Austria “suffers” from the second highest burden of asylum applications in the EU: Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) Secretary General Laura Sachslehner was sharply criticised for this tweet. Now Twitter has even blocked her posting in Germany because it violates the legislation there.
In terms of domestic politics, it was the stir of the weekend: “A total of 16,000 asylum applications have already been filed this year,” Sachslehner tweeted on Whit Monday. “The vast majority of asylum seekers come from Afghanistan and Syria. Austria thus suffers from the second highest per capita burden of asylum applications in the EU.” Especially the word “suffering” caused sharp criticism, especially from the Green coalition partner – eXXpress reported.
Sachslehner based this on the latest asylum figures for the first third of the year. The increase compared to 2021 is 138 percent. Sachslehner therefore immediately called for better protection of the EU’s external borders. And: displaced persons from Ukraine could not be equated with migrants from Syria and Afghans.
In Austria, the tweet can still be accessed, unlike in neighbouring Germany. There, it was apparently blocked by Twitter. The social network cites local legislation in Germany as the reason.