Translation: I have just been attacked by militant anti-fascists in Paris. I was taken out of the building in a hurry and am now safe.
Je l'ai toujours dit : les "antifas" sont des groupuscules violents et parfois armés, que je qualifie de terroristes de l'intérieur car prêts à tout pour se débarrasser de ceux qui ne sont pas de leur avis. L'État doit traiter ces individus comme tel. #Greve20Janvier
Translation: I have always said it: “Antifa” is a violent and partly armed group that I call terrorists within, because they are ready for anything to get rid of those who do not agree with them. The state must treat these individuals accordingly. #Greve20Janvier
Translation: So that was you raging and fidgeting like crazy when you called me a “dirty fascist”? Sorry, fascist, but the street belongs to everyone. You belong in prison, where a person who incites violent actions belongs. Not surprisingly: the same account.