Two IS terrorists (15,16) tried to get hold of swords and pistols and use them to kill all Christians in the younger’s class. Now they were sentenced in Leoben: They only have to serve two years in prison, eight months of which are unconditional.
With the aim of making Austria a caliphate, two IS supporters (15, 16) plotted an attack on a class at the Neue Mittelschule in Bruck on the river Mur (Styria). While the older one searched for construction plans for bombs and silencers on the internet portal Telegram under the username “El Terror”, the younger one tortured animals and cut off the head of a snake, among other things. Their plan to get hold of a friend’s father’s machine pistol failed, however.
They showed no remorse in court. Allah had forgiven them, they would go to paradise, they said. Now they have been sentenced, as the newspaper “Krone” reports. However, due to the juvenile criminal law, the two only have to serve 2 years in prison, eight months of which are unconditional.
“These terrorists wanted to kill people – they wanted to kill children (!) – their age irrelevant, but the verdict is an outrage!” a user rants on Twitter. “Imagine being a mother or father of one of the children in the affected class. I could never sleep again knowing that these people who wanted to kill my child will be out of prison in less than two years…” added another user.