For years, the Riposte Laïque website has always put in place top-level IT security at great expense, which has protected our website from thousands of attacks that have come from all over the world to bring it down.
But late on Thursday night, extraordinary means were used that could not have been the work of simple hackers. One of our mailboxes was misappropriated, allowing a redirection from the Riposte Laïque website and Pierre Cassen’s channel to a page of the Elysée Palace with the head of state’s photo. And this on the eve of a long Easter weekend, which makes it difficult for our technicians to save the site and restore it as quickly as possible.
We can only conclude that this attack of unprecedented scale is not taking place in any random context.
Two of our collaborators, Charles Demassieux and Pierre Cassen, have been subjected to severe intimidation by the judiciary and the police in recent weeks. The former was twice held in police custody for 48 hours, followed by a trial in which only charges were brought against him and in which he was found guilty. The founder of our website, Pierre Cassen, was himself the victim of a house search (the second in seven years) during which his computer equipment and telephone were confiscated. Regardless of all the precautions taken, one can only wonder why the state authorities have the computer equipment of two of our contributors in their power…
The legal harassment against Riposte Laïque has gathered pace, with three heavy sentences totalling 50,000 euros, together with suspended prison sentences against the chairman. And thirteen other cases are pending, with complaints that are often more grotesque than the others, but which are nevertheless being investigated and, despite a few victories, all too often lead to increasingly severe convictions.
Convinced that the Riposte Laïque website could not withstand such financial pressure, the site’s leaders had decided to end a soon-to-be 17-year endeavour unless readers provided the funds to continue this fight. Within a week, an overwhelming wave of solidarity had reached half of the target, which was very promising.
Is it really a coincidence that this bad blow hit us just as we were about to save the site?
In the same context, Eric Zemmour announced on Thursday that he too, with 18 lawsuits, is facing legal harassment with only one goal: to silence him.
Every day, patriotic activists are persecuted by the French state, arrested, hounded by judges and sometimes imprisoned, while dealers, thugs and leftists enjoy complete impunity. This bankrupt regime knows that its real enemies are those who defend France against a regime that is destroying the country more and more every day, with the complicity of the immigration-driving left.
Every reader, every contributor is now dependent on the efforts of our computer scientists who are trying to save our website. This will most likely take several days. But this huge deployment of resources to silence our newspaper and Pierre Cassen’s daily video will only strengthen our team’s resolve. We have no doubt that our readers and all patriots will take the will to save Riposte Laïque even more to heart in the face of all those who want to silence our site for good.