Germany: Syrian sex offender caught

A surveillance camera recorded the perpetrator of the crime
Photo: Chemnitz Police Department

The man casually strolling around Chemnitz in a colourful sweater is a dangerous sex offender who tried to rape a woman shortly before the surveillance pictures were taken. The police successfully searched for him with this photo.

Sunday, August 28, 6.40 a.m.: The young woman (24) is walking on the pavement between the streets Karl-Liebknecht- and Mühlenstraße in the centre of Chemnitz. Suddenly it happens…

The perpetrator chases the woman, clutches her. Police spokeswoman Jana Ulbricht: “Due to her strong resistance, both fell down, whereby the attacker tried to hold the 24-year-old on the ground.” And further: “She resisted and screamed for help, whereupon the unknown man fled.”

The police assume “a sexual assault”, evaluated the images of nearby surveillance cameras. One camera caught the perpetrator. With these photos, the police publicly searched for the man and received a decisive hint on Wednesday evening.

A spokeswoman for the Chemnitz police: “This was so specific that the investigators managed to establish the identity and place of residence of the wanted man.”

The officers caught the Syrian (29) in his flat in the Sonnenberg district and searched his rooms. They seized clothing, which is now being examined.

Denmark BANS Covid Vaccines for Almost Everyone Under Age 50

Sweden’s PM concedes election to right-wing bloc and will resign tomorrow

Sweden’s Social Democrat Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson accepted defeat on Wednesday after a close-fought election, handing the four-party right-wing opposition bloc victory and the first go at forming a new government.

With 99% of the vote counted, only a handful of votes remain unassigned, but Andersson, who became Sweden’s first woman PM last year, said the results showed her opponents have won.

“I will therefore tomorrow ask the speaker to be relieved of my post,” Andersson told reporters during a news conference.

The Moderates, Sweden Democrats, Christian Democrats and Liberals had held a one-seat lead after Sunday’s election but looked like they were getting 176 seats in the 349-seat parliament to the centre-left’s 173 seats, according to the latest figures from the election authority.

The result still has to be officially confirmed.

The election marks a watershed in Swedish politics with the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats, shunned by all the major parties when they first entered parliament in 2010, on the threshold of gaining influence over government policy. read more

They look set to win 20.6% of the vote, overtaking the Moderates, who got 19.1%, as the biggest party on the right.

Though Kristersson’s party is smaller, the populist Sweden Democrat leader Jimmie Akesson cannot get the broad backing from the right needed to oust the Social Democrats.

Yet Akesson said on Wednesday night his party would be “a constructive and driving force in this work” of rebuilding safety in Sweden, adding it was “time to put Sweden first”.

France: Wife of Bataclan terrorist celebrates Islamic terror after being allowed to return to France from Syria

25-year-old Kahina El H. lived in the Kurdish camp of Roj in Syria with her three children, including the daughter she had with Samy Amimour, one of the Bataclan terrorists. A child who never met her father, as she was born after the attacks of November 13, 2015. According to our information, Kahina El H. was repatriated to France under duress.

Two days after the attacks of November 13, 2015, leaving 131 people dead, Kahina El H., 8 months pregnant, sent her mother a vicious message in capital letters, ” I AM THE WIFE OF A KAMIKAZE !!!!”. The next day she bragged to her former high school teacher, with whom she is still in contact by email, that she was Samy Amimour’s wife.

She claims to have encouraged him to take this action and is proud of him. “I envy my husband so much, I would have loved to go to his death with him too,” she said. A month earlier she had already sent him a prophetic email: “Soon France and the whole alliance will know what war is. You kill us, we kill you, the equation is simple. […]

In January 2015, she hailed the attacks on Charlie Hebdo by tweeting to him. “It has just begun,” she declared.[…]RMC

“Pilgrimage for non-Muslims is not allowed”: Yemeni man arrested in Saudi Arabia for honouring Queen Elizabeth during Mecca pilgrimage

The man held banner at the Grand Mosque in honor of the Queen

On Tuesday, the Saudi Arabian Police arrested a Yemeni national for performing an Umrah pilgrimage on behalf of the late Queen Elizabeth II. The man had travelled from Yemen to the Muslim holy city of Mecca to honour the Queen who died on September 8 this year.

According to the reports, the Yemeni man performed the Umrah pilgrimage and held a banner that read, “Umrah for the soul of Queen Elizabeth II, we ask God to accept her in heaven and among the righteous”. He also published a video of the banner which went viral over social media. Many internet users on September 13 took cognizance of the incident and demanded immediate arrest of the man.

The Police during the arrest stated that the Yemeni national had violated the rules and regulations for umrah. While performing umrah on behalf of deceased Islamists is permissible, it does not apply to non-Muslims such as the Queen. Queen Elizabeth II who breathed her last on Thursday, September 8 acted as the supreme administrator of the Church of England, the mother church of the international Anglican communion.

According to the statement released by the authorities, the man was also arrested for carrying the banner inside the Grand Mosque of Mecca. “He was arrested, legal steps were taken against him, and he was referred to the public prosecution”, the authorities were quoted. The video that was extensively shared on social media was also published by several state television broadcast segments, but with the banner blurred. The mosque’s white and gray marble complex could be seen behind the Yemeni man.

Reports mention that Umrah is the lesser pilgrimage to Mecca, which can be performed at any time of the year. However, the Yemeni man violated the rules of umrah by performing it on behalf of Queen Elizabeth II who was a non-Muslim. The Saudi Arabian Police arrested the individual and referred him to the public prosecution.

To note, after the death of the Queen on September 8, various statementsemerged, reinvigorating a long-debated claim that the monarch had ancestral links to Prophet Muhammad, the founding leader of Islam. After tracing her family tree back 43 generations, a historian claimed that the Queen is a descendant of Islam’s founder.

According to the claim that first appeared in the year 2018, the British monarch is a great descendant of Prophet Muhammad. A March 2018 report in the Moroccan daily Al-Ousboue reiterated assertions made by Harold B Brooks-Baker, publishing director of Burke’s Peerage Partnership, claiming the queen is the Prophet’s 43rd direct descendant through Muhammad’s daughter Fatimah. The Queen died on September 8, 2022.

A Leaking Ship of Fools

By Deana Chadwell

Thinking — and doing it well — is tricky business. This is especially true if by “thinking” you mean eventually arriving at the truth. In order to do so one must have reliable facts and terms, some understanding of the rules of logic, and, most importantly a clear understanding of how one thing differs from another. Unfortunately, we seem to be losing any ability to do that. I don’t know if this lack of specificity and discrimination has been trained into us via propaganda and indoctrination, or if we’ve just become lazy and don’t want to bother. One way or another we no longer practice the 3 Ds of thought: discernment, differentiation, and distinction.

Most surprising is our inability to discern the differences between male and female. One would think that one would be easy, but not so. A recent study showed that nearly a quarter of those canvassed thought it possible for a man to give birth. Well, the studies hedge a great deal and say that “anyone who has a uterus and ovaries” can give birth. I thought a woman was a person with such organs. Silly me, since sex is determined by our DNA, by our chromosomal arrangements — XX or XY.  That can’t be changed with either surgery or hormones. Our bones will still be what they are; the Adam’s apple will remain, the thinking styles won’t change. But few understand that in today’s world.

We’ve even gone so far in this jumble to have confused our language. The pronouns “he” and “she” are on the way out, in favor of the neutral (but plural) “they,” Even the whole concept of pronouns is getting confusing as so many of the transmaniacs have chosen nouns as their pronouns. Pardon me if this makes no sense — but that’s the point. How can we make sense of our thoughts if our language has been garbled?

Even the concept of sex itself (what we used to call “making love”) has morphed into anything tantalizing that can go on between/among any number of creatures of any age, of any sex. Schools are now trying to train up our children to be not only confused, but traumatized. The truth is that gender is binary, with clear distinctions, but now “binary” itself is a pejorative term.  

A spinoff of the sex confusion is our failure to differentiate between childhood and adulthood. It’s not just that we’re forcing sexual behavior onto increasingly younger children, but we are tolerating more and more childish behavior from adults. Not long ago I was in my bank, and standing several customers in front of me was a woman wearing fuzzy-bear slippers, all wrapped up in a blanket. When did slovenliness become socially acceptable? Rudeness in traffic, fit-throwing in fast food restaurants, a Senate candidate dressed always in sweats — has no one ever told such people to grow up?

Our schools certainly haven’t made being grown up, accepting responsibility, and working hard a part of their sub-curriculum. We have failed to clearly understand the difference between educating our children and indoctrinating them. The average high school graduate may not be able to read (in my state only 60% can), but they seem to know how oppressed they are. They’re angry, but don’t really know why. They don’t know how their government works, or how the country was started, or what we’ve accomplished. They’re sure there’s no such thing as truth. But they hate rich people, white people, the police, and the military. I haven’t been in the public schools for 15 years, but even back then, nothing shocked my students more than to discover that I was conservative. Teachers were never conservative. We need to shake loose our mental cobwebs and relearn the difference between actual teaching and proselytizing or no one in this country will be able to think.

Case in point — we no longer have a clear idea of the difference between winning and losing. We give out trophies for everything. How can Lia Thomas think ”she” has won anything as “she” swims in competition with women? How can he be proud of his trophies? How can weightlifters, or track and field athletes, or golfers feel like they’ve won anything when they only compete against people smaller and less muscular than they? 

This win/lose confusion however goes way beyond athletics and the transgender mess. We can’t even determine the outcomes of what are supposed to be free and fair elections. Despite the clear logic and solid evidence to the contrary, we’re stuck struggling along with a president who clearly did not win the 2020 election. That’s an uncertainty we can ill afford.

Speaking of that, we seem to conflate image with reality. If a plurality of the population can be convinced that something is true, that means it is true. Really? If the people surrounding our illegal president say he’s on top of his game, we’re obliged to believe that is so. If no one admits to running the country behind the scenes, then we’re to assume that all is well. This problem doubles back into the transgender kerfuffle in that we’re all supposed to play dress-up with those who want to pretend they are something they’re not.  Distinctions are not to be made.

Part of that mess happened because we can no long differentiate between sin and sickness. It’s true that sin eventually will cause sickness — cellular addiction or venereal disease, or liver cancer, but disease is a result, not a cause. At some point in each of our lives we have to choose between wisdom and self-indulgence. And if we choose the latter it’s hard to retreat. As Robert Frost said in his famous poem “The Road Not Taken”: “Yet knowing how way leads on to way/ I doubted if I would ever go back.”

Not only are we conflating sin and sickness, but now, after COVID we’re finding that our ideas of good and evil are all tangled. We all thought our doctors were the good guys, the pharmaceutical companies were in business to cure people. We thought medicine in general was there to be of assistance when we most needed it. But not so. How silly of us.

In fact, the weaving together of evil and good is much of the problem. Everywhere we go we find that inside-out thinking.  How can so many of us think that “depopulation” (a euphemism if there ever one was) is good, that the planet is more important than the people on it? How can we equate confiscatory taxes with true charity? How can we think that sexual exploitation of our children is good, but teaching children biblical thinking is abuse?

Isaiah 5:20- 21 lays it out well,

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; 
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; 
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, 
And prudent in their own sight! 

We have made the deadly mistake of believing, in spite of the self-refuting nature of the statement, that there is no such thing as absolute truth (i.e. God). If there is no truth, then there is no right or wrong, and if there is no final authority to determine the difference, then we can no longer discern evil when it stares us in the face, we can no longer differentiate between compassion and enabling, we can no longer draw a distinction between fact and wishful thinking. If we lose those abilities then we can no longer think and we are, indeed, on a leaking ship of fools.