The Toilet Paper Mistake You Should Avoid at All Costs When Visiting Greece

While bathroom etiquette might not be the most exciting subject, it’s a crucial aspect of travelling, particularly in Greece. Unlike many other countries, Greece has distinct regulations about what should not be flushed down the toilet. Knowing these rules is essential to prevent embarrassing incidents.

In Greece, only human waste should be flushed. Toilet paper, sanitary products, and other items must be disposed of in the garbage can next to the toilet. Ignoring this rule can lead to clogged pipes—something no traveller wants to deal with!

The reason for this strict guideline lies in the plumbing. Greek pipes are narrower than U.S. pipes, typically around 2 inches in diameter—about half the size of American plumbing. Adjusting to this practice might take some time, but it’s a necessary precaution.

You’ll likely encounter restroom signs reminding you not to flush paper, but these may not always specify toilet paper. For hygiene reasons, it’s advisable to wrap your paper in clean sheets before discarding it. Don’t worry; everyone follows this practice, so there’s no judgment.

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The Toilet Paper Mistake You Should Avoid at All Costs When Visiting Greece 1

While some newer buildings have upgraded plumbing capable of handling toilet paper, these are the exception rather than the rule.

Greece, along with Turkey, Egypt, Thailand, and Vietnam, advises against flushing toilet paper. It’s wise to carry additional tissues when travelling to be prepared in the event that a public restroom is out of supplies.

Additionally, be prepared for squat toilets in some places, which require a bit of practice. Knowing basic phrases like “Where is the bathroom?” or “Can I have more toilet paper?” can also help ease your travel experience.

For a smooth trip, consider using translation apps to communicate effectively. By following these tips, you can confidently navigate Greece’s restroom rules and focus on enjoying your travels.

The Toilet Paper Mistake You Should Avoid At All Costs When Visiting Greece (

One thought on “The Toilet Paper Mistake You Should Avoid at All Costs When Visiting Greece”

  1. Ahahaha
    Yes they have the same stupid signs in the Chilean Bathrooms. Most do not have Toilet paper either way. What stuns me is that they do not build new buildings with NORMAL 4″ pipes to accommodate this issue. You will visit a new high rise or bank or restaurant and you see new modern toilets (So beautiful) and Sinks, but as if to say… I will teach you! They still do not have 4 inch lines for the TP! Mornons.
    But wait you say… wait, what if they do not have 4 inch sanitary pipes for sale? What if they do not have 4 inch fittings? Ahahaha ahahhaha Morons……. ya they sell them all over the place!
    I know I built my own house here in Chile and all my pipes are 4 inch. No problems. You could flush our cat down the toilet and it would not be an issue.

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