After the Battle of Britain, the world stood in awe of the Royal Air Force, which staved off Nazi invasion against overwhelming odds. Great cultures produce great men to defend them. Such men have no place in cultures that are not worth defending. The RAF isn’t looking for heroes anymore. It is looking for pilots who are not British men:
A newly leaked email from Jan. 19, 2021, revealed that Squadron Leader Andrew Harwin, who worked in the Officer and Aircrew Selection Center, expressed concern to recruiter colleagues “that the boards have recently been predominantly white male heavy,” reported the Telegraph.
“If we don’t have enough BAME [black, Asian, minority ethnic] and female to board then we need to make the decision to pause boarding and seek more BAME and female from the RF [recruitment force],” continued the letter.
In a society experiencing liberal decay, the purpose of the military is not to win wars, but to advance sexual perversion and discriminate against white men.
Harwin reportedly further indicated it would be preferable to limit the number of trainees admitted to courses than to have too many pilots with undesirable racial traits.
Being a European in a European country is regarded as an undesirable racial trait by the moonbats in charge.
“I don’t really need to see loads of useless white male pilots, let’s get as focused as possible, I am more than happy to reduce boarding if needed to have a balanced BAME/female/male board,” he wrote.
The pilots who saved Britain from the Nazis would today qualify as “useless,” because few if any of them would have served the purpose of not being white men.
Despite admitting in a second letter to canceling two boards because they comprised white men, Harwin noted that “the pot for BAME and female is drained. … The demand signal needs to go back to RF to focus now on sending all the BAME and female they have.”
This policy has had the desired effective of stalling recruitment of white male pilots.
Following the revelation that pilots may have had their careers stymied or ended on the basis of their race, the RAF announced that 31 white pilots would be compensated, reported the Times.
But it’s only taxpayers’ money, so no lesson has been learned. RAF bureauweenies squeak that they will “continue doing everything we can to increase our recruiting intake from under-represented groups within the provisions of the law.” Or outside the provisions of the law, until someone makes an issue of it.
Down in hell, Hitler is kicking himself for not waiting a few decades, for when invading Britain would be a cakewalk.