Why not let the Afrikaners in?

Relatives plant crosses for victims of farm attacks. Bill Gobey (cross shown) was shot in the face in 1987 and his spouse killed at Hekpoort when robbers tried to steal a safe from their rondavel.[1]

Witkruis Monument, a monument complex that commemorates lives lost in South African farm attacks. Bill Gobey was shot in the face (and according to court documents died shortly afterwards from an unrelated cause) and his wife killed at Hekpoort, North West, when robbers tried to steal a safe from their rondavel.Wikimedia Commons, JohnnyhurstCC-BY-SA-3.0

By Mike Konrad

Elon Musk seems to be at the head of a drive to allow White South Africans to immigrate to America as refugees.

While the present Zeitgeist might disapprove, I say: Why Not?

Only a small summary of history is needed.

The Dutch East India Company set up a trading station in Africa’s south in 1652, in what would later become Cape Town. Then French Protestant Huguenots, fleeing persecution in France, soon arrived. After the Napoleonic Wars, the British took over the Cape area, and a large British contingent immigrated in. This would establish the main white groups: The British and the Afrikaner Dutch, (with some Huguenot French).

One cannot forget the Boer War from 1899 to 1902. The Afrikaner Dutch farmers (the Boers) lost, but not before giving the British a sound bloodying. What has to be remembered is how brutal the British were to the Boers, setting up concentration camps. This permanently introduced friction between the Afrikaner and English communities.

In 1948, the Afrikaner (Dutch) speakers would elect a government which set up the infamous Apartheid system which earned South Africa the enmity of the whole world. The present Zeitgeist is that the whites of South Africa – whatever their European ancestry – should suffer for the “greatest” crime in history: racism.

I am not defending Apartheid, but the South African Whites are Westerners, and the West should not abandon its people to a vindictive, hostile, government in South Africa.

It is time to let them immigrate to the United States.

Trump vows to save white South Africans while Musk calls for welcoming them as refugees – Yahoo! News

Many claim that whites in South Africa are disproportionately wealthy, and that they hold far too much of the country’s fertile land.

[There are] persistent racial disparities in the formerly white supremacist state, particularly the fact that white landowners control three-quarters of its freehold farmland despite making up just 7% of the population.  – Yahoo! News

While admitting that there are disparities, it cannot be denied that whites are subjected to anti-white violence, and that the South African nation is falling apart.

Is a crime against humanity at risk of unfolding in South Africa?

Musk, the Pretoria-born billionaire who owns X (Twitter), and Tesla, fears that there might be.

Earlier this year, he wrote that he’d heard of calls for ‘a genocide of white people’ in his former homeland.

Musk isn’t alone in his concerns. Steve Hofmeyr, a South African singer with a cult following, thinks that the ‘g-word’ is an appropriate way to describe what is unfolding: ‘If you think that the slaughter of South African farmers is not genocide enough, ask them about their land, language, religion, education, universities, heritage, monuments, safety, dignity and the race-based regulations imposed upon them and their children’ … – The Spectator

One can see the writing on the wall, and South Africa will be going down the anti-white path that destroyed Rhodesia.

If the whites of South Africa are the original problem, and if the government of South Africa allows such violence against whites to continue (or at least, cannot stop it), then give South Africa what it wants. Let the whites come to America, and allow South Africa to once again be a pure region for people of color.

Russia has already taken in 15,000 Boers.

Up to 15,000 Boers, the descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa, are planning to move to Russia amid rising violence stemming from government plans to expropriate their land, according to the delegation. – Protothema (2018)

What is the matter with the West that we cannot take the Boers in? After all, the Boers are a Western people. They should be allowed to come here.

In 1965, the United States changed its immigration laws. Prior that that, preference was given to immigrants from Western Europe, with the United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland and Poland being given the top four immigration spots.

As a result of the Civil Rights era policies, the United States decided to change ethnic or racial considerations when taking in immigrants. As long as race would no longer matter within the United States, and as long as Jim Crow was being abolished, then why not take the next step and change the immigration flow coming in.

The progressives had gone too far.

In 1965, the United States was approximately 88% white, and – even though being white is now considered a negative. But can anyone doubt that the country was far more stable when the core demographic was West European?

I am not saying that people of color are inferior, but countries with a solid ethnic demographic are more cohesive and stable. Japan (which is Asian) and Poland (which is East European) have a solid ethnic bloc, and do not take in large amounts of outside immigration.

By the present way of thinking, their lack of diversity should make them weaker. However, that lack of diversity has actually made Japan and Poland stronger. Both nations have weathered occupation and have come out to survive.

The standard definition of a nation was to have a common language, a common history, a common sense of identity, and one set of laws for all. French history books used to open with, “Our ancestors, the Gauls,” and there was a degree of truth to it. The vast majority of the French – even to this day – can trace at least one ancestor back to the Gauls. Though, like America, that is also changing.

In the pursuit of equality, the successful formula of the nation-state has been played around with, and it has caused havoc. People may be equal, but are they compatible? Ethnic groups may be equal, but they are not identical. This confusion of equality and identicality is destroying the West.

Can anyone really tell a Pole from a German by just appearance?

But those ethnicities were NOT identical, equal though they are. Probably no two groups were less outwardly distinguishable than the Highland and Lowland Scots. They were definitely not compatible.

The nation-state formula can be adjusted by relaxing one or two of the requirements – in the case of America, there was a preference for West Europeans, not necessarily any one ethnicity.

However, like a rubber band, the formula cannot be stretched too far without snapping, and with such a snap, the nation-state disintegrates.

Of all nations, Israel understands this. Israel has a decided preference for Jewish immigrants. Maybe we should adopt this attitude for our core: West Europeans.

The Whites of South Africa are primarily of Dutch, English, and French (Huguenot) stocks, essentially the same stocks which founded North America (both Canada and the United States). 

After decades of taking in millions of non-Westerners, it could only help American cohesiveness to bring in some of the foundational stocks, and strengthen America’s ethnic core. South African Whites would integrate rapidly.

Ask yourself this – and I have often heard Black Americans complain about this – why don’t we suspend non-Western immigration until every Black American has a middle class job?

Blacks often complain that employers will hire Latin immigrants rather than hiring blacks. There is a degree of truth to that complaint. Bringing in White South Africans could only improve America, and would create the jobs needed to hire many blacks.

I am not arguing for racial inequality – and by the way, I like Latins, and I speak a bit of Spanish. Nor am I Dutch, English, or French in ancestry. I am saying that any nation which destroys its demographic core will eventually fall. It is time that we re-fortify America’s demographic.

Let the White South Africans in.


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