Germany: Attendant let Afghan murderer of his sister move in with her – he impregnates her married neighbour

The murder trial of the Afghan killer brothers Yousuf Sayed (27) and Mahdi Seyed H. (23) has been going on since March 2. They allegedly killed their sister Maryam (34). On Friday, a female attendant testified.

Petra L. (56) was the legal attendant of the older brother in Bavaria for a long time, lived together with her client for months. The man is thirty years younger than her and is now on trial as an alleged murderer. The judge asks the attractive woman point-blank: “Did you have a sexual relationship with him?” Succinct answer: “Like mum and son.”

And further: “I had been looking after him since 2016. My mission was to bring him to Berlin. Because all his siblings live in Berlin. He had psychological problems, he said: Only when I am with my family can I be healthy. But it was difficult. He spent all his money on trips to Berlin. He was respectful, polite, reliable – towards me. I was the mummy for him. But he didn’t tell me everything. He did warehouse work, minimum wage. Where the money for a driving licence came from, he didn’t say.”

He kept his distance from his compatriots. The Afghans said, ‘He’s an odd one out. They shunned him. I took him in when he was expelled from a shelter. For about eight weeks.It was like mother and son, that kind of relationship. I felt really sorry for him, honestly. He then had a love affair with my neighbour below me. Although she is married and has two children. I always had to work a lot, she had a lot of time. She had a child by him. The son is now three years old, I think. I don’t think he was anxious to have a child. He had enough problems of his own.

Petra L. reports: “He was torn between worlds. We talked a lot about religion. He wanted to be a good, decent man, but he didn’t pray, he didn’t go to the mosque either.”

And she says: “Among the brothers and sisters, he was the poor one, the leper. They all lived in Berlin, he alone in Bavaria. In 2019, he moved to Berlin. He lived here in Berlin. I applied to the district court in Berlin to be released from guardianship. November 2020, it was revoked. Nevertheless, he continued to seek contact with me. When he was in Donauwörth, he came to me for advice and help. On July 30, he wanted to meet me, but it never happened. Then, on holiday, I found out about his sister in Berlin. I thought I was going to suffer a stroke.

The caregiver concludes: “I can only imagine that they put pressure on him to take the dead sister away. His clan threatened him that he had to bury her. Otherwise the clan would kill him. For him it was always important: What do the others think of me, how do I look? He is afraid of dogs and cats and afraid of saying the wrong thing. Then he’d rather say nothing at all.”

Maryam disappeared in Berlin on July 13, 2021. Videos show the brothers at Südkreuz station that day. They are lugging a wheeled suitcase to the train to Munich. Maryam’s body is found in Bavaria. The brothers remain silent in court. The trial continues on May 18. A verdict is to be pronounced on October 10.

Football: Muslim PSG professional Idrissa Gana Gueye does not play any French first division matches during the campaign days against homophobia

Photo: Idrissa Gueye

Idrissa Gueye watched the match against Montpellier from the stands “for personal reasons”. The match was part of the 37th matchday of League 1, which took place as part of the World Day Against Homophobia.

The Parisians were fully present in Montpellier, even the suspended players (Neymar, Kimpembe) had arrived to be able to fly straight to Qatar. Of the team that Mauricio Pochettino had nominated for the match, only one player did not enter the pitch either for the warm-up or during the match: Idrissa Gueye.

This absence caused a lot of internal comments in the last hours, as he was already absent last year on the day against homophobia (due to a “stomach flu”), when the players of the French first division have to wear a jersey in the rainbow colours.[…]L’Equipe

A Speech for the Ages Aptly Describes the Corruption of the Western Elites

By Vasko Kohlmayer

On April 20,1653, Oliver Cromwell came to the English parliament and gave a brief speech to his country’s assembled leaders. In that speech he condemned their self-seeking, greed, corruption, trickery, thievery, and venality. He looked them in the eyes and told them the truth about how they had cynically sold out the country and the people whose interests and well-being they were tasked with protecting.

It is striking how accurately Cromwell’s words apply to today’s Western elites. Selfish, egoistical and rapacious, all they care about is how to enrich themselves at the expense of common people whom they shamelessly manipulate and fleece in their insatiable quest for ever more wealth and power.

The Covid scam is one of their recent schemes. First, they spread fear and locked up the populations, destroying the livelihoods and prospects of hundreds of millions while they watched their own wealth spectacularly grow. Then, having injected more than sixty percent of the global population with ineffective and dangerous pharmaceuticals, they made off with hundreds of billions of dollars while their victims now suffer from chronic recurrent infection and a range of other serious ailments such as strokes and heart attacks. And we are not even speaking about the hundreds of thousands killed by those improperly tested substances.

And when the Covid scam began falling apart in the face of failing boosters and mounting evidence of harm, they deftly switched the subject and put their grubby hands on Russia. Having pushed NATO to Russia’s doorstep despite the pleadings and warnings from Russia’s leaders, they have needlessly provoked a conflict which they are now intent on drawing out for as long as they can. As of now, the United States government alone has approved more than 40 billion in “aid” to Ukraine, much of which will go directly to the American war industrial complex. The elites are thus cynically using taxpayers’ money to further line up their pockets while treating the Ukrainian people as expendable cannon fodder. But even as they are shamelessly profiteering from the Ukrainian tragedy, they are still urging the noxious Covid injections for children and babies who are at virtually zero risk of severe Covid.

Could anything be more cynical or repulsive?

Potential for evil and corruption is ever present in human nature and when circumstances become favorable it erupts in stunning displays of ruthless voracity. It happened in Cromwell’s time, and we see it happening in our day in breathtaking abundance. The people Cromwell spoke to could well be Biden, Fauci, Trudeau, Walensky, Gates, Zuckerberg, Bourla, Zucker, Austin, Schwab, Schumer, Pelosi and all of their lying and manipulating globalist elitist ilk:

“It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice.

You are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government.

You are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.

Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess?

You have no more religion than my horse. Gold is your God. Which of you have not bartered your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?

You sordid prostitutes. Have you not defiled this sacred place, and turned the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices?

You are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.

Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God’s help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do.

I command you therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place.

Go, get you out! Make haste! You venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.

In the name of God, go!

Harsh as these words may sound, they fail to do justice to today’s elites’ depths of corruption. The exhibit number one would be Joe Biden – currently the most powerful elitist in the world – who has sold out his country in a series of outrageous influence peddling schemes involving Ukraine, China and other places around the globe. Biden used his venal son Hunter as a point man who travelled the planet raking in millions for what Rudy Giuliani aptly described as “the Biden crime family.”

Rudy Giuliani discusses some of the crimes committed by Joe Biden and members of his family

You can watch a disrobed, crack-smoking Hunter Biden describing his family’s modus operandi to a prostitute the year before his father became president. He told her that if his father won, he would make “like a gazillion dollars.”

The footage was recorded by Hunter Biden himself on his own laptop, which he later recklessly abandoned in a computer repair shop in Delaware. The fact that this laptop – which contains extensive evidence of hard crimes committed by members of the Biden family – has been in the hands of American law enforcement agencies for more than two years and nothing has been done about it, testifies to the deep corruption and rot in our system.

Crack-smoking Hunter Biden was his father’s point man in collecting millions of dollars in various influence peddling schemes around the world (photo credit: Hunter Biden’s laptop)

The corrupt Joe Biden, a man who purports to be the leader of the Western world, is a fitting symbol of the depravity of the contemporary Western elites. If you remember, he received their nearly universal support – financial and ‘moral’ – during his presidential run.

What more can be said about these people? Truly one is at a loss for words when watching all this. All we can do is to once again echo the fervid exclamation of the great Oliver Cromwell:

“Go, get you out! Make haste! You venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors. In the name of God, go!”

Say yes to the world’ but no to the Jews: Lufthansa’s anti-Semitic scandal

 It took several days, but eventually, the world’s media grasped why the scandal at Frankfurt Airport last week, when more than 100 Orthodox Jews were prevented by the German airline Lufthansa from boarding a connecting flight to Budapest, was so shocking.

It was Dan’s Deals, a travel website popular with the Orthodox Jewish community in New York, that originally broke the storyof the ordeal of 127 Orthodox Jews who traveled in separate groups and different classes on a journey that began at New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport on May 4. The website diligently pieced together the voices of several passengers who alleged that Germany’s national airline had collectively punished those on the plane who were visibly Jewish.

Reportedly, a dispute over masking requirements broke out as Flight #LH401 winged its way across the Atlantic. While many airlines have abandoned the mask mandate, Lufthansa is still obliged by German law to enforce one. According to the witnesses who spoke to Dan’s Deals, a handful of Jewish and non-Jewish passengers objected to the instruction or didn’t wear their masks in the required fashion. At one point, the captain of the aircraft made a cockpit announcement warning those individuals who didn’t cooperate that they might be denied boarding onto connecting flights in Frankfurt.

Once the plane landed in Frankfurt, a large number of its passengers made their way to the departure gate for a Lufthansa flight Flight #LH1334 to Budapest, Hungary, where many were headed for a pilgrimage to the grave in Hungary of the Chassidic sage Yeshaya Steiner. At the gate, they learned to their disbelief that Lufthansa agents were refusing to boardany passengers who looked visibly Jewish.

The rationale for this blatant discrimination was explained in no uncertain terms to a Jewish passenger by a Lufthansa agent. When the passenger pointed out that non-Jewish travelers had been permitted to board the connection to Budapest, asking pointedly why it was “only the Jewish people paying for other people’s crimes,” the agent responded, “because it’s Jews coming from JFK.” When the passenger expressed his shock, the agent responded, in broken English: “If you want to do it like this, Jewish people were the mess, who made the problems.”

The incredulous passenger then asked: “So Jewish people on the plane made a problem, so all Jews are banned from Lufthansa for the day?” The agent answered: “Just from this flight.”

To add insult to injury, some of the Jewish passengers were confronted by a layer of armed police who stood between them and the departure gate. In a scene that conceivably would have won critical praise had it been staged in a dark historical comedy, one of the distressed passengers asked plaintively, “Why do you hate us?” as the officers grimly surveyed them. Then someone else said the word “Nazi,” leading to a gasp of disapproval from the small crowd.

In Germany, it’s a crime to call a police officer a “Nazi,” just as it’s a crime to deny the Holocaust or brandish a swastika. But sometimes, you have to exercise your judgment. Either blissfully unaware of the optics or indifferent to them, one of the offended police officers began barking in a thick German accent, “Who said the ‘N’ word? Who was it??” at the assembled Jews. To their credit, they responded to his angry request with appropriate indifference. “We don’t know,” said one of them.

By collectively punishing all the Orthodox Jews who flew instead of identifying and taking action against the specific passengers who allegedly violated the masking policy, Lufthansa engaged in blatant anti-Semitic discrimination. The reasoning of the ground staff has yet to be officially explained, but it doesn’t take a leap of the imagination to conclude that in their eyes, all of these hassidim look the same and behave the same—a prejudiced logic that, sadly, many other minorities are also familiar with.

Perhaps the worst aspect of this scandal is Lufthansa’s refusal to recognize that its staff treated Jewish passengers with contempt that was rooted in anti-Semitic imagery. An apologyposted only once the world’s media feasted on images of anxious-looking Jews being persecuted in a German airport was directed at “all the passengers unable to travel on this flight, not only for the inconvenience, but also for the offense caused and personal impact.”

But the statement did not deal with the core of the problem; the anti-Semitic thinking that resulted in discriminatory action against an entire group based on their ethnicity.

A large part of the shock value around this story lies in the fact that it occurred in Germany, of all places, and with Lufthansa. Founded in 1926, the airline profited handsomely from the use of slave labor during the Nazi era before it was reconstituted in 1953 under the chairmanship of Kurt Weigelt, a Nazi businessman who served a two-year prison sentence for war crimes. One would like to think that Weigelt’s spirit has been banished from Lufthansa’s boardrooms and airport hubs; the spectacle in Frankfurt would suggest otherwise.Ad Unmute

Lufthansa can yet emerge from this appalling episode with its credibility intact. For that to happen, it needs to recognize that its ground staff implemented an anti-Semitic policy and apologize for that offense specifically. And it needs to publicly announce the payment of substantial compensation to all those who missed their connecting flight—not just for the inconvenience but for the trauma that accompanies a victim’s experience of discrimination.

Until that happens, no Jewish customer can regard Lufthansa as simply one of the world’s more decent airlines. Some chatter on social media has suggested that a boycott of the airline would be the correct path to take. My answer to that is that travelers should exercise their consumer choice, as Lufthansa is hardly the only airline that flies to Europe. But a formal boycott may, at this stage, be a step too far. Let us see first whether Lufthansa can grasp the enormity of its original offense; whether, indeed, the Holocaust contrition that the Germans are famous for goes more than just skin deep.

Spain: Toy advertisements may no longer be pink or blue

Screenshot (YouTube) from the Spanish Ministry aimed at children to denigrate two genders.

In Catholic Spain, of all places, gender activists have won a new victory. Children’s and babies’ toys may now no longer be advertised in “gender-specific” colours such as pink and light blue. In Germany, woke parents are subjecting their children to the same grooming.

The umbrella organisation of Spanish toy manufacturers has committed to rules against gender-specific toy advertising vis-à-vis the left-wing government in Madrid. The two sides signed an agreement that for the first time explicitly bans the portrayal of girls in “discriminatory or derogatory” ways in advertising, according to the Ministry of Consumer Protection.

The aim is to “promote a pluralistic, egalitarian and stereotype-free image of minors”, the ministry wrote. Therefore, the portrayal of girls with gender-specific references would be banned. Advertising for toys related to personal hygiene, housework or beauty, for example, should not be aimed exclusively at girls, and those representing drive, physical activity or technology should not be aimed specifically at boys, it said.

The new code contains no less than 64 standards that are to apply to toy advertising in the future.

The “undesirable” messages signalling two genders must also not be incorporated into advertising by “implicit” references, such as the classic colours pink for girls and blue for boys. In addition, the advertising must be designed to be understandable to minors, and it must show what advantages the product could promote – such as creativity, physical and mental development, sociability and empathy.

Toy advertising will thus become “more egalitarian, honest and supportive”, claimed Consumer Protection Minister Alberto Garzón. This is important for the protection and development of children. “Sexist” advertising has been banned in Spain since 2004.

In a video published by his ministry in 2021, animated toy figures were seen calling for a “strike” to “eliminate sexism and gender roles”. In the video, two dolls – one female and one male – complained that toys were “pigeonholed” and claimed their right to play “with 100 percent of boys and girls”. At the end, they cry out for “equality”.

German public broadcasters go for grooming

In a video screened on Wednesday in Germany, the topic was: “Gender-neutral upbringing: is it good for children?” The reporter asked the young family at the breakfast table what it was like when the little girl chose her own gender-neutral name.

The little girl is silent, but the father’s enthusiasm for gender theories is given ample room. He speaks for his daughter: “You can contradict me, but Nova often says that Nova doesn’t want pronouns.” It is quite unlikely that a young child would understand “pronouns”.

But with such an attitude nowadays, one catapults oneself into the avant-garde of the woke elite. The “gender-fluid” educational grooming by her parents gives Nova the choice not to be a girl. She is instead faced with a passive-aggressive father who has imposed the time-consuming selection of genderless tights, pajamas, sweaters and pants as well as at least five versions of her name. Her mother even translates “queer” children’s books that deal with transsexuality into German for Nova.

Teacher: Nova is sometimes overwhelmed

The ARD and ZDF public broadcasting network is aimed specifically at young people between the ages of 14 and 29 with an annual tax-financed budget of 45 million euros. Their reporter must have guessed that a good report needs a critical voice. So he actually visited Nova’s kindergarten teacher Angela, who offered two minutes of reality.

The educator described how Nova was sometimes overwhelmed with decisions in the daycare center. “I am sure that children also need adult guidance, instruction and orientation.” Sometimes it is important “that someone says: Come on, that’s good for you, I decided that for you,” said Angela.

Regardless of whether Nova feels that she is a girl, her “gender-neutral” upbringing helps children who are transgender according to her parents. That is very important to the father, because “trans children have a really difficult childhood and youth and experience a lot of violence”.

The final word goes to Nova. When the reporter asked her what her favorite color was, the four-year-old replied, “Pink and pink!”

German defense minister’s son boasts about taxpayer-funded heli rides on Instagram

In a government that, less than six months after taking office, is showing an unprecedented level of incompetence in German post-war history, Federal Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) still manages effortlessly to set her own standards of embarrassment and clumsiness.

Recently it was announced that her 21-year-old son had been flown to Sylt in a government helicopter for Easter holiday. It was not the first dubious “journey” of this kind on which the son “accompanied” his mother.

The cost per flight hour for the government helicopter “Cougar” (which Lambrechts son A. used, among other things) is said to be 5 300 euros. The offspring himself documented the flights in detail on his Instagram channel, both brazen and boastful. In this specific case, the minister went to visit troops in Schleswig-Holstein on April 13, and from there continued her journey to Sylt in order to relax there over Easter. Lambrecht was apparently accompanied to Sylt by her son.

Even Lambrecht ‘s predecessors, the CDU women Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and Ursula von der Leyen, who were regularly embroiled in scandals, had always avoided such family outings. Lambrecht, on the other hand, had taken her son with her on “a total of seven trips abroad” while she was Minister of Justice. The Ministry of Justice announced that the costs had always been paid privately but it seems unlikely in view of the cost framework mentioned.

Only a few weeks ago, defence officials felt compelled to publicly correct a bad slip of the tongue by their employer, after she had hastily and carelessly assured everyone at an EU summit that Germany would provide all 5 000 men for the new EU intervention force.

With this latest PR disaster, the opposition has been tenacious however: CSU defense politician Reinhard Brandl explained: “The time of the ministerial vacation on Sylt was in the middle of the crisis surrounding the war in Ukraine which is already problematic. The fact that her son is now also boasting on Instagram that he was allowed to fly in the government helicopter to Sylt knocks the bottom out of the barrel.”

Last month, she ridiculed herself as she trudged through the Sahara desert sands of Niger and Mali in high heels.