The birth of France’s “Sixth – and Islamic – Republic”

Nosta Lgia

by Giulio Meotti

Triumph filled the headquarters of the “New Popular Front” of the former Trotskyite, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who took the floor after the announcement of the sensational results of the second round (ahead of everyone, Macron and Le Pen), proclaiming that “the New Popular Front must govern” and that “the French have rejected the worst solution”.

In the days preceding the vote, an appeal in Le Point by intellectuals of the right and left (Pascal Bruckner, Boualem Sansal, Élie Chouraqui, Antoine Gallimard, Alexandre Jardin, Michel Onfray and others) had asked people not to vote for the Popular Front as it is an anti-Semitic, pro-Islamic and dangerous party. The appeal in Le Figaro was similar, also signed by the Catholic medievalist Rémi Brague.

This is why the chief rabbi of Paris, Simon Sebbag, reacted to the left’s victory by saying: “It’s over for French Jews.”

To understand today’s political shock we must go back to 2011, when Terra Nova, a laboratory of ideas close to the Socialist Party (Mélenchon was in the party at the time), published a report in which it recommended saying “goodbye” to workers and employees, the traditional socialist electorate, to address a new urban electoral majority with the aim of gaining power. It is an 82-page note soberly titled: “Left: what electoral majority for 2012?”. The divorce between the left and the “declining” working class is in fact pronounced. To win, the left must turn to a new urban electorate made up of “graduates”, “young people”, “minorities from working-class neighborhoods” and “women”: all united by “progressive values”.

When the Socialist Mitterrand ran for office, no more than 500,000 Muslims voted. Today 5 million Muslims vote and the Muslim population in France has reached 10 million.

The philosopher Pierre-André Taguieff defined it as a “new lumpenproletariat fruit of the immigration indoctrinated with hatred towards the West”.

“Terra Nova had announced that the demographic dynamic is very favorable to the left” lashes out the essayist of Algerian origins Malika Sorel in Le Figaro. Terra Nova announced: “Between 2007 and 2012, between 500,000 and 750,000 new voters will have acquired French nationality and will vote more to the left. The births of women of foreign origin is 80 percent Muslim .”

François Hollande (the boiled president defeated by ISIS, now re-elected with the New Popular Front) bases his electoral strategy on these data. During a trip to Seine-Saint-Denis on 7 April 2012, Hollande reminded populations of immigrant origin: “Do not underestimate the strength of your decision. With universal suffrage one vote is worth as much as another, and if some are richer than you, you are more numerous than they”.

Mélenchon excels today in this exchange vote and has seduced with the argument of the “useful vote” a decadent bohemian left that celebrates multiculturalism, defends the people (as long as it suits them) and trembles at the idea of ​​no longer being in the game.

In Seine-Saint-Denis, Sunday was a triumph for the left. Kevin Bossuet writes in the monthly Causeur: “The Seine-Saint-Denis is characteristic of this development. While Islam has become the main religion in this department (the sixth largest in France) and people of the Muslim faith form the largest community there, Jews are less and less present.”

“Already in 2009, demographers Michèle Tribalat and Bernard Aubry had highlighted that minors from the Maghreb represented 39.2 percent of all young people in Seine-Saint-Denis. In 2015, Philippe Galli, then prefect of the ’93’ department, estimated the number of Muslims in this territory at 700,000, or 45 percent of the total population. While the number of Muslim places of worship is estimated at 160, the number of Christian places of worship is estimated at 120 and that of Jewish places of worship at 35. In Aulnay-sous-Bois the number of Jewish families has gone from 600 to 100, in Blanc-Mesnil from 300 to 100, in Clichy-sous-Bois from 400 to 80, in La Courneuve from 300 to 80.”

It’s the demographics, baby!

After the October 7 attack, Mélenchon’s party refused to define Hamas’ murderous rapists as “terrorists”. In recent days, Mélenchon has defined anti-Semitism in France as “residual”.

L’Opinion talks about the “secret pact” between the left [that won the elections] and Islam. In the last European elections, 62 percent of French Muslims voted for Mélenchon’s list.

“At this stage, the Islamist believes only in what he views as his prophetic mission: to Islamize the world and make Sharia a universal law” writes the Algerian novelist Boualem Sansal in Atlantico.

“He is a realist, opportunist and strategist. He behaves like the cuckoo that lays its eggs in other birds’ nests. By failing to establish itself as a powerful Islamic party like a marching army, which French law does not allow, and because the conditions simply aren’t there, the Islamists hide in existing parties, all in the left. All nests interest them. Mélenchon is the surrogate mother of this hermaphroditic Frankenstein that political Islam introduced into his womb. Those who have united in the new Popular Front are the idiotic witnesses of this unnatural union. Political Islam will continue to swallow and digest them without a drop being seen. Islamism is also the art of making idiots blind.”

Mélenchon, who participates in the “marches against Islamophobia” and compares Muslims in 2024 to Jews in 1944, predicted the “creolization” of France: “By 2050, 50 percent of the French population will be mixed.” And this creolization, Mélenchon said again, is “the future of humanity”.

He understood where the wind is blowing and decided to become the spokesperson for this Great Replacement. Mélenchon, of Marxist tradition, belongs to the school of historical materialism, which sees religion as “the opium of the people”. When Macron banned the abaya at school, the left that won the elections sued the government at the Council of State.

The first real ideological change occurred after the 2017 defeat. Since the summer, several voices within La France insoumise, including Éric Coquerel, elected MP of Seine-Saint-Denis, have launched the so-called theory of “600,000 votes”: “The 600,000 votes that Jean-Luc Mélenchon needs to win are found in working-class neighborhoods.”

And there they went to look for them.

When Martin Amis, the late irreverent British writer, interviewed Tony Blair, he asked him if demographics had already become “a European conversation”. Blair replied: “An underground conversation.”

“And we know what that means,” Amis wrote. “The ethos of relativism finds the demographic question so saturated with repulsions as to make it indisputable.”

This is why Europe’s newspapers throw everything into anti-fascism, Putinism, Europeanism, racism. Because the central issue is so dramatic that it is indisputable in their skinned hands.

Here we are in this strange 2024, where within two days England and France have chosen the path of woke collapse, with the former being where the community Islamic vote exploded and the latter being the place which rewarded Islamoleftism.

Eric Zemmour is right: “In thirty years the news in France will be read by veiled women.”

The “Sixth Republic” is being born and it will be Islamic.

he birth of France’s “Sixth – and Islamic – Republic” | Israel National News – Arutz Sheva