‘Women don’t have the right to say no’: ‘The Arrahma mosque in Strasbourg dismisses its imam Hassan Benzad after he legitimised rape and domestic violence

At the beginning of October 2024, the Arrahma mosque in the Hautepierre district of Strasbourg dismissed its imam for serious misconduct. He had made statements that legitimised rape between spouses and violence in marriage.

It all started with a video that was posted on social networks. On the 15th of September 2024, Étienne Delarcher, a journalist using a pseudonym, shared a video on his X account (formerly Twitter) that had been recorded in the prayer room of the Arrahma mosque in Hautepierre. This video coincides with the publication of his book, published in May 2024 by Editions du Rocher, entitled ‘Au cœur de l’islam en France’ (At the heart of Islam in France) and subtitled ‘trois ans d’infiltration dans 70 mosquées françaises’ (Three years of infiltration in 70 French mosques).

‘If a woman says no to her husband, Allah is angry with her,’ claims Hassan Benzad, former imam of the Arrahma mosque in Hautepierre.

Rue89 / « La femme n’a pas le droit de dire non » : la mosquée Arrahma de Strasbourg (67), licencie son imam Hassan Benzad, après des propos légitimant le viol et les violences conjugales – Fdesouche