By Eric Utter
There was another devastating terror attack on a Christmas market in Germany yesterday. The video is sickening.
This venue was targeted specifically because it was a Christmas market, whatever progressive Germans themselves may call it.
Had it been a ‘holiday market’ it wouldn’t have held quite as much allure for the Saudi terrorist.
In fact, Christmas market terror attacks have sadly become almost commonplace in Germany.
There are constant calls for ‘common-sense gun control’ in the United States. But, if firearms were banned, citizens would simply be unable to defend themselves against evil. Should there be ‘common-sense knife control’ in formerly jolly olde England where people are getting stabbed on a routine basis?
And, in Germany, should there now be talk of common-sense automobile control?
To hell with their Volkswagens, their Audis, and their BMWs, right?
They should have their right to drive automobiles taken from them because another Middle Eastern terrorist used one to murder and maim dozens and dozens of innocent folks who were enjoying the peace on earth and good will towards men that characterizes Christmas season. And doing a little shopping.
This madness has to stop. Mass-murder events are not caused by inanimate objects — or ones that can only be animated by human beings. Period. They, like all other crimes, are caused by criminals.
What a concept!
When criminals are coddled and released, when illegal immigrants are allowed into a country unchecked, when a society’s culture has become so depraved and enervated, when standards and merit are mocked, when nearly everything but standards, merit, and tradition are tolerated, a nation has entered its denouement.
But it doesn’t have to be thus. Even at this late stage, salvation is possible. But only if evil is not tolerated and civilizational confidence is restored.
Maybe more Germans will listen to Elon Musk now, and support the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. Probably not. But I will tell you this: The alternatives to the AfD party are a stagnating economy, terror attacks in perpetuity, cultural dissolution, general decay—and the resultant continual nightmares, hopelessness, and familial devastation.
Say what you will about Germany, but it is filled with hard-working people who have historically made Germany the engine of the European economy. Germany gave the world the diesel engine, the electron microscope, contact lenses, bicycles, beer, the programmable computer, chip cards, helicopters, the printing press, and coffee filters, among many other inventions.
Though many of us may not agree with “Deutschland über Alles,” there is a line, repeated, in the German anthem that reads: “Unity, justice, and freedom.” Germans have long since been reunited. It is time they have justice. That they may continue to be free.
It would be beyond sad if Germany just let itself fade away, gradually absorbed by another culture…and a tad ironic if it failed to repel what amounts to a foreign invader.
Germany has long since proved its remorse over its role in World War II. There is nothing wrong with the idea of Germany, too, making itself great again.
In fact, it would be a good thing– not only for Germans, but for the civilized world.