Sasouks / wikimedia commons (CC BY SA 4.0)
An Instagram post by Swiss Green-Liberal politician Sanija Ameti has caused a stir. She had herself photographed shooting an image of the Virgin Mary with baby Jesus. The 31-year-old, who was born in Bosnia-Herzegovina, says she is a Muslim.
14 shots at Christianity
It is unclear what the politician was expecting when she showed off her shooting skills on Instagram yesterday, Saturday. Every shot a hit! But instead of applause, she was met with a storm of indignation. The post showed that she had deliberately shot at the heads of the two icons of Christianity and was apparently proud of it.
At a time when radicalised Muslims are swarming Europe to slaughter ‘infidels’ with their knives, this is a provocation in a very special kind of way.
Image chosen ‘at random’
Ameti, who says she shoots for recreation, defended her choice of target by explaining that she had ‘accidentally’ used a picture from an art catalogue without taking the religious context into account. She claims to have had no intention of doing so. This is said by a woman who grew up in Christian Switzerland.
She has since deleted the controversial post ‘because people could feel that their religious feelings have been hurt’.
She must be a pretty ignorant Muslim, not knowing that Jesus is regarded as a prophet of Islam, second only to Muhammad himself. Then again, most Green politicians worldwide are ignorant.