‘Wallah I will catch you with the knife. You will die like Jesus, we will crucify you”: A member of parliament in Nice, France, receives death threats from the operator of a late-night shop that is affected by a closure ordered by the authorities

On Friday March 21, the first deputy mayor of Nice, responsible for security, announced on social media that the ‘MS Market’, a late-night shop on Boulevard de la Madeleine, had been closed for a month (for the third time). At the time, Anthony Borré spoke of ‘a business that has been worrying local residents for several weeks’. In a video on his X account, he called on the state to allow the city council to close the shop permanently.

A decision that provoked the wrath of a young resident of the neighbourhood. In a 40-second video published on Instagram, which we were able to view from a police source, he verbally attacked the MP, insulted him and threatened to kill him several times. ‘Anthony Borré, where do you think you are? This is my livelihood, you son of a bitch. This is my home here, La Madeleine is our home here, this is our neighbourhood. Do you understand, brother?’ he shouts from behind his camera, alternating between insults in French and Arabic. ‘Bring whoever you want, we’ll send you all home with a beating. Wallah I’ll catch you with a Schlass (knife, editor’s note)’, he continues. And even more threatening: ‘Anthony Borré, stay calm, otherwise we’ll tie you up in a car boot and take you to the Costière. We’ll put you on the cross of Jesus, you’ll die like Jesus!’

The deputy, who denounces ‘limitless’ slumming, has filed a complaint. (…)

Le Figaro

According to information from Radio BFM Nice Côte d’Azur, the author of the threats has been arrested. He was due to appear on Wednesday March 26th, but his trial was postponed until May 12th as he had asked to prepare his defence. He was therefore remanded in custody until his judgement. (…)

BFMTV / “Wallah j’te prends à coups de schlass. Tu vas mourir comme Jésus, on va te faire la croix” : un élu de Nice menacé de mort par le gérant d’une épicerie de nuit visé par une fermeture administrative. L’individu incarcéré (MàJ) – Fdesouche

One thought on “‘Wallah I will catch you with the knife. You will die like Jesus, we will crucify you”: A member of parliament in Nice, France, receives death threats from the operator of a late-night shop that is affected by a closure ordered by the authorities”

  1. The entirety of Europe needs a right-wing revolution to push out the crazy left and start forcibly deporting these Muslim scumfucks.

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