Austrian town successfully revolts against federal government’s migrant tents


The mayor of the Austrian town of St. Georgen has staged a small but notable revolt against the federal government by ridding his town of 17 tents housing 136 migrants simply by declaring the tents a safety hazard after an inspection.

“There was danger ahead. I received an expert report on this last week,” said Mayor Ferdinand Aigner (ÖVP), whose town was forced to erect the tents and take on a significant number of migrants by the Federal Support Agency in the middle of October. Regarding the decision to declare the tents a safety hazard, he said, “I have to secure myself as mayor. There is no other way,” adding, “There are building code concerns. I’m looking to make sure people are safe.”

Since mid-October, 17 asylum tents in St. Georgen im Attergau (Vöcklabruck district) have sparked citizen protests. Aigner tried to defend his town against the temporary accommodation by calling the federal government and leading protests, but the government ignored him and the people of the town.

In November, building inspectors issued violations against the tents and an expert opinion declared them unsafe. He then finally got the government’s attention after he declared the tents a safety hazard, which allowed him to order all migrants out of the tents within three days and all tents dismantled within seven days.

Aigner said that the “mandate decision” would be sent to the responsible Federal Support Agency (BBU).

Could such a strategy be used across Austria?

There are now fears from pro-migrant groups that such a mandate will enable town mayors in other areas of Austria to dismantle the various tent cities that have sprung up to deal with an ongoing migration crisis. In fact, Aigner said that the idea to list the tents as a safety hazard came from the Tyrolean municipality of Absam, near Innsbruck. That town also issued a mandate against the tents, which led the tents to be dismantled there as well.

The BBU, which is responsible for handling migrants at the federal level, is lodging complaints with the State Administrative Court against both mayors. BBU leader Andreas Achrainer is also claiming that the action of both mayors will lead to homelessness among refugees.

Aigner argues that his town had already met its required migrant quotas even before the tents were erected, pointing to the 120 migrants who live in the Thalham initial reception center. The migrant tents more than doubled that number to 256.

Aigner told Austrian newspaper Kurier that it is not his concern what happens to the migrants once they are removed, saying, “That is then the task of the Federal Care Agency.” However, at the same time, there are already reports that other accommodations have been found for the migrants in other areas of the country including Hirschbach and Ried.

According to Austrian publication Mein Bezirk, Upper Austria’s Social Provincial Councilor Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer (ÖVP) has supported Aigner, saying, “The responsible federal agency has a statutory duty to provide care. I expect that this will be noticed. Setting up a threatening backdrop of homelessness is unacceptable and undignified,” he told the BBU.

Austria has been hit especially hard this year, with over 60,000 people applying for asylum, which is on track to be the biggest number ever. The border crisis and an ongoing onslaught of migrants crossing into Austrian territory has led Chancellor Karl Nehammer to slam Brussels and declare its migration policy a failure.

“Austria is currently heavily burdened by illegal migration. The contribution that we are making in Europe is disproportionately high. The EU’s migration policy has failed,” the ÖVP leader said Friday to Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung. “There is still no strong protection of the European Union’s external borders, and the reality of the problem is being ignored,” he added.

Germany: Syrian asylum seeker turned 14-year-old German girl into a prostitute

First he pretended to be in love, then he made a CHILD a prostitute!

On Tuesday, the trial against the Syrian Mohamed K. (20) started at the Regional Court for forced prostitution. When he met Susanna (14) in spring, they quickly became a couple. “He took her to private parties, there were drugs – and he gained her trust!” said the prosecutor. He is also said to have known that she was too young.

A few days later, compatriot Netal F. (42) cast an eye on the girl. “I want her, bring her to me,” he is said to have said.

Twice there was paid coitus, then Susanna was to be sexually submissive to the 42-year-old for longer – several days – in his flat. Mohamed: “She wanted me to pick her up. I promised I would.” But that was a lie.

When Susanna is taken to Netal F. a second time, an acquaintance calls the police. The judge: “The girl is scared and will surely suffer consequences.”

Who is Mohamed K.?

According to his own statements, he fled from Syria to Germany with some family members in 2015. In the 8th grade he did not come along. “I didn’t know the language one bit!” A placement in Aurich followed, but here, too, things didn’t work out with school. “The teachers didn’t want me!” Mohamed K. lived on the streets for six months, learned the German language and became addicted to drugs.

Mohammed K. was sentenced to 18 months of youth detention for dangerous bodily harm in July.

The verdict is expected at the beginning of December.

Germany: Millions of euros of Celtic gold stolen during massive heist in Bavarian museum


Another German museum has been targeted by burglars, this time in Bavaria, where the suspects stole gold treasure worth several million euros from the Celtic period.

As a spokesman for the Bavarian State Criminal Police Office (LKA) reported on Tuesday, the perpetrators had entered the Celtic Roman Museum in Manching near Ingolstadt the previous night and stole the treasure discovered near Manching in 1999.

The pot of gold was the flagship piece of the museum. According to the LKA, the value of the historical coins is estimated at several million euros, and was the largest Celtic gold source found in the last century. An excavation team discovered the 483 gold coins 23 years ago. They are estimated to be 2,000 years old and weigh a total of around 4 kilograms.

“The burglary must have taken place in the early hours of the morning,” said the LKA spokesman. “It was classic, as you imagine it in a bad film.”

On Tuesday morning, the museum staff found that the pot of gold was missing, according to German newspaper Die Welt.

The investigators assume there is also a connection with the sabotage of several fiber optic lines, which led to the failure of the telephone and Internet connections for around 13,000 private and corporate customers around Manching during the night. The temporal and spatial proximity to the crime suggest this to be the case, said a spokesman. Due to the sabotage, the alarm was not tripped, and the police were not notified that the gold was being stolen.

“The loss of the Celtic treasure is a catastrophe, the gold coins are irreplaceable as testimonies to our history,” said Bavaria’s Minister of Art Markus Blume (CSU). The cultural damage is enormous. “Whoever committed this act, someone violated our history and displayed incredible criminal energy to do so,” he added.

The news of the heist comes after a string of high-stakes museum robberies over the years in Germany. For example, thieves from the notorious migrant Remmo clan stole a gigantic 100-kilogram gold coin from the Bode Museum in Berlin in 2017, resulting in the conviction of a number of migrant clan members. The coin was never recovered and police believe it was melted down and sold off.

The clan was also responsible for a €1 billion art and jewelry heist from a Dresden museum in 2020. It was described as the “biggest art theft in modern history.”

So far, there are no suspects in the case of the missing Celtic gold.

The treasure has been exhibited in the museum in the district of Pfaffenhofen/Ilm since 2006. The so-called Oppidum Manching, where the gold was discovered, is an important Celtic settlement and archaeologists still currently work in the area. The Bavarian State Office for the Preservation of Monuments lists the settlement as one of the most important archaeological monuments north of the Alps.

Its fame has attracted criminals, and in May, robbers illegally dug up 140 holes in the area, likely hoping to find gold or artifacts. Prosecutors are still investigating the incident. It remains unclear whether any objects of value were found by the thieves.

Graffiti artist Banksy urges followers to rob London store

The same Banksy mural as in Bethlehem, Israel was used in the London store. Wikipedia

On the social network Instagram, the committed street artist called on his fans to steal clothes from the Guess shop in Regent Street, London, claiming that the store had used one of his works without his consent.

Is the Guess shop on London’s Regent Street about to be robbed? On his Instagram account on Friday November 18, the famous street artist called on his fans to go and steal the shop’s clothes, accusing it of having used one of his works without his permission, for the new collection called “Flower Thrower”.

“They are happily using one of my works without my consent. I think it’s only fair to do what they did and go steal their clothes,” he wrote on the social network, addressing his message to “all shoplifters”.

Underneath the post, one user thanked the graffiti artist for “raising awareness of the theft” of copyrights. “It’s no different than stealing material and yet… People act like they have a right to your work somehow. They just thought they could get away with it, which makes it so much worse,” he commented.

The brand had been transparent on its website, announcing its new range of clothing as having been made with “Banksy graffiti” and created in collaboration with a company that licenses the artist’s work. For the time being, the brand has not reacted to the artist’s appeal.

No incentives needed

Robbers do not need any incentives to steal, however. Shoplifting in London is already so bad with shops robbed once every 15 minutes, according to police data.

Crime data from shows there were 35 531 shoplifting offences in London in 2022 – the equivalent of 97 per day. The City of London was the second biggest shoplifting hotspot in the capital with 656 offences recorded.

Scientific facts rarely appear at climate change conferences

By Jack Hellner

Politicians, bureaucrats, the UN, and a bunch of rich people had another climate change gabfest in Egypt that ended recently. These people flew in hundreds of private jets for a conference where they pretended that they could control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity forever and pretended they cared about their carbon footprint.

Instead of presenting scientific facts, they base their policies on inaccurate and easily manipulated computer models. Facts would be inconvenient when they are trying to scare eight billion people into submission.

In 1989, the UN predicted we only had ten years left to save the planet from the existential threat of climate change. In 2022, 33 years later, their newest dire prediction is that we still have around ten years left. No matter how far off previous predictions have been, the new predictions are more threatening. They have to figure out a way to confiscate massive amounts of money from the people for their radical green agenda.

Here are some facts they don’t talk about:

  • That extreme cold has hit the South Pole this month.
  • That the South Pole had record cold temperatures in the six-month winter of 2020-2021
  • That 2022 was a relatively mild hurricane period, just like the ten years after Hurricane Katrina hit.
  • That we had extreme cold weather in the U.S this month along with record snow in the Northeast.
  • That the Arctic icecaps have been expanding the last ten years, contrary to predictions that the ice would be gone by now.
  • That the coral reef off Australia is growing with a vengeance
  • That wildfires were down 80% from the last five-year average.
  • After 150 years of exponential growth of crude oil and coal use, and rapid growth in the population and all the other components we are told cause warming, the dire predictions have all been false.
  • The temperature is only up one to two degrees after a Little Ice Age ended in 1860 and the Earth now has a temperature similar to over 1,000 years ago in the Medieval Warming Period.

South Pole Hits Record Cold November Temperatures

Extreme cold records continue to tumble at the South Pole. Three recent days – November 16th, 17th and 18th – have recorded a daily record, with the 18th plunging to –45.2°C, compared with –44.7°C on the same day in 1987. The records follow the six-month winter of 2020-21, which was the coldest since records began in 1957. Inexplicably, all these facts and trends have escaped reporting in the mainstream media.

In fact, anything getting colder barely gets a look-in these days. Arctic sea ice is making a significant, near silent comeback. Summer ice at the end of September covered 4.92 million square kilometres, which was 1.35 million sq kms higher than the 2012 low. Over on land, the Greenland ice sheet may have increased in size over the last year to August 2022. Meanwhile, the zoologist Dr. Susan Crockford has reported that this is the fifth year out of the last seven that enough sea ice has formed along the west coast of Hudson Bay by mid-November for hunting polar bears to be able to head out to the ice, “just as it did in the 1980s”

Of course, it has been a very bad year for climate catastrophists all round. Coral is growing on the Great Barrier Reef with a vengeance, just a few years after journalists and their ‘experts’ warned it was likely to disappear. According to the latest satellite data, the global temperature hasn’t moved for over eight years. A little extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has led to significant ‘greening’ of the planet, a process that over the last 30 years has undoubtedly reduced world hunger and famine.

So, what did all these greenies come up with as the solution to control the climate?

They decided that richer, developed countries should have a slush fund where they confiscate trillions from taxpayers to give to corrupt Third World politicians and dictators who have decided over the years to keep their citizens poor by not using natural resources.

Pakistan has had floods throughout its history. There is no scientific data that indicates this year’s deadly flood was caused by developed countries’ usage of natural resources to enrich their countries.

The corrupt, dishonest UN calls the biggest polluter and country with the second biggest economy in the World, China, a “developing country” so they wouldn’t have to pay into the slush fund and wouldn’t have to pretend they were going to reduce their carbon footprint starting in 2030.

I would like all these radicals to say how they will mine, transport, and produce the highly flammable pollutant Lithium and batteries without machines powered by petroleum.

Sadly, most of the media is so compliant and incurious that they just go along with the radical agenda to destroy capitalism and the U.S.

Claiming that oil and coal consumption are responsible for temperature and sea level rises, and more powerful storms is as dishonest as claiming that Trump and Russia colluded and as dishonest as claiming that Joe Biden had no knowledge or participation in the kickbacks to the Biden family from foreign sources.

India: Muslim blackmails and rapes a minor Hindu girl, forces her to convert to Islam

Yunus Pasha arrested for raping minor Hindu girl

In Mandya’s Nagamangala town in Karnataka, a married Muslim man has been arrested under Karnataka’s anti-conversion act and POCSO for raping a minor Hindu girl and forcing her to convert to Islam. The 25-year-old accused has been identified as Yunus Pasha, who is a married man. He was arrested after the girl’s father lodged a complaint with the police. Yunus is accused of sexually assaulting the girl, taking her nude photos and using them to blackmail her. He had also said that he will marry her if she converts to Islam.

Accused Yunus Pasha reportedly befriended the 13-year-old Hindu girl in Nagamangala town in Mandya district, and gave her a mobile phone through a boy in her class in the school to keep in touch with her. They started to talk on the phone regularly, and Yunus gradually gained the trust of the victim and convinced her to talk to him over WhatsApp video calls.

As per the victim’s police complaint, the accused gave her an Oppo smartphone and a SIM card and then forced her to connect over video calls. He then started coercing her to show her private parts on the video calls and recorded those videos.

The victim in her complaint alleges that the accused used her nude videos and pictures to blackmail her into having sex with him. Yunus Pasha threatened to spread private videos of the victim on social media if she does not agree to have physical relationship with him.

Recently the girl’s parents had gone out of town and she was living at her grandmother’s place. Taking advantage of this situation, Pasha went to the girl’s grandmother’s house on November 10. He gave her sleeping pills, asking her to mix them with the sambhar that her grandmother would be eating. Then on November 11, Yunus Pasha went to the house and raped her. He also promised to marry the Hindu girl if she converted to Islam.

According to the complaint, the accused threatened to kill the girl and her family if she revealed the truth to anyone.

The victim’s father told the police that after they returned, his daughter looked very stressed on November 12-13. When the parents started to question her, she revealed her ordeal. Following that the parents approached the police and lodged a case.

According to the police, the accused has been arrested and charged under the Karnataka government’s new anti-conversion law and POCSO Act and further action will be taken.

Bolsonaro’s Party in Brazil Files Legal Complaint Challenging Lula’s Election Steal

French people moving towards becoming a minority, and it will have ‘serious’ consequences, warns French-Algerian author and former politician


One of France’s most notable critics of mass immigration, the former politician and best-selling author Malika Sorel-Sutter, says France is seeing massive demographic changes that will make the ethnic French a minority in their own country, which will lead to very serious consequences.

“We are moving towards a minority of the historical people, of the French people, on French territory and it is very serious,” she said during an appearance on Sud Radio where she discussed France’s decision to take in hundreds of migrants from the Ocean Viking NGO rescue ship after Italy refused to accept them. Remix News has translated portions of her interview.

Sorel-Sutter, who was born to Algerian parents and lived in Algeria for 15 years, was once a member of the French Integration Council, which she said gave her a first-hand view of the country’s broken immigration system. She noted during her interview with Sud Radio that the country’s changing demographics will not only drastically transform the country’s electorate, but will also have a knockdown effect on the country’s society, education system, and social programs.

“I would say this will impact the population, the composition of the population, because we see that (migrants) are being offered French nationality. This in turn alters the electorate, which will in turn decide on the social programs and the future, values and morality of society. Schools are also important, not only as economic factors, but also in terms of way of life, co-existence, from which the French state is conspicuously missing, and this will have an impact on how we live together.”

To back her arguments, she points to statistics that outline how the country’s demographics are changing from a native French European population to a foreign-born population, saying, “Ultimately, this will impact society as a whole and this is a very grave matter: in Ile de France (the country’s central region around Paris), 45 percent of newborns have at least one parent of foreign origin. Thus, we have a very grave problem of cultural integration and assimilation. In terms of values and core principles, this will make the historic population (of the country) a minority on French soil.”

She says that the French government is making these decisions on immigration policy that are going against the country’s own population, which is overwhelmingly against accepting more migrants. Other polls show the majority of the French are worried about the Great Replacement, which describes the phenomenon of Europeans being replaced by non-European populations across the West due to mass immigration.

“The French government is making a series of decisions that go against the French population and its life, with (society) itself having a majority against immigration,” she said. “This is a problem because France is already being identified as a ‘social El Dorado’ because it is due to the social (NGO) networks that migrants decide on journeys that endanger their lives.”

She indicated that not only are the French against immigration, but the policy of the French government, which offers generous benefits for illegal migrants — often even after a migrant has been scheduled for deportation — is serving as a draw for future migration. She argues that the French government, therefore, is partly to blame for the drowning deaths that have occurred on the Mediterranean.

“By boarding unsafe ships and boats, they are paying very dearly for the ticket because these are immigration networks. These clandestine networks have become a real business. Through its decisions, the French state is endorsing these networks of human smuggling which often result in their (the migrants’) deaths,” she said.

Sorel-Sutter has become a prominent voice against mass immigration into France, and although she has faced widespread censorship, she is still interviewed by some of the country’s leading newspapers and television shows.

During an interview with Le Figaro earlier this month, where she said that France needs a complete immigration moratorium.

“We can also experience that integration has failed miserably, and we are reminded of that every day, including (through) what’s happening in schools,” she told Le Figaro. “We can see that France is losing ground in the economy, has been losing ground for the past 40 years in parallel with the rise of immigration. And, as the latest talking point, President Emmanuel Macron says that half of the crimes are attributable to foreigners. He was speaking of (crime) in Paris.”

Vlaams Belang calls on government to cancel WEF membership

Vlaams Belang MP Sam van Rooy. He graduated with a degree in engineering from the University of Antwerp and was also a professional cyclist from 2001 to 2006 and raced with the Flemish youth team. He has succeeded Filip Dewinter as the Vlaams Belang group leader in the Antwerp city council. In 2019 he was elected to the Flemish Parliament. Wikipedia

In 2022, the Flemish government will pay €175 763.87 in membership fees to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and 27 000 Swiss francs (about €27 300) as participation fees to the annual meeting of the WEF in Davos. This is according to Flemish minister-president Jan Jambon’s response to a parliamentary question by Flemish MP Sam van Rooy.

“The Flemish Government thus legitimises and subsidises a global lobbying organisation that clearly pursues a well-defined ideological agenda, namely that of globalism,” van Rooy responded.

German economist Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) has come under increasing scrutiny in recent years. The WEF claims to be a forum for exchanging ideas and networking, but at the very least the perception has arisen that a lot of government decisions are linked to the ideological goals of the WEF and stem from agreements made within the WEF.

All in all, this international lobbying organisation openly pursues a globalist future agenda involving numerous governments. This agenda seems to have recently crystallised into the so-called The Great Reset, whose goal is “a more secure, equal and stable world” by “acting jointly and rapidly to renew all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions,” according to Klaus Schwab of the WEF.

As citizens in a democratic constitutional state are entitled to transparency on the policies pursued, van Rooy asked Flemish minister-president Jambon questions about the Flemish government’s ties and cooperation with the WEF.

Regular WEF contacts

In his reply, Jambon stated that the Flemish government “has no structural contacts with the WEF outside the participation in the WEF meeting in Davos”, but that there are “more regular contacts at the level of the Flemish government”. According to the prime minister, these contacts also aim to follow up on the various activities and projects that take place annually, including outside the Davos meeting.

Until 2020, the Flemish government paid an annual membership fee of €55 000 to the WEF. Since 2022, however, Flanders has been “promoted” to “associate partner” of the WEF, requiring a membership fee of no less than €175 763.87 per year. This contribution has already been paid for 2022 and the same invoice is expected for 2023.

About the “associate partnership”, Jambon stated the following: “The associate partnership offers the advantage that Flanders can participate in more activities throughout the year and, in addition, projects are being worked on within a thematic platform ‘Shaping the Future of Trade and Investment’. Those activities and projects provide additional visibility and an opportunity to learn and contribute policy-wise.” The entanglement of the Flemish government with the WEF is thus increasing.

The prime minister maintained that the WEF would have added value for Flanders because that organisation would allow him to speak at short notice with decision-makers from international companies that are important for Flanders. “The WEF provides the framework that facilitates these talks,” Jambon said, further calling WEF membership “a policy instrument of the Flemish Government” as well “to realise objectives from the Coalition Agreement”. Jambon also announced his intention to further strengthen cooperation with the WEF in the coming period.

WEF’s alleged mission

According to Jambon, the “mission of the World Economic Forum is to improve the state of the world”, but that mission appears to be politically correct and woke, said the party in a statement. The WEF has an ideological agenda of inclusion, diversity, open borders and climate and CO2 hysteria. While Jambon has claimed that “the WEF is not asking us to pursue a specific agenda”, he admitted that his “participation in the Davos meeting may result in policy initiatives”.

It therefore seems very much as if the Flemish government is following the WEF’s globalist objective as much as possible in exchange for access to the WEF network of multinationals, banks, journalists and NGOs.

Van Rooy said that Jambon’s answers were conspicuously vague and this had raised additional questions. He therefore called on the Flemish government to cancel the Flemish paying WEF membership: “Exchanging ideas and attracting investments are of course laudable ambitions in themselves, but this should not be done in the context and under the auspices of the WEF, a lobbying group that pursues a globalist agenda and thus can by no means be considered a neutral forum for this,” van Rooy said.