In August 2021, citizens found body parts near Gornau in the Ore Mountains. The police took up the investigation and searched for a 48-year-old suspect with an international arrest warrant. Now he has been arrested in Turkey.
Almost half a year after the discovery of body parts in the Ore Mountains, a 48-year-old man has been arrested in Turkey. The man is suspected of having killed and dismembered a fellow countryman in Chemnitz. According to investigators, he then dumped the body parts at various locations.
He was therefore wanted on an international arrest warrant. Ingrid Burghart, spokeswoman for the Chemnitz public prosecutor’s office, said on Thursday that a notification had now come from Turkey that the arrest had been made. This had previously been reported by German broadcasters MDR and
At the end of August, police had found body parts in a field near Gornau on the federal highway 174 and on the suburban railway S232 near Weißbach, following hints from citizens. According to forensic medicine, the deceased is a 48-year-old man who was last seen in his social environment at the end of July 2021 and had been considered missing since then.
According to investigators, he was killed by his compatriot in a Chemnitz flat at the end of July. So far, no information has been given on the possible motive; the investigation is for manslaughter.
According to Burghart, it is uncertain whether Turkey will extradite its citizen to Germany. If so, the case could be handed over to the Turkish authorities for prosecution in his home country.
Luc Montagnier, the French virologist, Nobel laureate and vehement vaccine critic has died. He was 89. He passed away on February 8 at a hospital in a suburb of Paris.
The scientist from the Pasteur Institute in Paris shared the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Francoise Barre-Sinoussi and Germany’s Harald zur Hausen. He will be remembered as a scientist who spoke the truth to power.
Critic of vaccines for children
Already on November 7, 2017, Montagnier participated with Henri Joyeux in a press conference where he agreed with several arguments of the anti-vaccine speakers which were hotly refuted by the medical community at the time. He said vaccines were responsible for sudden infant death syndrome and announced that he had “a US legal file concerning a baby who died in the United States after being vaccinated” because adjuvants based on aluminum salt were “responsible for an immune storm in infants”.
He added that the “paracetamol which we give to infants when they have a reaction to the vaccine, is poison”.
A hundred academicians of science and medicine co-signed a column following this event, stating that Montagnier “was using his Nobel Prize to disseminate, outside the scope of his competence, messages dangerous to health, in defiance ethics which should govern science and medicine”.
According to the Swiss Medical Review, the professor — “seduced by the irrational” — was “disowned by the Institut Pasteur, of which he is still professor emeritus, and denounced by the National Academy of Medicine, of which he is still a member without ever setting foot there”.
For French daily Le Figaro, Montagnier had “signed his scientific death warrant” after his declarations on the memory of water, or those on Africans and HIV.
But Montagnier persisted in attacking vaccinations: “Some children die 24 hours after being vaccinated. We still have the right to wonder about this temporal correlation. It’s just common sense. Even if we cannot demonstrate causality, there is a temporal relationship.”
HIV Aids
In the 2009 documentary House of Numbers Montagnier denied the causal relationship of HIV to AIDS, saying that with a good immune system, supported by good antioxidant nutrition, the body defends itself better against viral attacks and that one can “be exposed to HIV several times without being chronically infected” if one has a “good” immune system.
The un-cut footage from the documentary revealed the truth about AIDS because nutrition, not expensive medication, was actually the answer.
“I believe this is one of the ways to approach the problem to decrease the rate of transmission. I believe you can be exposed to HIV multiple times without becoming chronically infected. If you have a good immune system, it will get rid of the virus in a few weeks. And that is also the problem of Africans: their food is not very balanced, they are under oxidative stress, even if they are not infected with HIV. Basically, their immune system is not working well, and therefore can allow the virus to enter the body and stay there.”
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
In April 2020, Luc Montagnier hypothesized that the severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2, the cause of the Covid-19 pandemic, “came out of a Chinese laboratory with HIV DNA”. A sequence of the virus of human immunodeficiency was introduced into the genome of the Coronavirus in an attempt to justify a vaccine.
This thesis was agian hotly refuted by the “scientific community” because the sequences “are very small elements that are found in other viruses of the same family, other Coronaviruses in nature. These are pieces of the genome which in fact resemble a lot of sequences in the genetic material of bacteria, viruses and plants,” the pharma shill and virologist Étienne Simon-Lorière from the Institut Pasteur maintained.
However, according to an analysis published on March 17, 2020, in the journal Nature Medicine by a group of researchers from five different universities (Columbia, Scripps, Edinburgh, Sydney and New Orleans), SARS-CoV-2 “it is currently impossible to prove or disprove [other theories]”.
According to the newspaper Le Monde, only “conspiracy theories relayed among others by Professor Luc Montagnier suggest human intervention”.
Luc Montagnier also stated in the documentary Hold-up that “it was vaccination that created the variants”.
Public commitments
In his youth, Montagnier was a communist and member of the French Communist Party (PCF).
Up in Canada, PM Justin Trudeau can’t help himself. He is gone “full woke” on the truck drivers and consequently encouraged more drivers to get on their trucks to Ottawa. This is an example from the New York Post:
Trudeau took aim at the thousands of anti-vaccine mandate protesters who have staged demonstrations in Ottawa for the last two weeks, declaring on Monday night: “It has to stop.”
“This is a story of a country that got through this pandemic by being united — and a few people shouting and waving swastikas does not define who Canadians are,” Trudeau told lawmakers during an emergency debate.
Trudeau’s remarks appeared to dismiss concerns from conservative lawmakers who have warned that the hundreds of trucks that have been blocking major thoroughfares in Ottawa shed light on how divided the country has become.
Trudeau added that the protesters were “trying to blockade our economy, our democracy, and our fellow citizens’ daily lives.”
Wonder when he will start referring to the whole thing as Canada’s January 6th? Leslie Eastman of Legal Insurrection has a great summary of how the media has gone “Tea Party” crazy with the events in Canada. It looks like the more that the drivers are attacked the more they double down in Ottawa.
The prime minister’s problem is that his words don’t match the reality on the ground. These drivers are not terrorists nor a threat to democracy. On the contrary, these are people who feel that government is not listening to them.
What if PM Trudeau had sat down with some drivers, listened to them, and shown some respect? Maybe this whole thing could have settled in an orderly fashion.
Don’t expect a quick resolution to the situation up north. You can blame PM Trudeau for pouring gasoline onto the fire and a media that thinks every critic is a threat to democracy.
The Forum for Democracy party has been trying for months to find out what percentage of Corona patients in hospitals are vaccinated and unvaccinated. Both the Ministry of Health and RIVM refuse to provide this data.
“I can’t give them at all,” said RIVM boss Jaap van Dissel during a technical briefing to MP Pepijn van Houwelingen. “You will receive the longer answer shortly.” That answer never came.
Van Houwelingen again requested during a meeting of the VWS committee on Thursday that RIVM share the available Covid-19 data at hospital level with parliament within a week. A majority of the committee members refused to support the request. Van Houwelingen expressed his indignation: “What are your promises worth?”
“I can hardly believe what I’m hearing,” Van Houwelingen said. “It’s just a request for a reason why data can’t be given. If we, as a committee, already lie because of that – that to me is really unbelievable.”
Leftwing vaccine shill, the MP Attje Kuiken (PvdA) said: “I don’t do job creation here. If the RIVM says ‘we don’t supply that’, that is enough for me. That should also be ended at some point.”
But others shared Van Houwelingen’s horror at the obfuscation: “I see very clearly the violation of my colleague’s individual right to information,” said Fleur Agema (PVV). “You have the individual right – Article 68 of the Constitution – to information. So how can a majority overrule that constitutional right?”
“I don’t think that’s possible at all,” Agema added.
“It’s unheard of,” the FvD member said afterwards. “This shows that the [WEF] cartel is blocking everything. They block information, but they even block commitments we’ve already received. We can only bring about change in the Netherlands if we break that cartel first.”
Around 20 French citizens took part in the second show of “La France dans les yeux” on the stage of BFM TV on Wednesday February 9. Éric Zemmour was asked about his agenda, but also about current affairs, and answered their questions as well as those of Bruce Toussaint. Facing Karim, a Frenchman of Muslim faith, the presidential candidate of the Reconquête! party defended the idea that the country should host churches rather than mosques “for cultural reasons”. The author of La France n’a pas dit son dernier mot (France has not yet spoken its last word) also declared that he intended to ban ” cathedral-like mosques ” so that ” France would remain a landscape of churches ” if he were elected president.
“In France, I don’t want to hear the voice of the muezzin,” Zemmour said before rejecting the construction of cathedral-like mosques, which he said were too big, the news channel reported. He also judged that for “some Muslims” large mosques meant “conquering a French territory”. He continued, “Muslims will of course be able to go to the mosque.” In this context, he referred to “more discreet” buildings.
On the same evening, the former Figaro journalist was also asked about the migration issue. He promised to a man who called on him to deploy “border guards” at European borders, “It is planned, we will deploy the tools”. Following this statement, Éric Zemmour shared that he would “support the idea of building walls on the borders of the European Union” and praised the various initiatives taken by a number of countries such as Hungary. He said that these initiatives “defend European civilisation” but are rejected by other states such as France or Germany. He concluded by saying, “I will win the majority in Europe for the fortress wall!”.
The Muslim Youth Austria (MJÖ) has been rebuffed by the data protection authority with its complaint against the “Islam map”. As the data protection authority now explains in a decision, the fundamental right to freedom of science and freedom of opinion outweighed the MJÖ’s right to secrecy in this case. The youth organisation objected to the public accessibility of personal data.
The Documentation Centre for Political Islam and the project leader Prof. Ednan Aslan from the University of Vienna were pleased with the decision of the data protection authority.
Last year, the Islam map of the Doku-Stelle caused sharp criticism from all sides, especially after the MJÖ came forward with massive criticism. More than 600 Islamic associations and mosques are shown on the website of the Islam map, including their locations. Apparently, the domestic critics have also activated people abroad: A veritable flood of complaints ensued against the University of Vienna at the time. Other Islamic organisations subsequently joined in the protest, and finally other religious communities also joined in the chorus of critics.
Ednan Aslan, the project leader, was surprised by all the fuss. He teaches Islamic religious education at the University of Vienna. After all, the map had already existed before: It had been online for several years starting in 2012, without triggering anywhere near as strong a reaction. Some Islamic figures who took part in the loud clamour of protest in 2021 had exchanged views with Aslan on the content of the map of the country years before and had agreed with him on a text describing their organisation. In 2021, everything suddenly changed when the map was put online again after a break of several years.
The MJÖ filed a complaint with the data protection authority because it felt that the right to confidentiality had been violated. On Wednesday, the authority finally responded. It sees no violation: freedom of science and freedom of expression outweigh the secrecy of personal data in this case, it ruled.
According to the MJÖ, information that is not generally accessible data, such as private addresses of association officials, would also be available on the map’s website. This was a cause for concern, as some complainants were “subjected to Islamophobic hostility” and there was a “real threat in the form of physical attacks against their institutions”. In addition, the institutions on the map were “presented as dangerous and suspicious across the board”.
In fact, after the presentation of the map, some people also received dangerous threats, up to and including murder, as became known. However, these were not the mosques listed, but the initiators of the map. Integration Minister Susanne Raab (ÖVP) was personally threatened, as were the scientists involved, Mouhanad Khorchide and project leader Ednan Aslan.
The map produced by the Documentation Centre for Political Islam together with the University of Vienna was a contribution to a debate of public interest, emphasises the data protection authority. After all, topics related to Islam are regularly the subject of media coverage.
In fact, the addresses on the Islam map came from publicly accessible sources such as the register of associations. Neither from the register nor from the information on the “Islam map” about the MJÖ and its regional groups was it evident that private addresses were behind the addresses of the associations, the data protection authority ruled.
For the Documentation Centre Political Islam, the decision of the data protection authority shows “the great importance of academic freedom”. Ednan Aslan is also satisfied: “Our scientific work serves the public interest and today’s decision is a clear confirmation of this. Particularly in the case of socio-politically sensitive topics, objective scientific discourse must be possible; this is indispensable for a democratic society.” He added that they would continue to ensure “the necessary scientific diligence”. Aslan expressly thanked the University of Vienna for its support.
On December 27 at around 10 pm, a man entered a Muslim prayer room near the Collège in Domène, where he threw the contents of several cupboards and shelves on the floor, tore out a radiator and wrote words on a paper tablecloth accusing the imam of indoctrinating the faithful and making them become terrorists. When he was stopped by a worshipper and a person in charge of the place, he fled and shouted incoherent words.
The accused was arraigned on December 31 in immediate presentment before the Grenoble Criminal Court and had asked for time to prepare his defence as a new psychiatric report had been ordered. Pending the new hearing, he was detained in Grenoble-Varces prison.
On Wednesday, February 9, he appeared in criminal court again as a prisoner to stand trial for “damaging or destroying two buildings used for religion” as a recidivist. He was also charged with stealing – also as a recidivist – the car in which he slept and drove around.
“He is someone who is looking for himself a bit. He was Catholic before he met a Muslim woman and converted to Islam. He is questioning his religion, but there is no Islamophobic connotation in his actions,” stressed his lawyer Fanny Marion.(…) La Dépêche
The Yellow Wigs mocking the French presidential couple. Screenshot from YouTube
The First Lady of France could end the suspense of the disappearance of Jean-Michel Trogneux in the blink of an eye, by appearing in the simplest of clothes: A birth suit. Especially since the French are not overly sensitive about nudity.
Obviously, in the case at hand, it would be a less appealing prospect, but the only effective one to put an end to the gossip.
In order to pay tribute to the unexplained disappearance of Jean-Michel Trogneux, the “brother” of Brigittte Macron, a promotional operation has been launched: That of the Perruques Jaunes, the Yellow Wigs.
Rumours persist that the French Head of the State who wants to “piss off” his fellow countrymen, had been the object of statutory rape by his drama teacher at the age of 14. On Saturday, February 12, 2022 and during the whole campaign, freedom demonstrations will be marked by Yellow Wigs.
“To get a wig, it’s very simple, there are some in every costume shop or by mail order. The model shown on these pictures is available for example in a Parisian shop, 22 bis rue Montmartre or on the website, for the modest sum of 8,9 €. But don’t worry: the investment will easily be repaid on the motorway service areas with our trucker friends on their way to Brussels,” the organizers said.
“At €10 per toll swipe, the wig will pay for itself in no time. That’s what we call convergence of struggles! Buy two or three or twelve for your friends, because wigs are like parties, the more the merrier! The current demonstrations with their outdated slogans (“We’re tired, we’re tired”; “Freedom! Resistance!”) will become happy occasions where we have fun at the expense of the tyrants.”
Mocking Macron
Mocking rulers is an old French tradition, known as the mazarinades according to Wikipedia: “From the mockery of his Italian accent and his effeminate habits to the crudest attacks on his alleged love affairs with the queen and the conduct of his nieces, all sorts of insults are combined in the mazarinades against Cardinal Mazarin, who, according to all historical accounts, seemed insensitive to these attacks.”
A Telegram thread called “No Brain inside” dedicated to the curious past of Brigitte, launched the Yellow Wigs operation for all the demonstrations.
Since the publication in October 2021 of the investigation by Faits & Documents on the “Brigitte Macron Mystery”, a shoddy defence was orchestrated by the couple clearly struggling to put out the fire. Unable to file a complaint against Faits & Documents (which indirectly validates the whole investigation), the Macron’s handlers have been trying to light counter-fires without success.
On Sunday November 5, 2021, on the set of Vivement Dimanche on France 2, comedian Arnaud Tsamère delivered a sketch in which he pretended to have Emmanuel Macron on the phone. In this fictitious conversation with President Macron, the comedian says: “I take it the press knows? And he adds: “I suppose that Brigitte is shaken?”.
The decidedly unfunny sentence provoked laughter, then discomfort in the audience. Indeed, we understand that the reply was a rather nasty play on words: “I suppose that Brigitte was jerked off”.
Professional genealogists are currently investigating the Trogneux and Auzière families, the relatives of Brigitte.
“Those who pull the strings of the puppets used the Brigitte deception to force Macron to impose his pro-vaxx policy with the suppression of essential freedoms. They had a way of blackmailing him,” said researcher Alain Penoel.
A huge file is currently being compiled in web page format (.html) by a genealogist, Alain Beyrand. Photos, dates, extracts from surveys are presented.
Beyrand explained that “as a genealogy enthusiast, I am used to carrying out such investigations to find the parents of an ancestor, to weigh each hypothesis… The search for administrative or biographical archive documents [by journalist Xavier Poussard who launched the investigation] is well conducted”.
The author noted the absence in large numbers of key documents, which very quickly appeared suspicious. And the same goes for the inconsistencies that seem intended to confuse the issue.
The leftwing newspaper Liberation has stepped in to save the respectability of the presidential couple, presenting a “checknews”, which was taken up, for lack of anything better, in a few other newspapers but it contained no facts only ad hominem attacks.
Despite the enormity of the attack against Brigitte, the contrast between the seriousness of the case and the factual vacuity of their response, has further fuelled concern.
The suspicion is that Emmanuel Macron, born in 1977, married Jean-Michel Trogneux born in 1945, in 2007. Then Jean-Michel became his fictitious wife Brigitte, fictitiously born in 1953. The transformation allegedly took place at the end of the 1980s. Before, Brigitte did not exist or was “manufactured” a posteriori, after Jean-Michel disappeared.
The father of three children, become their mother, according to the hypothesis.
According to Penoel, this is “an Orwellian level of organized truth tampering at the top of the state”.
Penoel added: “The deception is much more serious than that of [President Francois] Mitterrand who hid his illegitimate daughter. There we have before us the glitter and the smoke of a curious presidential couple of a so-called start-up nation. The media sold us an angel who ensured with supreme grace the status of First Lady. And today we are discovering the other side of these storytelling images. The angel hides a sex that is not that of the front pages of the celebrity magazines that feature her. Mitterrand hid Mazarine, while Macron brandished Brigitte, it’s not the same level of deception at all. It is not a matter of having a ‘private life’, it is a large-scale embezzlement against the French and even world population.”