Month: April 2022
In Canada, a zoo claims that its animals want their COVID vaccinations
By Andrea Widburg
It’s becoming clear that COVID broke something in leftist brains. Over the past two years, they’ve completely embraced tyranny and put all their faith in a “vaccine” that doesn’t prevent illness, contagion, or death. And now, in Canada, a zoo has assured a local news station that its animals are volunteering for the COVID vaccination. Apparently, if you’re a leftist, zoo animals are smarter than people who are hostile to the COVID jab.
CP24, a Toronto-based local news channel, broke the story. (Hat tip: Western Journal.) Because animals can catch COVID, CP24 reports that the Toronto Zoo received 320 doses of a vaccine called Zoetis, which has been developed specifically for animals. Like humans, the animals will get a two-shot cycle, with 60 animals already having received their first shot.
If you’re like me, when you think of animals at a zoo getting vaccinated with something that could stop a potentially serious disease from ripping through the zoo (for that is how leftists view COVID, even though animals, like children, don’t seem to get serious COVID), you’re imagining the keepers systematically going through the zoo, giving the animals their shots. After all, that’s what leftists wanted to do to humans with an experimental agent that has serious side effects and minimal effectiveness.
But that’s not what’s happening at the Toronto Zoo. It turns out that the animals are more enlightened than those humans who have resisted getting injected with an experimental drug that seems to be especially damaging in younger people:

“These are voluntary inoculations. The animals choose to come over and interact with the animal care staff and then are delivered the vaccine. Some days they participate. Some days, they don’t. So we’ll keep working at it until we get all 120 inoculated,” Toronto Zoo CEO Dolf DeJong told CP24 on Thursday afternoon.
As you read that, I bet you are thinking what I thought: Maybe I’m underestimating those super-smart and sophisticated Canadian zoo animals, but my knowledge of animals says that, when they interact with the care staff, they’re not seeking disease immunity. They want food or attention. There’s nothing voluntary about their receiving a needle in their neck or hindquarters.
It’s only at the end of the report that you learn that the animals have been trained to accept shots…any shots…by giving them food:
In the video, staff explain how members of the wildlife care team train the animals “to voluntarily present an area of the body for a pretend poke” by rewarding them with a treat.
That same process is then used for the administration of actual shots.
“The animal can walk away at any time, it is completely up to them whether they want to participate or not. Some days are more successful than other days and that is OK. But giving the animals the option to participate in their own healthcare allows us to monitor their health more closely and efficiently without causing any undue stress,” a zoo worker says in the video.
In other words, we’re witnessing the animal equivalent of those American cities that have tried to reward people with burgers and fries for vaccines. (Bill de Blasio, I’m talking to you.) We were being trained just as surely as the animals were.
Still, the notion of a “voluntary” process is just wrong. Yes, the animals will accept shots, but they’re certainly not agreeing to have an experimental agent injected into their fuzzy little (or big) bodies. So, while it’s nice at the end of the day that shots are a low-stress experience for the animals, it is important not to confuse it with the games being played with humans.
Neil Oliver: Partygate, Beergate, Raynergate, Porngate – we need some grown-ups in the room, pronto
Meet The Bidens
In Tyrol, an Afghan threatened a Shiite compatriot to “slaughter her over the back of the head”, rape her and behead her – He was allowed to do so in Afghanistan because of her religious-ethnic affiliation
A 37-year-old Afghan has been in Austria with his family for quite some time and is probably not yet fully integrated in Europe. He is said to repeatedly frighten Muslim women in his neighbourhood with remarks. He allegedly said to a female neighbour, who belongs to the Shiite Hazara minority, that they are not regarded as normal people in Afghanistan and that Hazara should be “slaughtered over the back of the head”.
After the widow refused to take care of the 37-year-old’s children for a short time, he allegedly uttered that “this is the wrong place, but he is allowed to rape and behead her in Afghanistan”. However, the reported statements could no longer be proven beyond doubt at the regional court yesterday. It is also impossible to carry out the threats now. Thus, the “milieu-related expressions of displeasure” were met with an acquittal.
Douglas Murray: These people are losing their minds – Fox News contributor gives his take on censorship
Belgium: Syrian executes his sister because he found her way of life too permissive

Gerges Younan was arrested in Syria for the murder of his sister Ahlam, committed in Liège on January 3, 2021. Since the crime, the older brother had fled to Syria.
On January 3, 2021, the lifeless body of Ahlam Younan, a 28-year-old woman of Syrian origin, had been found in her flat in the Rue de la Cathédrale in the heart of Liège. The young woman’s hands were tied and she had been executed with a shot to the head.
Suspicion quickly fell on the radical branch of Ahlam’s family, more precisely on one of her brothers, Gerges Younan, who lived in Sweden. The latter had accused his younger sister several times that her European lifestyle, her company and her way of life were too permissive for his taste. Sud-Info
A Scottish school of midwifery has completely jumped the gender shark
By Andrea Widburg
The only reason it’s possible to believe that the news out of Scotland is true is that The Times of London (which is behind a paywall, so I’m not citing it) published it. That staid paper is not known for lying. What is that news? Student midwives at Napier University were taught, quite seriously, that biological men, complete with male sexual organs (inside and out), can get pregnant. Worse still, the students were too cowed by the tyranny of wokism to challenge this nonsense.
Thankfully, The Sun, which is not behind a paywall, has the same report:
At Edinburgh Napier University, students are being taught about it as part of an online module.
In a change to its advice on catheterisation, Napier switched “women” to “birthing people”.
Some women have to be catheterised during labour to empty their bladder, and the module includes guidance to help women.
As part of the module, instructions are also being offered on how to catheterise a penis.
The instruction notes: “Male persons should be warned of discomfort.”
Nor was this an accident. The students received an email warning them that
“This update was made to take account of the fact that while most times the birthing person will have female genitalia, you may be caring for a pregnant or birthing person while is transitioning from male to female and may still have external male genitalia.
“You need to be familiar with the catheterisation procedure for both the female and male anatomy. For this reason, where appropriate, this book refers to the person or birthing person.”
The nonsense there is unbelievable: These students were taught that a guy who’s on the verge of getting his penis lopped off can present to the hospital as pregnant and in labor, and therefore require that still-existing penis to be catheterized.

Image: “Pregnant man” and “pregnant person” emojis from Emojipedia.
This is what the commitment to the lunacy of so-called transgenderism does: It literally breaks people’s brains to the point at which the fantasy becomes reality.
Sadly, because of the tyrannical hold leftists have on academia in the English-speaking world, students did not feel comfortable pushing back against the craziness emanating from their faculty. One student wrote, “We have to write an essay for this course. I have only referred to women and pregnant women and I have this nagging worry that I’m going to lose points.”
The one thing that’s certain is that there is nothing marginalized about LGBTQ+++ people. They have managed to manipulate society to the point at which they are beyond challenge or criticism. That means they hold all the power. However, no society has ever survived long when its rulers were insane.
It’s to be hoped that sanity returns to the Western world (most specifically, the English-speaking Western world) and puts the kybosh on this. If we don’t act soon, we will regress to the point at which we live in caves and communicate with grunts.
Arctic ice is back!
Ice coverage in the Arctic region is currently almost back to the 1991-2020 average, well above a 2012 low point and higher than 2020.
According to the latest report from the EU’s Earth observation programme Copernicus, the 2021 March sea ice area was just 3 percent below the 30 year average. March is the annual maximum coverage of sea ice in the Arctic.
The news has not changed the mainstream climate change narrative. In 2009, climate alarmist former US vice president Al Gore predicted that the North Pole would be ice free by 2013. The BBC Future Planet site in 2020 claimed that much of the ice was said to be “rapidly vanishing” and wanted to sprinkle the area with glass.
Geological records show that the Earth has often been ice free. While climate alarmists maintain that the rate of change is a concern, the historical record suggests similar rates of change have been noted before.
In 1816, it was observed by The Royal Society that “2000 square leagues [a league is three miles] of ice with which the Greenland Seas between latitudes of 74° and 80°N have been hitherto covered, has in the last two years entirely disappeared”.
The UK government’s Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance has been trying to scare the public with a number of extreme weather models and junk science, stating that Arctic sea ice was headed for a “tipping point”. By the end of 2021, the COP26 invitees were told that there was just “one minute to midnight” on the doomsday clock.
Germany: Afghan asylum seeker massacres his wife with 29 knife wounds because of her western lifestyle
The daughter (2) was sleeping peacefully when her father Samad Q. (39) committed a bloodbath in the living room and killed her mother (23). Ayoubi Q. suffered deep stabs in her heart and lungs from the 18 cm knife blade. The 23-year-old bled to death in the accommodation unit of the refugee shelter in Ahrensburg (Stormarn district). 29 stabs!
After the bloody act of violence in September 2021, the verdict against the man from Afghanistan was pronounced on Friday at the Lübeck Regional Court. Samad Q. must serve life behind bars for the murder of his wife. He did not want to accept the emancipation aspirations of his wife and therefore killed her, said the chairman of the jury chamber in the reasons for the verdict. This was murder for base motives.
With the verdict, the court followed the prosecution’s request, which had demanded life imprisonment for the accused. The defendant’s lawyer, on the other hand, had requested that the 39-year-old be sentenced for manslaughter in the heat of passion. After the verdict was pronounced, he said it was not yet clear whether he would apply for an appeal.
According to the prosecution, the victim tried to emancipate herself from her restrictive husband, which Samad Q. did not accept. In addition, the Afghan is said to have rejected his wife’s western lifestyle.
After the crime, Samad Q. fled from the refugee accommodation and was only arrested at a border crossing in Bavaria. He was on a bus bound for Milan (Italy), which was checked at the Münchberg motorway station on motorway 9 in the district of Hof.