India: Far-left ‘activist’ bizarrely invokes ‘Hindu supremacy’  after Islamists beat up Iranian woman for wearing hijab inappropriately

Mahsa Amini, Kavita Krishnan, images via Indian Express

On Sunday (September 18), far-left ‘activist’ Kavita Krishnan drew false equivalence between Sanghis (members/supporters of RSS) and Islamists who tortured Iranian woman Mahsa Amini to death for not wearing a hijab.

In a tweet, the far-left activist wrote, “Salaams to the amazing Iranian women throwing off their hijabs in solidarity with #MahsaAmini – the young woman who died of a heart attack induced by custodial torture by Iran’s “morality police force”, which had detained her for not wearing a hijab.”

Her social media post was in reference to the protests in western Iran where women publicly took off their hijabs over the murder of a 22-year-old woman Mahsa Amini for not wearing a hijab.

Screengrab of the tweet by Kavita Krishnan

Soon after, Islamists began slamming the former Communist leader for questioning the authority of Sharia (Islamic law). Chief spokesperson of the Peace Party, Shadab Chauhan, accused Kavita Krishnan of being more dangerous than the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS).

“…So you support morality police gangs that terrorise women for not wearing hijab? Then kindly don’t pretend to care about Muslim women fighting for the right to wear hijab. You don’t own women. Stop telling women what to do,” Kavita Krishnan responded.

The left-wing activist, who had been championing women’s rights with Islamists, got a reality check when Shadab told her that all Muslim women are bound by Sharia law and how Hijab is more important than gold and diamond.

Screengrab of the heated exchange between Kavita Krishnan and Shadab Chauhan

A rattled Kavita Krishnan then invoked ‘Hindu supremacy’ to reinstate her secular credentials after having run the risk of being viewed as anti-Islam.

“You have no business binding women to any law in the name of religion. Just as Hindu supremacists have no business telling Muslims they can’t pray in public spaces etc. You and they are the same ilk,” she said falling back on false equivalence.

Shadab then warned her against interfering in the religious affairs of Islam. “Yes it’s my business and Constitutional right to preach and propagate my religion. Muslim women never leave Hijab and I challenge you Kavita Krishnan that u can’t interfere in our shariya,” he taught her a lesson in Islam and feminism.

Screengrab of the heated exchange between Kavita Krishnan and Shadab Chauhan

After co-opting Islamists for years in her ‘activism’. Kavita Krishnan was slammed by one of her own. Having drawn their ire, the left-wing activist quickly tried to undo the damage.

She proceeded to compare the brutal torture of Mahsa Amini, caused due to her choice of not wearing a hijab, to the opposition by Hindu groups to selectively entertain Muslim religious attire in government schools.

“Outraged at Iran’s morality police imposing hijab? Are you also outraged at Sanghi thugs that terrorise hijab-wearing women? Outraged at Sanghi thugs that terrorise hijab-wearing women? Are you also outraged at Iran’s morality police that terrorise women who don’t wear hijab?”

Screengrab of the tweet by Kavita Krishnan

Although Mahsa Amini lost her life in exercising her choice in Iran, no female Muslim student was hurt for exercising her choice of wearing burqa to school (despite a clear violation of school rules).

The Karnataka High Court had held that Hijab is not an essential practice in Islam and that uniform (in schools/ colleges) is a reasonable restriction on the Right to Religion. This does not bar Muslim women from exercising their choice on the streets or in public places.

No State government stopped Muslim women from wearing or removing their hijab in public, unlike the case in Iran. Given that left-wing activists rely on Islamists to amplify their messages, they need to use the ‘Hindu supremacy troupe’ from time to time to keep the extremists on their side.

False equivalence and bizarre comparisons between apples and oranges are the only way out when they run the risk of upsetting their core followers while championing women’s rights.

Graphic video of the attack on UK police officers in the past few hours committed by Mohammed Rahman, 24 – Video shows London stabber yelling “Allah Akbar”

The crisis facing the US expressed in 3 numbers

Inflation continues to rise, while Wall Street stocks and investment firm Blackrock plummet.

In the Italian weekly l’AntiDiplomatico, Pasquale Cicalese considers the collapse of the US to be unstoppable and justified his argument with three numbers: Core inflation in the USA rose from 5,9 to 6,3 percent, Wall Street lost 5 percent on Tuesday and has not yet recovered, and the investment firm Blackrock lost 7,5 percent on the same day.

These are turbulent times for the global economy: 2008 the financial crisis, 2020 the “pandemic” and now the war in Ukraine. The balance of power is shifting and the hegemon US is constantly losing strength, Cicalese believes.

Inflation not only drives interest rates from the Federal Reserve, but also corrodes asset price inflation, the author explained. Blackrock – which is nothing more than a custodian of other people’s money – currently fears its global customers are withdrawing their money.

The US, “which has lived off other people’s money for 60 years,” is trying to attract capital, Cicalese said. They have succeeded with the Europeans, but other parts of the world, like China, will not be convinced. In addition, the lack of production and the inflation differential with China has led to the economic turmoil in the US and Europe.

According to Cicalese, assets are deflating. This will eventually lead to the destruction of fictitious capital, which – coupled with a non-existent manufacturing economy – would mean the loss of US hegemony. China has registered the collapse of the West and has turned inward.

Il sole 24 ore, an Italian national daily business newspaper owned by Confindustria, the Italian employers’ federation, provided a few more disconcerting figures. In 1950 the proportion of people employed in American industry was 30 percent, today it is 8; the share of world trade accounted for by the US was 25,3 percent in 2000; today it is 16,9 percent; the share of intermediate products, reflecting the overlaps between production systems, has fallen even more, from 24,5 to 16,1 percent; the share of manufacturing industry accounted for by the US fell from 23,2 to 15,7 percent between 2000 and 2008.

And according to Brown University’s Costs of War Project, the conflicts waged by the United States in this century have cost $8 trillion and counting.

Cicalese commented: “I would be interested to know how many of the 8 percent employed in industry work in the defense industry; a country that produces nothing, with hundreds of millions of citizens living on handouts and a few tens of millions engaged in real estate, finance, insurance. We [Italians] are on the same path. When there’s a hitherto unspoken protest from small business owners, freelancers, and retailers, don’t blame the ‘shopkeepers’. They are just the telltale sign of what has been going on in our country for decades.”

It is estimated that half of US economic output depends directly or indirectly on the military and defense industries. In the context of the numbers presented above, this does not bode well for the war in Ukraine and the sabre-rattling with China over Taiwan. “The dominant narrative for keeping the Pentagon budget at its current size remains China, China, China. It matters little that the greatest challenges posed by Beijing are political and economic, not military,” William Hartung noted in The Nation.

Half of the members on the boards of arms-making corporations, working as consultants for the arms industry, or for think tanks heavily funded by the same contractors, serve on the US National Defense Strategy Commission, a congressionally mandated body charged with overseeing the Pentagon’s official strategy document. Not surprisingly, the commission has called for a 3 percent to 5 percent annual increase in the Pentagon budget.

United Kingdom: Islamists attack Hindus in Leicester city who were protesting against earlier violence by Islamists on Hindus

After hundreds of people crowded the streets in the city’s eastern section, violence erupted on Friday night in Leicester, United Kingdom. This comes after a spate of targeted attacks on Hindus followed the Asia Cup India-Pakistan cricket match on August 28, when armed Islamists attacked Hindus and their residences in the vicinity.

Police officers have swarmed the streets of Leicester, exercising disposal powers and encouraging peace as disturbance persists on the streets following a protest by Hindus demanding action against the violence by Islamists. The protest was disrupted by Islamists as they hurled glass bottles at the protestors. A Saffron flag was also desecrated by a mob of Islamists in front of the police.

As per an official statement by the Leicestershire police, the violence erupted on Saturday evening after a group of men staged an ‘unplanned protest.’ “Parts of East Leicester experienced serious disorder yesterday evening (Saturday 17 September) into this morning (Sunday) when large crowds formed after groups of young men began an unplanned protest,” the statement reads.

“Officers attempted to engage with the group and remain with them whilst additional officers were called in. They sought to keep actions lawful but, regrettably, the situation led to disorder,” it further reads adding that two people have been so far arrested from the site. A total of 27 people have been arrestedsince the dispute began in the city.

On Saturday, Twitter user and Analyst Anshul Saxena shared some details on Twitter showing how plans were made to attack Hindus in the city. Anshul shared how radicals and Islamists were sharing the stories on social media and planning to attack Hindus.

Violence erupted in Leicester city following the defeat of Pakistan by India in the Asia Cup match on August 28. According to accounts, Muslims, primarily Pakistani Islamists, assaulted Hindus and their homes in the area. Several videos of the incident went viral a week after the incident.

The videos showed Hindus being assaulted in their cars while parked in their driveways, and Hindu families huddled in their houses, stunned, while massive groups wandered the street vandalising property. The majority of these incidents of violence and provocative religious sloganeering were reported in the city’s Belgrave region.

What on Earth Is Wrong with Harry and Meghan?

BDeborah C. Tyler

The battle of life calls forth three noble and healthful psychological attributes: loyalty to kin and country; honor of work that protects and promotes survival; and, most fundamental to mental health, gratitude for the gift of life itself.

Spirituality is always practical, and practicality is inherently spiritual, because they share the vital functions of protecting life and promoting full humanness. Loyalty to kin and country is essential to survival. Honoring those who labor in the many aspects of service is natural justice. The foundation of mental health is the experience of gratitude for the gift of life. Gratitude is the beautiful background music of life. Gratitude is remembrance that God alone has the power to give life and to endow universal human worth. Human beings have the opportunity to respond to this gift with gratitude, thereby connecting temporal life with eternal life.

Over the past two hundred years, advances in science and technology have so greatly improved material conditions that for many people, life no longer seems to be a battle for survival. What happens to loyalty, honor, and gratitude when conditions of affluence obviate the need to struggle to secure safety, sustenance, and even luxury in everyday life? The noble attributes recede.

Every great life has to be earned. It is not possible to live a great life on the backs of others. Moaning, wailing, begging, and borrowing amount to a mediocre life at best. Because loyalty, honor, and gratitude are the handmaidens of greatness in famous and common people alike, a brilliant person can live a cramped life, and a unsophisticated person can live a life of greatness. The creeds of victimhood, sniffing like hounds for slights and slurs, are replacing the effort, sacrifice, and compassion that make a great life possible. Victimhood culture is why we are watching greatness disappear from the American landscape.

The mighty paradox is that as material ease increases, the world becomes a colder, cruder, and crueler place. When the noble attributes become obsolete, infantile creeds of entitlement emerge. Instrumental victimologies are psychological belief systems that project a sense of victimhood in people who have never been persecuted, abused, or significantly victimized. The psychological purposes of instrumental victimhood are to exert control over others and demand and manipulate material advantages.

Instrumental victimology takes two overlapping forms.  Impersonal relates to mass sociological conditions of consciousness such as racism, and personal relates to delusional victimization in family and social contexts.  The dishonesty and moral destruction of instrumental victimologies dominate public discourse and much of private life in materially advantaged societies.

The left wing uses instrumental victimologies, especially nonexistent racial persecution, to control political conversation.  When Biden shuffles to the podium and offers spectral handshakes to the ghosts he feels around him, he is not merely dividing our house against itself; he expresses the perversion that those who remain loyal to American greatness, those who honor America and are thankful to be Americans, are victimizers, and the disloyal, dishonorable, and ungrateful are victims.

Bureaucrats running the great American institutions such as the military and the FBI are deserting loyalty and honor and committing institutional suicide by exploiting delusional instrumental victimologies for their own power.  Psychotherapists are increasingly working with parents who never abused or neglected their children, but who are being scapegoated by their adult children who won’t face life’s challenges.  

Since terminating their service to the British people as working royals to find privacy in Cannabis County, Calif., the only “content” Harry and Meghan have produced is high-profile complaints, criticism, litigation, and allegations against their families and others, especially the British media.  The public nature of their grievances and progressively outlandish allegations makes them ready case studies in instrumental victimologies, including its lowest expression: stolen victimhood.

When histories of the 20th century are written, Queen Elizabeth II will be recognized as having played a majestic role in the eradication of racism globally.  She was a great soul given a great epoch in which to reign.  Elizabeth “never put a foot wrong,” as she danced lightly into the world beyond colonialism.  She ascended to the throne just four years after the British relinquished structural colonization of the Indian subcontinent.  The central challenge of her reign was to nurture the infant of worldwide post-colonialism until the child could walk by itself.  She did that with humility and dignity over seven decades.

Racism is a weakness in human consciousness that has contributed to conquest, colonization, and exploitation across the world.  Progressives are fixated on historical racism by Anglo-European descendants against African-descended people, colloquially dehumanized as “blacks” and “whites.”  It is not only in the European-African axis, but globally that Elizabeth II fulfilled her duty to guide humanity at large from colonial exploitation to a commonwealth of sovereign nations.  It is sad that at the end of her magnificent reign, Her Majesty was hectored by a scheming practitioner of stolen victimhood, with her grandson Harry chiming in.

In his meticulously researched Revenge: Meghan, Harry, and the War between the Windsors, Tom Bower documents Harry’s complaint that his father failed him psychologically.  Growing up, Harry faced the challenges of his parents’ unsuccessful marriage and the tragedy of his mother’s untimely death.  It was neither possible nor providential for Harry to be fully shielded from those losses.  When now-king Charles told his son it’s going to be difficult for you as it was for me, he was bestowing a gift of truth upon his child.  The psychotherapy movement of the last one hundred years is partly to blame for the myth that we should be spared grief and shouldn’t have to rise above turmoil.  Trials and tragedies of life, not trust funds, enable our full humanness.

The victimology that his father abandoned him has crippled Harry’s capacity to grow into his own manhood.  Even Oprah Winfrey, who was only too glad to hurt the British royal family, balked when Harry wailed that he was down to his last £10,000,000 when daddy cut him off.  Harry has often complained about the trauma of walking with the men of his family behind his mother’s coffin.  This was a great honor to his mother’s memory, and a great service to the British people, but in the psychology of instrumental victimhood, feelings matter more than honor.  Harry’s personal victimhood made him vulnerable to marrying an American wrecking ball who would use him as a stepping stone for fame, power, and wealth.

Meghan Markle is widely despised because, in this time of declining loyalty and honor, many people have suffered “ghosting” by family, treachery of friends, mistreatment in the workplace, hypocrisy of the rich, or the destruction of our rights by tyrannical virtue-babblers.

Stolen valor is the falsification of heroic service to gain power and prestige.  Because victimhood is prized above valor by so many today, we have an epidemic of stolen victimhood, which is to falsely assert victimization to gain power and prestige.

Meghan claims in the Oprah interview that during her first pregnancy, there were “several conversations” between Harry and an unnamed royal about the child’s future skin color.  “I say, Harry old stick, let’s have a bit of a natter about baby’s skin color…what what?”  Absurd.  Meghan then offended the family of Nelson Mandela and countless South Africans by equating her marriage to the release of Mandela from prison.  People are questioning her sanity in the Cut interview where she alleges that the media in Britain called her son the N-word.  Thanks, Megs for spotting that, when 67 million people in the U.K. let it slide. 

Psychologists need to develop therapeutic models to treat the damage of instrumental victimhood through confronting its falsehood and focused restoration of loyalty, honor and gratitude.

Man Accused of Attacking Queen’s Coffin Named as Muhammed Khan ‘Of Tower Hamlets’

A suspect charged over an incident that saw the Queen’s coffin charged in Westminster Hall has been named as Muhammed Khan.

“Muhammad Khan, 28, of Barleycorn Way, Tower Hamlets, was charged on Saturday, September 17, with an offence under Section 4A of the Public Order Act; behaviour intending to cause alarm, harassment or distress,” the Metropolitan Police confirmed in a short statement.

Breitbart London asked the police force if they could confirm whether or not Khan is a British citizen, but their press bureau refused to add anything to their original statement.

Khan was alleged to have shoved a seven-year-old girl during the incident but does not appear to be facing charges for common assault at this time. The Metropolitan Police refused to comment on this as well.

As proceedings are now active, the case is subject to British reporting restrictions with respect to commentary and speculation.

Members of the public can continue to pay their respects to the Queen as she lies in state until Monday, when her funeral will be held.

Spanish government refuses to disclose vaccine contracts despite court ruling

On 28 July 2022, the Administrative Chamber of the High Court of Justice of the Balearic Islands granted a request by the Asociación Liberum and ordered the Spanish Ministry of Health and the pharmaceutical agency AEMPS to disclose the vaccine contracts with the pharmaceutical companies Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen.

Asociación Liberum, a national human rights association, had requested this evidence as part of its lawsuit against the Covid passport, but both the Ministry of Health and the drug agency have refused to comply with this court order by the deadline set. Asociación Liberum announced this on 6 September.

The government’s justification for the contracts were confidential because they were drawn up by a coordination committee and were part of the “pre-contractual agreements concluded by the European Commission” with the pharmaceutical companies. Moreover, the publication of the data could harm the vaccine market.

In an interview, Ascociación Liberum spokesperson Luis Maria Pardo said: “Can you imagine the Guardia Civil entering the Ministry of Health to seize these documents?”

Because this is exactly what has to happen now, he said, since the Supreme Court’s decision is legally binding. Added to this is the fact that the government had not appealed against this order. The Ministry of Health and the AEMPS are obliged to hand over the original documents to the judiciary.

There was no discussion about this, Pardo stressed. That is why his organisation has again demanded that the Supreme Court of the Balearic Islands implement the ruling. The lawyer hopes that this request will be granted as soon as possible.

In addition, Pardo pointed out that those responsible in the Ministry of Health and the Medicines Agency could be prosecuted “for disregarding the court’s decision”. In that case, the state security forces would indeed have to be deployed – and the Guardia Civil would have to storm the Ministry of Health to seize the documents.

“They say I’m Hitler’s son because I’m blond”: Belgian footballer Norman Bassette says he was bullied at school because he is white

A long way to achieve this goal. Eurosport reports that the young Belgian footballer Norman Bassette signed his first contract as a professional with Stade Malherbe de Caen (Ligue 2) in 2021. The now 17-year-old completes his training at the Normandy club without any problems: a real success for a boy whose youth was marked by bullying at school – and anti-white racism.

As a youngster, Norman Bassette was trained at the Belgian first division club AS Eupen, which is located not far from the German border. At the same time, he attended a grammar school near his club as a boarding student – but far away from his parents, who lived in Luxembourg and had no idea what their son was going through. One evening, when young Norman was on his way to his parents’ house, he asked his mother, who is a hairdresser, to shave his head. “We parents say to each other, “But why does our son want to shave his hair?”, his father tells Eurosport.

His son’s answer comes quickly: “At school they say I’m Hitler’s son because I’m blond,” says the teenager, who obviously often feels bullied because of his skin colour. This goes so far that Norman Bassette uses the discussion with his parents to ask the question: “Dad, why am I white?”. The aspirant’s parents discovered the terrible truth: “People stole money from him, sweets … If you had to take your anger out on someone, it was him,” his father recalled.

Even worse: while the headmistress of Norman Bassette’s school claims to have known nothing about it, the boy’s parents learn that “the educators did notice the bullying, but preferred not to say anything …”. Norman Bassette then has to be transferred to another school. The situation is so bad that he is even enrolled at a special school for people with disabilities. There the young man can continue his school career in a more peaceful way. A difficult path that has shaped Bassette, who has since become a professional footballer: “What I have seen and experienced has taught me to grow up faster than the others.”