Tunisian woman smashes church pews and shouts “Allahu Akbar” in a church in Nice, France

Translation: Yesterday, Tunisian woman Aïcha B. broke a pew in the Gesù church in #Nice06 and shouted “Allah Akbar”. She was arrested and detained.
Insane or Islamist – probably a bit of both, what is she doing in France?
I’d rather we paid for her remigration than for his psychiatric care.

On Wednesday December 6, an apparently confused woman committed acts of vandalism at the Gésu church in the old town of Nice.

According to the first deputy mayor Anthony Borré, she was arrested. www.nicematin.com / Nice : une Tunisienne interpellée après des dégradations commises dans une église au cri d'”Allah Akbar” (MàJ) – Fdesouche