The two perpetrators are Egyptian brothers known to the police who were to be expelled.
On the night of Friday to Saturday February 4, two people were arrested in Champigny-sur-Marne, ÃŽle-de-France, for “damaging private property by setting fire to it, carrying a prohibited weapon and advocating terrorism”.
The two individuals were trying to set fire to a rubbish bin while shouting “Allah Akbar”. The police intervened at around 7.30pm. In view of the police, one of them, who was holding a knife (a 15-centimetre blade), tried to get rid of his weapon by throwing it into a bin.
The other was also carrying a knife, a kitchen knife with a blade estimated to be 10 centimetres long. The latter “continued to invoke the takbir (name given to the prayer Allah Akbar, editor’s note) during his arrest” […]. Le Figaro