Mein Mann hat gerade Post vom VS bekommen. WEIL ER (vor 4 Jahren) EINE ADRESSE FÜR EINE KAMPAGNE GEGEN ABTREIBUNG bei denic hat reservieren lassen (https://t.co/NezFYTTOk4) Das ist nämlich eine schwerwiegende Gefahr für die FDGO, den Bestand des Bundes, die Amtsführung der… pic.twitter.com/iV2D8s4qn1
— Beatrix von Storch (@Beatrix_vStorch) November 18, 2024
Translation: My husband has just received a letter from the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. BECAUSE HE (4 years ago) HAD AN ADDRESS FOR A CAMPAIGN AGAINST ABORTION reserved as a domain at denic (http://entscheidung-fuers-Leben.de) This is a serious threat to the Constitution, the existence of the federal government, the administration of the constitutional bodies, foreign affairs through violence and/or the peaceful coexistence of peoples.
THIS Office for the Protection of the Constitution just can’t disappear. It has to! There are obviously only ideological fanatics sitting there. Take care of the Islamists! #Elmshorn