ongoing persecution of Hindus.

#NADRA is pleased to announce the completion of the Election Management System (EMS) project for the Republic of #Fiji….

Gepostet von NADRA am Freitag, 11. August 2017

The allegations stem from his role in onboarding NADRA, the national database registration authority of Pakistan for conducting the 2018 elections in the island nation. This is despite the claim of the agency that it landed the Fiji contract in 2016 via a competitive bidding process.

In 2017, NADRA came under the scanner for tampering with voter registration in its home country of Pakistan. As per a report by ABC News, the agency was accused of ballot stuffing, corruption and giving identity cards to terrorists.

According to Hindu Post, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum used NADRA to allegedly tamper with the 2018 election results and ensure the victory of Frank Bainimarama.

Screengrab of the article by the Hindu Post

“Critics allege that Bainimarama gave Khaiyum a free hand in return for the victory, and Khaiyum turned all his attention against the Hindu population in Fiji. Not only temple attacks became more frequent, but also Hindu intellectuals are regularly picked up by the police and slapped with false cases,” it stated.

Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyume has been accused of ‘stuffing’ Pakistani-origin Muslims in key positions of power by flouting rules. One of the controversial appointments has been that of Saud Minam as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Fiji Development Bank (FDB).

Saud Minam, a former Pakistani citizen, was originally eyeing the position of Fiji National Provident Fund. When he was made the CEO of FDB, questions were raised about the manner in which Fijian citizenship was granted to him.

“What a shame…Naturalising someone to become a Fijian citizen after only seven years or so of him being in Fiji. Is this for real? The deception to use their job to gain citizenship in Fiji makes me very very nervous,” legislator Aseri Radrodro pointed out last year.

Screengrab of the news report

Under the ‘supervision’ of Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, Muslims have been appointed to crucial positions of power including the Reserve Bank, Broadcasting Commission, Financial Intelligence Unit, Accident and Compensation Commission, Supervisor of Elections, and Permanent Secretary Trade (government).

It must be mentioned that Muslims comprise only 6% of the population and their appointments have been disproportionate to their population. Khaiyum’s aunt, Nur Bano Ali, controls the Fiji Chamber of Commerce and is the Chairperson of Women in Business (Fiji).

She is said to have tremendous influence in the private sector of the country. Fiji also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a ‘bankrupt’ Pakistan, leading to the constitution of the Pakistan Fiji Business Council.

The unceremonious ouster of Hindus from positions of power, change to Fijian Hindi on Radio Mirchi

Mohammed Saneem, who was appointed as the Supervisor of Elections by Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, had allegedly been involved in recalling the High Commissioner-Designate of Fiji to India, Namita Thakar.

He had accused her of being anti-Muslim after Saneem insisted on having non-vegetarian food during Diwali. “Khatri was supposed to take Saneem out for a meal. But she said since Diwali was near she won’t eat meat but Saneem said he wanted to eat meat,” reported Fijileaks.

“So Khatri’s deputy and Saneem said “Ok we will go and eat meat”. On that Khatri said “Oh you two Muslims, go and eat meat”. Saneem allegedly told Khaiyum that Khatri “is anti-Muslim”; she was later recalled from India,” the news portal added.

Namita Khatri presenting her credentials to President Mukherjee in 2016, image via Digital Photo Library of Rashtrapati Bhavan

Saneem has been accused of facilitating the wrongful termination of ‘devout’ Hindu, Sharvada Sharma as the Solicitor general of Fiji. He had served in that position for 10 years. After a fallout with Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, he was unceremoniously ousted by the Fijian Prime Minister.

Reportedly, his termination letter came when he was prepping for Puja on the occasion of Diwali. Although Sharma had challenged the matter before the Court, Khaiyum is accused of compromising the independence of the Judiciary and prolonging the case.

Coupled with the sacking of Hindus from key positions and the growing proximity with Pakistan, Aiyaz is paving the way for the Islamisation of the Christian-majority nation.

His brother, Riyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, has been accused of severing the Indic roots of Hindu Fijians. Riyaz, who serves as the CEO of Fiji Broadcasting Corporation, even changed the medium of instruction on Radio Mirchi from pure Hindi to an adulterated version called ‘Fiji Hindi’.

Screengrab of the news report

While speaking about the development back then, Hindu politician Mahendra Chaudhry said, “It is not only demeaning, it sounds absolutely ridiculous when one hears Radio Mirchi announcers expressing themselves in this medium.”

“It is a gratuitous insult hurled at the Indians, particularly the followers of the Hindu religion. To dilute one’s language effectively means diluting one’s culture because language is so intrinsically tied up with the practice and preservation of one’s culture and traditions,” he had emphasised.

Riyaz Sayed-Khaiyum had however defended the move and claimed that it would help preserve ‘Fiji Hindi’ for decades and generations to come.

Systemic attack on the Hindu Indo-Fijian community

According to the Hindu American Foundation (HAF), Indo-Fijians belonging to the Hindu community have been subject to systemic violence since the first military coup in May 1987.

“In the months following the coup, racial tensions escalated and indigenous Fijians attacked Indians in widespread violence. In one bout of violence in May 1987, nearly 200 Indians were injured by a rampaging mob of thousands of coup supporters,” it stated while citing a New York Times report.

Another coup, which took place in the same year, witnessed the exodus of 30,000 – 40,000 Indo-Fijians from the island nation. According to HAF, systemic violence had seen a change in demographics with the Indo-Fijian community now accounting for only 37% of the population (from 50% in 1987).

Screengrab of the article by the Hindu American Foundation

The Hindu advocacy group pointed out that Lt. Colonel Rabuka, who orchestrated the first two coups in Fiji, paved the way for a new constitution in 1990. The said constitution reportedly created a race rift, wherein majority of Parliamentary seats were allocated to indigenous Fijians.

This soon escalated to real-life violence against the Hindu community and arson attacks on temples and sacred shrines in October of 1991. A year after the island nation had its first Hindu PM (Mahendra Chaudhary) in 1999, he was held hostageand toppled from his position of power.

“Subsequently, violence against Indian Hindus increased and threatened their fundamental right to practice their faith,” HAF said. Despite the secular nature of the Constitution adopted by Fiji in 2013, the targeting of Hindus continues unabated.

This includes cases of vandalism and theft at multiple temples across the country. Here is a comprehensive list of such incidents:

  • June 2016 – Vandalism of Hindu temple in Lautoka, desecration of Hindu symbols and hate graffiti targeting local Indian students.
  • December 2017 – Vandalism of Tirath Dham temple (Nadi), theft of donation boxes, desecration of Hindu murtis
  • January 2018 – Vandalism of a temple near Suva.
  • July 2019 – Theft at Sita Ram Mandir (Calia) and Hindu temple at Malolo
  • August 2019 – Vandalism of temple doors and windows of Kaliamman Temple in Lautoka.
  • September 2019 — Theft at a temple in the Suva city of Fiji.

The Hindu American Foundation pointed out that Indo-Fijians still have less land ownership [pdf] compared to indigenous Fijians and the former is dependent on leased lands for farming from the latter.

Besides the threat of Islamisation, Hindus in Fiji also face challenges from the hegemony of the Methodist Church of Fiji and its resolve to make the island nation a ‘Christian State’.

In 2012, the then Fiji Methodist Church’s President Tuikilakila Waqairatu claimed, “Fiji was given to God…When we say that Fiji is a Christian state … we say it was decided by our chiefs who ceded Fiji to Great Britain that Fiji be a Christian country.”

“When it was given to God, it has already established its covenant relationship with God, and that covenant relationship is eternal – it cannot be withdrawn,” he had asserted then

Fijian Prime Minister cries foul

Meanwhile, Fijian Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama has reacted strongly to the article posted by Hindu Post.

In a video, he said, “The Fiji I lead does not tolerate antagonism against any faith. Christians, Hindus, and Muslims are all loved, accepted and protected in Fiji, that is the character of our country, that is the security provided by our constitution.”

“What is really quite sad is that no other politician has condemned this nonsense for what it is, even though they know it is a lie,” the Fijian Prime Minister dismissed the allegations.

“Ordinary Fijians know exactly who is most responsible for the communal and religious division that nearly tore our country apart in the 1980s and 1990s. These same people want to drag us back to the darkness,” Frank Bainimarama claimed.


Germany: Afghan threatens pub patrons with knife and shouts that he has already killed many people in Afghanistan

Mad incident in a pub in the Mitte district of Stuttgart!

According to the police, a 32-year-old man suddenly pulled out a knife in a pub on Wilhelmsplatz at around 1.30 a.m. last Saturday night. The police were then called.

When the officers arrived, the man was standing in front of a table with about ten people. He threatened them and shouted loudly that he had already killed many people in Afghanistan.

The uniformed officers did not hesitate and intervened immediately.

The 32-year-old was disarmed by police officers and overpowered despite “considerable resistance”, according to the statement. But the man with the knife did not stop there and insulted the officers several times.

One police officer was slightly injured during the operation.


No good deed unpunished: Afghan migrant stabs 73-year-old man 30 times after being allowed to stay at his apartment in Paris

A 31-year-old Afghan national was arrested for the stabbing murder of a septuagenarian killed in his Paris home in the 19th district of the French capital, who was found dead this Wednesday afternoon.

The Afghan man was reportedly allowed to stay with the host despite a record for sexual assault, although it is unclear if the victim was aware of his past crimes.

The body of the 73-year-old victim was found at around 5:00 p.m. in his home located on Simon-Bolivar Avenue. He was found lying in his office with 30 stab wounds, including on his neck and face, according to a source close to the investigation, which was also confirmed by the prosecutor of Paris.

According to the first results of the investigation, the victim was apparently providing a place of shelter for the Afghan man.

After the murder, the suspect shaved his head inside the apartment which according to the investigators, was “certainly to avoid being recognized too easily.” He then fled the scene.

The suspect is currently being questioned by investigators from the second district judicial police (DPJ).

The suspect is already known by police services, notably for using several aliases and for past sexual offense cases. Investigators are now working to determine a motive.

In 2020, Jean Dussine, the head of the pro-migrant Itinérance association, was beaten to death with an iron rod in his sleep by an Afghan migrant who he had allowed to stay in his residence.

In another incident in 2016, a migrant living with a host family in Germany raped and murdered the 19-year-old daughter of an EU official. The victim, Maria Ladenburger, was a medical student in Dresden at the time. The refugee, who was jailed for life, had claimed he was only 17 years old to avoid deportation, but his father said he was 34.


FIFA World Cup: Qatar will not allow any cooked kosher food, bans Jewish prayers


Jewish organisations have said that Qatar has backtracked from promise of offering kosher food to visitors at the 2022 FIFA Football World Cup the Gulf country is hosting. According to The Jerusalem Post, Qatar will not allow any cooked kosher food be sold or offered to visitors. As per the report, Doha had promised to allow Jewish prayer services during the games but has backed out claiming they could not ‘secure’ this type of activity and proceeded to ban it completely.

Citing a representative of Jewish organisation, TJP reported, that they were promised they would be allowed to create their prayer space for those religious Jews who come to watch the games. About 10,000 religious Jews from Israel and around the world are expected to come to Doha during the World Cup. They were informed they would be able to cook kosher meat but are now informed that they will only be allowed cold bagel sandwiches. Kosher foods are food that conform to dietary regulations of the Jewish community. Food that are fit for consumption as per Jewish law are only permissible.

A lot of wealthy American Jews were planning to visit Doha, but now have cancelled as they do not feel secured about kosher food, Shabbat meals and no public prayer services. Jerusalem Post has reached out to Qatari Foreign Ministry for comments but have not heard back from them yet.

Earlier on Sunday, The Jerusalem Post was informed that the Jewish people will be able to buy kosher sandwiches in Qatar. In fact, opening of first ever kosher kitchen in time for the games was also announced recently. The kosher kitchen is under the supervision of Rabbi Mendy Chitrik of Istanbul, chairman of the Alliance of Rabbis in Islamic States, and his son Rabbi Eliyahu Chitrik. This kitchen will bake bagels and other ethnically Jewish delicacies. It will sell challah for Shabbat, bagel sandwiches with hummus, vegetables and smoked salmon. However, twarm kosher food will be served to Jewish visitors in Qatar only if they come in large groups.
