VIDEO: Swedish Youtuber robbed at gunpoint while filming in troubled Stockholm migrant suburb, says he was trying to ‘spread good vibes’

A Swedish Youtuber was robbed at gunpoint on Thursday by hooded assailants in the migrant suburb of Husby located in western Stockholm, while interviewing people about what it’s like to live in the area.

Fabian “Fabian GL” Lejonstål, a 24-year-old fitness influencer, had been recording a video intended to “spread good vibes.” He had been interviewing a local resident when two hooded individuals on a scooter could be seen approaching the pair from behind.

Lejonstål and his interviewee were visibly wary of the two young, masked males who stopped the scooter shortly after passing them and walked over to the pair.

“Now something is happening here,” recounted Lejonstål, who told his viewers in a Youtube video published after the event that they were ordered to “go around the corner.”

“We said no,” Lejonstål said, before explaining that the assailants “got aggressive and said they wanted my watch or he would shoot me.”

The Youtuber revealed he has “friends who have been through this” and said “you just have to give them what they ask for.”

Lejonstål explained that one of the individuals had what looked like a gun under his jacket.

“I was so shocked and thought it was sick, but I was still in film mode,” he told viewers as he continued to film following the robbery. He and his videographer contacted the local police, and a report of the robbery was logged.

“In this video I visit a new suburb, Husby, but this video didn’t quite go as planned…” Lejonstål quipped in the introduction of a video on his Youtube channel detailing the attack.

Husby has long been known as a no-go zone with severe crime, gang, and drug problems. The suburb is over 90 percent made up of migrants or people with migrant parents or grandparents, according to the Washington Post.

Gun violence in Sweden has sky-rocketed in recent times with a record 46 homicides and 335 shootings logged in Sweden last year. The trend, which Sven Granath, a criminologist at the Stockholm police force, called “fairly typical,” is predominantly due to rising tensions among young armed men, mostly from migrant communities.

The urban crime gangs dominating Swedish cities are almost exclusively made up of immigrants, according to Amir Rostami, a leading criminologist and professor who based his findings on police data.

Swedish police estimate that the number of people active in gang crimes in so-called “sensitive areas” of the country’s major cities exceeds 5,000.

Austria: Office for the Protection of the Constitution investigates Vienna IS supporter – He is nevertheless at large

He allegedly radicalised a Styrian woman who had converted to Islam and later threatened her: The police arrested a 17-year-old Turk from Vienna at the airport at the end of August. Now the suspected IS supporter is being investigated – but he is again at large.

A Turkish-born IS supporter was arrested at Vienna airport at the end of August. The 17-year-old man from Vienna had threatened and coerced a Styrian woman of the same age who had converted to Islam. He has since been released on conditional release, as the Ministry of the Interior informed on Tuesday.

The arrest was preceded by investigations by the Regional Offices for the Protection of the Constitution and Counter-Terrorism (LVT) in Styria and Vienna as well as the Directorate for State Protection and Intelligence (DSN). The investigations had been going on for several months, it said upon request. The Turk had contacted the young Styrian woman from the Graz area via social media. In the course of several meetings, he allegedly shared propaganda material of the Islamic State (IS) and glorified and approved of crimes committed by this terrorist organisation. According to the ministry, this led to the radicalisation of the young woman. In addition, the youth allegedly intimidated and coerced the Styrian woman with threats.

A ministry spokesperson did not want to specify how the two had been traced. The young woman was questioned immediately after the arrest of the 17-year-old, and both had their houses searched. Various electronic devices and written records were confiscated. The Styrian woman was reported at large. On September 14, the Viennese man of Turkish origin was released from pre-trial detention under several conditions by order of the Graz Higher Regional Court.

The police investigations – also in the surroundings of the two – are not yet completed, it was said. Whether the man plays a role in the structure of IS or is merely a follower was not disclosed to the Austria Presse Agentur (APA).

‘Hijab distinguishes Muslim women from others so molesters can spare them’: Lawyer for hijabs in school had cited Quranic verse, old tweet surfaces

Amidst the Supreme Court hearing in the wrangling hijab row, an old tweet posted by Nizam Pasha, one of the advocates arguing for hijabs in state-run schools, has gone viral on the internet. In his tweet, Pasha has cited Quranic verse to say how hijab helps molesters to distinguish Muslim women so they can be spared.

Citing Quran 33:59, Pasha, who had posted the tweet in February 2022, said Muslim women should wear hijabs so that they can be identified as Muslims and not be harassed.

“Holy Quran 33:59 explains why Muslim women should wear a hijab. “So that they can be recognised as Muslim and not be harassed.” The hijab is meant to tell people that this is a strong woman with a strong community standing behind her that you are taking on, so tread with caution,” Pasha had tweeted.

Earlier this month, Pasha submitted in the Supreme Court that the Karnataka High Court, which had upheld the hijab ban in government-run educational institutes, had misquoted the Holy Quran to pronounce that wearing hijab is not a mandatory practice in Islam.

Pasha submitted had that the High Court had referred to an unrelated verse, which stated that nobody can be compelled to convert to Islam, to hold that hijab was not mandatory. He further stated that the High Court had referred to the opinion of a translator of the Holy Quran and not the translation of the text itself. He claimed the verses cited in the High Court were concerning “jilbab”, which covers whole body as opposed to “Hijab” which only covered head and chest. He said that the translator had meant that “jilbab” was not mandatory and not hijab.

Earlier yesterday, Dushyant Dave, another advocate arguing in favour of hijab had made a slew of preposterous arguments during the plea(s) hearing challenging the order of Karnataka HC upholding the prohibition on wearing headscarves in Pre-University institutions.

From claiming Brahmins had hijacked India to designating Jains and Buddhists as outsiders to selectively quoting Dr BR Ambedkar, Advocate Dushyant Dave made a bunch of ludicrous arguments while representing the petitioners challenging the hijab ban upheld by the Karnataka High Court.

A major controversy erupted in Karnataka in January 2022 after a Udupi school prohibited hijab inside classrooms. Some Muslim girl students, supported by PFI had appealed against this in the Karnataka High Court. On February 25, the court reserved its decision on the case. Protests, allegations, and counter-allegations occurred in response to the hijab ban.

The Karnataka High Court declared on March 15 that wearing a headscarf does not constitute an essential Islamic practice as the petitioners failed to provide evidence in that regard. The Karnataka High Court dismissed all petitions contesting the hijab ban in Karnataka schools and decided that the rules for the uniform dress were fair and that students can not object to respective dress codes mandated by educational institutions.

German domestic intelligence agents are running hundreds of fake right-wing extremist social media accounts

Hundreds of the radical Nazis and right-wing extremists online are actually German domestic intelligence agents, and many of them may even responsible for “inciting hatred” and even violence. These agents, who once needed to drink and directly socialize with members of the extreme right, are now running right-wing extremist accounts online in Germany.

Germany’s Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) argues that these accounts are needed to gather information, but critics say that they may also be promoting and actively encouraging radicalism, according to a report from German newspaper Süddeutshce Zeitung.

“This is the future of information gathering,” an unnamed head of a relevant state office told Süddeutsche Zeitung.

According to research by the newspaper, the authority has invested heavily in “virtual agents” since 2019, which it finances with taxpayers’ money. Both the federal office and the federal states employ spies, who besides right-wing extremists, are also tasked with keeping an eye on the left-wing extremists, Islamists, and the “conspiracy-ideological” scene.

However, the activities of the BfV running hundreds of right-wing extremist accounts have come to light at the same time that Germany’s left-wing government has labeled right-wing extremism the biggest threat to the country, despite data showing that left-wing extremists and radical Islam pose bigger threats. The country’s interior minister, Nancy Faeser, has launched a 10-point plan to fight “right-wing extremism,” and much like the Biden administration in the United States, has turned the domestic security state against political opponents and labeled them terrorism threats and a danger to democracy. In Germany’s case, the opposition conservative Alternative for Germany party (AfD) is actively surveilled in certain federal states, with membership in the party the only prerequisite for agents being able to read emails and listen in on telephone calls of private citizens.

With the BfV operating hundreds of right-wing extremist accounts, the agency argues that it is about “playing a little right-wing radical yourself” in order to gain the trust of other users. The employees of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution are likely to conduct “propaganda” for this and sometimes also commit crimes such as “incitement to hatred.”

However, what exactly these extremist accounts are posting that involve “incitement to hatred” is unclear, as there is little to no public oversight regarding these activities.

“In order to be really credible, it is not enough to share or like what others say, you also have to make statements yourself. That means that the agents also bully and agitate,” says the report of an agent who claims to have joined the agency to “do something against right-wing extremists.” This involves actively encouraging people in their worldview, but she says it is her job to “feed” the scene.

In fact, there are now so many accounts operated by different German authorities that a nationwide agreement has become necessary. Otherwise, these different agents would be targeting each other with surveillance and monitoring.

Germany’s new government has taken an aggressive stance against anonymity on the web and free speech, and has targeted apps like Telegram, which is one of the few tech companies openly supporting free speech. Under a new regime, the German government is expected to open thousands of hate speech cases against the public every year.

The Myth of Clean – Clean garbage, clean energy and a dirty utopia

‘Clean’, like ‘smart’, has become the prerequisite for all technology. Both are myths.

Smart technology is surveillance technology. It is not smarter because of its inherent qualities, but because it sends and receives data that allows it to be ‘smarter’ in manipulating users. The smart part of smart technology comes from human beings. So does the stupid part when people sacrifice their privacy and independence for the benefits of technology being shaped to them.

Clean energy is even more of a myth. The Inflation Increase Act doles out another stream of billions toward the inefficient forms of energy generation that the government has been subsidizing for over 50 years because some Madison Avenue ad agency branded them ‘clean’.

Energy is inherently clean and dirty. Making the inherent forces of the universe useful requires mining metal, cutting down trees, and turning fossil fuels into plastic to assemble machines. Once those machines are running, they will shed heat because ‘clean’ or ‘dirty’, that is how the second law of thermodynamics works. Not even Al Gore can evade entropy and not even the shiniest solar panel, sleekest wind turbines or smoothly humming Tesla will prevent energy from being wasted as it is transferred, stored or used to do one thing or another locally or nationally.

The only truly energy efficient energy comes from bioluminescent creatures like fireflies. We didn’t make them and despite all the boasts from technocrats, we can’t duplicate them.

Clean energy depends on massive rare earth mines run by Communist China that poison everything around them. Wind turbines require huge amounts of balsa wood that are deforesting the Amazon. Neither turbines nor solar panels are recycled when they go bad. They end up in landfills and become toxic waste. Breathing in fiberglass from severed wind turbines or drinking water tainted with heavy metals from solar panels is a serious health hazard.

Much of the clean garbage that we call ‘recycling’ also ends up in landfills. The difference between dirty garbage and clean garbage is that we send some of the clean garbage off to China or third world countries where it’s recycled under primitive conditions and then shipped back to us. That is until China cracked down on the toxic hazards of the recycling industry and began refusing much of our clean garbage which now goes into equally clean landfills.

There was nothing environmentally sound about sending pizza boxes or coke bottles halfway around the world. An article described a Chinese city where plastic was recycled as a “dead zone” with “nothing green” where “sheets of corrugated plastic boxes, old plastic barrels, and giant dried puddles of plastic” are shredded, “poured into metal tubs full of caustic cleaning fluid” and then the “excess trash and cleaning fluid” is “tossed into a waste pit on the edge of town.”

That’s the dirty reality behind the recycling triangle and the ads filled with cartoon disposable goods eager to be recycled into new products at the behest of willing children.

The clean part of clean energy or garbage is not in how it’s made, but in how we perceive it.

A solar panel seems aesthetically cleaner than a coal plant. An electric car emits an artificial spaceship hum as it glides down the street. A wind turbine gleams white. Such trivial surface impressions that mistake architecture for the process maintain a trillion dollar scam.

Solar and wind energy systems are presented as more natural than any other kind of energy because the association with the sun and the wind somehow insulates them from the dirty realities of thermodynamics. The design and the branding of solar panels and wind turbines inculcate the myth that they are clean interfaces for receiving this magical bounty for the sky.

The 1960s neo-romanticism rejected the industrial revolution. When the flower children grew up into bourgeois suburbanites, holding down jobs at ad agencies and nonprofits, they wanted a technology that would maintain the same illusion of philosophical consistency. Instead of following through with their principles, they rebranded the industrial revolution to make it much more expensive, less efficient and inaccessible to the dirty working class. The new technology, like their suburban lives, would be morally and aesthetically clean. Like garbage recycled in China and returned in a gleaming bottle of purified tap water, it would make dirty clean again.

Idealists believe that life is black and white, dirty or clean, and that the two can be absolutely separated. The universe does not fall into such neat categories. Nevertheless the Left has spent two centuries tearing apart society in search of a clean utopia. Dirt, coal miners, factories and men who work for a living reek of oppression. When class warfare gave way to green neo-romanticism, the working class was abandoned for a clean post-industrial computerized future. The dirty jobs were outsourced to China while the working class was left with the Rust Belt and meth. America was going to be a clean nation where everyone sat around an Apple laptop before getting into their electric cars and going off for a hike. No smoking allowed.

But what is clean anyway? The old Left used to deplore conflating physical and moral cleanliness only for the new Left to fall into that error anyway. The new master class tells coal miners to learn to code or install solar panels. Like the old elites, its true objection is that they’re dirty. The nonsensical tenets of environmentalism are the aesthetic fetishes of the upper class. They represent a cultural sensibility, not a scientific one. Its vocabulary reeks of escapism from the realities of life, smart technology, clean energy, and information stored in the ‘cloud’.

Technology isn’t magic. The only smarts are human, the only energy is dirty and the cloud is a bunch of servers owned by a global corporation that are powered by coal plants where the constant noise is so loud that employees can suffer hearing damage.

The myth of clean is powered by an escape from reality. That escapism has a high price, not only in the billions wasted and lives ruined by environmentalist gimmicks, but the entire bloody history of the Left which is one long escape from reality into the tyranny of philosopher-kings.

The Left’s energy and its garbage are no cleaner than its ideology and its history. And it is those who are dirtiest on the inside who feel the greatest pathological need to be clean on the outside.

Green Energy Transition Hits the Wall

By Christopher Chantrill

I think that we fossil-fuel fans can see light at the end of the tunnel as the global government green energy transition experiences a head-on collision with reality.

I wish it didn’t have to be this way, but really, it’s the only way to tell the climatatistas that their God is Dead. Facts and logic won’t do it. Instead, the believers must experience decadence and nihilism and dead bodies floating down the Rhine and know, in their eternal recurrence, that their climate god isn’t going to save them.

It’s Not Funny, but the prospect of a cold winter without Russian gas in Europe seems to be the one thing that the Klausi babies and the Greta Thunbergs and the gubmint-funded scientists didn’t think about in planning their glorious Great Leap Forward to the green energy transition.

Good point, young Mao, in the back row. If backyard steel plants were such a good idea, why don’t we all cook up lithium batteries on the backyard barbie?

A question for you sons-of-Mao green energy geniuses. Are there not wars? Are there not rumors of wars? Or did you think that your highly elevated discussions up on WEF’s Magic Mountain were above all that grubby stuff?

Some people might say that this all proves Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s notion of The Black Swan. I think not. If you believe that the current green energy meltdown is a totally unpredictable Black Swan event, I got a bridge… I think it proves instead Taleb’s recommendation in Antifragile, that you really want your life, your home, your nation, your WEF meeting up in Davos, Switzerland, to be able to continue despite minor glitches in the supply-chain arising out of sordid little quarrels that flare up from time to time between the inheritors of the glorious Ancient Rus.

But the rubble bouncing in the Ancient Rus is the least of the green energy problems.

See, geniuses, there is this little concept called “time preference.” It says that humans discount possible events in the future. That’s because it is more important to put gas in the car right now — or plug your climate-friendly EV into the free recharging station at the supermarket — than to worry about what gubmint- and billionaire-funded scientists say about the climate in 80 years. And it is really not a good idea to wreck the economy with green energy subsidies and pay-to-play research grants, just because you can.

And another thing, the gubmint scientists may be wrong. Ask Trofim Lysenko, Stalin’s pet scientist, about that.

I fearlessly predict that by the end of the 21st century the Big Thing will be the grandsons of Elon Musk fighting over their SpaceX inheritance to see who gets to make the next trillion by sending people to Mars on the Starship Premium Frequent Flyer Program.

And, finally, humans have thrived thus far not through fearless predictions about the future — despite the union of seers and prognosticators insisting on rigidly defined areas of prediction and prophecy — but from humans adapting, again and again, to new conditions.

Yes, cupcake. That’s what The Science says, ever since Darwin. Species survive and thrive by adapting to changes in their lived environment, not from top-down edicts from the great and the good or from the shop stewards of the union of seers and prognosticators.

Of course, I am rather more advanced in my understanding of the world than that. I subscribe to the latest hottest science — that for some reason has not yet become fashionable among leading hostesses on Martha’s Vineyard — that we live in The Self-Creating Universe of J.J. Clarke, and that the new things “emerge” from the various Keystone Kops pratfalls of gasses, liquids, solids, plants, animals, humans, and fossil-fueled SUVs and we don’t know why.

We cannot know yet how big the butcher’s bill for green energy will be. But we do know this: the sooner the moment of truth arrives the less ordinary humans will suffer. Naturally, we all hope that the liberal ladies of Martha’s Vineyard won’t be inconvenienced too much.

The whole green energy roadshow demonstrates why the market economy beats elite diktats every time it is tried. It is because nobody knows which of a hundred brilliant new ideas will work, or what will stave off disaster, or whether the climate will heat up or cool down. All we know is that a thousand Anybody business owners will outperform an administrative hierarchy of Somebody elitists by a couple of orders of magnitude, every time.

All the flap about green energy has helped me appreciate what an amazing boon to humanity gasoline is: with a hundred pounds of gas in the tank you can drive the kids all day across the fruited plain to grandma’s house. But it takes 6,000 pounds of battery to get your EV halfway to grandma’s: assuming that the charging stations have electricity, California.

Pro-immigration Democrat governors horrified by migrants in their midst

The Republican governor of Florida, Ron De Santis, has had enough. The southern border of the US has been overrun by illegal immigrants since US President Joe Biden took office. De Santis summarily had two migrant groups – mainly from Venezuela – flown out to the luxury island of Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts.

The rich and beautiful of the US live there, with many Democrats, including ex-US President Barack Obama, calling it home. When strangers suddenly swarmed the pretty boulevards, the Democrat elite suddenly got a wake-up call. Because the island is not prepared for such cases, the migrants have been dispatched to a military camp on Cape Cod.

Biden fuels migration crisis

Some of the migrants transported to the affluent Martha’s Vineyard told the media they did not know where they were, having been lured here with promises of employment papers. One of them came illegally from Venezuela to the United States with eight family members. Some believe the whole thing was an attempt to prevent them from making their court appearances so that they can be more easily deported. Since Biden took office in the United States, people illegally crossing the border to seek asylum are not “ illegal migrants ” until their case is heard. Florida and Mexico are therefore literally overrun by illegals.

The border authorities are completely overwhelmed, and border security is costing billions. The Republican Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, also set an example at almost the same time as De Santis and had around 100 illegal immigrants brought in buses to Vice President Kamala Harris’s residence in Washington. Her entourage had previously described the borders as “safe” to the media. Both governors pledged to continue until Biden finally does his duty and secures the US southern border.

Hypocrisy knows no bounds

The Democrats, as usual, were extremely hypocritical: “The children … (among the illegal migrants) deserve better than to be dumped on the streets of Martha’s Vineyard, ” said Biden’s presswoman Karine Jean-Pierre. California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, who has been successfully working to turn the state into a developing country since taking office in 2019, has declared De Santis and Abbott “human traffickers” along with other Democrats and called for the Justice Department to investigate the governor. The Republicans had allegedly abused the children as “political pawn victims”, they claimed.

Pro-immigration activist Max Lefeld, a founding member of the Casa Venezuela Dallas foundation that provides aid and support to Venezuelan migrants move to the US, told NBC News that sending Venezuelan migrants to Martha’s Vineyard was like dumping “trash” there.

“Florida Gov. DeSantis sending asylum-seekers to Martha’s Vineyard is like ‘me taking my trash out and just driving to different areas where I live and just throwing my trash there,’” Lefeld told NBC News.

NBC News quickly deleted their tweet comparing migrants to “trash” after a flood of complaints, but Lefeld’s quote is still available on the news site.

Lefeld’s foundation thrives on donations to relocate the “more than 5,9 million people” who have had to flee Venezuela due to “a combination of violence, insecurity and a lack of food, medicine and other services”.

Sanctuary cities are no longer sanctuaries

Biden and his deputy have consistently refused to personally inspect the situation at the border. The reality and “where that’s coming from, there’s a lot more,” Abbott said. New York City, Chicago and Washington DC (ruled by Democrats) are ideal places for illegal migrants, he said. Because these cities have given themselves “sanctuary status” – which means that the state’s immigration laws do not apply there. Illegal migrants and often criminals are thus removed from law enforcement’s grasp. According to Abbott’s office, the governor has shipped at least 10 000 migrants to those cities, at a cost of about $12 million.

New York Mayor Eric Adams recently conceded that the city would soon not be able to do this anymore even though New York has a “Right to Protection” law. Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser meanwhile declared a public health emergency last week. She set up a new government office to coordinate migrant arrivals, which will initially cost $10 million.

She complained that Texas did not coordinate the arrival of the buses with her, conveniently forgetting that illegal border crossings are not “coordinated” either. Lawyers and helpers who look after migrants along the border have said that even if there are political motives behind Abbott’s actions, he is providing a useful service by sending migrants safely and free of charge to their desired destinations.

Biden lured 5 million into the country

A report by the Association of US Immigration Reform in August found illegal immigration had skyrocketed under the Biden administration. In the past year and a half, 5 million people, roughly the equivalent of the population of Ireland, have entered the US illegally. Biden is to blame. He has reversed the strict Trump regulations and shows no “willingness to enforce the existing laws”.

New Report: Munich terrorist continued to live in Germany after massacre

A German newspaper has uncovered new information about Germany’s disrespectful attitude towards the murder of 11 Israeli Olympians at the 1972 Olympic games in Munich.

According to the report by Suddeusche Zeitung, one of the terrorists that were involved in the massacre was let out of jail and lived in Berlin for several years while he continued to work in the Palestine Liberation Organization offices, all within the knowledge of the German police and investigative services.

Jamal Al-Jaishi, together with two other terrorists who were not killed in the German’s failed rescue attempt, was freed approximately one month after the incident. We German support, he continued to live in Germany under an alias, while still working for the terror organization.

According to the report, Germany preferred to turn a blind eye and allow the terrorist to continue working in the country to not incite terror against itself, as occurred when a Lufthansa plane was hijacked causing the Germans to free the terrorists that participated in the murder of the Olympians.

Footballer Mohamed Salah gets panned by Arabs for condoling Queen Elizabeth II’s demise, gets cancelled as Muslim, again

Liverpool FC footballer Mohamed Salah was panned by Arabs after he condoled the demise of Queen Elizabeth II via Twitter.

Salah tweeted that the people of Great Britain and the world pay tribute and bid a final farewell to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. “My thoughts are with the Royal Family on this historic and emotional day,” he tweeted. However, his tweet wasn’t taken too well in the Arab world. Salah is an Egyptian footballer who plays as a forward for Premier League Club Liverpool and is captain of Egypt national team.

However, his wishes did not go down well in the Arab world and other African countries, most of which were at one point colonised by Great Britain.

Many tweets were in Arabic and reminded him of the destruction the British Empire had brought on to Egypt and other nations.

The British entered Egypt through Port Said in 1882 and subsequently occupied it. After the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, the then Egypt President Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalised the Suez Canal Company escalating tensions with Britain and France. The two countries colluded with Israel and attacked Egypt and the main battle occurred at Port Said. The above images are of the destruction left behind at Port Said after the tripartite aggression against Egypt that took place during the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.

Some also called his condolence message as a PR disaster.

This is not the first time Mohamed Salah has been on the receiving end of the ire of Muslim world. In December 2021, his Muslim credentials were cancelled for sharing a picture of himself with his family for Christmas. This was the third time in a row his Christmas pictures had upset Muslim fans as they thought it was inappropriate for him to participate in religious activities of another faith.

He was also attacked when he said that he doesn’t consume alcohol because he doesn’t feel like and many Islamists felt he should be a proud Muslim and say it as it is that alcohol is haram (prohibited) in Islam.