Syrian sex offenders must not be deported from Austria: Video shows parties in allegedly dangerous Damascus!

“Too unsafe, too dangerous”: Even convicted rapists from Syria are therefore not allowed to be deported to their home country. But now a video shows how we are being lied to: “The nightlife in Damascus is the best in the whole Middle East,” says a party guest.

In a toilet in Vienna they abused a mentally handicapped girl, in the trial they showed no remorse. Nevertheless, there were lenient sentences against two Syrian rapists. Soon they will be free again. There is no intention of deporting them, as the “war-torn” country is too dangerous. Explosive: Videos on the internet show the country in a different light.

Syrians were also involved in the riots and attacks on police officers on Halloween night in Linz. Interior Minister Gerhard Karner ( Austrian People’s Party) at least wants to discuss whether deportations to Syria might not be possible again. In the “medium term” at least, refugees could be sent back to some regions of Syria. But that is not possible at the moment. Even as Minister of the Interior, Karner cannot change this state of affairs – all attempts to do so fail, not least because of the resistance of the Green government partner.

The capital Damascus is the insider tip of the party scene
Young Syrians celebrate exuberantly – alcohol is also drunk in abundance