Photo: Unzensuriert.at
Yesterday, Maundy Thursday, Christianity commemorated the Last Supper, which Jesus Christ shared with his disciples the day before his crucifixion. The Pope performed the ritual washing of feet in Rome. And what did the mayor of Vienna do yesterday? He invited Muslims to break the Ramadan fast and filled his stomach with them at our expense!
A kick in the teeth for Christians in Vienna
We currently celebrate the holy week of Christianity, Holy Week. It is the week of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his resurrection from the dead. Easter is the highest Christian holiday of the year. On the evening before his crucifixion, Jesus Christ celebrated the Last Supper with his disciples. You would think that even a socialist like Michael Ludwig would show respect for Christian values in the country. But far from it: yesterday he trampled on our Christian traditions and the faith of hundreds of thousands of people living in the city with his fast-breaking feast.
Freedom Party outraged by provocative event
The gorging event took place with selected guests from the Islamic religious community (IGGÖ) in the Rittersaal of the town hall cellar. This disrespect for our Christian traditions was brought to light by Maximilian Krauss, chairman of the Vienna Freedom Party (FPÖ), who published the invitation online. He wrote on X:
Ludwig and the Social Democrats’ attitude towards our Christian culture is demonstrated once again by the fact that he is organising a fast-breaking event with the Islamic Association of Austria on “Holy Thursday”, one of the most important Catholic days.
But what else is to be expected from a mayor who promotes Islamisation in Vienna by attracting immigrants from Syria, Afghanistan or Chechnya and spoiling them with our social benefits ?
Unfassbar: Wiener Bürgermeister lud am Gründonnerstag zum moslemischen Fastenbrechen – Unzensuriert