On February 4, 2023, in a show of force, several thousand sharia-adherent Muslims demonstrated in Hamburg, Germany, against the burning of a Qur’an in Sweden. The radical Islamic group “Muslim Interactive” had called for the rally.
The nearly half-hour demonstration on Saturday was entitled “The Qur’an is the future. Rally against the burning of the Qur’an.” Many of the Muslims who came out to protest were loyalists to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
The jihadis held Qur’an’s in their hands while shouting the Islamic war cry, Allahu Akbar. Banners and signs flying at the demonstration read: “Legislation belongs to Allah alone, Stop hate speech against Islam” and “Allah uplifts people with this book and humiliates others.”
The Hamburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution warned against joining the demonstration. The radical Islamic network Muslim Interaktiv (MI), which has the same ideology as the terrorist group, Hizb ut-Tahrir (HuT), was behind the protest. “Anyone who takes part in this demonstration stands side by side with enemies of the constitution who want to enforce a form of society incompatible with our free democratic basic order,” it said in advance.