‘You are an unbeliever, I will cut your throat. We, the warriors of Allah, are on our way’. : The Islamist accused before the court in Perpignan, France, threatened his probation officer

The man, who has been recorded in the S file, was charged with ‘making death threats against a person in public service and because of her religion’. The offences were committed between June 11 and 18, 2024 starting from Toulouse.

‘We, the warriors of Allah, have prepared ourselves. I will cut the throat of you and this prosecutor’. This is how lawyer Massot recited the text that the defendant had sent to his client. The plaintiff is a probation officer from Perpignan. She had the misfortune of having to look after a particularly difficult man. According to his own statements, the 40-year-old man had converted to Islam in 1994 and had become radicalised. What he admits to and stands by. After he had already served a prison sentence for making threats, he was obliged to undergo a judicial check which, among other things, required him to report any change of address. When his carer told him that he could not move from Le Havre to Perpignan and then to Toulouse and that he had to provide her with an email from the enforcement judge, the man became angry and threats followed. He sent her an angry email: ‘You don’t deserve to live and now you get to imagine yourself being tortured and having your throat slit’.

The man is Fiché S and the intimidation is taken very seriously. The judiciary sent the Raid to arrest him in Toulouse.

The court found him guilty: 2 years in prison and a 3-year ban on residing in the Pyrénées-Orientales department because, according to the judges, ‘there is a high risk of repetition!’.

« Tu es une mécréante, je vais t’égorger. Nous les guerriers d’Allah, on est en place. » : le Fiché S, jugé devant le tribunal de Perpignan (66), avait menacé sa conseillère de probation – Fdesouche / L’Independant