Youth football in Germany: Turkish father chokes 14-year-old opponent of his son and pulls knife

Shocking scenes at junior football in Berlin: the Turkish-born father of a player stormed the pitch, choked his son’s 14-year-old opponent and then pulled out a knife. He shouted, “I’ll stab you.” The attack took place during the C-junior match between Turkish-dominated Berliner AK and SC Staaken. It was played on the George Floyd sports field. The pitch in the Post Stadium is named after the Afro-American who was killed by a white policeman.

The attack was allegedly caused by a kick by the Staaken player, who had previously been fouled by the son. The 47-year-old man then went berserk, violently threw the child to the ground and choked him. According to the police report, he then pulled out a knife and threatened other fathers who rushed to help. The armed man shouted “I’m going to stab you”. By then the score was already 2:0 for SC Staaken.

Afterwards, riots broke out. Shocked spectators called the police. A short time later, officers arrested the still raging father. Now the public prosecutor’s office is investigating the man of Turkish origin for dangerous bodily harm and attempted dangerous bodily harm.

His victim, the 14-year-old boy, had suffered a bruise on his neck. “He is doing well. I am still shaken. I have never seen or experienced anything like this, especially at a junior match. Who brings a knife to a junior match?”, Staaken youth director Michael Grässner told the tabloid Bild.

The match was abandoned and will probably be scored in favour of SC Staaken. Berliner AK would like to forego a replay.

A compelling book warns of the dangers of radical Islam

By John Dale Dunn

Anna Mae D. Simmons, having devoted a lifetime of study of the culture and religious teachings of Islam and then turning her efforts to exposing the evil of Islam, has written a book that energetically and intensely studies the Islamic Religious Literature Traditions in order to provide non-Islamists with a perspective on the uniquely belligerent, cruel, barbaric religion of history—Islam. She provides us with insights in the book Who is the Radical Islamist? And Why? (213 pp, Soft Cover $9.99, ISBN 978-14787-94509 (Outskirts Press 2018))

Even though on every turn of the page she adds reverent mentions of Muhammed, the point of the book is that she exposes the reasons why violent and barbaric jihadism is the guiding light of fundamental Islam and has not been extinguished. It is still the paradigm of action for Islamists even in situations where they are in the minority.

Even in America, where Islamists represent a small segment of the population, the Islamist mindset is all about the conquest and destruction of Western civilization. Even when operating from a position of disadvantage, Islamists are still the aggressors, using deception and manipulation to take advantage of Western civilization’s weaknesses: Tolerance, inclusion, and respect for religious beliefs. To Islamists, western intellectuals and political leaders are suckers for being intimidated into allowing Islamists to invade and dominate Western Society.

Don’t you think such a book deserves your attention? Or are you willing to risk our civilization in favor of an aggressive, unrelenting, cruel, and savage religious (I use the word liberally) ideology (a word fitting the description much better) way of life/all-encompassing commitment? If allowed to prevail, Islam will extinguish Western civilization in favor of a lifestyle system promoted by an illiterate highwayman/pedophile/barbarian named Muhammed, whose legacy, as he stated himself, is one of “conquest and terror”—or would the better statement be “to use terror to facilitate conquest?”

In the past, I have done my best to warn readers of the evil of Islam—referencing scholars like Robert Spencer, the author of more than 20 books and lead writer for the website Jihad Watch, and Raymond Ibrahim, a prolific and compelling contributor to American Thinker (more than 200 articles) about the dangers of Islamic aggression.

I recommend Professor Simmons’s book because she provides an excellent summary of the religious teachings of Islam that have created the aggressive and lethal Jihadis that present a danger to Western culture, as well as to other non-Islamic cultures such as Buddhism and Taoism. This lethality is proven by Islam’s cruel and excessive aggressions throughout the history of the last 1,400-plus years. Throughout history, Islamists have never been shy about not finding a reason to tolerate other religions or cultures.

Even as we consider the dangers of aggressive socialism, which is seemingly ascendant in America today, it would be foolish to ignore the threat of radical Islamists, who are familiar with and have a great affection for both terror (torture and beheading) and deceit and political manipulation. Islamists freely embrace both tactics to promote their goal of a World Wide Caliphate and Islamic dominance. The evidence of their malignity is present around the world and confirms Samuel Huntington’s warning in his inestimable book, Clash of Civilizations.

Widespread election fraud uncovered in Berlin

The chaotic elections in Berlin and the simultaneous elections to the House of Representatives last September are making bigger and bigger waves. In the meantime, the Federal Election Commissioner has requested that the federal election be repeated in half of Berlin’s constituencies. At the regional state level, irregularities were deliberately waved through by the leftist Green senate.

From the beginning, the election in the German capital had been accompanied by allegations of manipulation and fraud. While at first it looked as if the proceedings would remain entirely without consequences, research by the magazine Tichys Einblick this week has now revealed the alarming extent of discrepancies, including obvious electoral fraud. In the meantime, Federal Election Commissioner Georg Thiel even announced that in six of the twelve Berlin constituencies the ballot would have to be repeated and filed an application to this effect.

Grotesque number of ‘electoral mishaps’

Thiel explained that the incidents were “mandate-relevant”. In addition, minors and EU foreigners apparently took part in the election in violation of the law. The former Berlin MP and top candidate of the Free Voters, Marcel Luthe, had already announced last weekend that he would file criminal charges for voter fraud. He had already filed a complaint with the Berlin Constitutional Court after he was denied access to the minutes of the polling stations, which were actually open to the public.

The evaluation of the election documents showed that in some districts ballot papers from other districts were deliberately used, which thus became invalid. Often there were basically too few ballot papers. Too few voting booths were set up, which led to long queues and many voters were turned away. According to the state election administration, in many places the respective election officials decided at their own discretion who was allowed to vote.

Ballot resembled a banana republic

Nineteen percent of the polling stations were still open after 6.15 pm when the first forecasts were already published in the media, which can influence the decision to vote, for example because parties are determined as winners or losers. Four polling stations even closed after 8 pm – according to the state election administration allegedly “because of the large crowd”. Luthe pointed out that this was not very credible, as almost 225 000 fewer voters had cast their ballots than in the 2017 federal election.

The delivery of ballot papers had also not worked as it should because of the Berlin Marathon taking place on the same Sunday. Due to the Corona pandemic, there had been a call in advance for increased use of the postal voting option. Here too, however, the delivery of the corresponding documents failed, so that it is completely unclear how many voters in the end did not make use of their right to vote or could not exercise it at all because the requested documents never reached them.

The Left Party MP Gesine Lötsch, one of three direct candidates of the party, recorded a lead of 8773 votes in the district of Lichtenberg. However, since it is unknown how high the proportion of “lost votes” is, nobody knows whether Lötsch was actually elected. The possible consequences are far from insignificant: If Lötsch had not made it into the Bundestag, the Left Party would instantly lose its parliamentary group status there – because it would only have two seats.

Ex-Senator of the Interior makes scandalous statements

In any case, there are growing indications that the mishaps for which the incompetent Berlin city government is responsible were exploited by the very city government responsible to secure its election victory. After the scandalous circumstances surrounding the election became known, the then interior senator Andreas Geisel (SPD) nevertheless stated: “As things stand, I do not assume that the election in Berlin would have to be repeated on a large scale.”

It has now become known that the Senate Department of the Interior, led by Geisel, with reference to a court ruling from 2010, had instructed the election officer of the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, where masses of false and thus clearly invalid ballot papers had been issued according to the Berlin election law, to count 1900 invalid votes as valid, 75 percent of which were for the Red-Red-Green Party.

However, the judgement used to justify this outrageous act was actually about a few votes in a staff council election. It is suspected that similar events may have taken place in other districts with false ballots.

New data shows Germany’s 2016’s migrant wave brought few skilled workers

Of the more than 1 million migrants who came during the 2015/16 migrant wave to Germany, almost 900,000 of them still live on Hartz IV, which is the country’s social benefit system.

According to Germany’s Federal Employment Agency, only 460,000 of the Syrians, Afghans, Somalis, Iraqis, and other Middle Eastern and African migrants who arrived in Germany in 2015/16 are employed, and more than half of those are in unskilled jobs. Many of the migrants who are employed also receive social benefits due to their low incomes.

In addition, 670,000 migrants are either unemployed or looking for work, with 235,000 unemployed and 437,000 looking for work. From both groups, 88 percent have no professional qualifications.

This information has emerged from a response from the federal government to a request from Alternative for Germany (AfD) MP René Springer. The data from the Federal Employment Agency shows has to do with the eight most common asylum countries of origin: Afghanistan, Eritrea, Iraq, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, and Syria.

The proportion of refugees who live on standard benefits is almost twice as high as that of employed refugees and has leveled off at 66 percent. For comparison, 5.6 percent of Germans fall into the Hartz IV quota for social benefits.

Hardly any skilled workers, specialists, or experts

Even among the former migrants who are employed and subject to social security contributions, 43.3 percent did not graduate high school. The proportion employed in low-skilled jobs is correspondingly high: 50.1 percent. This share has increased by 6.6 percentage points since January 2016, while the share of skilled workers, specialists, and experts continues to decline.

“Despite all the euphemisms by the government and the established media, the mass immigration into our social systems can no longer be denied,” said Springer, adding that the billions in taxes spent on integration measures have so far been spent ineffectively.

Given the lack of job skills of those who are unemployed or looking for work, there are few believe that these migrants will be integrated into Germany’s workforce anytime soon. Only About 4 percent have professional training and 7 percent have academic training.

Attempts to train these migrants also reveal an uncertain future. Of the approximately 25,000 applicants for a training place from the top eight asylum countries of origin, 15,000 remain unplaced.

Germany: Turkish religious authority disseminates catechism advocating death penalty for adultery

Abdel-Hakim Ourghi cannot believe his eyes as he browses through this book in the Cologne Central Mosque: “Basic Knowledge for Women – According to the Hanaftian Madhab (predominant Sunni school of law, note)” explains to Muslim women on 527 pages what Islam-compliant living is. For example, that she may only be treated by a male doctor “if it is really necessary”, that “the mixed life of women and men (has) always led to the decay of societies” and that veiling protects against skin cancer.

According to the work published by Astec in Bochum, it is also life-threatening when man and woman are alone in a room. Because then “Zina” is in the air. Zina is the Arabic word for fornication and adultery.

What happens to Muslims who “do zina” is described on pages 467/468: single people receive 100 strokes of the cane, while adulterers are threatened with worse: “Islam introduced stoning to death as a punishment for married men and women as well as for widows and widowers. Elsewhere there is talk of 100 strokes of the cane before stoning. Islamic scholars are “in complete agreement” on this. This is followed by a description of relevant episodes from the time of Muhammad, each of which ends with the stoning ordered by the Prophet.

The book, translated from Turkish, devotes a long chapter to jihad. The author Raul Pehlivan sums up what this is all about: “Jihad means to devote one’s life, possessions and tongue to the utmost for the rule of Islam in the world. Jihad, he said, is obligatory for all Muslims. On dealing with a government of kuffar (infidels, note), page 334 says: “The obligation and attitude towards such a government … consists of trying to change that government and end its (sic) existence.” The goal of world domination is reiterated elsewhere: Jihad is waged “to establish the rule of truth on the face of the entire earth.”

The book is available in numerous Turkish bookshops in Austria and Germany. Also on Amazon. The Viennese Aziziye bookshop took it out of stock after a VOLKSBLATT enquiry.

The sale at the Central Mosque in Cologne is politically explosive. It belongs to the Turkish-Islamic Union of the Institute for Religion (Ditib), which is subordinate to the Turkish Office for Religious Affairs (Diyanet). The Diyanet in turn reports directly to the President of the Republic, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. A look at the online library of Diyanet shows the Turkish edition of “Basic Knowledge for Women” (“Büyük Kadin Ilmihali”) as part of the reference library there – registered with location number 297.411 PEH on the first floor. This means that in Erdogan’s immediate area of responsibility, literature is distributed – also in German by Ditib – that propagates cruel corporal punishment and jihad against non-Muslims.

The liberal Islamic scholar Ourghi is appalled. “This inflammatory pamphlet,” says the Freiburg religious educator, “serves a main goal of Islamic radicalised conservatism, namely to spread a latent ‘Western phobia'”. In the eyes of the Islamists, Western ways of thinking, living and governing are “not compatible with the teachings of Islam”. According to Ourghi, the culture of the West is presented as sick for the purpose of creating an Islamic identity. He said that healing and protection against this can only be found in Islam as the “only true religion”. Ourghi told VOLKSBLATT: “Islamic-radicalised conservatism wants to build up stereotypes against the achievements of Western culture and circulate them in the Muslim communities.”

Ditib claims – at least on its homepage – to be pro-Western: “We are committed to the free democratic basic order.” The “Basic Knowledge for Women” elabo sold in the mosque, however, does not quite fit into this order.