Prominent Chilean Trans Activist Received Support From Pro-NAMBLA “Homosexual Liberation” Org Head Despite Being Exposed As Child Rapist

Reduxx has learned that a prominent Chilean trans activist recently revealed as having raped a boy had been promoted and supported by one of the nation’s leading LGBT groups – and that it’s founder had previously defended the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).

Rolando Jiménez, founder of MOVILH (El Movimiento de Integración y Liberación Homosexual), which has received government funding, provided financial support to pedophile María López Barrera, formerly known as Rodrigo Alejandro López Barrera, for his trans activism.

MOVILH is one of Chile’s leading LGBT activist organizations and has received over 279 million pesos from the government since 2001. The activist group has also received funding from the European Union and countries such as Norway, the Netherlands, and Spain.

According to its website, MOVILH was created in June 1991, and the following year was adopted into the International Lesbian, Gay, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA), which has worked with the United Nations (UN) to campaign for changes to laws and policy since 1993.

The Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies, Gaspar Rivas, presented an award to Féminas Diversas de Aconcagua, a group led by convicted child rapist Rodrigo Alejandro López Barrera.

“MOVILH emerged at a time when homophobia and transphobia were rampant in all spheres of society, when homosexuality was classified as a crime by the State, and when only a handful of people supported the cause, and even fewer acknowledged being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender,” reads the site’s history page.

The MOVILH site vaguely states that during the 90’s, “MOVILH suffered from external divisions,” and broadly states: “While Jiménez and his followers maintained Movilh’s acronym, principles, objectives, and structure and added the word ‘integration’ to the organization’s name, other activists gave rise to new and distinct LGBTI groups.”

What MOVILH’s website does not explain is that the source of the “external divisions” involved founding member Jiménez vocalizing support for pedophilic relationships between adults and children.

In September 1994, ILGA’s consultative status within the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNECOSOC) was revoked over its ties to multiple multinational pro-pedophile lobby groups, including the US-based North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) and the Dutch group Vereniging MARTIJN, as well as a Berlin-based group Bundesverband Homosexualität (BVH) which condoned the sexual abuse of minors.

Additionally, a 1985 ILGA resolution proposed the eradication of age of consent laws, reiterated again in 1988 when ILGA declared that “age of consent laws often operate to oppress and not to protect young people.” In 1990, ILGA designated pedophiles as a “sexual minority” worthy of legal protection. As the controversy began to draw widespread attention, some journalists remarked that NAMBLA was not only the first group to join ILGA, but at one point was the only member.

In an effort to restore credibility to their movement within the UN, ILGA member groups opted to expel the pedophile activist networks in a vote that was passed with an 88% majority.

Yet MOVILH founder Jiménez disagreed with the proposal, and voted against ejecting them from ILGA. According to Brazilian academic Leandro Colling, in his essay “Panthers and Dissident Locals: Queer Activism in Portugal and Chile and Its Tensions with the LGBT Movement,” Jiménez was expelled from MOVILH in 1994 after voting in favor of the inclusion of the pro-pedophile political groups.

“However, Jiménez appropriated the MOVILH brand, changing the meaning of the acronym, maintaining the group and taking with him the brand of the pioneering collective. For this reason, some activists say that there are two MOVILHs: the on belonging to Jiménez, who has always held the presidency of the group, the MUMS (Unified Movement of Sexual Minorities), which was created on June 28, 1998, to unify the people of the first MOVILH, and another group called Centro Lambda Chile,” Colling states.

Diego Ríos, a spokesperson for MOVILH, has been quoted as saying: “There’s no difference between the two because there has never been a historical MOVILH; it has always been the same. Its members may have changed, but it has always had the same vision, mission, and political perspective. And the leader has always been Rolando Jiménez.”

Now Reduxx has learned that MOVILH worked with convicted pedophile and trans activist López Barrera, who hid his criminal record by identifying as transgender and changing his name.

As previously reported by Reduxx, López Barrera has been active in Chile’s LGBT scene for decades, and began campaigning for “transvestite rights” under his birth name in the early 2000s after he was made the president of the Aconcagua chapter of TravesChile.

In January of 2004, López Barrera was the subject of an Amnesty International notice condemning the authorities in Chile for not doing more to protect the rights of trans activists. The notice revealed that he had been threatened and shot at in December of 2003, and suggested it was in retaliation to complaints López Barrera had filed complaining about discrimination against transvestites in the region.

Using masculine pronouns for López Barrera, Amnesty went on to demand that “authorities to take immediate steps to ensure his safety, so that he can continue his legitimate work with TravesChile without fear of harassment.”

But just one month after the Amnesty notice was published, López Barrera would be arrested on charges of sexually assaulting a young boy and infecting him with HIV. At the time, López Barrera worked at a brothel called Tower 10, and met the 14-year-old boy when he came to find his mother, who was being prostituted in the building.

According to Fuerza Informativa Aconcagua (Radio Aconcagua), López Barrera pulled the child into a room and locked the door. The boy screamed for his mother and fought against López Barrera, but was overpowered and brutally anally raped by him. The child would later be diagnosed with HIV as a result of the assault. López Barrera was ultimately sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Last year, López Barrera filed for an order of protection demanding that press be prohibited from revealing his prior name and details regarding the rape of the boy for which he was convicted. While the request was initially granted by the Court of Valparaíso, the decision was challenged by Fuerza Informativa Aconcagua (FIA), a small news outlet and radio station operating out of López Barrera’s region of San Felipe.

On January 1, 2025, the Supreme Court accepted FIA’s appeal, ruling that Barrera did not have a right to prohibit media from reporting on his criminal past. The ruling led to several outlets reporting on how López Barrera had apparently attempted to cover up his previous sexual predation by claiming a transgender status and adopting a feminine name.

However, despite the revelation, Jiménez has continued to defend López Barrera on social media and accused his critics of being “far-right” and “rabid.” According to Jiménez, the child rapist is “a valuable trans leader.”

The scandal caught the attention of Democratic Senator Ximena Cecilia Rincón. In January, just days after López Barrera’s horrific past was revealed, Rincón called for a formal inquiry into the amount of public funds the pedophile had received for his trans activism.

“We demand an investigation into when and under what conditions state aid has been provided to this despicable child rapist, and we will demand that equivalent resources be allocated to guarantee decent and adequate health care for child victims of sexual assault,” Rincón said, and condemned the process which allowed activists to be granted taxpayer funds without rigorous background checks.

In a follow-up message posted to X, Rincón added: “We have requested from the Human Rights Commission that the Executive Branch be notified of the funding provided to this organization, and we have also announced a bill to prohibit organizations comprised of those convicted in these types of cases from receiving public funding.”

Last September, The Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies, Gaspar Rivas, presented an award to Féminas Diversas de Aconcagua, a group led by convicted child rapist López Barrera, for its work promoting a pioneering Housing Committee for LGBTIQ+ People. López Barrera received the award from Congressman Rivas at a meeting attended by the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Karol Cariola.

The two awards presented to López Barrera were inscribed, “to the Aconcagua LGBT Housing Committee for their three years of struggle” and “to María Alejandra López Barrera for her tremendous contribution to the community.”

Pigs’ feet hung and eggs thrown at Dutch town hall over asylum center plans

Screengrab X

A protest against the planned construction of an asylum seekers’ center in a Dutch town escalated on Thursday evening when demonstrators threw dozens of eggs at the town hall, set off fireworks, and later hung pigs’ feet on the fence of the proposed center’s location.

The protest, organized by the local action group “Nee tegen azc” (No to Asylum Seekers’ Center), drew hundreds of residents angry about the recently announced plans to house 240 to 270 refugees in Berlicum, southeast of the city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch.

Though the topic was not on the agenda of the council meeting taking place inside, protesters gathered outside to voice their discontent.

Signs and banners were draped over the building while fireworks were launched by local residents. One man, a 32-year-old from Sint-Michielsgestel, was arrested while attempting to detonate heavy fireworks, according to police, who also confirmed the majority of demonstrators appeared to be from the local community.

Later that night, a fire broke out on the grounds designated for the asylum center. By morning, pigs’ feet had been hung along the fence.

Chantal Verhagen, spokesperson for the protest group, distanced the organization from that specific act, saying, “An individual will have done that. We should not judge each other — we need each other badly in this protest.” She maintained that the protest remained mostly peaceful. “You can also look at it this way: 299 people have not been arrested.”

Deputy Mayor Peter Raaijmakers condemned the confrontational nature of the protests. “It is a good right to demonstrate and also to say what you think, but it can never be the case that you use those two fundamental rights to cause destruction, hang pigs’ feet on a fence, verbally attack fellow villagers with a different opinion, and threaten people. That’s where we draw the line.”

Similar protests have been carried out across the Netherlands against municipal plans to import significant numbers of largely adult male refugees to Dutch towns and villages.

Last month, the village of Doezum, Groningen, found itself at the center of a national debate over asylum accommodation after the municipality of Westerkwartier announced plans to construct dozens of chalets on an estate at the village’s edge to accommodate 100 status holders. The village is home to just 700 residents.

Locals, who only found out about the plan through a letter, said they were blindsided by the decision.

“My 25-year-old son has been trying to find a place to live for years, but there’s nothing available,” village resident Sonja told De Telegraaf newspaper. “Yet housing for people from far away appears overnight. How is that fair?”

Residents often cite cultural differences and security concerns as major points of contention. One local woman walking her dog near the proposed site in Berlicum told local media, “I’m proud of our village. But I’m afraid. I’m going to install cameras at my house.”

Their concerns are valid. Dutch railway operator Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS) revealed in January that it was considering removing the Maarheeze station in Brabant from its service routes due to the mounting costs of security measures required to address ongoing incidents involving residents of the nearby Budel asylum center.

“Asylum seekers sitting on the benches drinking and harassing other passengers and NS staff. And you have asylum seekers who dodge the fare,” said a spokesperson for the rail operator at the time.

In addition to anti-social behavior and petty crime, incidents of serious sexual assault and violent crime have plagued the reputations of asylum centers in the Netherlands and wider Western Europe, leading to residents displaying extra caution.

The protest group has vowed to continue its campaign with a public residents’ evening scheduled for April 2 where organizers hope local voices will be heard by the city council.

First Mosque to be Built in the Lake District + 1 MILLION Foreigners Receiving Benefits & More!

On today’s #NCFNewspeak, NCF Director Peter Whittle, Senior Fellows Rafe Heydel-Mankoo and Dr. Philip Kiszely and Amy Gallagher of Stand up to Woke discuss:

Shakespeare’s birthplace is being “decolonized” following accusations of “white supremacy”

The Lake District will soon be home to its first mosque

1 Million foreigners receive benefits with a potential extra million in the years ahead

Two potential jihadists, including a Turkish citizen, are arrested by the French secret service near Lyon before setting off for Syria

Two young men aged 19 and 24 were arrested on Tuesday in the Ain department near Lyon by investigators from the Directorate-General for Internal Security (DGSI). They are suspected of attempting to join a jihadist group in Syria. Following their interrogation, one of the two was remanded in custody, while the other was placed under judicial supervision.

The two suspects are said to have plotted to join the brigade of Omar Diaby, a francophone jihadist figure who has firmly established himself in north-west Syria. According to Le Parisien, they exchanged information with his son via encrypted messenger and planned a route via Turkey or Jordan. One of the two suspects, a Turkish national, forwarded pro-jihadist content in particular via Telegram. According to the counter-terrorism services, Omar Diaby’s brigade, also known as ‘Firqatul Guraba’, continues to attract French recruits.

The two young men were taken into police custody as part of a preliminary investigation launched by the national counter-terrorism prosecutor’s office for ‘criminal terrorist gang formation’ and brought before a counter-terrorism judge in Paris on Friday.

Lyon Mag

Germany: Islamist teenagers planned terror attack resulting in many deaths

Three teenagers planned a terrorist attack – potential targets were a church or synagogue or a police station. They apparently also wanted to kill as many people as possible. Fortunately, the teenagers were caught in time.
On Friday, the district court in Düsseldorf sentenced two girls ( aged 16 and 17) and a boy ( aged 16) to three years in youth prison each for conspiracy to commit murder and arson resulting in death!
The girls from Düsseldorf and Iserlohn and the boy from Lippstadt had ‘radicalised themselves with the ideology of this terrorist organisation by consuming propaganda material from the so-called Islamic State (IS) on the internet and via social media’, the court announced at the end of the non-public hearing.

During Ramadan 2024 (March, April), the trio and a young man from Ostfildern in Swabia, who had already been sentenced to two years’ probation, had decided to commit a terrorist attack within two months.

Police stations, railway stations and courtrooms in Hamburg, Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Cologne, Iserlohn and Stuttgart were initially targeted.
Court spokeswoman Dr Vera Drees: ‘Ultimately, they were determined to attack police stations or places of worship (churches, synagogues) while many people were present, set them on fire with Molotov cocktails and use firearms and stabbing weapons to kill as many people as possible.
One of the teenagers obtained bomb-making instructions on the internet and made them available to her accomplice. However, the police were already on the trail of the terrorist teenagers and eventually arrested them. The trio have been in custody since Easter 2024.

A defence lawyer has announced an appeal and a prison appeal.

Terrorismus: Teenager planten Anschlag mit vielen Toten | BILD |

JD Vance ‘Has a Point’ on Threat of Mass Migration to Europe, Says Left-Wing Danish Prime Minister

Wikimedia Commons, Jakob Horn, CC-BY-2.0

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has conceded that U.S. Vice President JD Vance ‘had a point on migration’, although she stuck to the Euro-orthodoxy that Russia is the greatest threat to the continent of all.

“Security is also about what is going on in your local community”, says Danish Prime Minister Frederiksen in an interview that illustrates how she has bucked the trend for European centre-left Social Democrats losing power in recent years, apparently by bowing to public demand for border control and deportations.

The comments came in an interview with Politico which reported that while she “unfortunately” found herself disagreeing with VP Vance during his famous Munich speech when he said the greatest threat to Europe was mass migration, nevertheless “Still, he had a point… she conceded”.

In comments that would be remarkable from a mainstream left-wing leader in practically any European country except Denmark, Frederiksen told the publication: “I consider this mass migration into Europe as a threat to the daily life in Europe”. Her objection to mass migration is precisely because of her left-wing views and consequent concern for the working class, she explained, going on to say: “No matter if you look at statistics on crimes or if you look at problems on the labour market, insecurity in local communities, it is the most vulnerable who experience the consequences”.

There is no contradiction here, Frederiksen said, even if most European left-wing leaders would strongly disagree. She continued, Politico reported: “I totally believe in equal opportunities and a Scandinavian welfare model with a tax-paid education, social benefits and health care. But for me that’s only one traditional pillar of being a social democrat… Being in control of migration is the second pillar.”

Politico notes, rightly, that Mette Frederiksen stands out in Europe as a rare social democrat still in office, and says this is precisely because she quickly learnt to act on migration, not ignore it. She said:

The message that our populations in almost all European countries have tried to send to politicians through the years: Please get in control [of] our borders and be decisive on migration… If I ask people about security and their security concerns, many of them will reply that Russia and defending Europe is top of mind right now.

But security is also about what is going on in your local community… If I ask people about security and their security concerns, many of them will reply that Russia and defending Europe is top of mind right now. But security is also about what is going on in your local community.

Mette Frederiksen appears to get a free pass from the international media on her border policy, precisely because she is the left-wing establishment in her country. In other European nations where the legacy left has stuck to its guns on unlimited migration and open borders, upstart left-wingers offering an alternative have been smeared as dangerous left-wing ‘populists’. In Germany, for instance, the anti-mass-migration but pro-generous welfare BSW party missed out on parliamentary seats by a fraction of a per cent in last months’ election, and almost certainly would have crossed the threshold without the saturation of German media with attack pieces in the days leading up to the vote, its party leader believes.

Indeed, the BSW was banned from even attending the Munich Security Conference where Vance made his comments on the threat of mass migration to Europe hollowing out the continent from within while its leaders gazes are focussed resolutely eastwards to Moscow.

At that meeting, Vance had told the stunned audience of world leaders:

Of all the pressing challenges that the nations represented here face, I believe there is nothing more urgent than mass migration. Today, almost one in five people living in [Germany] moved here from abroad…. No voter on this continent went to the ballot box to open the floodgates to millions of unvetted immigrants.

Denmark cracking down on mass migration to preserve the national way of life did not start with Frederiksen and predates her leadership, but she has undeniably carried it forward during her years in power. As long reported at Breitbart News, Denmark has moved to crack down on ‘non-Western young men harassing native Danes’, has pursued a ‘zero asylum seeker‘ policy, and has moved to counter parallel societies by banning migrant ghettoization.

Denmark has been paying migrants to go home and not come back, offering Syrians 200,000 kronor (€27,000, $28,300, £22,400) to leave with its repatriation law and has collaborated with other European nations on organising deportation flights.

A young Islamist is arrested by the French intelligence agency DGSI for allegedly planning an attack using a drone. The man, who had been in the Iraqi-Syrian conflict zone, detests France as a country of ‘kuffar’

A man aged around 20 was charged on Friday March 21 by an anti-terrorism judge at the Paris court for ‘criminal association in connection with a terrorist project’ and ‘glorification of terrorism’, Paris Match reports. He was remanded in custody. This information was confirmed by judicial circles.

The suspect was arrested at the beginning of the week by investigators from the Directorate-General for Internal Security (DGSI) at his parents’ home in Meaux (Seine-et-Marne). The man is suspected of having visited several websites dedicated to the manufacture of homemade explosive devices and the purchase of products for their manufacture.

He is also suspected of having purchased a drone to equip it with a bomb that he had made himself.

According to reports, the investigation revealed that the young man had spent a year in the Iraqi-Syrian crisis zone before returning to France. The suspect also glorified terrorism on the Internet by glorifying the attack on Charlie Hebdo while claiming that France was a country of ‘kuffar’. The suspect suffers from schizophrenic disorders, Paris Match reports further. (…)

Actu17 / Meaux (77) : un jeune islamiste arrêté par la DGSI, soupçonné de préparer un attentat à l’aide d’un drone. L’individu, ayant séjourné en zone irako-syrienne, déteste la France un pays de « kouffars (mécréants) » – Fdesouche

An illegal migrant is arrested in a French shelter after welcoming the Islamist attacks in France

A 43-year-old man has been taken to the reception centre in Plaisir (Yvelines) to await deportation from France, it emerged on Friday. Police had arrested him on Wednesday at a hostel in Mantes-la-Jolie, where he was staying, after becoming aware of his worrying and ‘highly radicalised’ behaviour. They suspected him of glorifying terrorism.
According to police information, the 40-year-old had mentioned and endorsed the Islamist attacks on French soil several times since October. He is also said to have expressed his hatred of France and its people and complained about the administration, which was slow to respond to his application to extend his residence permit.

The suspect had entered the country in 2020 and had been in an irregular situation since August 2021 after being notified of an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF) issued by the prefecture of Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine).

During the house search, the police discovered a fake identity card which, according to its owner, he had bought ‘for work in Barbès (in Paris, XVIII district) for 170 euros’. In front of the police officers, he called himself a ‘normal Muslim’, emphasised his ‘attachment to France’, stated that he did not understand the accused acts and thus rejected any glorification of terrorism. (…)

At the end of his police custody, the suspect was brought before the court in Versailles, which did not take any criminal action in the matter. However, the 43-year-old was handed over to the prefectural authorities for deportation.

Le Parisien / Mantes-la-Jolie (78) : un migrant raciste anti-Français arrêté dans un foyer après avoir salué les attentats islamistes frappant la France ; il est clandestin et sous OQTF – Fdesouche

German police ‘forced to abort missions’ as their electric cars ‘drain too fast’

German police officers have become unhappy about the electric police cars forced on them by the government.

Ralf Kusterer, deputy leader of German Police Trade Union (Deutsche Polizeigewerkschaft, DPolG), told tabloid Bild on March 20 the new cars’ batteries empty much too fast to use efficiently as per by law enforcers’ needs.

According to the union leader, some police missions had to be aborted as the cars lost power even when charged overnight at the police station.

Some officers had been required to spend their working hours at charging stations as their cars’ battery power was slowly restored.

In July 2024, police stations in the southwestern German State of Baden-Wurttemberg were given a fleet of 136 Audi Q4 e-tron 45 Quattro vehicles (retail price from €55,000).

The state’s interior minister Thomas Strobl of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) hailed the cars as an “investment into our safety as well as into climate protection”.

Baden-Wurttemberg is governed by The Greens party with the Conservative CDU as a junior partner.

Questioned by Julia Goll, a Liberal State MP, on how the ministry was assessing the situation, ministry officials reportedly answered that police officers could use the time spent at the charger to “carry out research or processing of files by using the personal mobile phones provided”.

Goll called the suggestions “grotesque” and completely removed from serious police work.

Kusterer said: “In reality in such cases two police officers have to sit in the car and listen to how their colleagues call for back-up.”

How often police missions were hindered by empty batteries of police cruisers could not be determined, the state interior ministry said, as “there is no statistical recording of pursuits or emergency journeys by the Baden-Württemberg police”.

German police ‘forced to abort missions’ as their electric cars ‘drain too fast’ – Brussels Signal

Et Tu, Oxford? Latin Ceremony Gets ‘Non-Binary’ Makeover

Wikimedia Commons, Diliff, CC-BY-SA-3.0

Oxford University intends to make an 800-year-old Latin ceremony gender-neutral for the sake of students who claim to be “non-binary.” 

The proposed changes, which will be voted on by the university’s governing body, Congregation, on April 29th, would eliminate all gendered language from Latin texts used in graduation ceremonies. Terms such as magistri (masters) and doctores (doctors), grammatically masculine, are to be replaced with clunky alternatives like vos, simply meaning “you”—even though the masculine plural has always been used for mixed groups of men and women. 

Even the Latin word for “who” is to be rewritten to avoid any suggestion of grammatical gender.

The Telegraph reports that the changes will likely be implemented in all ceremonies from October onwards. They will also affect other formal occasions, such as the admission of a new Vice-Chancellor, where references in English to “his” or “her” tenure will be replaced with the clumsy and ambiguous “their.”

Oxford insists the overhaul is “necessary so that the Latin used can refer to those who identify as non-binary as well as those who identify as male and female.” It also claims it is merely aligning itself with UK legal requirements for higher education. 

Dr Jonathan Katz, Oxford’s Public Orator and a Latin specialist, signed off on the grammar of the proposed script but notably distanced himself from its ideological basis. He said:

One of my colleagues wrote to me this morning to ask whether this was an early April Fool. It isn’t—just keeping up with modern trends. My only role has been to check that the Latin grammar is correct, which I believe it is so far.

It’s true that in standard Latin the masculine plural is used to cover a mixed-gender group, but it was felt that the masculine appearance of many words was still unhelpfully dominant. Ideologically I remain neutral in this, but it was an interesting linguistic exercise that the lead Dean of Degrees and I were requested to go through.

However, critics say the university, once revered for its intellectual rigour and scholarly tradition, is now pandering to a fringe minority. According to national statistics, just 0.2 per cent of UK university students identify as “other gender”—a mere 14 individuals out of Oxford’s 7,000 annual admissions, if the same proportion holds.

David Soskin, a former Downing Street adviser, called it “curious” that alumni had not been consulted. “They probably know how donors would react,” he said.

Others are more blunt. Historian Dominic Selwood slammed the revised language as “devoid of any elegance, atmosphere, beauty or tradition,” pointing out that what Oxford stands to lose far outweighs any potential gain. “At least the ceremony will be shorter and everyone can get to the pub earlier,” he added.

Oxford’s rush to change a centuries-old ceremony in the name of inclusion raises serious questions. If even Latin—the foundational language of Western academia—is now considered too “exclusive” to be uttered in its original form, what other traditions are next on the chopping block?