Germany: An unexpectedly large protest against government energy policy could foreshadow growing discontent this winter

The number of participants in a public demonstration in Stralsund against the German federal government’s energy policy exceeded all expectations on Wednesday evening, mainly due to a call from the city’s mayor, Alexander Badrow, for participation.

Authorities estimated the number of participants at around 4,000 — only 300 people were initially registered. Even during the Monday demonstrations, the police last counted just 400 people in the city of 59,000 on the Baltic Sea — now 10 times as many came.

The unexpectedly large protest against German energy policy may foreshadow growing discontent in the east of Germany, with security officials already warning that mass protests and even civil unrest could hit the country this winter over rising inflation and industiral chaos.

The Old Market, the square in front of the Hanseatic city’s town hall, was well filled during the demonstration. The participants showed posters against the Economy Minister Robert Habeck saying: “Gas surcharge – you won’t get that, old man.” The demonstrators also called for an end to sanctions against Russia and the opening of the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline, according to the Junge Freiheit news outlet.

Stralsund Mayor Alexander Badrow promoted participation by sharing the appeal of the Citizens for Stralsund initiative on his Facebook page, and the CDU politician was one of the demonstrators himself.

The Ministry of the Interior of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, led by Christian Pegel, is now checking whether the mayor violated his duty of neutrality with the Facebook post. However, a spokesman for the local CDU pointed out that Badrow’s Facebook presence is private.

At the demonstration, the mayor wore a T-shirt that read “Alexander” on the front and “Private” on the back. In their appeal, the initiators called for taxpayers to be relieved and immediate government resignations. So far, the Ministry of the Interior has not published the result of its examination. It remains unclear whether and with which sanctions the mayor has to reckon.

Alternative for Germany (AfD), which has remained opposed to Russia sanctions, and is calling for the opening of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, is holding a protest in Berlin on Oct. 8 against government policy and sanctions. The party has recently seen a substantial bump in polling as of late as at least some Germans grow increasingly wary about sanctions on Russia.

EU states are fighting over the repeal of veto right

Taking on Brussels: Hungarian Minister of Justice Judit Varga. Twitter

The member countries of the European Union have revived the debate on whether to introduce majority voting on some issues of foreign or security policy instead of the current need for unanimous consent of all the bloc’s states.

A number of ministers responsible for European affairs made it clear at the meeting in Brussels that, for example, the acceptance of sanctions would be greatly simplified by the new system. However, Hungary and some other countries have consistently refused to support such an amendment to the rules, the introduction of which still requires unanimous consent.

The ministers dealt with the topic following a year-long public debate called the Conference on the Future of Europe, from which initiatives for some changes in the functioning of the EU emerged.

Pretending to consult citizens

The Conference on the Future of Europe was a series of debates and discussions that ran from April 2021 to May 2022 and enabled “citizens” from across Europe to share their ideas. It was sadly never a citizen initiative: French President Emmanuel Macron launched the idea “in order to propose all the changes that the European project needs”.

“Input on the digital platform came mainly from well-organized pressure groups with technical expertise rather than the so-called unengaged citizenry,” Richard Youngs, a senior fellow in the Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program, at the Carnegie Foundation Europe, pointed out.

While the European Parliament is pushing for the twenty-seventh of this month to seek changes to its founding treaties based on the debate, EU member countries have been more restrained. However, they are studying the question of whether to use the option established in the current form of the contracts, which allows switching to majority voting in some cases.

“We should take more decisions by qualified majority, i.e. limit the possibilities of using the right of veto,” German Minister Anna Lührmann told reporters. Her country, like a number of other countries, mainly from Western or Northern Europe, has been calling for the introduction of majority voting for a long time, which also has the support of the European Commission.

Germany leading the charge

Germany has been leading a crusade of sorts against the notion of a veto. Regarding Germany’s claims to a seat in the UN Security Council, it is quite obvious that in the current configuration of the UN, the chances of this tend to zero, if only because Russia and China have the right of veto.

Being a satellite of the United States, and in a situation where its military-political and economic dependence has intensified, Germany is a declared enemy of Russia and is progressively becoming an enemy of China. Therefore, any attempts to allow another US satellite into the UN Security Council will be unconditionally vetoed by Russia and China.

In the current format of the UN Security Council, Germany as a permanent member of the Council can not be expected.

Hungary is a vocal critic of discarding veto powers

However, in recent months, especially in connection with the adoption of anti-Russian sanctions, which Hungary has repeatedly blocked, support for the repeal of the veto right has been growing from other countries too, including Austria.

The countries in the eastern part of the EU, including the Czech Republic, are clearly not in favor of abandoning the principle of unanimity. Hungary has nevertheless been the most prominent critic in this matter.

“At the moment when we are at the negotiating table, the fundamental interests of all countries should be taken into account,” said Hungarian Justice Minister Judit Varga.

So far, the states have not even agreed on the convening of a convention which, at the request of MEPs and the EC, would deal with possible changes to the basic treaties. According to the Czech Minister for European Affairs Mikuláš Bek, it is unlikely that this would happen during the Czech presidency, i.e. before the end of this year.

India: Woman after 12 years of marriage, threatens her Hindu husband to convert to Islam or be ready for beheading

Jagbir Kori with his family , image via News 18

In Shahnawazpur, Halkara village in Ayodhya, a shocking case of Love Jihad has been reported. For 12 years, a man named Jagbir Kori lived with his wife Pooja. But one day he discovered that his wife is Hasina Bano, a Muslim, not a Hindu.

The Muslim wife’s family members and other acquaintances are said to have put pressure on her husband Jagbir Kori and the Hindu family to convert to Islam. Jagbir Kori is being threatened with beheading for refusing to convert to Islam, as per reports.

The police started an investigation after receiving a complaint from Jagbir. Jagbir Kori is from a Dalit family and lives in Purva, Ayodhya Halkara. He claims that Hasina Bano, whom he had known as Pooja for 12 years, was actually Hasina Bano.

He claims he met this girl at the railway station 12 years ago. Pooja aka Hasina Bano claimed to be helpless. After this Jagbir and his family took her to their home. Jagbir married Pooja alias Hasina Bano a while later. Both had a son and a daughter. Pooja alias Hasina Bano began teaching Islamic education to children two years ago, according to Jagbir. She also got her son circumcised (khatna) as per Islamic practice. When Jagbir objected, Hasina Bano threatened him.

Jagbir stated that when he arrived home on August 11, his wife was performing Namaz. He said that his wife was also forcibly offering Namaz to his children. Furthermore, he stated that on August 12, a person named Raju from Ayodhya’s Ashapur came to his house with four to five unknown people and stated that Pooja is a Muslim girl named. Haseena Bano is the daughter of a man named Amanatullah.

Jagbir alleged that Hasina Bano has not only been forcing him to become a Muslim but also wanted to have Jagbir’s house and property transferred to her name.

When did global warming become climate change?

By Guy K. Mitchell, Jr.

On May 15, 2013, “Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature” was published in “Environmental Research Letters” by a group who referred to themselves as “citizen scientists.”  In the “letter” that reported their findings, they made a claim that “97.1% [of scientists surveyed] endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming” (emphasis added).  On May 16, 2013, President Barack Obama tweeted, ” Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree #climatechange [emphasis added] is real, man-made and dangerous.”

It is unclear whether President Obama made an inadvertent error in quoting the report findings or if he purposefully rephrased the conclusion.  In his film, An Inconvenient Truth, former Vice President Al Gore refers to “global warming,” as do many academic societies, the United Nations Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and other world politicians.  Today, however, the term “climate change” is used almost exclusively by the proponents of the global warming hypothesis instead of the term “global warming.”  Climate change blames severe weather events such as hurricanes, droughts, floods, extreme heat and cold, mudslides, wildfires, and other natural events on man’s activities and their impact on the environment.

In its seminal report in 1990, the IPCC predicted that “[u]nder the IPCC Business-as-Usual (Scenario A) emissions of greenhouse gases … global mean temperature [emphasis added] will increase by 1°C by 2025.”  The average increase in the temperature anomaly for the lower troposphere (first 8 km of the Earth’s atmosphere) for that period was 0.402°C (about 0.01°C per year), about 40% of the U.N. IPCC prediction and well within the measurement margin of error.  Measured increases in the temperature of the land mass and oceans were even less.

The purpose of this analysis is not to point out the significant error that the U.N. IPCC made in its prediction.  (It has been consistently wrong since its inception.)  The point is that the U.N. IPCC defined climate change as an increase in the Earth’s average temperature, and it linked the predicted rise in the Earth’s mean temperature to an increase in the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide or CO2.  As a result, the public adopted the phrase “global warming,” and it stuck, at least for a while.

Since accurate measurements of the lower troposphere temperature began to be measured by NOAA satellites in 1979, the average temperature anomaly has increased by 0.13°C/decade, or 0.013°C/yr., well within the measurement margin of error.  It should be noted that from 1979 to 1998, the temperature anomaly decreased every year — global cooling.  Arguably, this value is within the measurement margin of error, and it certainly does not constitute a heat wave!  Since 2000, NOAA’s Argo Float Program has measured changes in the temperature of the world’s oceans to be 0.02°C/decade or 0.002°C/yr.  This value is well within the margin of error and is not statistically significant.  Finally, NOAA records on the temperature of the land mass indicate an increase in average surface temperature of 2°F for the period 1880–2020.  That is an increase of 0.014 °F per year, well within the measurement margin of error during a time when temperature measurements were made with thermometers graduated in 1, 3, and 5°F increments.  Clearly, the temperature database of the Earth’s  land, ocean, and atmosphere show no significant increase.

But what about the CO2 concentration in the Earth’s atmosphere?  Has it changed?

Since 1980, the global mean average CO2 concentration in the Earth’s atmosphere has risen from 340 ppm (parts per million) to 420 ppm, an increase of 23.5%.  CO2 emissions from the Earth into the atmosphere result from natural causation and anthropogenic (man-made) emissions.

Natural causes include wildfires, volcanic eruptions (both above and below the Earth’s surface), decomposing vegetation, and outgassing from the ocean.  Anthropogenic emissions result primarily from the combustion of fossil fuels in internal combustion engines, manufacturing facilities, and electric power plants.  How much of the increase of 80 ppm in CO2 concentration is due to natural causation versus man-made activities?  No one knows.  There has been no significant, if any, warming of the Earth’s land mass, atmosphere or oceans during the period when CO2 concentration increased.  Therefore, there cannot be a correlation between a rising level of CO2 in the atmosphere and global warming, since there has been no significant global warming. 

In my book, titled Global Warming: The Great Deception — The Triumph of Dollars and Politics Over Science and Why You Should Care, I disprove all of President Obama’s claims.  First, I analyze the citizens’ science project to demonstrate that their data do not support the claim that 97% of the scientists believe that humans have caused global warming.  Second, I cite peer-reviewed research in the relevant scientific fields of thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, atmospheric physics, and spectroscopy to prove that CO2 (man-made or otherwise) does not cause global warming.  In addition, I use publicly available data from the world’s temperature databases to prove that there has been no significant global warming of the Earth’s atmosphere, oceans, or land mass.

The proponents of the fraudulent man-made global warming hypothesis seem to have an identity problem.  If the “climate problem” is no longer global warming, but climate change, what is the mechanism to link man to climate change?  If there is no global warming, an increase in CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere has not caused global warming.  But if man’s emissions of CO2 have not caused global warming, how can man’s activities be linked to climate change?  Might it be time for a new hypothesis?

Rising Islamism: Our “culture is under attack”, “There is a problem in Trappes, but also in all of France” says French philosophy teacher Didier Lemaire

A year ago, the philosophy teacher Didier Lemaire published a book entitled Lettre d’un hussard de la République (Letter from a Hussar of the Republic) in which he warned against the Islamisation of society. He was accused of lying, threatened and is now no longer allowed to teach. “We are no longer in France,” he had said.

“I am not the only teacher in Trappes who has had to leave. I also have my colleague who teaches philosophy who had to leave the high school after a student threatened him in class with the words ‘On Allah I will smash him’, a very serious threat. There is a problem in Trappes, but also all over France, including Paris, teachers are very much at risk,” he told Europe 1.

Didier Lemaire publishes the book Petite Philosophie de la nation, published by Robert Laffont. He explains this title as follows: “I have given up my career. I miss the contact with the students and for this reason I wrote this book”.

As a subject close to his heart, the philosophy professor wanted to write about the concept of the nation. It “is fractured, divided by extremely strong identitarian and social divisions, it has never been worse off than it is today,” he argued.

“Culture is one of the preconditions for the nation, but this culture is humanistic, propagating the value of the individual. This culture is under attack from certain behaviours and claims such as identity, community and Islamist claims. Wearing a headscarf, the way of eating, the way of addressing others, that is what is really problematic,” he opined. Europe 1

Germany: Berlin police no longer allowed to record migrant background of young criminal perpetrators

Since 2011, Berlin police have been required to record whether a criminal suspect up to the age of 21 has a migrant background, even if he or she has a German passport. However, this important data point has been secretly abolished since Aug. 3, with this development only now coming to light.

There’s a good reason why Berlin’s left-wing government may not want this information to be available to the public. In recent years, approximately three-quarters of all suspects under the age of 21 arrested for serious crimes such as murder, manslaughter, rape, sexual assault, and assault have a migrant background. Only a quarter of suspects in this age group actually have parents who hold German citizenship.

As early as the end of July, the Senate Department of the Interior of Berlin’s red-red-green Senate, considered one of the most left-wing state governments in Germany, secretly decreed “that the registration of migrant background should be stopped as soon as possible.” The police brass then informed all officers of this, according to German newspaper Berliner Zeitung. Police used to be able to indicate the migrant background of those arrested with a simple click of a mouse, but this checkbox was disabled on Aug. 3.

Berlin’s police have argued that recording the ancestry of criminal perpetrators was important to understand how these young people became involved in crime. In addition, Berlin has been plagued with clan crime in recent years, including a number of high-profile murders. In fact, the city’s prosecutor in 2020 said that migrant clans are a key factor behind the city’s high crime rate. The police were better able to monitor these groups and understand their structures with accurate data about the migrant background of suspects.

However, Berlin’s left-wing government argued in a letter to the chief of police that abolishing this data was about “recognizing undesirable social developments such as poverty, unequal educational opportunities, and discrimination and taking preventive measures to counteract them.”

As Remix News has previously reported, foreigners account for a massively disproportionate amount of serious crimes in Germany, including murders, rapes, and assaults, as is the case elsewhere in Europe. In Berlin alone, foreigners account for nearly half of all rapes despite making up only 19 percent of the population. This type of data has tended to support the arguments of more conservative parties, such as Alternative for Germany (AfD), which often resorts to crime data when making the case that Germany should severely restrict immigration levels.

The Berlin police union (GdP) remains adamantly opposed to abolishign this data point, with spokesman Benjamin Jendro actually claiming that removing this data will only strengthen “right-wing extremists.”

“Such a misunderstood tolerance is wind on the mills of right-wing extremists and conspiracy theorists,” he said. He argues that the data is being used for specific crime-fighting purposes, saying, “We’re talking about people whose families sometimes have a connection to countries where patriarchal structures prevail and where there is a nostalgic image of women that contradicts that of a democratic constitutional state.”

Right-wing Czech voters on the rise

In the Czech Republic, the establishment has been losing ground, while right-wing and populists are on the rise.

A few days before the Czech Senate and local elections, a Europe-wide trend is also being confirmed in another EU country: the power base of the established sanctions parties is crumbling rapidly, and forces critical of the EU have been growing stronger.

A current opinion poll by the agency STEM has revealed the figures: the populist ANO party of former Prime Minister Babiš is currently ahead in parliamentary elections with 30 percent, followed by the Eurosceptic “Freedom and Direct Democracy” with 14,3 percent. “The Party for Freedom and Direct Democracy is gaining ground in the face of heated sentiment and an uncertain outlook thanks to its longstanding anti-establishment base,” STEM commented.

Both parties are seen as critical of the EU, especially with regard to the current energy crisis, with nationalist and populist rhetoric. They are demanding lower living and energy costs.

The currently governing conservative Democratic Citizens’ Party, on the other hand, only gets 14,2 percent. Their coalition partner, the Pirates, achieved 9,4 percent. All other parties in the current five-party coalition government would hardly make it through the five percent hurdle to enter the Czech parliament.

Agency STEM’s opinion poll for CNN Prime News was released on Sunday. It was carried out in early September.

His victim, a German police officer, is in a fight for his life and the perpetrator, a Syrian asylum seeker, is on the loose

According to senior public prosecutor Martin Cloppenburg, there was a “hostile atmosphere” when several groups of people confronted each other outside a club in Greifswald on the night of September 10 to 11, ready to use violence. Witnesses told the newspaper Nordkurier that before the police arrived, there was a fight involving about ten people.

In the middle of the crowd was a 24-year-old asylum seeker from Syria. According to the current state of the investigation, he allegedly pulled the legs of a 60-year-old police officer during the altercation – afterwards, the police officer hit the back of his head on a curb, according to the public prosecutor’s office. The policeman briefly lost consciousness and was taken to hospital by ambulance. There he was first treated and then went home.

In the meantime, the Syrian’s personal details had been taken at the police station – his identity and place of residence were known, Cloppenburg told Nordkurier on Thursday. Contrary to media reports otherwise, there had been no provisional arrest with subsequent release, the senior public prosecutor said. “Due to the offence and the fact that the man has a regular flat – i.e. does not live in an asylum seekers’ home – and we know his name and address, he has been at large since his personal details were taken down.”

According to information from the Nordkurier, the Syrian had already caused ” trouble in the club” the day before the crime. He is now being investigated for resisting the police and assault. It cannot be ruled out that he may also have committed dangerous bodily harm. The latter also depends on the state of health and the healing process of the assaulted policeman.

The day after the crime, the 60-year-old’s condition deteriorated dramatically – after being admitted to hospital, the policeman had to undergo emergency surgery due to a brain haemorrhage. He is still in intensive care and is still not fit for questioning almost two weeks after the crime. Police sources said that it was not clear at the moment whether he might have suffered permanent damage.

Austria: The Afghan rapist and murderer of 13-year-old Leonie proposes in prison to a prison inmate who stabbed her partner during a Ramadan celebration

He allegedly gave Leonie (13) drugs and raped her together with other Afghans. The girl died. Zubaidullah R. will therefore have to stand trial from next week. His detention so far seems to have been quite romantic. He fell in love with a female inmate and even proposed to her.

Their eyes met in the prison corridor or in the walkway. Their glances turned into love. Zubaidullah R., the Afghan who is on trial for the death of little Leonie, even proposed to a Slovakian woman, who had been convicted of attempted murder of her partner, via prison mail.

Starting next week, the Afghan will have to stand trial for rape resulting in death. His beloved (20) has already had her first trial.

She was charged with the attempted murder of her partner. During her trial, the court revealed explosive details from the Slovakian’s love life. “We know from other cellmates about your lively correspondence in pre-trial detention”, the judge was quoted in the newspaper “kurier”. Immediately after the crime, the woman had written to another man how much she loved him. And the accused even received a marriage proposal from another prisoner. The proposal was sent by (unofficial) post from the Josefstadt prison.

They would have been a good match. While the Afghan is suspected of having drugged Leonie (13), raped her together with other Afghans and ultimately being responsible for the girl’s death, his crush is said to have attacked her partner with a knife last May. On that day, they celebrated the end of Ramadan with plenty of alcohol. When the man pulled the accused into the kitchen by her hair, she grabbed a knife lying around and stabbed him.