In Sweden’s elections, a small party achieved surprising success in the shadow of the big race between right and left: The migrant party “Nyans” won up to 30 percent of the vote in suburbs of Stockholm and Malmö.
While in the course of the vote count after the election in Sweden there is currently a razor-thin lead for the centre-right alliance, in the big cities another party has made decent gains. The migrant party “Nyans”, in English “the new ones”, was able to achieve high electoral successes in some problem districts in Malmö and Stockholm. Although Nyans “only” has slightly more than four percent of the vote in the city as a whole, in neighbourhoods such as Rosengard more than 30 percent of the eligible voters voted for it.
In its election manifesto, the party mainly advocates the rights of Muslims and greater consideration for migrants. It campaigned for the votes of eligible migrants from the Arab and North African regions, especially in so-called “multi-cult neighbourhoods”.

A video showing the party’s supporters in a major Swedish city is currently going viral. Former Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) politician Efgani Dönmez wrote on Twitter: “If you ask yourself why the right-wing camp is so strong in Sweden, here is an explanation. A party of foreigners is likely to make it into parliament in Malmö. You can see the electorate in the footage. No comment.”
It is interesting that the user who published the video is an opponent of the party depicted. For him, precisely these conditions are the reason to vote for the right-wing nationalist party “Zafer Partis” in Turkey. This party advocates that Arab migrants should leave Turkey and that no further asylum applications from Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans should be accepted.