France: Nigerian squatters terrorize 60 residents into leaving their homes in Marseille

About 60 tenants have been driven out of their homes by illegal Nigerian migrants who have squatted buildings in the area and exhibited violent behavior, according to local reports.

The 60 tenants of a private residence in the 15th arrondissement of Marseille said that the English-speaking Nigerians slowly took up more and more property inside run-down buildings in the area, and eventually directly occupied some apartments of tenants, according to French media outlet RTL and newspaper Le Figaro.

A young woman called Melina explained that they took over her property while she was away for the weekend. Alerted by a neighbor, she rushed home only to discover that a number of Nigerians refused to come out of her apartment and forced her into the hall.

Another 24-year-old, Zineb, explains that she cannot “stay in a place where there is no safety.” She decided to leave her apartment with her family.

The squatters are ultra-violent among themselves, with prostitution and drug dealing playing a major role. Different gangs regularly fight with machetes in the common areas and then flee into apartments in the area.

“When they fight among themselves, they knock on the apartments so that we open them and that they take refuge. Another clan wants to kill them, so they want to take refuge with us,” explains Nella, whose “little kids woke up in a panic, shocked.”

The mother of the family did not open the door for them. In retaliation, his apartment was set on fire. She decided to flee, too.

In a tactic common in the Roma community, entire families sometimes squat an apartment or home, and it can take years to get them out, as similar cases in France have shown.

Former publican in court accused of sending Covid loans cash to Isis

A former pub landlord has appeared in court accused of sending thousands of pounds in coronavirus bounceback loans to fund the terrorist group Isis in Syria.

Tarek Namouz, a 42-year-old former pub landlord from London of no fixed address, faces eight charges of entering into a terror funding arrangement on dates between November 2020 and May 2021. He is also accused of two counts of possessing terrorist information relating to videos.

The chancellor, Rishi Sunak, launched the bounceback loan scheme in May 2020, six weeks into the UK’s first coronavirus lockdown, as part of a series of measures to prop up the UK economy. The scheme was aimed at supporting small British businesses, with £47bn paid out in loans from commercial banks guaranteed by the state.

On Monday, Namouz appeared at the Old Bailey in London by video link from Wandsworth jail. Jonathan Polnay, prosecuting, said it was alleged that the defendant sent “the proceeds of coronavirus bounceback funding loans to Isis”.

Mr Justice Sweeney said it was a “serious case” which would be heard by Judge Peter Lodder, the recorder of Richmond, sitting at Kingston crown court. A plea and case management hearing was set for 22 July, with a provisional two-week trial from 21 November.

The defendant, who spoke only to confirm his identity, was remanded into custody.

Isis, also known as Islamic State, Isil or Daesh, is designated by the UK and 83 other allies as a terrorist organisation.

Eric Zemmour alerts the French: Emmanuel Macron prepares the France of the communist Mélenchon

Translation: The crowd shouted “Allah Akbar” surrounding the blissful Macron

Is there anything else to add? It’s like Algeria … and the other swindler feels like a fish in water!

There is no difference between Macron and Mélenchon, Eric Zemmour explained it very well on Monday evening:

Emmanuel Macron is preparing the France of Mélenchon. He wants to dissolve it in a great European Union. He has only one conviction, and that is European federalism.

In five years, there will be two million more Muslims, more veils, more violence… What will Piolle do in a few days? He will allow the burkini in his swimming pools. This will be Macron’s five-year term… More and more European supremacy.

Brice Toussaint: If there is no agreement between the RN and Reconquête, would you like Macron to have a majority? Would you prefer a cohabitation or a majority?

Eric Zemmour: For the further course of history, it will be the same whether Macron or Mélenchon wins the parliamentary elections… The executioner proceeds.

Normalizing Perversion

By M.B. Mathews

The reasons for the Left’s perverse sexualizing of very young children make sense only if you are sexually neurotic. None of it makes sense if you are a rational, healthy, sexually normal person. For example, what is to be gained by first graders learning about drag queens and transsexuality? How is a child’s life improved, how is the culture improved when children whose brains are not physically equipped to process such information get exposed to it? If it is the hope of sexualizers that children will be more accepting of perversity, to what end?

No government-schooled child of any age should be taught matters of sexuality, sexual behavior, or sexual identity beyond the egg-sperm basics. There is no legitimate reason for it. Let’s back this truck up and reframe the argument: Instead of settling the debate where conservatives concede “age-appropriateness” ground to the sexualizers, reverse this polluted stream and remove all sexual material from all public and private schools and leave these matters to parents. Conservatives have been far too accommodating on this matter.

Why is the Left so anxious to expose to little kids sexually explicit cartoons of two boys (or one man and one boy) engaging in oral sex, as has been depicted in some schoolbooks? To normalize adult sexuality, normal or perverse, for small children is to tell them that it is normal for them to engage in it at their age. It isn’t. This is like putting a boulder on an egg. Kids are eggs, easily molded and more easily scrambled. That makes them perfect victims for pernicious child predators. The same goes for transsexual material. Why groom a child into transsexuality, then try to hide it from parents if it is not wrong? Is this mere prurience or something more deeply malevolent?

We have recently discovered many instances of child grooming in and out of the classroom: Many schools eliminated male/female bathrooms in favor of unisex bathrooms, grooming grounds for perverts. Some men insist on being called women and are entering the locker rooms of women and young girls – starkers – flashing their junk and not batting an eye. Is life so dull for sexualizers that they must create some illicit sizzle? Is sexual bombast the only way for some odious people to feel that their damaged presence in the world has meaning?

Online videos laced with explicit content and profanity have been on the rise. They depict pedophiles luring and fondling small children. A simple search of the internet will pull up many pedophiles (almost always men), caught in the act of trying to engage very young children in sexual encounters on buses, in big box stores and elsewhere. What used to be rare has become commonplace.

Drag Queen Story Hour (YouTube screengrab)

Outrageous sexual behavior seems to be the only behavior that some adults engage in to get attention. Take TikTok and Instagram, for examples. They are repugnant cesspools of coarseness, vulgarity and obscenity. Crude, loud, and vulgar, with profanity off the charts, ostentatious sexual behavior has become de rigeur in our culture. Children have open access to this kind of sexual Novocain, jading them for normal sex later. Many men who are addicted to pornography are reporting sexual dysfunction in normal sexual performance. How is this sexualized culture going for them?

Sexual content and profanity flood every facet of the culture: I was watching a new TV series set in the rust belt of the country. The F-word was casually tossed around by men and women alike, peppering almost every conversation and every other sentence. The f-word was not just uttered to swear; it became an adjective.

It is a goal of the Left to strip sexuality of its decency, its sanctity, its beauty. Because they abhor the very idea of a God who holds people responsible for the breaking of His commandments and biblical principles, they do all they can to reduce sexual behavior to an animal act, a bodily function. It’s very Darwin, very Rousseau, two heroes of the Left. These two men still speak to us from the grave with their fetid breath.

Depriving children of their childhood by sexualizing them is a crime worthy of the worst possible punishment. Children should be playing games, getting dirty, learning how to interact properly with other children and with adults. They should be learning good manners, honor, decency, and respect for others. They should be learning math, honest American and world history, reading, composition, technology, and biology. It seems as though many of these valuable subjects are being broomed in favor of sexual grooming and indoctrination that young children do not benefit from and that actually damage them. When we ask “cui bono?” regarding this kind of sexual malfeasance, we discover that it is the libidinous wolves of both sexes that benefit, not the children.

If we do nothing about the sexualizing of children, can we live as decent human beings knowing that our schools are cranking out jaded, abused, damaged children for whom nothing is saved or sacred as they reach adulthood? Sexuality is treated by the sexualizers as the benign equivalent of choosing tofu over fries. These malignant individuals classify sexual behavior as just one of many things people do, like playing video games or fixing the garbage disposal. But sex was meant to be something else – a creative act, sublime, sacred, elevated, something that is an expression of passionate love, not loveless passion. It was not meant to be crass and prurient. Right now, it should be viewed as the rape of the innocents.

The Bible is clear about luring children or hurting them: “…whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

If you think God is short-tempered with hypocrites, that is nothing compared to the hellish fate He has waiting for pedophiles, groomers and other degenerates, whether they believe in God or not.

German Study: Number of Those Suffering Severe Complications After Taking COVID Vaccine Is 40 Times Higher Than Previously Recorded

Americans are beginning to doubt Biden’s mental capacity

It turns out that the world has been making fun of President Biden for a reason. Judging by opinion polls, many American citizens believe that it is time for their geriatric leader to resign.

A majority of American voters think President Joe Biden is unfit to be president and doubt his mental capacity, a Harris poll showed.

Data from the Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll (the survey was conducted April 21-22 this year) showed that 53 percent of those polled doubt that Joe Biden is mentally fit to serve as president. And 62 percent think Biden is too old to be leading the US. Somehow, Democrats did not notice his mental decline when they voted for him not long ago.

Twelve percent of Democrats were skeptical of Biden’s mental ability, while 63 percent said the president was mentally fit.

On images from social media, Biden appeared bewildered and confused. On the Monday after Easter Sunday, Biden had to be guided by an Easter Bunny while First Lady Jill Biden was caught on a hot mic instructing her doddering husband to wave to the crowd.

President Biden, almost 80, said he planned to run again in 2024 since he felt he was the only Democrat capable of defeating Donald Trump. In a potential primary ballot, 37 percent would support Biden against Vice President Kamala Harris (14 percent), Sen. Bernie Sanders (9 percent) and Hillary Clinton (7 percent).

Most Americans oppose sending troops to Ukraine

This is the geriatric individual who will eventually be sending Americans to die for the most corrupt state in Europe’s ambitions to become a NATO member. NATO is a military alliance between 28 European countries, the United States, and Canada. Ukraine is not a member of NATO.

Another insight from the study however is that 55 percent of Americans oppose sending US or NATO troops to Ukraine. Even if Americans favor sanctions on Russia, providing weapons to Ukraine, or accepting Ukrainian refugees, there is little support for fighting Russia in Ukraine.

Some 79 percent believe humanitarian aid should be given to refugees from Ukraine, and 65 percent support allowing refugees from Ukraine into the United States.

There is widespread support for sanctions imposed on Russia by the United States, and a majority of Americans think they could be tougher. Only 8 percent think Biden’s reaction to the war has been too tough, and 36 percent agreed that his response has been correct. While about half of Democrats say his response has been right,  most Republicans (66 percent) want to send weapons – not soldiers.

Democrats are nevertheless more likely than Republicans to think the United States should have a major role in the conflict. Most Democrats also believe sanctions should be given priority over protecting the US economy (66 percent).

Overall, the number of Americans who think their country should play a major role in the Ukraine war is down from the AP-NORC poll a month ago.

In the event of a Russian attack on a NATO ally, 60 percent of Americans would support sending American troops, but right now, few Americans want to send troops to fight Russian forces.

US economy a major concern for voters

The struggling US economy which is heading into a recession, is the predominant issue for voters, with unchecked immigration in second place. The markets are not performing well, there is currently a 8,5 percent inflation rate and the US GDP over the first quarter has shrunk by 1,4 percent.

The third concern is the explosion in violent crime, especially “mass killings” that involve four or more victims dead or wounded. In 2022, mass killings are already matching the record for Biden’s first year in office. “Defund the police” has been a feature of Democrat-ruled cities, with an unsurprising  outcome.

These problems in the US are not about to go away with a war in Ukraine. They may be instead exacerbated by Biden’s involvement.