The first rule of Muslim mass migration is we can’t talk about it. The second rule is to blame something else.
Anything else.
Sara Sharif was born in the UK to a European woman and a Pakistani Muslim taxi driver. The British legal system awarded custody to Urfan Sharif, who forced the children to grow up as Muslim despite objections from her actual mother.
Urfan and his Muslim wife pulled the child out of school claiming (as Islamists often do) that she was “bullied” because of her hijab.
No one asked what kind of extremist forces a 10-year-old girl to wear a hijab.
Urfan Sharif eventually beat the little girl to death following Islamic guidelines on beating women and girls.
Finally Urfan Sharif, after fleeing to Pakistan, has been convicted, and British authorities are blaming ‘home schooling.’
Justice Cavanagh claimed that the problem was ‘homeschooling’ a “beyond the gaze of the authorities” not that the authorities had been taught not to scrutinize Muslim abuses of children.
“This case brings into sharp relief the dangers of unsupervised homeschooling of vulnerable children. When they felt they needed to, you, Urfan Sharif and Beinash Batool, were able to hide the abuse that Sara was suffering by the simple expedient of announcing that she was to be homeschooled,” Cavanaugh claimed.
In fact the authorities knew that Sara was in danger, they did nothing because they did not want to be accused of racism.
Now, Labour is pushing a bill to crack down on homeschooling under the guise of Sara’s murder. But Sara didn’t die because of homeschooling, but because of Islam.
Sara died because the state took her away from her mother to be raised in Islam by her father and refused to question the abusive Islamist family.
The mum said Sara had started following Mr Sharif’s Muslim religious practices not long after her arrival.
She claimed the children would only eat “certain things”, with the household limited to halal foods as the dad said he would raise the children following Islam.
But Polish-born Mrs Sharif, a Catholic, disagreed, saying she wanted the children to learn both religions.
She said: “Urfan said to me that the kids will be Muslim, but I said no, they will learn both religions, not only yours because they are living in my house.The most heartening words from Trump during this whole campaign was his recent musing that if he loses, “Maybe I’ll have to leave the country.” More likely, after a lifetime of tax dodging and financial fraud, justice will catch up with him.
Mrs Sharif had earlier told how she barely saw her children after they moved into her ex-partner’s £550,000 home and claimed she had not seen Sara for four years.
Now the state will crack down on Christian homeschoolers rather than talk about Islam.