Anti-Americanism is not resonating with American voters lately, but Democrats can take heart that it may flourish in German supermarkets.
Via Allah’s Willing Executioners:
Products from the USA are placed upside down on the shelves. This method is used to clearly label them and distinguish them from domestic goods.
The suspected intent is to discourage shoppers from choosing them, as with the “Don’t Buy From Jews” signs once placed on the windows of Jewish shops.
Retailers offer a different explanation:
In the USA, nutritional information, ingredient lists and packaging standards are often less strict or formatted differently than in the EU. … Inverted products would therefore immediately signal to employees and customers: ‘This is an imported product that requires special attention.’
Also, more visible imported products might have some benefit when taking stock.
However, differing labeling regulations and stocktaking issues did not seem to be a problem prior to Trump’s return to the White House and the “ubiquitous demonisation of his policies.”
The country that voted for these policies might also be in for some demonization where moonbattery prevails.
Moonbattery US Products Presented Upside Down in Germany – Moonbattery