Syrian vandalises Luther memorial in Wittenberg, Germany

Wikimedia Commons , W. Bulach, CC-BY-SA-4.0

Following the damage to the Luther memorial on the market square in Wittenberg in Saxony-Anhalt, the police have found the suspected perpetrator. Surprise! It’s not a Peter, Paul or Jan.

‘A man’ had climbed onto the Luther monument on the market square in Wittenberg in March this year and struck the Luther statue with an object. The back of the statue, which stands on a pedestal and is covered by a canopy, was damaged. A witness tried to stop the perpetrator by grabbing his bicycle. But the man let go of the statue, grabbed his bike and fled.

Thanks to the witness and the intensive police investigation, the perpetrator was finally caught. And – surprise, surprise – it was not a Paul or Peter, but according to the police, a 28-year-old Syrian who is believed to be responsible for the damage to the Luther memorial in Wittenberg. After extensive investigations by the state security service, the suspect was identified, according to a joint statement by the public prosecutor’s office and the Dessau-Roßlau police station. Preliminary proceedings have been initiated against the man for damage to property.

‘The suspected perpetrator was identified in the course of an extensive investigation conducted by the Dessau-Roßlau police’s Specialist Investigation Unit 5 (State Security). After initial indications in April 2024, the suspicion of a 28-year-old man of Syrian origin living in Wittenberg was confirmed in July 2024. The suspect was clearly recognised by a witness on the basis of photographs of the crime. The bicycle belonging to the perpetrator at the time of the offence was also found and was unequivocally attributed to the suspect. In a subsequent interrogation of the accused in August 2024, the 28-year-old admitted to the offence.’

The Syrian Luther attacker, who lives in Wittenberg, confessed to the offence. The police and the public prosecutor’s office will now examine what further steps will be taken against the perpetrator. In a functioning constitutional state that seriously fulfils its duty and acts for the good of the country and its citizens, there is really no question as to what should happen.

Nach Angriff auf Luther-Denkmal: Mutmaßlicher Täter identifiziert » Journalistenwatch

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