Russian state television alludes to nuclear strikes against Western capitals

Screenshot of the Russian Rossiya1 programme on the range and speed of the RS-28 Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile.

As a reaction to Western leaders continuously inflaming the rhetoric against Russia, the Russian state broadcaster has now unmistakably brought up the possibility of Russian nuclear strikes against Western capitals in a video simulation.

According to Rossiya 1, the Russian ballistic missile of the recently introduced newest type “Sarmat”, which would be launched from the Russian exclave Kaliningrad, could reach Berlin in 106 seconds, London in 202 and Paris in 200 seconds. It is an open secret, which the head of the Kremlin openly addressed when he presented this state-of-the-art intercontinental strategic weapon, that the West currently has no means of defending itself against it.

Moscow recently successfully tested its state-of-the-art RS-28 Sarmatintercontinental ballistic missile which is said to be able to bypass any existing air defenses. The US and its NATO allies currently have no hypersonic weapons in service.

A graphic showed in the programme (see picture) how Russian missiles can reach for example London within a very short time. “You have to look at this picture. Count the seconds! Can they do that?” a guest in the video commented and, addressing the West, added: “You don’t understand it any other way!”

Clearly, in the case of such an attack, there would be “no survivors”. According to the British Daily Mail, the Russian broadcaster is apparently reacting to statements by British Defense Minister Ben Wallace, who has been advocating attacks on Russian infrastructure facilities.

UK appears to lead the warmongers

Great Britain was given a special mention by Rossiya 1 for its particularly aggressive war policy. In another programme, the scenario of an attack with the Russian underwater drone Poseidon on the British Isles was presented – the drone can carry nuclear warheads of up to 100 megatons when loaded. There is no defense against it in this case either.

The moderator explained: “The explosion of this thermonuclear torpedo off the British coast would trigger a gigantic wave of up to 500 meters in height. Such a squall of water is also a carrier of extreme doses of radiation. If it sweeps across the British Isles, it will turn what’s left of them into a radioactive desert.”

British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss still appears to be oblivious to the danger of poking the bear. Just last week, Truss formulated the new British war aim of completely pushing back Russian troops from Ukraine, including Crimea, which voted to join Russia in a referendum organized by Moscow in 2014.

NATO’s strategy of conducting proxy wars against Russia, is fraught with very serious consequences.

Western nations have abandoned strategic dialogue

The United States, France and Great Britain are increasingly departing from the principles set to avoid conflict between nuclear countries “alongside the whole of NATO, which is positioning itself as a nuclear alliance,” a senior Russian diplomat underlined.

Director of the Foreign Ministry’s Department for Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Vladimir Yermakov told TASS that Western leaders should come to their senses. “It is imperative to reaffirm the principle that the risks of a nuclear war that must never be unleashed must be minimized, in particular, by way of preventing any armed conflict between nuclear powers. Russia strictly abides by this principle,” Yermakov said.

“Speaking about dangers emerging in current conditions, I would like to note that it would be useful for US-led Western countries gripped by unprecedented Russophobia to remain clearly aware that the irresponsible escalation of their anti-Russian actions is totally unacceptable,” he added.

The US has abandoned strategic dialogue with Russia on updating the Strategic Offensive Arms Reduction and Limitation Treaty (New START). “We proceeded from the fact that it would help create pre-requisites for a constructive dialogue and eventually, possibly, for drafting specific accords,” the senior Russian diplomat explained.

“However, the Americans interrupted this interaction under the pretext of developments around Ukraine. We took note of this,” he said.

NATO expansion has crossed a red line

As a reminder, the US has deployed land-based intermediate-and shorter-range missiles in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region to further escalate the situation and whip up an arms race.

Yermakov told TASS that in itself, the creation of hypersonic armaments does not contradict any international treaties.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned warmongers against interfering in the Ukrainian conflict, promising a “lightning-speed” response. Putin is known for keeping his word.

In the current issue of the Swiss weekly Weltwoche (No. 17/22), former SPD leader Oskar Lafontaine sharply criticized German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Ukraine policy: “If it is not possible to reach a negotiated peace soon, the danger of a nuclear war will increase, because those responsible in Moscow have their backs to the wall and the gamblers in Washington have believed for years that a nuclear war could be limited to Europe.”

France’s elections, not Hungary’s, deserve an OSCE observer mission

Having witnessed both the Hungarian and French elections in the course of a few weeks and having listened to what observers sent to Hungary had to say, one cannot but think that the choice of Hungary for an OSCE full-scale observer mission was flawed and that France would have been a more judicious choice for such observation.

It is no mystery that when the Hungarian opposition demanded that such a mission be sent to monitor the April 3 parliamentary elections in their country, their primary goal was to tell the world that Hungary is no longer really a democratic country and that in case they lose (which they expected to), it will be because the election process under Viktor Orbán’s rule is not fair and transparent. When it comes to the question of Orban, there is little wonder why the Hungarian opposition quickly obtained the support of a few dozens of members of the European Parliament. Orbán’s conservative, anti-mass immigration government is despised in most EU institutions, but perhaps in the European Parliament more than anywhere else.

However, the mainstream media in Europe was much less vocal about this mission once it had given its conclusions, as the election process in Hungary was eventually found to be well organized, with no room for fraud and fully democratic. In fact, with the presence of the OSCE’s 316 observers from 45 countries and a few dozen observers sent by conservative organizations belonging to the Alliance for the Common Good to make sure the observation process will be diverse and fair, Hungary’s election was actually Europe’s most transparent election so far this century.

Still, the OSCE mission did see some “flaws” in the electoral process. These “flaws”, as they were called in the press conference that was held in Budapest on Monday, April 4, mostly included, according to the mission’s representatives, the intensity of negative campaigning against the opposition by the government camp and state media, and the blurring of the line between government camp campaign expenditure and government action. All this, according to Kari Henriksen, a Danish member of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly who was the mission coordinator, amounted to the “absence of a level playing field” even when the vote itself had taken place under good conditions and the candidates had been able to campaign freely.

It is good to hear that the candidates standing for Hungary’s unicameral parliament, the National Assembly, were able to campaign freely, as the same cannot be said of all the candidates willing to run in the French presidential election. First of all, for those representing parties with few or no elected officials, there was an incredibly difficult first barrier to pass, which is the requirement to have one’s candidacy endorsed by a minimum of 500 mayors, MPs, MEPs, or departmental and regional councilors. The first round of the presidential election was planned for April 10, and the would-be candidates had until March 4 to get their 500 endorsements. This means that up to the beginning of March, which amounts to a month before election day, the incumbent president’s three main contenders were busy not campaigning but racing to obtain those endorsements from the better-established parties, i.e. the Communist Party, the Socialist Party, and the center-right Republicans, whose candidates (who had absolutely no problem getting the necessary endorsements) eventually totaled 8.8 percent of the popular vote.

At one point, Marine Le Pen even had to put her campaign completely on hold to focus on the issue of endorsements, as she only had obtained 366 such endorsements ten days before the final deadline. She eventually met her signature requirements, and so did Éric Zemmour and Jean-Luc Mélenchon, but not Christiane Taubira, a former minister of Justice under Socialist President François Hollande, who had won a “people’s primary” organized by left-wing activists, to which some 400,000 voters had taken part. Taubira gave up on March 2, having received only 181 endorsements with two days left before the final deadline.

Another barrier to candidates being able to campaign freely in the run-up to the French presidential election was the lack of access to bank loans for Macron’s main opponent, Marine Le Pen. The French banks’ unanimous policy of obstruction against Le Pen is fully political, as any candidate who obtains at least 5 percent of the popular vote in the first round gets his or her campaign expenses refunded by the state, and there has never been any doubt as to Le Pen obtaining a lot more than that 5 percent.

If it was not for a bank from a more democratic country, in this case, Hungary, Le Pen could not have freely campaigned even after she finally reached 500 endorsements. After the National Front’s much-criticized loan from a Russian bank in 2014 (which was taken for exactly the same reason), Macron had promised in his campaign before the 2017 presidential election to create a “Bank of Democracy” which would lend money on equal terms to all political parties, but he never did so. Instead, he made things even harder for Le Pen and her party, having a law enacted by parliament to forbid French political parties access to banks from outside the European Economic Area. If it was not for EU law, he would most probably have narrowed this to France only, making it impossible for his main opponent to finance her campaign.

As for the blurring of the line between government camp campaign expenditure and government action, which the OSCE stated was a problem with Hungary’s elections, the same can be said of France’s presidential campaign in which the incumbent president was criticized by all his opponents for refusing to declare his candidacy until the last minute by waiting until March 4, although Macron’s supporters were, of course, collecting the necessary endorsements long before that date so as to be able to submit them to the Constitutional Council on the March 4 deadline. This effectively meant that Macron, until one month before the first round of the elections, was able to actually campaign with public money using his presidential function and without having to submit to the rules applying to candidates, for example, concerning allocated time in the media.

Finally, what about the OSCE’s claim about the intensity of negative campaigning against the opposition by the government camp and state media? The OSCE observer mission claimed it saw as a “flaw” in the Hungarian elections, even evoking in its report “extensive bias in a number of broadcast and online media against United for Hungary and in favor of the government and Fidesz.” Well, it can be said that at least Hungary features a plethora of private media outlets which are unequivocally on the side of the opposition. As a matter of fact, according to a study from the third quarter of 2021, which is cited in the Ordo Iuris observer report and was mentioned during a press conference also held in Budapest on April 4, the “consumption” of pro- and anti-government media by Hungarians is fairly balanced.

The same cannot be said of the French media, as the media campaign run against Marine Le Pen by the state media and by nearly all private mainstream media in the run-up to the April 24 second round of the French presidential election was both massive and brutal. With such media support, it is in fact surprising President Macron “only” got 58.5 percent of the vote.

Experts: US Training of Ukrainian Forces on German Soil Can Represent Entry into War with Nuclear-Armed Russia

“Money or die!”: Dark-skinned man hits German wheelchair user over the head with bottle

A 39-year-old wheelchair user from Eschwege was brutally attacked and robbed early on Saturday morning ( April 30) in the green area in front of the Church of the Resurrection. According to the police, the man was driving his wheelchair on the footpath in front of the church in Eschwege at around 5.40 a.m. because he wanted to cross the road Westring to the Eschwege train station to catch a train.

In the green area in front of the church in Eschwege, an unknown male perpetrator approached the man and threatened him in English with the words “Money or die!” At the same time, the perpetrator was already holding a beer bottle threateningly in his hand.

The wheelchair user replied that he did not have any money with him, whereupon the perpetrator hit him on the head with the beer bottle. Dazed and with a headache, the wheelchair user fled via the streets Eichenweg and Westring in the direction of the railway station. According to the victim, the unknown perpetrator fled into the green area in the direction of Südring.

According to his own statements, the 39-year-old victim only recovered consciousness four hours after the crime and then reported to the police in Eschwege. He said that the perpetrator had robbed a small bag with clothes. The victim’s head injury had to be treated in hospital.

The perpetrator is described as a 16 to 17 year old man, about 1.70 metres tall and very thin and dark-skinned with black curly hair. He was dressed in a white jumper with a high collar and dark trousers with a light stripe. Any information can be obtained from the police in Eschwege by calling 0 56 51/9250.

Germany: After radical left-wing agitation against it, a Catholic hospital must allow the Islamic headscarf for nurses

A Muslim woman wearing a headscarf felt discriminated against because she was not allowed to wear an Islamic headscarf in a clinic in Herne, which is run under the auspices of the Catholic St. Elisabeth Group. After successful bluster and with the active support of the student parliament and the mainstream media, the headscarf ban has now been overturned. What’s more, the Islam-devote clinic group will provide headscarves at its own expense.

A ban on the wearing of Muslim headscarves is in force at the clinics in Herne, North Rhine-Westphalia. The hospitals are run by the Catholic sponsor St. Elisabeth Group. However, 24-year-old Melda had taken it into her Islamic head to complete her occupational therapy training at the hospital in Herne wearing her Muslim headdress. After she refused to take off the emblem of Islam during her training, the hospital terminated it.

The 24-year-old Melda then did what countless of her co-religionists have already done: She loudly shouted: “Discrimination!”. This was readily picked up by the newspaper WAZ. In cronyism with the “student parliament” of the Ruhr University – the student parliament is the “highest decision-making electoral body (organ) of a constituted student body” and appoints the left-wing radical General Student Committee (AStA) – the St. Elisabeth group was then put under pressure. In a letter, the “student parliament” demanded an end to the headscarf ban from all head doctors. If the group did not desist from the ban, according to the islamophile tenor of the letter, then they could not continue to support the cooperation with the university hospital or academic teaching hospital group.

The management of the clinics now gave up. In future, Muslim women will be allowed to wear their Islamic headscarf in their Catholic hospitals as they please.

But that’s not all: the hospital group, which also includes the Marien Hospital in Herne as a university clinic of the Ruhr University, wants to have white headscarves with their own logo produced themselves at their own expense and make them available to the Muslim women at work.

According to the WAZ, Melda is highly satisfied with her victory. And the Muslim woman has already found a new, Islam-devoted internship. However, she will definitely not take a job at the now Islamised St. Elisabeth Group after her training. The headscarf fighter does not want to be employed there. The clinic group did not even manage to apologise for her expulsion.

Possible explanation for deaths from myocarditis in vaccinated athletes

As FWM reported, numerous top athletes died in 2021 from heart problems related to the SARS-CoV-2 injections. A study has set out to explain the mechanism, thus suggesting a causal connection.

In 2021, increased cases of myocarditis were detected in young people and athletes. The number of sudden deaths among professional athletes is now above average. Studies show a significant association with mRNA vaccines. The problem is particularly pronounced in male and young athletes.

preprint study published in February examined the possible causes of these complications after the SARS-CoV-2 injections. The authors report autopsy findings from adolescents who died of myocarditis three to four days after administration of the Pfizer preparation. Cardiologist Alessandro Capucci drew attention to the study on La Bussola Quotidiana.

According to the study, the reason for these deaths could be an increased level of catecholamines. Catecholamine responses, which are already high in young male athletes, are overexpressed in vaccinated athletes, when compared to pre-vaccination levels and non-vaccinated athletes.

The authors noted that male athletes in particular already tend to have high levels of active catecholamines even at rest. In addition, young people and men have a higher level than people over 40 and women.

There is a possibility that the catecholamine levels, which are already high in male athletes in particular, will increase again after the SARS-CoV-2 injection, leading to necrosis of parts of the heart muscle tissue. Although myocarditis can be triggered by Covid-19 itself, the cardiac arrhythmias appear to occur more frequently after the jabs than after the illness – which could justify the apparently higher incidence of sudden deaths.

Independent autopsies of deaths due to mRNA COVID-19 vaccine in different geographical regions concluded that catecholamine-triggered myocarditis was the primary cause of death in all cases.

“Epidemiological, autopsy, molecular and physiological findings consistently and strongly suggest that elevated catecholamine levels are the critical predictor initiating mRNA-Covid-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis and possible sudden death in top athletes”.

France: Schoolboy on trial for glorifying Islamist terrorism

On Monday, a high school student from Méru (Oise, 14,500 inhabitants) has to appear before the juvenile court in Beauvais. In history class, the 17-year-old allegedly said that he “would not fight for France, but for Syria”. Videos “of a propagandist nature” were also found in his mobile phone.

A high school student with a disturbing criminal profile or a simple provocateur? According to the newspaper Le Parisien, a 17-year-old youth is on trial in the Beauvais court on Monday for “public glorification of terrorism” after making comments online and in a classroom at the Condorcet high school in Méru, where he goes to school. “He has been summoned before the juvenile court judge to explain his misconduct and be sentenced according to the procedure of educational probation,” said Beauvais prosecutor Caroline Tharot. […]Le Parisien

Democrats Lose Chomsky… Old Radical Praises President Trump for Seeking Diplomatic Resolution in Ukraine (VIDEO)

A chilling comparison

By Thomas Lifson

Photo: Black African volunteer for Hitler’s Wehrmacht –

Rabbi Michael Barclay began his article at PJ Media Saturday with this scenario, that grabbed my attention:

A criminal is wrongfully killed, and “peaceful demonstrations,” which are actually violent riots, break out nationwide. The flag of a radical and violent group is placed next to the national flag on government buildings. Out of fear of being canceled and losing business, individuals and corporations succumb to publicly supporting this violent organization. Mandated behavior is compelled upon threat of arrest by the political elite and leadership. Despite objections from parents, schools begin teaching an alternative “history” and embrace prejudice, anti-Semitism, and sexual permissiveness as part of the school curriculum.

A President overreaches and takes on “emergency powers,” which create an authoritarian regime that demands supportive behavior and calls any criticism “disinformation.” A new agency of the government is created to “fight this disinformation”… an agency that even has access to armed personnel. This new agency is led by a fanatic who is arguably delusional in their own self-perception and fully committed to stopping the dissemination of any information that is not part of the authoritarian narrative. And through it all the media is a willing accomplice, even striking against other media outlets that try to present opposing views.

Obviously, this sounds like a narrative of America since George Floyd’s death in police custody in Minneapolis. But Rabbi Barclay explains that it is actually a narrative of the development of the Nazi regime in Germany, where Horst Wessel’s death was used the same way career criminal George Floyd’s was. He explains this more completely in his essay, which I urge you to read in full.

Like the rabbi, I am reluctant to make comparisons to Nazis and the Holocaust. They are uniquely evil and ought not to be lessened by comparison to lesser evils. So let me be clear that I am not comparing Joe Biden to Hitler. But I am comparing the political techniques employed by radical leftist fascists in the US with those used to bring about the National Socialist regime in Germany. The great lie that Hitler was a right-wing conservative has been dominant ever since Stalin’s USSR pushed it following the breakup of the Hitler-Stalin Pact, in order to distance itself from its former socialist ally.