Cologne: Protest against execution of homosexuals shouted down with “Allahu akbar” chants

گزارش دویچه وله از تجمع در کلن علیه حکم اعدام زهرا صدیقی همدانی (ساره) و الهام چوبدار، دگرباشان جنسی در شهر کلن. این حرکت اعتراضی برای دقایقی با شعارهای اسلام‌گرایانه تعدادی از رهگذران به تنش کشیده شد. #همجنسگرایی_جرم_نیست #زهرا_صدیقی_همدانی #الهام_چوبدار #اعدام_نکنی

Gepostet von Maryam Namazie am Montag, 12. September 2022

On Saturday September 10, 2022, at the invitation of the International Committee against Executions, a rally took place in the centre of Cologne to protest against the death sentence against two lesbian LGBT activists in Iran. An unpleasant but significant incident occurred.

When Iranian-born author Maryam Namazie raised her voice on Cologne’s Domplatte in support of the women Zahra and Elham, who were to be executed for their activism against the criminalisation of homosexuality in Iran, a group of young Muslims began shouting “Allah o Akbar” at her.

They were angry not about the fact that two women had been sentenced to death in Iran for being lesbians, but because the rally had a placard saying “AllahIsAWoman”.

One commenter on Twitter: “They are upset about a saying… but not about homosexuals being executed. But if someone said an insult against them, they’d be the first to complain about bigotry.”

So far, there has been no comment on the incident from the numerous homo associations who usually sniff homophobia everywhere. Homo activists were also apparently not represented at the rally.

Climate Hysteria: A Mass Delusion to Demonize Carbon Dioxide

By Jerome Corsi

Climate hysterics like to throw around the world “denier” to castigate those who don’t get with the green agenda. The term is deliberately intended to echo the phrase “Holocaust denier” to those anti-Semites who like to insist that the Holocaust never happened. While the comparison is obscene, it’s certainly true that the Holocaust, like the climate agenda, have something in common: They both reflect a blind fanaticism untethered to actual facts.

Climate hysterics demonize carbon dioxide (CO2) much as Hitler stereotyped Jews. They then demonize their critics as “Holocaust deniers” because the psychological link is to demonize critics of the anthropogenic theory as if they were Jew-haters. However, the term “climate deniers” outside the context of Holocaust denial makes no sense. No rational person would deny that this planet has an atmosphere, weather, and climate. But honestly, it is climate hysterics who hate their critics, seeing them as “evil,” greedy, hydrocarbon-burning capitalists willing to make Earth’s climate unbearably hot and dangerous for all living things.

The Holocaust was a past, documented event. In contrast, the contention that the world might end because we burn hydrocarbon fuels that emit CO2 is a theory based on debatable simulations of future climate possibilities. The hard reality is that radical leftists, like Hitler’s “National Socialist” Nazis, will kill tens of millions to assuage their fears. Using the “denier” language to tar those who do not take a knee to concede to this global warming, climate change irrational fear is a monumental, inexcusable insult to the memory of the six million Jews pointlessly murdered in the insane racial hysteria of the Shoah.

The demonization of CO2 depends on the asserted certainty that burning hydrocarbon fuels that emit CO2, a greenhouse gas that is a trace molecule, present in approximately 0.04 percent of the atmosphere, will generate existential climate change catastrophes. The decarbonization movement would be dead in the water except for the existential fear climate hysterics manufacture over supposed adverse anthropogenic CO2 consequences touted as making Earth uninhabitable for humans.

Ironically, Nazis and climate hysterics understand that the success of prejudicial stereotyping depends on the availability of a charismatic demagogue, a Hitler, capable of triggering irrational fear of the perceived evil subgroup. In other words, the psychology of prejudicial stereotyping depends upon the availability of an Al Gore or Greta Thunberg willing to create permanent fear over myriad existential climate disasters that may never happen.

As astrophysicist and geoscientist Willie Soon has pointed out repeatedly, climate hysterics are “true believers,” impervious to experiential refutation. On August 19, 2022, in a speech delivered to the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness at their annual convention, Dr. Soon showed extensive evidence that the United Nations’ predictions of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming have been wrong for the past 50 years.

U.N. predictions that catastrophic anthropogenic global warming will cause sea levels to rise, wiping nations off the face of the earth, are nothing but fearmongering. But, as Dr. Soon documented, when U.N. predictions fail to materialize, the U.N. merely extends the inevitable happening of the future climate change catastrophe to an anticipated date in the future.

Lowering the Holocaust to the level of a climate debate irreparably demeans what was the most heinous genocidal catastrophe ever perpetrated by human beings against fellow human beings. Having said that, there is a homicidal reality to the neo-Marxist Green New Deal mass delusion, something apparent in today as EU governments, deprived of Russian gas, scramble to forestall the real, existential threat of businesses shutting down and citizens freezing in a long, cold European winter.

In his classic 1954 treatise, The Nature of Prejudice, Harvard psychologist Gordon W. Allport described the psychology of prejudicial stereotyping behind Hitler’s genocidal mania demonizing Jews. That same theory explains why the green movement is intolerant today. The psychology of stereotyping creates generalizations; that is, “overcategorizations,” that become prejudices when ideological convictions “are not reversible when exposed to new knowledge.”

Allport defined ethnic prejudice as follows:

Ethnic prejudice is an antipathy based upon a faulty and inflexible generalization. It may be felt or expressed. It may be directed toward a group as a whole, or toward an individual because he is a member of that group.

Allport further noted that “intense prejudicial antipathies” are likely to result in “vigorously hostile action.” Allport elaborated “extermination” as the most extreme prejudicial form of violent actions in terms of the Holocaust.

Extermination. Lynchings, pogroms, massacres, and the Hitlerian program of genocide mark the ultimate degree of violent expression of prejudice.

Another very important book to emerge regarding the madness of the Nazi era was Eric Hoffer’s 1951 book, The True Believer. In it, he explained that blind adherence to doctrinal ideology is key to the fanaticism necessary to create a successful social or political movement. Thus, wrote Hoffer, active mass movements strive “to interpose a fact-proof screen between the faithful and the realities of the world.”

Hoffer further pointed out that the facts on which a true believer bases his conclusions “must not be derived from his [i.e., a true believer’s] experience or observation.” For true believers, Hoffer insisted, “the ultimate and absolute truth is already embodied in their doctrine, and there is no truth nor certitude outside it.” “To rely on the evidence of the senses and of reason is heresy and treason. It is startling to realize how much unbelief is necessary to make belief possible. What we know as blind faith is sustained by innumerable unbeliefs.”

Hoffer concluded his comments on the importance of ideology (which he calls doctrine) for true believers by commenting in that the fanatical communist refuses to believe any unfavorable report or evidence about Russia. This kind of militant refuses to see “with his own eyes the cruel misery inside the Soviet promised land.”

The same holds true for progressives who transform a supposedly scientific argument about CO2 emissions into their political fight against capitalism. The Green New Deal movement insists we must move entirely to solar energy and wind power because these are not hydrocarbon fuels. The Green New Deal assumes that eliminating the use of hydrocarbon fuels, the energy that fuels capitalism, by moving to the less powerful and less reliable solar energy and wind power is essential to a future committed to social justice.

In a similar vein, in 1965, Herbert Marcuse of the neo-Marxist Frankfurt School published an essay entitled “Repressive Tolerance.” In that essay, Marcuse argued for “liberating tolerance,” a redefinition of “tolerance” that requires the censoring of policies, attitudes, opinions, etc., that are designed to reinforce the dominant repressive and alienating nature of advanced industrial societies like the United States. More simply, Marcuse explained that “liberating tolerance” would mean “intolerance against movements from the Right, and toleration of movements from the Left.” Marcuse left no doubt that his argument for liberating tolerance was central to his goal of negating capitalism to destroy advanced industrial society.

There’s an irony to all this: On the one hand, it’s obscene for climate fanatics to tar their opponents as “deniers” in the same the term is used for people to deny the Holocaust. The first is a well-document historic event, while the second is a highly speculative theory based upon inadequate computer models made to predict future complex climate events. However, the common denominator is that both the Holocaust and the climate movement arise from the same form of rigid, fact-free fanaticism common to all true believers.

Germany: Calls for a ‘refugee summit’ as new migrant wave strains cities and states

After the travel restrictions due to the pandemic were lifted, migration pressure is noticeably increasing again in Germany, with some experts predicting that Germany may once again need to resort to housing migrants in hotels and gyms as seen during the height of the 2015/16 migrant crisis. Due to a large majority of German states blocking new refugees, some German politicians are now calling for a “refugee summit” to help coordinate during the crisis before it grows out of control.

Currently, the Balkan route is particularly affected, with significantly more people coming to Germany from Syria and Afghanistan, which are two groups known for their poor integration record. A leaked report from the German security services, which was made available to Die Welt, shows that illegal migration to Germany has increased by 47 percent this year. Meanwhile, in Austria, the number of illegal migrants is already comparable to 2015 numbers.

The dramatic increase in migration is putting a serious strain on German cities, with 12 out of 16 German states already blocking the acceptance of any more migrants and refugees, including from Ukraine. There are now calls for a refugee summit for states and municipalities to coordinate the distribution of migrants, including from the mayor of Münster, Markus Lewe, who belongs to the Christian Democratic Union (CDU).

Lewe said that during such a summit, a fair distribution of migrants must be discussed. He argued that the federal states would have to increase their absorption capacities and the federal government would have to intervene quickly in a coordinating manner. In his opinion, refugee distribution is simply no longer working.

Lewe predicted: “In the coming winter, a number of cities will again have to accommodate refugees in hotels, gymnasiums, or other facilities.” At the same time, there are simply not enough spots available in schools and kindergartens, putting a strain on Germany’s already overloaded education and daycare systems.

While 4,400 people entered Germany illegally in January, these numbers rose steadily month after month to 6,900 people in July. In total, 36,100 unauthorized entries have already been identified in the first half of this year. This is an increase of 47 percent compared to the previous year.

A spokeswoman for the Interior Ministry said that most people who travel to Germany illegally come to Germany via the Balkan region. Syrian, Afghan, Turkish, Iraqi and Tunisian nationals are the most common. “The increasing numbers are also due to further easing of the pandemic-related travel restrictions in Europe,” the Ministry of the Interior said.

The numbers are also increasing at the EU’s external borders. According to an internal analysis by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), also made available to Welt am Sonntag, a total of almost 35,000 unauthorized border-crossings at the EU and Schengen external borders were recorded in July.

The number of asylum applications has also increased this year. According to the EU asylum agency (EUAA), approximately 406,000 asylum applications were received in EU countries, Norway, and Switzerland (“EU+”) in the first half of 2022. Compared to the same period last year, this is an increase of 68 percent.

European food industry warns: ‘No energy means no food’

The European food industry is sounding the alarm. In a recent statement, companies in the European agri-food industry warn of plant closures and supply bottlenecks as a result of the energy crisis.

In the joint statement released on Thursday, FoodDrinkEurope, the EU’s farmers’ association COPA-COGECA and the EU’s primary food processors’ association warned that some companies could soon shut down production. The first to be affected are small and medium-sized businesses, especially those in energy-intensive sectors such as bakery, vegetable processing and dairy.

“As long as the uncertainty persists, there will be increasing pressure on companies to either lay off staff, curtail operations or – in the worst case – go out of business altogether,” warned Dirk Jacobs, General Director of FoodDrinkEurope, emphasizing: “No energy means no food.”

According to the association, four out of ten food companies in Belgium are at risk of bankruptcy in the event of another economic setback. “The situation is very precarious for our sector – it’s five to twelve,” Jacobs said.

On Thursday the lights went out in thousands of bakeries in northern Germany with bankruptcies feared across the board due to crazy energy prices. This especially raised eyebrows since the ruling traffic-light coalition had decided on a large relief package.

The bakery trade is “in a cost tsunami” and is facing “extremely difficult months”, said the spokeswoman for the Central Association of German Bakers in Berlin.

Not only the governments of many EU states, but also the European Commission is apparently preparing for a “hot autumn”: the Commission is now claiming emergency powers, including military supply management in an emergency. This emerges from internal documents of the EU Commission, which the Reuters news agency reported.

EU claiming war powers

Among other things, the Commission’s extraordinary powers provide for dirigiste management of Europe’s economy – certain companies could be forced to produce essential products in the future and stockpiling could be ordered for certain goods. Violators would be fined.

The plan, titled “Common Market Emergency Instrument,” is scheduled to be unveiled on September 13, according to Reuters. This is intended to respond to supply crises due to the “Covid pandemic” and the Ukraine war. The Commission could ask EU member states to restructure their supply chains and increase sourcing or production of needed products as soon as possible. To this end, it could also prescribe the conversion or expansion of existing production capacities and prioritize certain products.

Companies that provide false or misleading information could be fined up to €300 000. Those who do not comply with the instructions would be fined 1,5 percent of daily sales every day.

According to Reuters, several EU countries are concerned about these plans, which are reminiscent of the introduction of state intervention. In fact, implementing the Commission’s plans would result in a further disempowerment of nation states.

Italy Elections: Surge of Violence and Threats To Meloni-Salvini Bloc

Giorgia Meloni · Foto: Breizh-Info

There have been a number of threats and incidents of violence toward right-wing political candidates and supporters ahead of Italy’s national elections this month, including gunshots fired at the office of a candidate in Calabria during a meeting.

The most recent incident of violence took place over the weekend in the northern coastal town of Marina di Carrara and saw a group of around 40 to 50 far-left anarchist extremists attack members of populist Matteo Salvini’s League as they were setting up an election campaign booth.

The League activists, four women and three men, were set upon by the extremists who smashed their stall and destroyed campaign materials. While Nicola Pieruccini, commissioner of the League in Massa Carrara, was taken to hospital for observation, no one was said to have been seriously injured as a result of the attack, La Nazione reports.

Salvini later posted footage of the violent attack on Twitter writing, “What happened last night in Marina di Carrara is VERY SERIOUS… I would like everyone, even from the left, to distance themselves and express solidarity with the supporters of the League attacked and beaten by 50 criminals.”

The attack comes just weeks after the office of Francesco Cannizzaro, a member of Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia and ally of Salvini and Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy (FdI), was shot at in Reggio Calabria while the deputy was holding a meeting inside.

Roberto Occhiuto, president of the Calabria Region, offered his support for Cannizzaro saying, “Solidarity with the friend and member of Forza Italia Francesco Cannizzaro and his collaborators for the unworthy intimidation suffered this evening in Reggio Calabria.”

“The regional council strongly condemns this episode and asks the investigators to shed full light. That these criminals are identified and brought to justice as soon as possible,” he added and linked the shooting to mafia violence.

Giorgia Meloni, the firebrand conservative leader of the FdI who is on track to be Italy’s first female Prime Minister according to recent polling, has also been subjected to death threats and questioned why the leader of the left-wing Democratic Party, Enrico Letta, has refused to condemn them.

“The secretary of the Democratic Party did not consider making two lines of condemnation and solidarity in the face of the death threats received. In reverse, we would not have hesitated because for us politics is confrontation,” Meloni said.

“This is no longer Vienna”: Austrians appalled by Syrian occupation of capital city

These incidents are taking place in Vienna’s city centre: videos show a dozen men performing oriental folk dances on the Kärntnerstrasse street and partially blocking the pedestrian zone. “This is not Vienna anymore”, and “What happened to Austria?”, users comment.

In verschiedenen Formationen kam es auf der Kärntner Straße zu arabischen Volkstanz-Performances.Instagram: bananenrepublik

“Mashalla” is what numerous users are commenting under a video that is currently going viral on the social media platform “TikTok”. It shows a dozen young men of Arab descent dancing on Vienna’s Kärntnerstraße. They are blocking a wide area of the pedestrian zone, hundreds of people have gathered to watch the performance.

The video now has 230,000 views and is said to have been recorded in Vienna’s city centre in the past few days. Besides many Arabic comments praising the dances of the compatriots, there are also dismayed comments in German. “This is no longer Vienna,” writes one user. “I think I’m in Syria, not in Vienna,” comments another.

Crowds of this kind can also pose a security risk – eXXpress has already reported on sexual harassment by migrant men in German and Austrian cities, so-called “encirclements”.

“Ethically Unjustifiable” – Scientists from Harvard & Johns Hopkins Found Covid-19 Vaccines 98 Times Worse Than the Virus

Sweden: Islam party wins up to 30% of the vote in deprived areas

In Sweden’s elections, a small party achieved surprising success in the shadow of the big race between right and left: The migrant party “Nyans” won up to 30 percent of the vote in suburbs of Stockholm and Malmö.

While in the course of the vote count after the election in Sweden there is currently a razor-thin lead for the centre-right alliance, in the big cities another party has made decent gains. The migrant party “Nyans”, in English “the new ones”, was able to achieve high electoral successes in some problem districts in Malmö and Stockholm. Although Nyans “only” has slightly more than four percent of the vote in the city as a whole, in neighbourhoods such as Rosengard more than 30 percent of the eligible voters voted for it.

In its election manifesto, the party mainly advocates the rights of Muslims and greater consideration for migrants. It campaigned for the votes of eligible migrants from the Arab and North African regions, especially in so-called “multi-cult neighbourhoods”.

A video showing the party’s supporters in a major Swedish city is currently going viral. Former Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) politician Efgani Dönmez wrote on Twitter: “If you ask yourself why the right-wing camp is so strong in Sweden, here is an explanation. A party of foreigners is likely to make it into parliament in Malmö. You can see the electorate in the footage. No comment.”

It is interesting that the user who published the video is an opponent of the party depicted. For him, precisely these conditions are the reason to vote for the right-wing nationalist party “Zafer Partis” in Turkey. This party advocates that Arab migrants should leave Turkey and that no further asylum applications from Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans should be accepted.

‘Production in Germany is no longer competitive’ – CEO at world’s largest steel manufacturer warns of crisis as plants shut down

The energy in crisis in Germany is turning into a manufacturing crisis, with an executive at the ArcelorMittal steel company saying that the German wing of the company can no longer compete due to soaring energy coasts.

“Production in Germany is currently no longer competitive,” said Reiner Blaschek, the CEO of ArcelorMittal Germany, which recently shut down two plants in the country. He is calling for quick political intervention, saying, “We need competitive energy prices for industry.”

Gas and electricity prices, which have soared in recent months due to sanctions and Russia’s decision to cut gas flows, have left many industrial companies with input costs too high to remain profitable, and many economic experts are forecasting further pain for Germany’s core industrial sector, which would have knock-on effects for the rest of the German economy.

At ArcelorMittal’s steel plant at the port of Hamburg, workers are coordinating production to ensure it does not interfere with peak electrical loads — seen during the morning and evening — for residents in the city of Hamburg. The Hamburg steel plant consumes an enormous amount of energy. For example, in one of the smelters that makes crude iron, it uses 76,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity in just one hour, which is the equivalent of half a million televisions, according to German newspaper Die Welt.

“We have the gas needs of the city of Lübeck and the electricity needs of Kiel,” said Ansgar Jüchter, an engineer at the plant.

With electricity prices skyrocketing, suddenly the plant is at the mercy of the markets. It is not just about coordinating around peak electricity usage, but also around the weather. The plant can now only afford to produce steel when there is enough solar power and wind energy flowing on the grid.

However, the plant also consumes huge amounts of natural gas, and in that regard, the situation is even worse. The plant produces sponge iron inside a 60-meter tower, and the key ingredients for its production are iron ore and gas. Starting on Oct. 1, the plant will stop producing this key ingredient for the steel industry until further notice.

In addition to the plant reductions in Hamburg, ArcelorMittal will shut down a blast furnace at its Bremen site at the end of the month, a move that has made headlines, as the steel giant is the first large industrial group to shut down production in Germany due to the energy crisis. The case shows how quickly problems at a key company can shake entire supply chains.

The steel from the Hamburg plant is used in the production of machines, cars, and ships, as well as in bridges, buildings, power plants, and pipelines. With prices continuing to climb, it is not only the steel industry at risk, but a domino effect could bring large parts of Germany’s industry offline, according to Blaschek.

“Other industrial sectors are also having major problems,” the CEO of ArcelorMittal Germany said.

Figures from the Steel Industry Association show how dire the situation is. According to the association, the additional energy costs this year will top €10 billion, which equals a quarter of the average annual turnover in the German steel industry.

Remix News reported last week that German companies are increasingly unable to access energy supplies on the market, with the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) warning that the German economy will simply stop running if energy supplies dry up.

“More and more companies are telling us that they no longer have a supply contract for electricity or gas at all. The tap is turned off in the truest sense of the word,” DIHK President Peter Adrian told the RND newsroom. “But without energy, no economy can run.”