Gepostet von Fred Alan Medforth am Donnerstag, 8. September 2022
Month: September 2022
How mosque boards have become 3rd biggest land owners in India and the properties now belong to Allah
Recently, the Supreme Court of India denied permission for the Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations at the Eidgah Maidaan in Bengaluru after the Karnataka Waqf Board raised objections against such celebrations at the said location claiming ownership of the land. This has again brought into focus the prevalent practice of Waqf in an allegedly secular country and the functioning of the boards maintaining them.
While Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) claimed that the land of the Eidgah is government land and the title was not transferred to any Muslim organisation, the Waqf Board claimed that it is Waqf property since the 1850s and once a Waqf property, it continues to remain a Waqf property till eternity. Waqf Board’s lawyer Dushyant Dave also argued that Waqf Act is an overriding law and there are no legislative powers over it, hence the Court can not pass an order on a Waqf property.
The Supreme Court then denied permission for Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations and asked to maintain the status quo on the site.
The very literal meaning of Waqf is detention or confinement and prohibition. As per Islam, it is the property that is now available only for religious or charitable purposes, and any other use or sale of the property is prohibited. As per Sharia law, once Waqf is established, and the property is dedicated to Waqf, it remains as Waqf property forever.
Waqf means that the ownership of the property is now taken away from the person making Waqf and transferred and detained by Allah. As per Sharia, this property is now permanently dedicated to Allah, making Waqf irrevocable in nature.
‘Waqif’ is a person who creates a waqf for the beneficiary. As Waqf properties are bestowed upon Allah, in the absence of a physically tangible entity, a ‘mutawalli’ is appointed by the waqif, or by a competent authority, to manage or administer a Waqf.
In India, the history of Waqf can be traced back to the early days of the Delhi Sultanate when Sultan Muizuddin Sam Ghaor dedicated two villages in favour of the Jama Masjid of Multan and handed its administration to Shaikhul Islam. As the Delhi Sultanate and later Islamic dynasties flourished in India, the number of Waqf properties kept increasing in India.
There was a case made for the abolition of Waqfs in India in the late 19th Century when a dispute over a Waqf property ended up in the Privy Council of London during the days of the British Raj. The four British judges who heard the casedescribed the Waqf as “a perpetuity of the worst and the most pernicious kind” and declared Waqf to be invalid.
However, the decision by the four judges was not accepted in India and the Mussalman Waqf Validating Act of 1913 saved the institution of Waqf in India. Since then, no attempt has been made to curb Waqfs, and Waqf Board is now the 3rd largest land owner in India after the Armed Forces and Indian Railways.
In fact, political vote banks have dictated that the institution of Waqf has only been strengthened post-independence. The Waqf Act of 1954 passed by the Nehru government provided a pathway toward the centralisation of Waqfs. Central Waqf Council of India, a statutory body was established in 1964 by the Government of India under this Waqf Act of 1954. This central body oversees the work under various state Waqf boards which were established under provisions of Section 9(1) of the Waqf Act, 1954. The Waqf Act was made even more favourable to Muslims in 1995 which as Advocate Dave pointed out, is an overriding law and there are no legislative powers over it.
The Waqf Act, 1995 was enacted and implemented on November 22, 1995. This act provides for the power and functions of the Waqf Council, the State Waqf Boards, and the Chief Executive Officer, and also the duties of mutawalli.
This Act also describes the power and restrictions of a Waqf Tribunal that acts in lieu of a civil court under its jurisdiction. The Waqf Tribunals are deemed to be a civil court and required to exercise all the powers and functions exercised by a civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. The decision of a Tribunal shall be final and binding on the parties. No suit or legal proceedings shall lie under any civil court which this act requires to be determined by a Tribunal. Thus, making the Waqf Tribunal decisions above any civil court.
Since the ownership of the property is transferred to Allah from the waqif in the case of Waqf, and property can not be taken back from Allah, once a property becomes Waqf, it will always stay Waqf.

As seen in the case of Bengaluru Eidgah ground, even though there was no title transfer to any Muslim organisation as per the government, Waqf’s claims that it was a Waqf property from the 1850s means that it is now forever a Waqf property.
Recently, the Gujarat Waqf Board had staked claim to the Surat Municipal Corporation building which is now the property of the Waqf because the documents were not updated. As per Waqf, back during the Mughal era, the Surat Municipal Corporation building was a sarai and used during the Hajj travels. The property then belonged to British Empire during British rule. However, when India got independence in 1947, the properties were then shifted to the government of India. However, since the documents were not updated, the SMC building then became Waqf property, and as Waqf Board says, once a Waqf, always a Waqf.
In another bizarre case of staking a claim, Divya Bhaskar had reported that the Waqf Board had written an application to Gujarat High Court staking claim on the ownership of two islands in Bet Dwarka in Devbhoomi Dwarka. A perplexed High Court Judge refused to hear the application and asked the Board to revise its petition wondering how can Waqf stake a claim on land in Krishnanagri.
Another interesting aspect of Waqf is that an apartment in your housing society can any day turn into a mosque without any input from the other members of the society if the owner of that apartment decides to endow it as Waqf. Something similar happened in Shiv Shakti society in Surat where one of the plot owners registered his plot with the Gujarat Waqf Board, making it a holy place for Muslims, and people started offering Namaz there.
A special Act for religious properties of only one religion when no such law exists for any other religion smacks of clear discrimination. As a proudly secular country, how do we reconcile with this? In fact, a PIL has been currently filed in the Delhi High Court asking this very question by Advocate Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay. Delhi HC has issued notice to the central government on this plea regarding the constitutional validity of Waqf.
Waqf is not even present in all the Islamic countries with places such as Turkey, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Tunisia, and Iraq having no Waqfs. However, in India, in a country mired with vote-bank politics, not only are Waqf Boards the largest urban landowners, but they also have an Act protecting them legally.
Germany: Muslims attack transsexual in tram – the press conceals the background of the perpetrators
There was another case of massive homophobic violence by Muslims in Bremen last Saturday. The victim was a 57-year-old transsexual woman in a tram. She was massively physically attacked by “youths” – as the media obfuscatingly put it.
To this day, the media remain silent when it comes to providing information about the ethnicity of the youthful thugs from the river Weser.
A Bremen police spokesperson declares: “A group of just under 15 immediately insulted the 57-year-old as a ‘shitty tranny’ and ripped her wig off her head.” “She was then punched several times in the face with both fists by a youth.”
And, “His companions loudly cheered the attacker on as he did so.” The main perpetrator is said to be only about 15 years old.
The violent youth group stormed off after the crime. The woman was hospitalised with serious facial injuries until Wednesday.
It is not yet known whether the victim will suffer permanent damage.
The newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau (FR) and the TV station Vox have reported in great detail about the attack. However, both media were silent about which ethnic groups the young thugs belonged to.
The TV station Radio Bremen provided even stranger information in its journal programme “Buten un Binnen”. The editorial office, which belongs to the German public broadcaster ARD, indirectly admits to having more detailed information about the young gang members, but then rather hypocritically qualifies: “There is no confirmed information on this.”
According to Radio Bremen, the newspaper Bild reported “that a kiosk saleswoman knows the group of perpetrators and apparently perceives them as threatening”.
When asked, the police did not confirm that the perpetrators were a group known in the Neustadt district of Bremen.” The police are currently ” investigating the videos from the surveillance cameras”.
The ARD broadcaster then tries to be optimistic: If the suspected “youths had already committed offences in the past, they could (…) be quickly identified”. Then the station lies: the perpetrator allegedly faces “up to ten years in prison”; the police classify the act in the tram “as dangerous bodily harm”.
That sounds like sheer mockery: In reality, underage perpetrators in Germany are generally not sentenced to serious prison terms – especially not Muslim perpetrators.
In fact, the Bild newspaper reported on the attack in Bremen much more accurately than ARD would have us believe. Bild even indirectly names the ethnic groups to which the youthful thugs belong.
The newspaper writes in its print edition on September 7 that a kiosk saleswoman knows “the group of ten to 15 youths, about 14 years old, who speak Kurdish and Arabic”.
The shop assistant has noticed the gang several times: “Recently they stopped the tram just like that. A man threw them out, but they came back, insulted and threatened him. They feel strong in a group. If you don’t do something to confine them, they will go on.
The kiosk worker went on to say that most people in the area “want to stay out of conflicts with the gang”. Some people in the neighbourhood are even “afraid that something will happen to them”. This is obviously “a big problem”.
In other words, the youth gang is known in the neighbourhood and has apparently terrorised residents many times. The fact that the media do not report on this and keep quiet about it is a scandal – and another indication that the media mainstream remains silent today, especially when it comes to crime committed by foreigners.
Ireland: Teacher Jailed in Pronoun Row
A Month In Southern France
Mark Steyn: ‘The lamps are going out all over Europe all over again’
Italy: Peer-Reviewed Study Finds ‘Metal-Like Objects’ in 94% of Individuals With Reported mRNA Vaccine Side Effects
‘Without energy, no economy can run’ – German companies warn of disaster as electricity and gas tap are ‘turned off’
German companies are increasingly unable to access energy supplies on the market, and as energy dries up, the German economy will simply stop running, according to the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK).
“More and more companies are telling us that they no longer have a supply contract for electricity or gas at all. The tap is turned off in the truest sense of the word,” DIHK President Peter Adrian told the RND newsroom. “But without energy, no economy can run.”
In addition, energy prices have reached a level that threatens the existence of many companies. Just this week, German toilet paper company Hakle filed for bankruptcy, with the owners citing unsustainable energy and material costs as the primary factor. Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal reports that Europe’s steel industry, which requires massive amounts of cheap natural gas to run, is slashing production and facing severe financial headwinds. Other sectors, such as chemical production, agriculture, and automating are all facing unprecedented hurdles as the energy crisis continues to grip Europe.
Cries for help from the once booming German economy are now coming from business leaders, associations, and consumers, with the Federation of German Industries (BDI) also warning of a wave of bankruptcies due to energy cost inflation. A new analysis by the BDI states that this is a major challenge for 58 percent of companies, and 34 percent believe the current crisis represents a matter of survival. Germany is no exception either, with warning from the United Kingdom showing that six in ten manufacturing companies face the risk of closure due to the energy crisis.
Some German companies, attempting to survive in an increasingly challenging environment, are claiming they are looking to move production overseas.
Almost every tenth company has already reduced or even interrupted production, while every fourth company is considering or is already relocating company shares or parts of production and jobs abroad where costs are often cheaper than Germany.
The situation is also coming to a head in the skilled trades.
“In the trades, a wave of insolvencies is rolling towards us because of the energy crisis,” said president of the Central Association of German Crafts, Hans Peter Wollseifer, to the Rheinische Post. “Every day, we receive emergency calls from companies that are about to stop production because they can no longer pay the enormously increased energy bills.”
Even though the coronavirus pandemic represented a severe threat to many German businesses, the downturn due to the energy crisis is expected to be much worse. Governments and central bankers are also constrained with their policy choices. Unlike the coronavirus crisis, they can no longer throw hundreds of billions in stimulus at the problem, as it would likely greatly exacerbate already high inflation.
However, despite alarm bells, there is some sign that up until now, the German economy has held up despite various economic threats. The number of insolvencies was still stable in June, according to the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH).
“Despite the energy crisis, supply chain problems, and the gradual phase-out of Corona aid, the insolvency situation is still pleasingly robust,” said IWH expert Steffen Müller. In June, 709 partnerships and corporations filed for bankruptcy, which was slightly below previous months and actually almost exactly the same number as in June 2021. Müller said he did not expect increased numbers for July or August either.
However, severe headwinds remain on the horizon, including rising interest rates, energy prices, and an increase in the minimum wage in October to €12.
Berlin justice system lets Turkish murderer go free
The Berlin judiciary has let the 28-year-old Turkish murderer Koray T. go free. In September 2016, he shot a taxi driver. The crime scene was the multi-cultural Kottbusser Tor, the occasion was a banal argument in which the perpetrator suddenly pulled out a firearm. Koray T. has German citizenship, emphasises the newspaper “B.Z.”.
He would have had to remain in Tegel Prison until May 16, 2026, but the prison management decided to grant him release. On August 22, 2022, he left the prison under guard. On August 27, he was then granted a whole day’s release without any supervision – and suddenly he was gone.
Berlin’s justice senator Lena Kreck of the Left Party defends the prison’s actions: “We have to do justice to resocialisation”. Her officials had done nothing wrong: “It was not a fixed idea, we are dealing with a fundamental right here.”
The idea that a German passport does not always and truly make a Turk into a German, but that someone who is supposed to spend many more years in prison could perhaps abscond to his old homeland, has apparently not occurred to anyone in Berlin’s political establishment and judiciary. Koray T. can pat himself on the back and laugh at the stupid German krauts.
In an evaluation of judicial officials on the unaccompanied day release of Koray T., the following assessment is found: “The risk is justifiably low”. Susanne Gerlach, who is responsible for the prison system at the state of Berlin, sums up the result of this action with the sentence: “The assumed sufficient personal stability of the prisoner has not been confirmed”.
Perhaps she should think about whether the reverse is not true: Maybe Koray T. is completely stable and knows exactly what he wants, while the heads of the Berlin prison system have no real idea where things are going.
Scandalous verdict: German critic of Islam sentenced to 6 months in prison without parole
The critic of Islam Michael Stürzenberger was sentenced today by a Hamburg judge to six months in prison without probation on the grounds of incitement of the people.
This sentence was preceded by a rally of the citizens’ movement Pax Europa on October 8, 2020 in Hamburg. Stürzenberger criticised “political Islam” and its atrocities. He clearly differentiated between brutal Islamic perpetrators and peaceful Muslims.
His criticism was also directed against so-called refugees from Islamic countries who commit crimes here and proved this with facts from the Federal Criminal Police Office.
Here, the courageous activist describes the trial and promises – we did not expect otherwise – to continue fighting for human rights and against Islamism.
Ronai Chaker assesses the verdict briefly, but very accurately: “We live in a country where Islamists, who have no place in this country, murder and rape people and in some cases get off with suspended sentences. Meanwhile, those who criticise these conditions are arrested. “