By Eric Utter
Climate change? And we’re looking back basically 150 years? Out of the 4.54 billion years the Earth has been in existence? That is not even a measurable percentage. It is statistically insignificant, in the manner that white supremacists are to America’s population.
This is as if “experts” studied the northern hemisphere, measuring light from late June until mid-December and decided that mankind, in these heavily populated industrial areas of the north, was causing the hemisphere to grow ever darker.
“There can be no debate, the science is settled,” they might well claim.
“Man-caused darkness is a fact.”
But the science wouldn’t be settled. They would just be wrong. Like they have been about every single catastrophic prediction and projection pertaining to global warming thus far. Much as they were wrong about the COVID-19 vaccines, the lockdowns, Hunter Biden’s laptop, Russian collusion, and far too many other things to list here.
That much is settled.
The following is a brief history of changes on Earth:
First, there was no Earth. Then there was an Earth.
Then there was ‘primordial soup,’ if you choose to believe the experts.
Then, life somehow appeared. All of the planet’s land was together in one giant continent called Pangia. And then that giant landmass started breaking apart, separating into multiple continents that began gaily drifting away from each other. Then there was an Ice Age. Then there was interglacial warming. At some point, dinosaurs became extinct. We still don’t know why. Then there was another freaking Ice Age. Then there was another period of rapid warming. Then there was an Ice Age again. Then there was yet another period of rapid warming. Lather, rinse, repeat. Twice.
Through all of this, there was nary an automobile, lawnmower, or gas stove … let alone a city, factory, or coal processing plant in existence. In fact, for the vast majority of this time, homo sapiens did not exist. So now tell me again about climate change.
Climate change started out as the ‘global warming’ scare (which came hard on the heels of the ‘global cooling’ scare), but when the climate did not act in ways that the global warming alarmists predicted, they simply changed what they called the ongoing existential threat. “Climate change!” they exclaimed. “The planet’s climate is changing, and we are to blame.” The climate changes? Well, that’s a safe bet. Maybe the next time I’m in Las Vegas I will stop in at the local sports book and tell them I want to bet on, say, the Cowboys-Eagles game. “Which side do you like?” they might ask. “Cowboys -3 or Eagles +3?”
“Neither,” I’d reply, “I Just want to bet that the score will change throughout the course of the game!”
Pretty sure I might be ‘escorted’ out.
It is the elites telling us that the Green New Deal must be implemented for our own good who should be escorted out. Those trying to promptly ban fossil fuels, internal combustion engine vehicles, gas stoves, etc., would spend us into oblivion while destroying people’s livelihoods and pursuit of happiness, the economy … and the very environment they claim to want to save.
The world would, in fact, grow darker. But, hey, you might own nothing … and like it. Right?
If we allow this to happen, man-caused chaos, pain, and deprivation would be all too real.
Will we?
Unfortunately, ‘global dumbing’ I can believe in.