UK Prosecutors: Offensive to Read From Bible Aloud

The creed of our ruling class is moonbattery — a totalitarian ideology that cannot withstand competition, and that contradicts Christianity on permissible behavior. Consequently, the Bible is bound to be banned. Already, Britain’s Crown Prosecution Service proclaims that it is “no longer appropriate” to read disfavored parts of the Bible aloud.

Evangelist John Dunn got into a confrontation with two lesbians in Swindon a couple of years ago.

Dunn was charged with using “threatening or abusive words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress thereby”.

What he actually said is disputed, and the case was dropped because the government couldn’t find the supposed victims of his speech. Here’s the alarming part:

While pressing their case against him though, the CPS made the following argument, in writing, to the court:

“Whether a statement of Christian belief or not, the court is being asked to consider whether the language has the potential to cause harassment, alarm or distress. …

“There are references in the bible which are simply no longer appropriate in modern society and which would be deemed offensive if stated in public.”

The most obvious example from the woke viewpoint is the repeated stern proscription of homosexuality. Also, the CPS doesn’t like it that the Bible supports the death penalty for those whose crimes warrant it; liberals believe that only the innocent should be put to death, whether through abortion or euthanasia.

The media has been studiously ignoring the implications.

Whilst the CPS handles prosecutions only for England and Wales, the arguments it advances and precedents it sets could be influential in other jurisdictions too.

But don’t worry, they won’t go back to feeding Christians to lions. PETA wouldn’t like it.