Cologne’s ‘green’ bicycle fleet destroyed in TikTok challenge

The German climate youth in Cologne have apparently become bored with skipping school. In a fit of blind destructiveness, thousands of “green” KVB rental bikes were destroyed after a Tiktok-Challenge.

A mirror has been held up to the local leftist ruling SPD municipality when the matter of damaged “green” transport was raised in the city council. More social workers and street workers are now supposed to fix what decades of questionable policies have caused in the city. The left-green revolution has destroyed its mode of transport, literally.

With an appropriate mixture of serious criticism and biting irony, AfD parliamentary group leader Stephan Boyens wrecked the credibility of the city’s climate fanatics.

KVB bicycles parked on a site on Vitalisstraße in Cologne (on 4 May 2022), apparently had locks which were defective. The city’s striking youths subsequently demolished a large part of the 3 000 or so rental bicycles of the Cologne public transport system in the course of a “Tiktok Challenge”. In the end, according to the Kölner Express, only 200 of the environmentally conscious vehicles are still ready for use.

The challenge via the app was to blame for the rapid reduction of the fleet. Young people, mostly between the ages of ten and 16, had fun destroying countless locks on the bicycles, mostly with stones, to the point where they became unusable.

According to Boyens, left-wing extremists, often associated with the climate scene as well as migrants were responsible for this madness. “We are governed by lunatics who have neither character nor courage nor decency, who talk about multiculturalism, colourfulness, diversity, mindfulness and sustainability, but in reality are the most conscienceless and ruthless people,” said an AfD member.

Austria: Syrian attacked women with fists and threatened them with a gun

When two women complained to a youth that he should stop throwing firecrackers at them, the youth felt provoked. He attacked the two women with his fists and threatened them with a weapon.

On Saturday evening, a 14-year-old Syrian violently assaulted two young women in Salzburg. After he had thrown a firecracker at the two young women, the two wanted to confront the Syrian and a verbal argument ensued. The Syrian felt provoked by this and then attacked the two victims.
The Syrian youth allegedly even lifted the women up and then threw them to the ground. He also punched them in the stomach and back. He then pulled out a firearm, which later turned out to be a soft gun, and threatened the two women. The police were able to stop the perpetrator shortly afterwards. On eXXpress request, the police reported: “The 14-year-old Syrian was handed over to the custody of his father and charged while at large.” The charges are assault and dangerous threat.

France: The Algerian imam Saber Lahmar, who was imprisoned in Guantanamo for eight years, then acquitted and admitted to France in 2009 is today on trial for jihadist propaganda

Algerian Saber Lahmar, who was imprisoned in Guantanamo for eight years, acquitted and brought to France in 2009, is on trial in Paris from Tuesday to Friday on suspicion of preaching radical sermons and inciting jihadi aspirants to leave for Iraq or Syria. He is accompanied by another accused, Mohamed H., with whom he is facing trial for terrorist criminal organisation, in the 2nd Chamber of the Paris Criminal Court.

He then went to Medina in Saudi Arabia for a few years to complete his studies before turning up in Bosnia and Herzegovina between 1996 and 2001, where he worked, among other places, in a large mosque in Sarajevo that was considered a meeting place for Islamists. The Bosnians extradited him to the Americans in early 2002, along with five other Algerians, on suspicion of masterminding an attack on the US embassy.

He is taken to the Guantanamo military prison on the island of Cuba, where he is held until 2008, before the US judiciary rules that he is innocent. President Nicolas Sarkozy agrees to the principle of accepting two former detainees of the camp in France. They are Lakhdar Boumediene and Saber Lahmar, who will be allowed to stay in France on December 1, 2009.

(…) According to the indictment, the man who apparently acted as a “religious leader” soon acted as an imam in the mosque of Saint-André-de-Cubzac (Gironde), but also in a secret prayer room above the restaurant of Mohamed H., the other accused. Saber Lahmar is accused of being “entrenched in radical Islam” making “very violent statements” during sermons in which he “attacked Jews, called for the killing of apostates and martyrdom”. It is suspected that he had links to several figures of jihadism in France. The starting point of the investigation was that Saber Lahmar was said to have “directly promoted and prepared” “departures” “to the Iraqi-Syrian area” in the summer of 2015. (…) Sud-Ouest

Switzerland: Despite a formal ban by the University of Geneva, Muslim students will continue to perform their five daily prayers on campus

On April 21, an article was published in Topo, the student magazine of the University of Geneva, in which Kaouthar Najim reported on the daily life of Muslim students who were forced to pray in a stairwell on campus. The reason? The university does not provide a space where the devout students can perform their five daily prayers. This status quo has persisted for four years, but now it is escalating.

The article denounces “provocations”: “Posters showing the cover of Charlie Hebdo with sensitive depictions of the Muslim religion were pasted on the walls of the stairwell,” the student writes, illustrating her article with a picture of a prayer rug thrown into a rubbish bin. This information was confirmed by Otmane El Ainouni, a member of the Association du monde arabe de l’Université de Genève (Amage). He reported that Muslim students registered in the same WhatsApp group had sent these photos to each other and complained that a bad climate had developed without the institution reacting.

While the dispute with the institution has been going on for four years, the situation among the students is now starting to get uncomfortable. But despite repeated requests for such a prayer room, they are denied it because the desired use would be illegal. This is because the law on the secularity of the state, updated in 2018, states that any acts of worship in public spaces are forbidden, as Rector Yves Flückiger explains in his decision to refuse: “The University of Geneva guarantees freedom of conscience and belief as well as strict religious neutrality, from which the prohibition of any acts of worship in all its buildings results.”

Hafid Ouardiri, former spokesperson for the Geneva mosque and head of the Fondation de l’entre-connaissance, believes that this is “a form of injustice”: “The existence of a Christian chaplaincy is necessarily linked in some way to the expression of worship”, says Ouardiri. Protestant chaplain Jean-Michel Perret resists this postulate, recalling that he is a “tenant of the university” and does “neither worship nor pray” within its infrastructure. Incidentally, he recalls: “When imams came to study at the Faculty of Theology, they had expressly asked to be allowed to pray with us. Legally, we had had to refuse this.”

But what exactly are the students demanding? The establishment of a “meditation room”, according to an online petition started four years ago and recently revived. According to the 3,000 petitioners, members of all denominations should be able to come together in a place where they can ” regain strength and enjoy a spiritually calming place”. They point out that this is already the case in the universities of Zurich, St Gallen and Lausanne. “Services and masses are held in the meditation room at the University of Lausanne, and very many students take advantage of the opportunity to come for reflection several times a day,” explains Anouk Troyon, a Reformed chaplain. (…) Le Temps

Canadian sniper: ‘The war is a terrible disappointment’

The Canadian newspaper La Presse published an interview with Wali, a sniper who had returned from Ukraine. In short, “one of the best snipers in the world” fired only two shots in two months.

Most mercenaries return home disappointed, having never been to the front. “I’m lucky that I’m still alive at all, we walked on the edge of a precipice.”

Three mercenaries who requested anonymity described to La Presse how promises of weapons and protective equipment which were made by the leader of their unit, never materialized. According to Wali, joining a Ukrainian military unit was a hassle for most Western volunteers.

After a few weeks, the most trained mercenaries were selected by the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine and, according to them, began to be involved in operations behind enemy lines. The rest roamed around rented housing and waited until someone agreed to take them into their squad.

The last straw was the combat mission, in which the mercenaries acted together with Ukrainian conscripts. At their position, which was under fire from Russian tanks, two Ukrainian soldiers were incinerated. Wali had tried to stop them, but they would not listen. A few seconds later, a shell flew at them “with pinpoint accuracy”.

“The explosion was terrible. I suddenly lost my hearing and felt a headache. It was tough.” Wali realized that the Ukrainians could no longer be helped.

“It smelled of death. It’s hard to describe, a terrible smell of burnt flesh, sulfur and chemicals. An inhuman smell.”

After that, Wali called his wife. “He tried to explain that he had witnessed two deaths. He said, I think I’ve done enough already, haven’t I? I’ve done enough? Like he wanted me to tell him to come home,” she told the newspaper.

For most of the mercenaries who crossed the border, the process of finding a unit they could join was chaotic and agonizing: “[Ukrainian president] Zelensky called everyone, but the officers on the ground were completely helpless. They didn’t know what to do with us.”

Wali himself and several other Canadians joined the Normandy Brigade, a private mercenary force commanded by a retired Canadian soldier from Quebec with the call sign “Hrulf”. However, members of the brigade immediately began to show discontent, and many deserted. Three mercenaries told La Presse that Hrulf promised them weapons and protective equipment, but in the end did nothing.

Some of the volunteers found themselves some 40 kilometres from the Russian front without body armour. “If there had been a Russian offensive, everyone would have been at risk. It was an irresponsible attitude on the part of the brigade,” said one, who asked that his name be withheld for security reasons.

The desertion of mercenaries was confirmed by the commander of the “Norman Brigade” Hrulf himself. According to him, about 60 people deserted in total. Some wanted to conclude a contract on terms that would grant them combatant status and guarantee medical care at the expense of the Ukrainian authorities. Others tried to set up a scam to steal $500 000 provided by the Americans.

To find a weapon, one had to go through Kafkaesque adventures. “You need to know someone who knows someone else who will say that in this old barbershop they can give you an AK-47. You had to cobble together a soldier’s kit like that by picking up bits and pieces of ammunition left and right, in many cases with weapons in questionable condition,” he explained.

Mercenaries also obtained food and gasoline themselves. “Even food was often given to us by civilians. The same with gasoline to fill up the car. You constantly needed to find something, to know the right people.”

“Many expected everything to be easy and simple, but in war it’s the other way around. It was a terrible disappointment,” Wali concluded.

Ultimately, the sniper said, he himself fired only two shots at some windows “to scare” the enemy, and in reality was never in the enemy’s range of fire. “This is a war of technology, where the brave Ukrainian soldiers suffer heavy losses under fire and miss a lot of opportunities due to lack of technical training.”

The Ukrainian army was built up by the US and NATO over the past 8 years. Ukrainian soldiers trained at the Yavoriv Combat Training Center in the Lviv region of western Ukraine right up until the Russian invasion in February. The most recent trainers were part of Task Force Gator, composed of the Florida Army National Guard’s 53rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, according to the US Department of Defense.

En Marche! Eid Mubarak, France!

The mass gatherings at the end of Ramadan in Europe were the ummah displaying its takeover in public.

6,000 faithful celebrated the end of Ramadan at the Delaune stadium in Saint-Denis, outside Paris. When the crowd arrived at the stadium, members of the Amal association directed the men to the entrances of the two main courts, behind the grandstand. “The women at the back.”

Even the tennis courts welcomed the devotees. The fences were festooned with green balloons, the color of Islam. The “Allahu Akbar” rang out from the loudspeakers placed in the four corners of the stadium. The same scenes took place in dozens. of other stadiums in France and in small and medium-sized cities: in Garges, Bagneux, Poissy, Créteil, Ivry-sur-Seine, Argenteuil, Athis-Mons, Noisy-Le-Grand …

At the stadium of Mosson of Montpellier, 10,000 faithful in prayer. In Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, a town of 30,000 inhabitants, 5,000 gathered in prayer at the stadium. Same scenes in Gennevilliers. We would be wrong to think that it is a test of strength for Islam The mayors of these cities showed up at stadiums to nurture their electorate.

Henri Rey-Flaud, psychoanalyst and literary critic, author of “La France séteint, l ’Islam s’embrase”, has courage when he says:

“France is in an identity crisis. The same goes for Italy. And the tightening of identity that we observe in Hungary and Poland also reveals an identity crisis. Europe has failed to create a European identity. I think the great European momentum has run out. France has died out, it has lost faith in itself and in God.

“The great strength of Islam is that it is a source of impetus. Today, in France, Islam is practically the only source of spirituality. It develops because there is fertile ground underneath. The only thing that mobilizes our young people today is the celebration. We live in the enjoyment of the moment, while Islam is projected into eternity.

“This also applies to the rest of Europe. Venice, Florence, Rome and Paris are museum cities, while Islam is alive. I fear that Islam is the fruitful vein in French territory. And I believe that a population animated by spirituality is almost certain to win against a population whose young people think of nothing but enjoying the moment “.

In London, thousands of faithful in Trafalgar Square praying at the end of Ramadan, while in Birmingham 30,000 gathered in a park. Large English football fields for the first time hosted Islamic prayers. And also in Italy. Thousands of faithful gathered from Piazza Garibaldi, in Naples, to the Dora Park in Turin (in Tunisia it is forbidden to pray in the street). And then in Freiburg, Germany. And in the rest of Europe.

George Dumas in Causeur, the monthly edited by Elizabeth Lévy, tells what is happening:

“On the day of Eid el-Fitr, on the streets of Aubervilliers, it was realized that the various communities and this much-praised multiculturalism by politicians actually merged into the ummah. When, around eight this morning, I was awakened by a voice as insistent as it was distant, it took me ten seconds to identify it as that of the muezzin. Because here, in Aubervilliers, it is the ummah that shows up. Qami were numerous among men, abayas and hijabs among women.

“My personal experience confirms the diagnoses of de-Christianization or abandonment of religion that I have been able to read from the pen of Marcel Gauchet and Guillaume Cuchet. The show that morning on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, the massive participation, the separation of the sexes in the stadium where the ‘ceremony’ was held and the marked religious clothing of the faithful, is that another civilization has shown itself in the public space, a dynamic, unifying, living civilization, but bearer of values ​​different from ours. A civilization ready to replace ours, which no longer unites people and no longer feeds minds. En Marche! Eid Mubarak! “.

Islam has on its side a cultural force that neither we – minorities of woke nihilists and sleeping majorities – nor the Russian Pan-Slavists have any more. In Le Monde it was even said that for many political leaders in Moscow, including Foreign Minister Sergej Lavrov, Russia is on the way to becoming “a great Muslim country”.

Any European, like me, who cares about European civilization today, feels like an orphan.