“Turbo cancer” is a non-medical term that has arisen to describe very aggressive and rapidly progressive cancers following Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccination and suppression of the immune system.
I have written 13 substacks about turbo cancers so far:
- turbo cancers in Canadian doctors (click here)
- turbo cancer leukemias (click here) and children (click here) and (click here)
- turbo cancer lymphoma (click here)
- turbo brain cancer glioblastomas (click here) and (click here)
- turbo cervical cancer (click here)
- turbo testicular cancer in athletes (click here)
- turbo cancer of appendix (click here)
- turbo sarcomas (click here)
- turbo colon cancers (click here)
- turbo gastric cancers (click here)
Today’s focus is on turbo lung cancers.
https://makismd.substack.com/p/turbo-lung-cancer-24-year-old-uk?publication_id=1385328&isFreemail=true / https://vladtepesblog.com/