The Sinister Roots of Build Back Better

By E. Jeffrey Ludwig

President Joe Biden and the puppeteers who control his teleprompter are weakening the country in order to gain more power and restructure the country based on classical Marxism (government ownership of the means of production) as well as woke cultural Marxist lines – destruction of the family, depreciation of male vigor and determination, and demonic sexual perversion throughout all classes and segments of society.

The motto of the interloper now serving in the White House is “Build Back Better” – and the trillions to “build back” is an updated version of the New Deal on steroids. The Dems spend to a new level of excess which, for them, is ecstasy. In fact, a better name for their spend, spend, and spend more programs should be “Excess Ecstasy Exhilarates.” The foundation of the New Deal was found in the economic theory of John Maynard Keynes. Keynes was a British economist who developed the theory of ‘deficit spending’ – the idea that the government going into debt would jump start the depressed economy which, then, would experience reinvigoration. There would be more employed, tax-paying citizens as well as corporate profits which would, in turn, restore the needed balance to the federal books. The deficit spending would restore a solvency that was lost due to the Great Depression.

In practice this did not work out (unemployment was still in double digits throughout the 1930’s), but because of the passage of the Wagner Act, which made it easier for workers to organize into unions, and because of the use of the radio for the well-known “Fireside Chats” – a real novelty in American politics which intensified public support for FDR – and because of residual anger towards the Republicans who had maintained power throughout the 1920’s and were thus assumed to be the ones who had caused the Depression, Keynesian economics became the go-to model for economic policy in the United States for all decades since that time. 

However, the Keynesian model has been weaponized under Build Back Better in a most sinister way. The present shift is to make us more amenable to the globalist fantasies gaining popularity in recent decades to ensure a transition towards world governance and a cooperative world economy (rather than a competitive one) under the cloak of “meeting needs” and “sustainability.”  These two concepts are key pillars in a document written and published by the United Nations called Agenda 2030. Although the original United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 stressed the need for individual rights after WWII and promoted those rights in nearly every sentence of that document, the present document – Agenda 2030 – only refers to rights in one of the ninety-one sections: Section 19.

Instead of rights, needs are emphasized. This is consistent with the Communist Manifesto authored by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848. A key principle in that document is “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” Actual needs of people would be the uppermost goal of envisioned communist society rather than ideas like rights, freedom, responsibility, property ownership, pursuit of happiness, or even security. The new communistic premise is that if needs are met then people will automatically experience security and happiness and will not need the abstract fluff of such bourgeois, outdated, and elitist ideas as rights, freedom, or ownership. Further, meeting of communist needs must be based on sustainability. If we run out of energy, clean air, or water at some point in the future, we would then not be able to meet peoples’ needs. Therefore, plans and actions to sustain all the materials and planetary conditions that will keep us from running out of the natural resources are “necessary” – even if that means enslavement and tyranny. ‘Sustainability’ works in tandem with the ‘meeting of needs’ as a combination that is a cornerstone for a new world governance policy. 

The Build Back Better plan superficially appears to be an updated and extravagant Keynesian or New Deal style spending program, but the endgame is not economic recovery that forever establishes federal government dominance over the states in the socio-political realm. Rather, this BBB is the connection of an enlarged federal government and authority with a depreciation or elimination of U.S. sovereignty in favor of global, communist-style governance. But as if the endgame were not sinister enough, we see this updated Keynesian expansion of expenditures is not a result of economic collapse due to a devastating Depression, as was the justification in the 1930’s.

Rather, simultaneously with expanded spending, the goal of the BBB plotters is to weaken the economy and usher in economic and socio-political chaos and mayhem. The southern border hands-off policy is literally facilitating the entrance of millions of unvetted persons. By limiting or eliminating natural gas and oil production in the territorial U.S. under the guise of protecting the environment, the feds incentivize other countries to expand their production of these energy sources. That production, which still means higher energy prices here in the U.S., has an equally negative effect on the world climate as fuel production in our country. But the brooding minds behind BBB want to see inflated prices. They want to see shortages. They want to see racial unrest. They want to see upsurges in crime as new theories of law inform the release of repeat offenders and shorter sentences to destabilize society. The BBB autocrats want to see a society that increasingly identifies as LGBTQ because this radical individualism weakens the social fabric. They want to see Chinese fentanyl imported to kill our citizens who are weak-minded and susceptible to drug use. 

Thus, despite resemblance to the New Deal, the BBB so-called governance (properly called betrayal) is at the front end linked to global health, green initiatives, and “interdependence” as an excuse for diminishing U.S. sovereignty. Initiation of these policies were not to combat financially depressive conditions, but rather designed to undermine the freedoms and economic viability of the U.S. This might be likened to prescribing chemo to a patient who did not have cancer, and then, in order to justify the perverse treatment plan, injecting the patient with cancer cells in order to justify that plan. The goal of the sinister and aberrated “plan” would not be the recovery of the patient and return to normal living, but to place the “cured” individual into custodial care rather than independent living. That is the equivalent of a United States with diminished sovereignty in a world governance system.

Meat eaters warned over Monkeypox

Meat eaters in the UK have been warned that they may face increased risk of contracting monkeypox.

In the UK, the NHS warned people to avoid meat “from endemic countries”. The chances of thus spreading the disease is however negligible as meat from African wild animals is not readily available in Britain. Moreover, Monkeypox is contagious, not infectious.

In fact, current data indicate that Monkeypox is not very infectious in humans. “It has a low Ro (perhaps below 1), which is the term used to describe how efficiently an infectious disease can spread from human to human. Again, this is super good news for containment,” noted mRNA inventor Dr Robert Malone.

“The risk of immunologic escape is very, very low. And the spread of this virus can be readily stopped by simple, inexpensive classical public health measures. If it were otherwise, we would already have experienced a pandemic of Monkeypox decades ago.”

The Bill Gates funded organization GAVI has been trying to scare the public by drawing parallels between Monkeypox and Ebola.

UNAIDS meanwhile denounced the “stigma and blame” stating that for Africans and LGBTI people this could “reinforce homophobic and racist stereotypes”.

Bavarian Nordic’s current vaccine Jynneos, which is effective against smallpox, has also been cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use against monkeypox. According to cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough, however, it causes myocarditis in 18 percent of recipients. He warned that “cardiac damage from these products” should be expected.

Can Wokeness Survive a Recession?

It’s no coincidence that the backlash against political correctness coincided with a recession in the early 90s. Or that cancel culture is starting to take a beating during an economic crisis.

In political ecology, elite leftist cultural gatekeeping movements take off during times of relative prosperity and economic security. Political correctness in its various contemporary forms is a response to an overproduction of elites with too many kids headed for the same elite institutions and then into careers with a limited pathway of upper tiers. Catch a few of them in an unguarded viral video moment at a park or in a chat screenshot, and watch the leftist political terror spread.

Enforcing conformity rewards mediocrity. Beyond the usual leftist agendas, political correctness and cancel culture are the ideal weapons of elites who feel threatened by the social mobility of others. Unable to compete on merit, they embrace leftist politics, recruit BLM patsies, and demand that the system become less academically rigorous and objectively competitive.

Recessions interrupt these shenanigans by disrupting the intellectual supply chains. Obsessing over microaggressions is fine in a rising economy. People who don’t have real problems have to invent them. And the invention of artificial problems and moral panics becomes a spectator sport. In a prosperous time, audiences will tune in to see which member of the elite was canceled this week, accused of #MeToo crimes or charged with speaking ineptly about an issue.

But when belts are tightening, the public loses patience with imaginary problems. And elite overproduction ceases to require artificial gatekeeping when natural restrictions kick in.

Going forward, that means fewer suburban lunches and book clubs with BLM activists or Ibram X. Kendi tracts. Leonard Bernstein hosted the infamous evening with the Black Panthers in 1970. Even though inflation was rising, the economy still seemed solid. Nixon ran for reelection powered by what even most in the media were describing as an economic boom.

Before long the decade came to be defined by horrifying inflation, leftist violence, and social collapse. Authentic radicalism replaced radical chic and bombs displaced virtue signaling. The conservative and leftist movements that had already been rising began their takeover of the Republican and Democrat parties. Rattled elites re-consolidated as moderates with a Democrat establishment and GOP RINOs fighting to control and protect their political fiefdoms.

The elites are once again reconsolidating and the backlash against wokeness is starting to go mainstream. There’s a lot less room for woke cultural diversions at Netflix when its stock craters. Virtue signaling stops when the party does and then the scramble for survival takes over.

Companies that recently scolded and threatened states over everything from transgender bathroom laws to voting regulations have suddenly decided to shut up about Roe v. Wade. Gov. DeSantis drawing blood from Disney helped, but boardrooms are also getting less woke and more serious as they face the instability of the economy and the fragility of their positions.

Much as is the seventies, frivolous wokeness is likely to make way for real violence.

The woke era split the American Left between the so-called neo-liberals, cultural lefties who used identity politics and environmentalism to rebrand capitalism as progressive, and hard lefties who championed class warfare and a socialist revolution. Some conservatives chose to ally with hard lefties over mutual opposition to wokeness and cancel culture, but they are about to discover that it was a matter of allying with Communists against Social Democrats.

Political correctness, under various names and forms, thrives in a prosperous society, while class warfare and outright terrorism make a comeback in periods of real economic pain. If wokeness goes down with the economy, what replaces it, Marxist revolutionaries, terrorists, and cult leaders, will be even worse. What follows depends on the economy and the nation.

The two faces of the Left are both ugly and they both specialize in political terror. They co-exist, but they are rarely both in ascendance at the same time. The rise of one usually foreshadows the fall of the other. The scale of the Black Lives Matter race riots foreshadowed a sea change. The growing backlash against wokeness built around an alliance that unites conservatives, liberals, apoliticals and hard lefties suddenly has the wind at its back, winning support from a range of Big Tech billionaires from Elon Musk to Amazon’s Jeff Bezos. Change is coming.

But mostly instability.

The public is increasingly burned out by the era of non-stop causes. Virtue signaling, a defining identity marker during a time of prosperity, looks like a hollow answer to suspicions of insincerity. The massive institutional distrust is not just a failure of credibility, but function. The people who were once satisfied to tweet things are angry and embittered over the lack of results. And they are becoming more willing to explore possibilities that may have once been unthinkable.

Performative politics, the world’s second oldest profession, isn’t going away, but it will seek authenticity by embracing more active measures. The crybullying of cancel culture, a mean girls bloodsport fed by hashtags and victimhood videos, is unlikely to feed that appetite. Hashtags, like bumper stickers, have long been dismissed as performative, and the attempt to revive their relevance with astroturf groups and social media influencers is on track to hit a brick wall.

Spreading awareness is an unsatisfying strategy. The rounds of doxxing and canceling, alternate reality games that turn online gaming into political warfare, marketed by memes and bots, graphed by exposure analytics, is a style unlikely to outlive the forced maturing of the generation of rich kids insulated from reality by their online environments that spawned it.

The chaos of Web3 will upend both platform dominance and elite control over discourse. The wildness of the era likely to follow from the upheaval of the Big Tech companies that have defined the permitted boundaries of the culture may well prove as explosive as the seventies. Cryptocurrency is nothing compared to the shock of a generation that defined itself by exploiting loopholes in a gated internet suddenly discovering that the gates don’t matter anymore.

A new medium is about to become the cultural message.

Web 2.0 has become a stale Eastern European Soviet bloc nation where Big Brother is watching, nothing really works under the hood and everything looks the same. Big Tech companies all have their utopian visions, much as the Communists did, but all they really have to offer is a broken internet defined by algorithmic conformity and the illusion of dissent.

Wokeness was the perfect cultural complement to social technological totalitarianism. It crowdsourced the policing of narratives in a fashion perfectly aligned with the technocratic mission of the massive platforms that both lived off and suppressed user generated content. The dominance of the big platforms, like Facebook, fueled by cash-rich optimistic investors, is likely to go down as the economy takes down the decadent technocracy that they spawned.

The imminent future is likely to be ugly, but much less woke. Elites, corporate and individual, facing economic misery, rising violence in the streets, and societal breakdowns will retreat from the devastation that they helped cause while glibly championing a renewed liberal consensus.

Ibram X. Kendi, Robin DiAngelo, and Ta-Nehisi Coates, white allies groups and white privilege questionnaires, will go the way of Leonard Bernstein’s Black Panther dinner, mocked for the naivete and decadence of elites unwilling to either embrace or abandon its privileges.

If the economy suffers, both politics and culture will run downstream of economics.

The Left, aggressively reinvigorated and freed of its institutional chains, will double down on political terrorism. At least until the economy shifts again and the former terrorists once again pick up jobs at universities and within corporations who will turn woke all over again.

Except that next time around, we’ll call wokeness something else.

Rights Groups Denounces Spate of Church Vandalism in Austria

The Observatory on Discrimination and Intolerance Against Christians in Europe (OIDACE) denounced Wednesday a recent spate of anti-Christian vandalism in Austria and mainstream media’s failure to report on it.

“Acts of vandalism against Churches are currently very high in countries like Germany, France, and Italy,” OIDACE executive director Madeleine Enzlberger said in an email, with many of the cases showing “a clear anti-Christian bias.”

“Sadly, the reporting of these cases remains very scarce, if not almost completely ignored by the media,” Enzlberger noted.

The first case concerned a series of red-spray-painted Satanic graffiti found on the walls and altar of St. Vincent church in Graz on April 28, which included the word Satan, upside-down crosses, and the number 666. The vandals also painted an angel’s face red and burned a bible.

“I have never experienced anything like this. Even a Bible was set on fire, an angel was made the devil. Whoever does such a thing is perverted!” said the parish priest, Father Wolfgang Pucher. “It’s just unbelievable.”

On May 6, vandals inflicted significant property damage to the Kalwang parish church in Mautern, spraying the outer walls with Nazi symbols as well as graffiti reading “Sh*t Jesus.”

Also on May 6, the evangelical church in Vöcklabruck, Austria, was attacked and robbed. The unidentified assailants kicked over three lights on the pathway outside the church and strewed notices, brochures, leaflets, and prayer books around the inside of the church.

The perpetrators also smashed a microphone and broke open the offering box, taking the money that was inside.

On May 18, a thief broke into a Catholic church in the Saggen district of Innsbruck, stealing a chalice and a coffer filled with Eucharistic hosts.

On May 16 and again on May 21, vandals spray-painted the Karlskirche in Vienna with graffiti, marking the third and fourth times of such profanation of the church in 2022 alone. OIDACE noted that this is the worst year to date with vandalism against the church, with some sort of damage reported almost every day.

Sweden: In order not to provoke Muslims in refugee shelters, Ukrainian refugee women are not allowed to wear shorts and tight blouses

Ukrainian refugee women at the Galaxen reception centre in Olofström have been told that they are not allowed to dress as they wish, as this could provoke the men from other cultures who also live at the migrant reception centre.

Among other things, short shorts and blouses that show the body are not desired. Sverige Radio

Nurse and priest overpower Syrian knifeman in Linz, Austria

Thanks to courageous passers-by, a woman survived a knife attack by her jealous partner on the Danube embankment in Linz: Because the man could not be calmed down, a nurse jumped into his back with her legs – a priest was also involved in the courageous rescue operation.

The two Syrian asylum seekers (he 52, she 41) had gotten into an argument on Monday evening. Apparently, it was about the woman having contact with another man via social media, which displeased her partner. In the course of the quarrel, the two left their flat, leaving their eleven-year-old twins at home. In the street, the man allegedly attacked the woman with a Stanley knife, which he said he happened to have with him. The second stab already caused massive injuries to the neck, said Ulrike Breiteneder, spokeswoman for the public prosecutor, after which the woman received further cuts.

It was “a chain of fortunate circumstances” that saved the woman from death, state police director Andreas Pilsl described in a background interview with Breiteneder on Wednesday. Her authority assumes attempted murder in the case – the man thus faces ten to 20 years or even life in prison if convicted – that is why she has applied for pre-trial detention.

The investigators assume that the woman would not have survived had it not been for the courageous intervention of passers-by, who all happened to be passing by the crime scene: The most courageous action was taken by a nurse who jumped into the perpetrator’s back with her legs, thus ending the attack. A priest also tried to keep the man away from the woman. The clergyman was then threatened with the knife himself. A doctor who was travelling by car immediately gave first aid and finally an ambulance came along, whose crew immediately treated the woman and took her to hospital. The initial danger to her life was averted there by an emergency operation.

The Syrian was arrested on the spot. He claims to remember the fight and his arrest, but not the crime itself. According to the public prosecutor’s office, he does not deny it either. He is being investigated for attempted murder and for making dangerous threats against the clergyman.

The victim (41) has also already been questioned in hospital. She spoke of an attack out of the blue. Her husband – they are married according to Islamic law – had wanted to take her mobile phone to see who she was in contact with. The alleged perpetrator was not previously known to the authorities, nor had the family had any incidents related to domestic violence, the background interview said. The children are currently in private care. Andreas Pilsl wants to nominate the courageous passers-by for a “red ribbon medal”.

France: 18-year-old arrested on suspicion of planning an attack on behalf of Islamic State

On suspicion of planning an imminent terrorist attack with a knife, an 18-year-old man was arrested in Drôme by investigators from the Directorate General of Internal Security (DGSI) before being charged and remanded in custody in Paris on Tuesday, Le Figaro reported on Wednesday May 25. The initial investigation findings, confirmed by the suspect’s statements in police custody, showed that he was planning a terrorist act “on behalf of the Islamic State organisation to which he had sworn allegiance”, a judicial source told the national daily. Among other things, a video was discovered in his possession in which the young man pledged allegiance to the terrorist organisation.

In view of a possible imminent attack by the 18-year-old, the National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office (PNAT) had already opened a preliminary investigation on May 19 for “terrorist association of criminals in preparation of one or more crimes against persons”.

The young man is a Muslim and has gone through a phase of radicalisation, the conditions of which, however, were not explained in detail. His possible targets were also not disclosed.

‘Women should not have penises!’ — Comedian Ricky Gervais tackles trans row in latest Netflix special

British comedian and actor Ricky Gervais has used his latest Netflix stand-up special to weigh in on the ongoing transgender row recently consuming the Western world.

In typical Gervais fashion, “The Office” sitcom writer turned Hollywood star used provocation and satire to comment on the transgender issue, the perceived demise of the two gender structure, and the militant nature in which LGBTQ activists respond to any critique of their liberal agenda.

Four minutes into the hour-long Netflix special of his new stand-up set, “SuperNature,” Gervais appeared to ridicule the lack of common sense which he says now exists during the transgender debate, claiming that although he supports rights for the transgender community, “women with a penis” bother him.

“I love the new women. They’re great, aren’t they? The new ones we’ve been seeing lately. The ones with beards and cocks,” Gervais told the audience.

“They’re as good as gold, I love them. And now the old-fashioned ones say, ‘Oh, they want to use our toilets.’ ‘Why shouldn’t they use your toilets?’ ‘For ladies!’ ‘They are ladies: look at their pronouns!” Gervais quipped to much applause.

“‘What about this person isn’t a lady?’ ‘Well, his penis.’ ‘Her penis, you fucking bigot!’ ‘What if he rapes me?’ ‘What if she rapes you, you fucking TERF whore?’” he added.

Commenting on the attempt to cancel fellow comedians and actors, including Kevin Hart and Liam Neeson, Gervais claimed that comedy and offense are subjective, and that one cannot state that a joke or a statement is offensive as fact, it may simply be the case that the listener has taken offense to a particular comment, something Gervais considers to be an important distinction.

Towards the end of the special, Gervais reverted back to the transgender debate, stating his unequivocal support for the rights of transgender people.

“In real life, of course, I support trans rights. I support all human rights, and trans rights are human rights,” Gervais told the audience.

“Live your best life. Use your preferred pronouns. Be the gender that you feel you are. But meet me halfway, ladies. Lose the cock. That’s all I’m saying.”

Progressives criticize Gervais in response

Several people appeared on social media networks to condemn Gervais for his comments with some claiming to have canceled their Netflix subscriptions due to the offense taken.

According to them, Gervais had downplayed the issues of transgender people, while others described the humor as distasteful, stupid, and claimed Gervais was simply hateful.

However, many people also offered a staunch defense for the comedian’s right to express his views and to use comedy to tackle an important social debate, while others thanked him for saying out loud what they feel unable to freely say in today’s society.