France: The mayor of Marignane to take the initiative to ban Islamic clothing in swimming pools

He wants to prevent the burkini from finding its way into his city’s swimming pools. After Éric Piolle’s mayoralty in Grenoble gave the green light to allow Islamic swimming costumes in public pools, some politicians are already taking the initiative to prevent the phenomenon from spreading. This also applies to the mayor of Marignane, Éric Le Dissès. On Friday May 20, he passed a municipal council resolution for a burkini ban in the municipal swimming pools of the municipality in the department of Bouches-du-Rhône. In a statement reported by La Provence on Saturday May 21, the mayor of Marignane recalled that the ban also applied to “Bermudas, shorts and the like”: “Only swimming costumes are allowed”, he reminded.

In the same letter, Eric Le Dissès called on the other mayors of France “not to give in to the pressure of pro-burkini associations”, whom he accused of wanting to impose “the extreme Islamisation of France, which many French Muslims do not approve of”.
He did not hesitate to criticise the mayor of Grenoble, Éric Piolle, who is responsible for allowing the burkinis in the municipality in the Hérault department. The mayor of Europe Écologie-Les Verts (EELV) was described by Éric Le Dissès as an “apostle of Islamic law”, as reported by La Provence. An apostle who “deliberately forgets that swimming pool regulations obey hygiene rules and specific safety standards that guarantee public health”.

On the same day, Friday May 20, the mayor of Fréjus, David Rachline, announced his intention to amend the relevant ordinances of the municipal swimming pools to “explicitly ban the burkini”. In his opinion, Eric Piolle’s decision would be an “aberration” that would violate “our basic republican principle of secularity”.

Largest US high-tech facial recognition software rolled out at Miami Airport

The US state of Florida’s second busiest airport will roll out high-tech facial recognition software at all gates. Critics fear that this step could erode personal privacy, according to the media portal LifeSiteNews.

By 2023, all of Miami International Airport ‘s (MIA) more than 130 gates will be equipped with facial biometric recognition technology, making it the “largest implementation of biometrics at a US airport”. Critics fear that this surveillance could undermine privacy.

“MIA says it will merely require passengers to step in front of a camera at a boarding gate and have their identity verified,” reported Biometric Updatemagazine.

As early as 2017, the MIA started a pilot project with biometric output technology in cooperation with the US Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP). In 2019, a biometric output technology was introduced in cooperation with the information technology company SITA, CBP and Lufthansa.

Not everyone sees the introduction of this technology as a positive development. Steven Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute, told LifeSiteNews that this “intrusive biometric screening technology” being rolled out at the MIA is reminiscent of tools widely used by China.

“For my part, I don’t want to live in a high-tech digital dictatorship like we see in China. Where everyone is followed by security cameras all day, not to mention the phones,” Mosher said.

We’re dangerously close, he added. The US would have to introduce “robust privacy laws” to protect citizens from this type of government surveillance.

Germany: University offers master’s degree against the ‘right’

Blocking / deleting – one of many steps to get a friendly social media apperance. From

Labelling unwanted political critics has become a field of study. The University of Marburg in Germany offers a master’s degree against the “right”. Exclusion and discrimination against those with a different opinion will soon be studied at the Philipps University in Marburg.

In the coming winter semester there will be a master’s degree course on “Fighting Right-Wing Extremism” that is “unique in Germany”. Such specialists are currently particularly needed, said Tina Dürr, who is developing the course.

Last year “there were more crimes with a political background in Germany”. But even the Tagesschau admitted that the reasons for this increase in politically motivated crimes “cannot be assigned to either the left or the right spectrum”.

The streamlined study program is aimed at people who already have professional experience in the fields of mobile counselling, social work or political education. According to the university, the master’s degree should enable them to counter right-wing extremism, racism, anti-Semitism and other forms of “group-related enmity” more effectively and improve help to “victims”.

In an interview with Tina Dürr, it quickly becomes apparent that actually the “opponents of the Corona measures” are targeted in particular because they had “expressed themselves in a right-wing extremist manner”.

Among other things, theories on “right-wing extremism”, research and monitoring as well as “advice” are to be drummed into the graduates.

The course is organized by the Department of Education at the University of Marburg and the Hessen Democracy Center located there. It is designed for a maximum of 20 people.

‘Right wing’ inexorably tied to mass immigration

It is no secret that higher numbers of asylum seekers mean increased support for right-wing political parties. Researchers in Germany found that regions where more asylum seekers and refugees live are fertile electoral ground for right-wing parties. The Leibniz Institute for Economic Research (RWI) pointed to recent studies indicating that parties like the NPD, the anti-immigration Die Republikaner (Republicans), Die Rechte (The Right) and the AfD (Alternative for Germany) thrive in regions with high numbers of immigrants.

Despite this, the red-green-red Berlin government wants to create a “capital of immigration and refuge with a heart“. That is why Franziska Giffey (SPD), the governing mayor, is now proposing to simplify naturalisation in the capital. The procedures are to be processed in a new naturalisation centre. According to Giffey, around 800 000 people in Berlin are affected; so far, only around 6 000 are naturalised each year.native advertising

“I am sure: 20 000 naturalisations a year are possible,” said SPD parliamentary group leader Raed Saleh. In particular, Saleh wants to process so-called old cases, i.e. of illegals without a German passport who have lived in the city for a long time or even for generations.  “You have to break the chain of toleration and frustration and create a perspective,” Saleh said. “People are here, they stay here, they are at home here.”

Immigration tied to crime against women

For Germany’s left-wing showcase city, the rise in crime is however a resounding indictment: Not even half of all crimes in the capital are solved. According to the latest police crime statistics (PKS), in 2021, out of a total of 482 127 crimes committed in Berlin, a perpetrator was identified in just 218 621 cases. This puts Berlin’s crime clearance rate at only 45,3 percent.

Admittedly, there are considerable differences. In the case of violent crimes, the clear-up rate is relatively high even in Berlin. Of the total of 100 cases of murder and manslaughter, which the police also count as attempted offences, 96 were solved. In the case of reported bodily harm, the figure was 81,3 percent, and in the case of sexual offences, 70,6 percent.

In contrast, crimes with low clearance rates are much more significant – because they occur more frequently. For example, 100 homicides and 6650 sexual offences (of which only 4693 were solved) as well as 39 318 bodily injuries (of which only 31 970 were solved) compared to a total of 179 455 cases of theft. Of these, only 39 030 cases could be solved, which corresponds to a rate of a meagre 21,7 percent.

Between March and the beginning of July 2020 alone, Berlin police registered 210 cases of “gang or particularly degrading rape“. In just under half of the cases, the police are investigating foreign suspects. This means that in Berlin, on average, almost two women are victims of severe sexual violence every day. Among those affected were 50 minors up to 16 years of age, including 16 children.

The percentage of foreign criminals is much higher than the population share of foreigners on the Spree, which Statista put at 19,2 percent for the previous year.

Anyone complaining about this turn of events, is likely to be labelled a “right wing threat” by the academics of Marburg.

WATCH: African on the rampage after ticket inspection in Koblenz, Germany

On the occasion of a criminal offence on the high-speed train ICE 927, the Federal Police checked an Eritrean national at Koblenz main station on May the 4th. Immediately after the check, the man jumped into the track area on platform 4 and, for reasons that have not yet been explained, threw gravel stones in the direction of the federal police officers and the train passengers present. The approach and the use of pepper spray had no effect. Only after several threats to use firearms and the firing of a warning shot did the man refrain from throwing the stones again. He was overpowered, handcuffed and arrested. One officer was injured by the stones and took medical leave. The motive he gave afterwards was that he had been dissatisfied with the supplementary fare due to an invalid ticket.

Quelle: /

“Refugees” occupy cemetery – residents are furious

The residents of a housing estate in the Oulad Ziane neighbourhood of Casablanca expressed their great indignation at the anarchy caused by sub-Saharan African migrants in an abandoned cemetery called “Al Maqbara Al Mansiya” near their homes.

In several statements to Le Site info, residents of the housing complex complained that a large number of sub-Saharan migrants who stay illegally in Morocco have crowded into the cemetery and pose a real danger to local residents. This is because these squatters consume drugs and alcohol and commit thefts, in addition to the camps they set up in the cemetery where they prepare their meals.

The residents said that the perpetrators sometimes start fires without caring for the sanctity of the place and demanded that the relevant authorities should take urgent action against such behaviour and call in officers from the National Security Dog Squad.

Most of them come from the direction of the Oulad Ziane bus station, according to residents of the neighbourhood. Le Site Info

Another Study Confirms Wearing Masks Increases COVID Infection

Biden’s disinformation board shut down due to… disinformation

A news reporter summed up the hilarious explanation of the Biden administration’s disinformation board which was “being shut down because of disinformation” during a White House press briefing this week.

Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy asked the White House press secretary: “The disinformation board is being shutdown because of disinformation? Is that what’s happening here?”

Picking Nina Jankowicz to run the Disinformation Governance Board (DGB) appears to have been a disastrous choice. The board will now be run by former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Michael Chertoff after it was put on “pause” because of biting criticisms.

But Chertoff, like Jankowicz, openly lied about the Hunter Biden laptop being “Russian disinformation” just weeks before the 2020 election. The contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop have since been independently verified by numerous forensic analysts forcing the New York Times and The Washington Post to back-peddle on similar fake claims repeated by both Chertoff and Jankowicz.

Jankowicz has confessed that free speech made her “shudder” and cited Christopher Steele, the author of the infamous Clinton campaign-funded “Peegate” dossier that turned out to be disinformation, as a reliable “expert”.