Spanish official: ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’

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“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” a high-ranking Spanish official declared in a video statement following the country’s recognition of Palestine as a state. 

Yolanda Diaz, Second Deputy Prime Minister of Spain, was heard saying the controversial phrase in a video on X.

“Spain will be accompanied by other European countries. The more there are of us, the sooner we will achieve a ceasefire. We are not going to give up,” Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said following the recognition.

Israel recalled its ambassadors to Spain, Ireland and Norway on Wednesday after the three countries declared they would recognise Palestine as a state going forward.

“Today’s decision sends a message to the Palestinians and the world: Terrorism pays. After the Hamas terror organisation carried out the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, after committing heinous sexual crimes witnessed by the world, these countries chose to reward Hamas and Iran by recognising a Palestinian state,” Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz said.

Katz later said he issued a “severe Démarche for the ambassadors of Spain, Ireland, and Norway in Israel following their governments’ decision to award a gold medal to Hamas terrorists who kidnapped our daughters and burned infants. During the Démarche, the ambassadors will watch a video of the brutal and cruel kidnapping of our daughters by Hamas terrorists, to emphasize the distorted decision their governments have made.”